• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!



I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I didn't mean anything bad, Reynard. You could call me a monk or shade or that stupid human for all the difference that would make to me. As long as I believe we have mutual respect. But I will call you by your name. Flares would be enough, I have a shuriken that ignites the target, but oil, sap or other flammables would help. I would also like to try something I planned in tactics class, but never tried it in practice."

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Turning back toward the Gardeners body, he continues.
"I would like a room where we can attack from above. At least one, better two story height so we can rain destruction before engaging in close combat. Possible? Open space works too if we can remain undetected. Maybe the tower itself so that our bait can retreat to safety?"

Archon Basileus

First Post

"I would like a room where we can attack from above. At least one, better two story height so we can rain destruction before engaging in close combat. Possible? Open space works too if we can remain undetected. Maybe the tower itself so that our bait can retreat to safety?"

“You can use the tower’s exterior or interior, at your leisure… I can liberate the paths towards it… I believe that, if we give it space to take flight, it will profit from it, making it harder to be lured… Better if we use the second store as a safe area… I may cover the fallen walls and use them to restrict the beast’s movement, once it is in… And I can try to ensure it won’t fly outside the tower as well…” – hall outside is ample enough to give the creature space, but the canopies and branches might hold it on the ground, for as long as they can resist an attack.

[MENTION=6801450]Trogdor1992[/MENTION] [MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] [MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION] [MENTION=6855130]Jago[/MENTION]


Underground garden/Keep
Round 0

“I got some fire spells. I c’n light things up,” Morgrym told Marius and Reynard.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

HP: 39/39 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)(Barkskin: +2)
CMD: 15 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 7 Ref: 2 Will: 7 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 10/10 bullets
Storm Burst 7/7

Conditions: Barkskin 17m

Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1. Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Shillelagh, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain)*, Barkskin,* Flaming Sphere, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]


~ " I think the pottery would be apt for a grenade or such," Reynard noted, " Can't guarantee it'd be returned in good condition, of course. But the clay, the shrapnel, that'll do, Gardener."

He did not relish the idea of giving up his ammunition to serve as the source for a bomb, but, considering their foe, it seemed necessary. Better to pile the bullets and powder together where it could do some good rather than rely on one shot at a time.

" And I think we've that respect, Marius," Reynard regarded the monk with a grin, " So long as you're not constantly disappearing and showing back up to scare the living daylights out of me, I think we'll be alright," he laughed.

" If you've got the fire, Morgrym, then maybe we can set it up as a trap. I'll leave the bomb somewhere, coat her in fabric and oil and then you just light 'er up. Kaboom: no more flying demon thing." ~

[sblock=Reynard's Stats]Character Sheet
HP: 25/25
Condition: Normal
Initiative: +6
Perception: +9
In Hand: Nothing
[sblock=Defenses]AC: 18 Flat: 13 Touch: 18
Fort: 7 Reflex: 10 Will: 7[/sblock]
[sblock=Offenses]Pistol (Mwk): +7, 1d8/x4
Chakrams: +6, 1d8/x2
- Flurry of Throws: +4/+4
Unarmed Strike: +6, 1d6

Paper Cartridges: 66/70
Entangling Shot: 5/5
Flare Cartridges: 5/5[/sblock]
Grit: 3/3
Gunslinger's Dodge
Quick Clear
Up Close And Deadly
[sblock=Adventure Notes]Game Info:
We have a dagger that is actually a Planar Key. It is very cool.

The dagger is to go to someone named "Adalous". We reach him by going North through "The Dungeons"

Arvana supposedly knows a mythical oracle-like creature called The Lady. Reynard is intrigued and wants to go spelunking with her.

Reynard found a series of ancient maps, one of which appears to be magical. Morgrym called it 'a guide'. We have left these behind for now.

We stumbled across information on 'The Willings': powerful beings from ages ago who charted the world, experimented with planar gateways, and supposedly even had flying vessels. The city of Maran used to be called 'Cartaluga' to them.

The Willing and several other races banded together to fight against another species of "So-Called Gods". The Willing came from the prison plane of Avidor, and used our dagger to escape it.

