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Archon Basileus

First Post

The Gardener musters his will and the branches begin to move and twist, cracking with each new torsion the entity invents for them. Soon enough, a corridor is formed, following the monk’s specifications and yet flowing into natural patterns, perfectly disguised. A wooden stair is quickly put together, facilitating access to the superior store of the tower. Also, the Gardener spreads hidden platforms in elevated areas, allowing the monk to attack from above, as desired.

Meanwhile, both Marius and Arvana spread the adherents. The woman shows great skill concealing objects and preparing triggers. She adds a few viscous nets to the improvised roof, just by the immediate entrance of the hall. “When you pass through, duck these… they might help blinding that thing… They’re covered in a concoction of mine…” – she concentrates as she aligns the little traps around. “Hopefully he won’t spot them in time”.

Soon enough the arsenal is ready and the companions are in position. As Marius makes his way up the path, Arvana signals a blessing towards him, preparing her bow as she strolls down the path and back to the tower.
“I’ll be watching” – he hears the cryptic voice of the Gardener as he steps up, into the darkness.



The secret doors are swung wide open, their noise filling the halls above. Marius sees part of the damage left behind by the creature. Many a statue got destroyed, and whatever came out of the marble images as they shattered is nowhere to be seen. As the monk stretches his body, he manages to see the massive doors by the end of the bridge sprung open. On the other side, darkness dominates the scene, covering lines of deteriorated roofs and hiding away broken columns. Cartagula must have been great at its apex, but now…

The monk searches for a while, trying to determine where the beast is. Soon enough, though, he can hear its steps coming from the door, heavy and menacing as before. Slowly, the figure emerges from the dark, its head crowned by three pairs of horns sprouting from black scales… For a second, the memory of the first confrontation freezes the monk in place, the terrible image of the demon-beast shivering in his mind… Darkness is suddenly broken as the eyes of the creature become visible. They shine unnaturally, emanating a purple-blueish, cold form of energy. Slowly, the head reveals itself, as if the beast climbed a set of stairs, ever so slowly – or was it just an impression? The bestial face holds a distant resemblance with those of dragons, but only to a limit… The scales do not reflect the light of the eyes. Instead, they seem to devour it, as if shaped from the darkest shadows… And the mouth... It has lost its scales, and skin, and flesh, appearing only as the naked jawbones of an undead reptilian, blackened blood running through it as the fowl fluids of long dead bodies. The head turns towards the door. It has located Marius! The last thing the monk sees is the bestial mouth opening, a similar glare coming from inside the jaws and the throat, lighting the distance with a sick purple dawn.

As the monk runs down, he overhears racing heavy steps followed by the flap of wings. The beast roars up above and dives, reaching the door with inhuman speed. By then Marius already went down several steps, almost reaching the bottom of the tower. Draconian words follow him, cold wrath emanating from them.

“Will.. you not …face me??” – the branches in the middle of the stairs shake as the beast tries to remove them, apparently. “Know your end, small one!” – hurried steps advance down as Marius leaps several steps to reach the garden even faster.


[You can apply any resources, spells or status-modifying items before all of this begins. Also, you may assume any advantageous positions. That includes Marius, since he managed to evade the beast by a good margin. Please, include any of these in the beginning of your next posts]

As the monk leaps out of the passage, a roar can be heard. The beast comes! Heavy steps echo through the stairs and into the garden, and as the sounds come closer an odd purple-blue luminescence fills the path left behind. A flurry of draconian yells can be heard approaching from the passage.

Marius advances through the trail, a good distance left between him and his chaser. The shocks intensify, each step shaking the area.

The first thing the companions see as the creature descends are three points of odd light jumping from the darkness – a mask of eyes, mouth and shadows. The beast places a careful hand on one side of the path; then, another, on the opposite side. The scales do not shine, even under the strange lights of the garden, even against the beast’s aura. They look like pools of abyssal blackness, contrasting with a set of yellowed-white claws adorning each hand.

The creature propels itself ahead, squatting… Arvana’s net misses it! But this is not the worse part… That thing walks on all fours for 5, maybe ten feet, and then it stands once more… So human in its manners, the beast shows itself. It’s bigger than a man, for sure... The horns curl in impossible ways, and the blood keeps running from the fangs, rotten still. The chest is adorned with some sort of dark leather armor… But it seems almost alive against the darkness, as if many faces of many enemies were employed to sew that chest piece together…
As the creature opens its black wings once more, horror strikes the companions! The surreal, negative aura of its face intensifies as it reaches underneath it’s massive left wing… And returns with a claymore – blackened from many fights and covered in strange, ancient inscriptions! No, it is no ordinary, simple-minded beast… It roars once more and advances, ignoring the traps laid as it bashes against the branches, attempting to intimidate the companions even further!


[There’s something terrifying about this one… It has a dread aura that freezes the hearts of men! Everyone, please roll a Will test against DC 14. After that, please, roll initiative and position yourselves at will on the map! It has begun!]

[INFO: As the beast advances, all adherents begin to get stuck on it… Specially on its wings. It’s fast, but it can’t advance more than the usual 30 feet per round, because of it’s size. It’s been lured, apparently!]

[INFO2: please, check the post to see if it all fits your descriptions. If not, I'll edit it. Sorry to ask that, but this one was quite delicate to put together!]

@Trogdor1992 @Neurotic @KahlessNestor @Jago

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"I didn't know you're undead! I thought we could talk! Don't eat me!"

Marius appears first, screaming something back in draconic. As he races by his companions, the wink is only indication that he's screams are not for real.
"It asks us to introduce ourselves." he mentions in passing as he runs up the ramp

Immediately after, he quaffs a potions and jumps from second story balcony, targeting the back of the beast. Soaring, his arms wide for balance and legs tucked under his body, sibilant words come out as he drops down swinging by the beasts horns and slamming both his feet into its back!
"Dragon swoops upon its prey!"

Will roll: 1D20+8 = [15]+8 = 23 - easy!
Init: 1D20+3 = [19]+3 = 22 - FIRST! :) - I'm kinda scared with this rolls :) It means that in combat there may be low rolls to balance these out :)
Move: drink blur potion (this assumes I'm already in position when Vradna approaches us

Standard: Drop attack: 1D20+8 = [13]+8 = 21 - hopefully this hits

unarmed damage: 1D6+6 = [6]+6 = 12
fire damage: 1D6 = [1] = 1
drop damage: 2D6 = [5, 2] = 7
- Total 19 + 1 fire
Ref Save to drop safely: 1D20+5 = [12]+5 = 17 - SUCCESS!

Couldn't find the image of a monk in such jump, only stances and kung fu panda :( so here is something to give you an idea of the jump

I cannot access the map from work, feel free to put Marius either on the back of the knight (if he can stand there) or just behind him as he drops from above (FLANK EVERYONE :) - Arvana could have a field day with sneak attacks)


Underground garden/Keep
Round 0

Morgrym smiled when he didn’t have to waste his ale. He took a healthy swallow from the flask and tucked it inside his belt again. Then he handed a potion of blur over to Marius. He helped with preparations, doing what needed to be done, and then took up his position above with the others, prepared to unleash his spells. As he heard the great beast roar, he downed one of the potions of blur, as well. Best to be safe!

Morgrym felt the evil aura of the beast wash over him as it entered. He easily pushed it aside and clenched his cold iron battle axe. “Tell me when t’ light it up,” he said. He studied it, trying to determine just what this beast was.

[sblock=OOC]Need a link to the map.[/sblock]

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Will save: 1D20+7 = [16]+7 = 23
If that’s a spell or SLA, then it’s a 25.
K. Nature: 1D20+8 = [3]+8 = 11
Action: Drink potion of blur

HP: 39/39 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)(Barkskin: +2)
CMD: 15 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 7 Ref: 2 Will: 7 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 10/10 bullets
Storm Burst 7/7

Conditions: Barkskin 15m; Blur (20% miss chance) 20/20 rounds

Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1. Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Shillelagh, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain)*, Barkskin,* Flaming Sphere, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]


~ " Ohhhh, Twelve Seas, I think he pissed him off ..."

The sounds were very much what Reynard had always imagined a true Dragon would sound like, and this did very little to ease his fear.

" I suddenly have a very bad feeling about this," he swallowed hard, as if trying to choke down his nerves and prepare for battle.