We met a talking tree. That wasn't really a tree, but it sorta was. It gave us some seeds and asked us to spread them outside.

The Dagger is apparently an object that requires blood to use, and binds those whose blood it tastes. The Gardener (the Tree) said they he and his people have tried to destroy it many times, to no avail: it keeps coming back.[/sblock][/sblock]

Archon Basileus

First Post

“Very well… Make your preparations, as I shall make mine…” – the entity seems unconcerned as the leaves swirl around, branches and ivies moving to conform new patterns. In the meantime, Arvana limits herself to study the area, apparently attempting to find a vantage point.

[New map posted]



1)To prepare the bombs, a simple crafting test will do (DC 5). The same is applicable to the ‘sticky bombs’ Marius suggested (again DC 5).

2) Trap building will depend on the kind of trap you guys want to prepare (if any). Contraptions would require a craft (trap) roll (Arvana can do it, if need be). Survival may be used as well (DC 15 for the most part).

3) You may set everything according to your needs. Describe any specific details for the environment.

4) Anything you don’t apply directly will be covered by the Gardener of by Arvana, according to their skills and capabilities.

5) The beast roams the city above. When you are ready, describe how you will try to lure it. We’ll apply tests depending on what you decide, and move on to the results! And may the gods protect you!]

@Trogdor1992 @Neurotic @KahlessNestor @Jago


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"OK, lets do this! Gardener, start preparing the tunnel for the beast. Low and narrow enough it needs to slow down, but not so tight it takes another route. Wide and high enough that I can run through it. I know this is not precise, make the passage based on my size, say 4' wide and 7' high. You're using plants so don't bother with exact measurements, parts will be wider, higher or narrower and lower, that is alright, we don't want the beast to realize it is being herded. I will hang flammables along the way out. Arvana, you can help with this so we coat the beast with as many layers as we can.

Reynard, Morgrym, prepare the bombs and think on the delivery. Just before we start, cast what you can support for more than couple of minutes and wait for the roar. Cast the rest of preparatory spells then. If Arvana returns, maybe she can put additional traps, a net of some sort or something more nasty?"

Looking around, Marius selects his own spot for the ambush.
"Gardener, I need a way to quickly climb on that balcony. If you can move some of the branches and vine so there is kind of a ramp please?"
OOC: change balcony to the roof, overhang, branch or whatever fits the description of being high above the projected location of the beast when it bursts in here

"I will go prepare the way and lure the beast down. You'll probably hear the commotion, but if you don't, once I burst in here, the beast will not be far behind. And if you hear the roar, screaming and more roars, change the plan to not include me." the monk finishes grimly.
"I will return after I hang everything to see everything is ready. If you have any way of communicating at a distance, please let me know. Morgrym, Gardener? You can sense what's going on in the garden. Could you let the group know immediately as the beast enters your domain?"

After receiving confirmations from everyone, Marius collects overripe fruit, lamp oil and anything else that might be easily attached to incautious creature as it passes through the garden. He moves cautiously through, being aware of the slow adjustment of the garden to its new configuration, trying not to be in the way of larger things moving around. Once that is done he returns to the group.

"I just realized the beast is above in complete darkness. It might help if we could blind it. Arvana, you wouldn't happen to have something that could be thrown over the eyes or one of those flashbang pellets or something?"

[sblock=Actions for the time when everything starts]
Acrobatics to quickly move down the shaft: 1D20+8 = [2]+8 = 10 - bad roll! I'll get eaten :) Good thing Marius has 40' move
Last edited:


Underground garden/Keep
Round 0

“I’ve go’ two fire spells tha’ will last a few minutes,” Morgrym said. He started digging through his pack, pulling out a few things. “I go’ a flask o’ alchemist fire,” he said. “Ye want climbin’ gear t’ get up ‘ere easier?” He set the gear to the side. He pulled out a flask. “Ehm...this is ale. Guid stuff. Shuild light up nicely. Big waste o’ guid ale, though,” the dwarf grumbled. “Go’ some o’ those potions we found up there. Defensive. Gaseous form, blur, invisibility. Three o’ each, if ye like.”