He made to move as close to where the beast would appear as possible and then prepare to overwhelm it, trying to hide in the undergrowth and fallen structures to get the drop on the demon. Though his hand trembled on his gun, Reynard kept the bomb safe to his body, careful not to get stuck on the sap it was coated with.

" Gods of Man and Gnome, please help us ..." ~

OOC: Totally forgot my Initiative!
Initiative: 1d20+6 14

[sblock=Rolls and Actions]Will Save: 1d20+7 12 - Failed
Move: - To within at least 10 Feet of where the Creature would appear, and find cover.
Action: Stealth Check: 1d20+8 26[/sblock]

[sblock=Reynard's Stats]Character Sheet
HP: 25/25
Condition: Normal
Initiative: +6
Perception: +9
In Hand: Nothing
[sblock=Defenses]AC: 18 Flat: 13 Touch: 18
Fort: 7 Reflex: 10 Will: 7[/sblock]
[sblock=Offenses]Pistol (Mwk): +7, 1d8/x4
Chakrams: +6, 1d8/x2
- Flurry of Throws: +4/+4
Unarmed Strike: +6, 1d6

Paper Cartridges: 54/70
Entangling Shot: 5/5
Flare Cartridges: 5/5[/sblock]
Grit: 3/3
Gunslinger's Dodge
Quick Clear
Up Close And Deadly
[sblock=Adventure Notes]Game Info:
We have a dagger that is actually a Planar Key. It is very cool. It is also super dangerous.

The dagger is to go to someone named "Adalous". We reach him by going North through "The Dungeons"

Arvana supposedly knows a mythical oracle-like creature called The Lady. Reynard is intrigued and wants to go spelunking with her.

Reynard found a series of ancient maps, one of which appears to be magical. Morgrym called it 'a guide'. We have left these behind for now.

We stumbled across information on 'The Willings': powerful beings from ages ago who charted the world, experimented with planar gateways, and supposedly even had flying vessels. The city of Maran used to be called 'Cartaluga' to them.

The Willing and several other races banded together to fight against another species of "So-Called Gods". The Willing came from the prison plane of Avidor, and used our dagger to escape it.

We met a talking tree. That wasn't really a tree, but it sorta was. It gave us some seeds and asked us to spread them outside.

The Dagger is apparently an object that requires blood to use, and binds those whose blood it tastes. The Gardener (the Tree) said they he and his people have tried to destroy it many times, to no avail: it keeps coming back.[/sblock][/sblock]
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Archon Basileus

First Post

As the monk leaps back and runs forward, the beast advances, attempting an attack. It raises the claymore, crying all the way into the path…

“DELIVER THE ENSLAVER BLADE, HUMANS! AND MAYBE YOU’LL HAVE MERCY!” – it still shouts in draconic, as Despite the trembling sensation the creature instills, Marius attempts a flying kick against it. He jumps from the trunk knots above, hitting the creature in the chest as he falls. A flickering light rises from the shock as it resounds against the armor, a cold sensation reaching for Marius’s leg as the strike hits. Fire rises and dies against the armor, and a cold bite crawls through the monk’s leg, as if death had kissed his flesh! The beast swings its body against the weight of the attacker, spinning around and falling to its knees, the claymore serving it as a cane. Under the leather plaque, the beast’s chest trembles in agitation as it struggles to catch its breath.

[Success! The beast is prone and has it’s back to the others. Marius now faces it. Still… Time for a fortitude saving throw. The negative energy from the armor has taken it’s toll against Marius. Success will suppress the damage. Otherwise, you take the MASSIVE AMOUNT OF ONE POINT OF DAMAGE! Lucky Marius!]

With a hard, slow movement, the beast rises to its feet, taking a deep, horrific breath, as its mouth illuminates the corridor. The creature rises its’ sword again, attacking Marius with a horizontal slash. It hits Marius’ ribcage by a short margin, but it’s more than enough to bruise him seriously. Again he feels the cold touch of death rising from the blade, almost as if it whispered to him.

[One move action and one standard. Notice that the attack of opportunity happens BEFORE the beast’s attack. So, if it falls or gets an effect during Marius’ attack, I’ll edit the post to adapt to the situation. I do this for the sake of pacing. The fell knight scored 13 points of damage against Marius. The claymore is treated as a greatsword for all purposes.]

The creature recovers its combat stance, trying in vain to hide the pain from the kick.


After the quick shock between the warriors, the beast maintains a strong fighting position. Nevertheless, its movements are interrupted suddenly, probably by internal pains.

The druid’s heart races, but still he manages to keep his focus. Swallowing the terror the beast causes, he studies it with calculated manners. Oddly, it is too familiarized with ground fighting for a winged creature, battling as reptilian tribesmen do. In fact, it resembles them a lot. Either it was trained by them or it was one of them. The runes that crowd the sword suggest draconian origins, something praised among many reptilian and kobold tribes. Negative energies pour from it, but it breathes and bleeds and reacts as a living being. If there’s any trace of negative forces upon it, they’ve adhered to it without killing it – a frightening prospect, surely. What kind of happenstance could have brought such powerful workings upon the beast that now stood here?

[That was a 25.; Morgrym identifies it as SLA.]


The sailor moves through the branched floor, positioning himself safely behind a branch barrier, specifically shaped for this purpose. He hears the steps of the beast, sees Marius climbing swiftly the trunks and jump down as soon as the beast appears…
Wings sprung out, the beast roars and yells, appearing in its true form. A dragon-demon in almost-human guise, the rotten bleeding from its fangs can be smelled by Reynard all the way back. The cold, brutal eyes are met for just one second, and the sailor’s body trembles with the terror the beast represents. What layer of the many hells could have spawned this? Reynard watches as the creature spins around its own axis under the powerful kick Marius delivered, only to lose all confidence a second later. The beast rose and hit the monk! Reynard can’t see Marius, can’t possibly know the extent of the attack! But he still has a clear view of the beast, barely 10 feet away.

[Reynard is repositioned and has the beast within reach. He has PARTIAL COVER behind a set of branches and delivers -2 to any incoming distance attacks. Still, he is SHAKED, having -2 penalty to attack, defend and so on… The effects will last for the next 2 turns.]

In the back, Arvana yells a battlecry in sinuous elfic. Swiftly, she pulls an arrow and shoots it against the creature’s back. The tip disappears into the dark armor, faces swirling around as the hit strikes! A loud roar can be heard. It’s hurt, for sure.

[The Fell Knight is now flanked by Marius, Reynard and Arvana.]

[New map - second folder on the archive (Buried gardens)


@Trogdor1992 @Neurotic @KahlessNestor @Jago
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Marius grits his teeth, but he endured worse in the course of his training. He tries to push the knight back as it raises, suffering another backlash of energy from the armor.

[sblock=Saves and Actions]
Fort save: 1D20+5 = [9]+5 = 14

This should be OA (note that I didn't include WIS bonus since we didn't discuss my attack bonus for this) - if you rule that Wis replaces Str for all types of attack, add 4 more to the attack
Trip attack vs Fell Knight: 1D20+3+2 = [9]+3+2 = 14

If I cannot make trip attack as OA then use this (probably a miss :( ):
OA vs Fell Knight; Damage; Fort save: 1D20+7+2 = [7]+7+2 = 16
1D6+4 = [6]+4 = 10
1D20+5 = [18]+5 = 23

[MENTION=6855545]Archon Basileus[/MENTION] : Note that the knight cannot make OA against Marius trip attempt since he didn't act in the first round and is thus flat footed (and it lowers his CMD too ! )

Archon Basileus

First Post


Marius moves his leg once, twice, and the numbing sensation vanishes. He feels the blood rushing through his veins with vigor once more.

[Fortitude roll: success!]

The monk moves swiftly, hooking the beast’s right leg and pulling it down. The creature falls once more, the left knee twisted against the floor as the right leg sustains its’ body erect. Claymore still raised, the beast roars ferociously.

[Success! It is prone once more! You may use WIS bonus to attack, no problem! ]

Once yet the creature yells in draconian.

“You’ll regret dueling me, human!” – it rises the claymore and, to Marius’ surprise, it swings it against him! Still, the effort is not enough and the beast misses its opponent, unable to balance the weight of the weapon as it falls to its knees.

[The beast gains OA from combat reflexes. Still, the penalty for prone persists and it misses. Use this attack description in place of the one above. Discard the 13 points of damage. The scene follows normally. Marius’s on fire this time around!]