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

HP: 39/39 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)(Barkskin: +2)
CMD: 15 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 7 Ref: 2 Will: 7 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 10/10 bullets
Storm Burst 7/7

Conditions: Barkskin 16m

Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1. Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Shillelagh, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain)*, Barkskin,* Flaming Sphere, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Don't waste the ale if you don't want to, we have enough burning things I think. I would like one blur potion, just in case. Thank you."


~ As the preparations were under way, Reynard had sat down with a clay pot, an assortment of different tools pulled out of his bandolier, and patience. Carefully, he emptied one dozen of his paper cartridges into the pot, the gunpowder and lead bullets now functioning more like a fragmentary device than anything else. Whatever was hit by it would certainly be smarting afterwards. He mixed the black powder in the way the gnomes had taught him, using strange sifters and scoops to dole it out in a way both scientific and mystical. There was a reverence to the process, almost ceremonial: It was clear that Reynard respected his craft and the tools that allowed him to perform it.

He procured a burlap sack from his belongings, looking around in the Gardener's many wonders to see what could be used. A thick, viscous sap leaked from a nearby branch, giving him an idea. He tore the sack apart into strips. One, he doused in lamp oil and inserted it into the pot. He then wiped the lid of the pot onto the sap and pressed it down atop the clay container, leaving the oil-soaked rag hanging out as a makeshift fuse.

Next, he took more strips of the burlap and covered them in the sticky sap, then wrapped those around the pot as well. It wasn't pretty, but he was sure it would adhere to whatever they wanted it to and, when set off, it would go out with a bang.

Pleased with his work, the sailor made off to join his companions, presenting the pot with all the grandiose flare as if he had just created a work of art that would revitalize a dead genre.

" Voila! One party popper that is sure to give our demon-friend a night he won't soon forget. It should stick to the creature if we can get it to hold still enough. After that, she's soaked in oil so one spark of fire and boom."

Reynard set the makeshift bomb down and drew his firearm, procuring another cartridge and loading it with care, looking up towards the others.

" This here is a Flare: I'll have to be close enough to use it, but if it works right, we'll have at least a few seconds where it'll be blinded. We use that to drop off our bomb, light it up, and that should be that."

He paused. Reflected.

" If everything goes perfectly, that is." ~

OOC: The Makeshift Bomb has used 12 of my Paper Cartridges. Taking 10 on the Craft Roll to make that a 15 vs. DC 5.

[sblock=Reynard's Stats]Character Sheet
HP: 25/25
Condition: Normal
Initiative: +6
Perception: +9
In Hand: Nothing
[sblock=Defenses]AC: 18 Flat: 13 Touch: 18
Fort: 7 Reflex: 10 Will: 7[/sblock]
[sblock=Offenses]Pistol (Mwk): +7, 1d8/x4
Chakrams: +6, 1d8/x2
- Flurry of Throws: +4/+4
Unarmed Strike: +6, 1d6

Paper Cartridges: 54/70
Entangling Shot: 5/5
Flare Cartridges: 5/5[/sblock]
Grit: 3/3
Gunslinger's Dodge
Quick Clear
Up Close And Deadly
[sblock=Adventure Notes]Game Info:
We have a dagger that is actually a Planar Key. It is very cool. It is also super dangerous.

The dagger is to go to someone named "Adalous". We reach him by going North through "The Dungeons"

Arvana supposedly knows a mythical oracle-like creature called The Lady. Reynard is intrigued and wants to go spelunking with her.

Reynard found a series of ancient maps, one of which appears to be magical. Morgrym called it 'a guide'. We have left these behind for now.

We stumbled across information on 'The Willings': powerful beings from ages ago who charted the world, experimented with planar gateways, and supposedly even had flying vessels. The city of Maran used to be called 'Cartaluga' to them.

The Willing and several other races banded together to fight against another species of "So-Called Gods". The Willing came from the prison plane of Avidor, and used our dagger to escape it.

We met a talking tree. That wasn't really a tree, but it sorta was. It gave us some seeds and asked us to spread them outside.

The Dagger is apparently an object that requires blood to use, and binds those whose blood it tastes. The Gardener (the Tree) said they he and his people have tried to destroy it many times, to no avail: it keeps coming back.[/sblock][/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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