[The Fell Knight is now flanked by Marius, Reynard and Arvana.]

[New map - second folder on the archive (Buried gardens)


@Trogdor1992 @Neurotic @KahlessNestor @Jago
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Underground garden
Round 1

Morgrym strode toward the beast to aid Marius. As he did so, he chanted in the strange druidic tongue. Fire erupted around the great beast, settling into a great, spongy ball of flame.

[sblock=OOC]Need a DC 16 reflex save to negate or take damage
Flaming Sphere fire damage: 3D6 = [6, 3, 1] = 10

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Move: Move to L11
Action: Cast Flaming Sphere

HP: 39/39 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)(Barkskin: +2)
CMD: 15 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 7 Ref: 2 Will: 7 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 10/10 bullets
Storm Burst 7/7

Conditions: Barkskin 150/150 rounds (15m); Blur (20% miss chance) 19/20 rounds (2m); Flaming Sphere 3/3 rounds

Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1. Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Shillelagh, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain)*, Barkskin,* Flaming Sphere*, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]


~ Reynard stayed behind the branches, clutching the pot-grenade tightly. The cries and screams of the monster were enough to remind him of horrible creatures that lived beneath the waves, things he had known to devour ships whole.

" We can do this," he whispered under his breath, trying to psych himself up, " We can do this."

Peeking out from behind cover, all Reynard could see was flame. Flame around Marius, flame sprouting around the demon, fire everywhere. The perfect moment to throw the bomb and hopefully destroy this evil creature entirely.

" Get back, Marius ..." he said under his breath, not wanting to give his position away, " Come on, get away from him already ..."

Reynard carefully held the bomb where the sap did not cover it, and prepared to throw it into the ball of fire that their Dwarven friend had conjured up. If their monk did not move, well ...

The sailor didn't really have a choice. They had been lucky so far. He'd have to trust that Marius would be lucky yet again.

[sblock=Rolls and Actions]
Move: - Staying Put - Previous map position had me 15 feet away, not 10, so I just adjusted to L11
Action: Ready Action: when Marius is at least 10 feet away from the creature, throw the bomb at Fell Knight. If Marius cannot move before the Fell Knight acts, throw the bomb directly before the Fell Knight acts.
Throw Bomb: 1d20+4 17[/sblock]

[sblock=Reynard's Stats]Character Sheet
HP: 25/25
Condition: Shaken
Initiative: +6
Perception: +9
In Hand: Nothing
[sblock=Defenses]AC: 18 Flat: 13 Touch: 18
Fort: 7 Reflex: 10 Will: 7[/sblock]
[sblock=Offenses]Pistol (Mwk): +7, 1d8/x4
Chakrams: +6, 1d8/x2
- Flurry of Throws: +4/+4
Unarmed Strike: +6, 1d6

Paper Cartridges: 54/70
Entangling Shot: 5/5
Flare Cartridges: 5/5[/sblock]
Grit: 3/3
Gunslinger's Dodge
Quick Clear
Up Close And Deadly
[sblock=Adventure Notes]Game Info:
We have a dagger that is actually a Planar Key. It is very cool. It is also super dangerous.

The dagger is to go to someone named "Adalous". We reach him by going North through "The Dungeons"

Arvana supposedly knows a mythical oracle-like creature called The Lady. Reynard is intrigued and wants to go spelunking with her.

Reynard found a series of ancient maps, one of which appears to be magical. Morgrym called it 'a guide'. We have left these behind for now.

We stumbled across information on 'The Willings': powerful beings from ages ago who charted the world, experimented with planar gateways, and supposedly even had flying vessels. The city of Maran used to be called 'Cartaluga' to them.

The Willing and several other races banded together to fight against another species of "So-Called Gods". The Willing came from the prison plane of Avidor, and used our dagger to escape it.

We met a talking tree. That wasn't really a tree, but it sorta was. It gave us some seeds and asked us to spread them outside.

The Dagger is apparently an object that requires blood to use, and binds those whose blood it tastes. The Gardener (the Tree) said they he and his people have tried to destroy it many times, to no avail: it keeps coming back.[/sblock][/sblock]
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Voidrunner's Codex

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