
First Post
Shayuri curses under her breath and looks up with a wan, 'ya got me' smile. "Oh, is that all you want? Why didn't you say so? Here, I have what you need right here..."

She reaches into her pouch, and suddenly whips that hand upward, throwing something within it violently upward while hissing a word or three in the draconic tongue.

The powder she'd hurled upwards suddenly bursts into life with light and force, skyrocketing up over the roof and exploding with a blinding flash, covering the roof and the orcs peeking over the edge with a fine coating of luminescent dust!

"Lets get moving everyone! There'll be more on the ground!"

Perception: [roll0]
(casting Glitterdust to airburst over the roof, nabbing as many orcs as she can. Spell effect diameter is 20'. Will DC 17 or be blinded for duration. They can't benefit from concealment or invisibility during that time either)

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Marius has the advantage of going out first and having both the time to hide and to remain observant. Thus, when the enemy appears, he is ready. What he isn't ready for is that when he got up from his hiding place to scorch the speaker, a cat, startled by his sudden appearance, hissed and jumped at him in panic. The line of fire from his hand draws harmless black line across the wall, harming no one.

Revealed, he stands ready to do further combat.
Due mythic power, he can make OAs in 10' area - possibly getting the caster if he's low enough and definitely getting anyone just coming at him. Total 3 OAs.

Initiative; Perception: 1D20+3 = [17]+3 = 20; 1D20+12 = [7]+12 = 19
OOC: don't forget he hid last round and is probably not seen by poor roofers :)

This one uses Ki points
Scorching Ray touch vs caster; fire damage: 1D20+6 = [1]+6 = 7; 4D6 = [5, 1, 1, 1] = 8 - OUCH! CRIT miss and poor damage even if it wasn't.


Nerath Wall/Long Return
Round 1

Perception: 1D20+14 = [1]+14 = 15

Morgrym cursed as the bloody orcs found them.

“Grab hands!” he told everyone, and then started casting. A thick mist began to billow up from the ground, spreading out twenty feet around and above them. It would conceal them from those archers and that alchemist, and with them glowing from the glitterdust, the party could target them perfectly even through the cloud.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Move: Move with the others
Action: Cast Obscuring Mist

HP: 59/59 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)
CMD: 16 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 8 Ref: 2 Will: 8 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA; +4 v fey and plant effects)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 9/10 bullets
Storm Burst 7/7/day
Wild Shape 1/1/day


Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1: Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Goodberry, Produce Flame [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain), Communal Endure Elements, Ironskin, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]
3: Call Lightning (Domain), Cure Moderate Wounds, Protection from Energy, [Summon Nature’s Ally III (Spontaneous)][/sblock]

Archon Basileus

First Post

The heroes realize that more enemies are closing in, probably trying to cut through any escape routes! The two groups are not alone, though: up above, where many cobwebs end, they can hear the low tattering of arachnid paws against stone, ready to respond to any disturbance down below...

Shay's spell explode upwards, covering the enemies and flashing before them! The light explosion is enough to blind three of them, the orc that denounced them turning away his covered face just in time! Their skins now glitter under the faint, distant lights of the caverns, enough to denounce their positions! Shortly after, Morgrym's warning brings up the cover of a thick mist, hiding them from any further attacks!

Leaping forward, Marius adds to the surprise attack as he scorches the roof by the side of the alchemist! The stone grows black, dust and webs burning as it goes! A web string lights up, spreading to all other branches and serving as a potent, far-reaching torch! From above, the fire excites the web's architects! Their tattering sounds intensify, and from the mouths of the caves a group of strange, stone-like spiders begins to emerge! With their jaws dripping venom, they prepare to attack everyone down below!

[Ok, you have the alchemist and two orcs blinded; one's still kicking. Still, Marius' attack alerted the spiders living above. Five of them prepare to jump down! Please, those that haven't done it yet, roll initiative!]



Hagadark’s kin, now under Dram’s influence. What sort of promise could have made them turn against their shaman…?

TO HIT: +5/+3
CBM: +5
CBD: +11
AC: 15 (10/15)
HP: 20
FOR + 4 REF +1 WILL -1
DAMAGE: falchion (2D4+4); bow (1D6+2)
SPECIAL: ferocity – continues to fight even if HP drops below 0

Dram’s apprentice. Basic alchemic knowledge allows her/him to employ bombs and poison.

TO HIT: +5/+1

CBM: +2
CBD: +7
AC: 12 (10/12)
HP: 15
FOR 0 REF +1 WILL +4
DAMAGE: Bomb (3D6+4 – fire or ice effect; splash damage); Poison cloud (1D4+2 damage for 1D6 turns; may apply 4 points of damage to a single attribute for the duration)
SPECIAL: can turn poison clouds into attribute damage. Has 5 bomb charges and 3 poison charges. Can cure wounds for 1D8+2 (3 charges).


The vermin that inhabits the caves within Nerrath Valley.

TO HIT: +2
CBM: +2
CBD: +15
AC: 14 (13/11)
HP: 16
FOR +4 REF +4 WILL -1
DAMAGE: bite +2 (1D6 plus poison)
SPECIAL: Poison: save FORT 14; in case of failure, affects 1D2 strength for 4 rounds


@Neurotic @Shayuri @MetaVoid @KahlessNestor
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Hagadark, can you control your kin? Should we kill them or what?"

"Let's move! I'll guard your back! Let them fight each other." Marius guides the party westward as he tries to fade into the mists. But the fact that he motions everyone onward and has to move along hampers his efforts. And the mists aren't darkness in which he feels comfortable.

"You above, there are big spiders coming! Run!"

Push everyone westward


Archon Basileus

First Post

The blinded men cry out for the others, warning about the potential escape! Meanwhile, the spiders jump down, attacking the enemies on the roof. As the others make haste, the enemies approach through the street! They don't notice Marius as he slides behind crates and into the intense shadows, but they attempt to charge the others as they run!

[Ok, Marius succeeds in moving stealthily! The others move across the street and towards the exit, but not before weapons are thrown against them! Shayuri, Morgrym and Hagadark can roll acrobatics to find cover as daggers and axes are thrown against them! If successful, they avoid the attacks and leave! Otherwise, I'll roll for the attacks! You can also post the actions for your next turn!]

[MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION] [MENTION=6801311]KahlessNestor[/MENTION] [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] [MENTION=87106]MetaVoid[/MENTION]


Nerath Wall/Long Return
Round 2

OOC: How are they seeing them to throw weapons with the obscuring mist?

Acrobatics: 1D20-1 = [15]-1 = 14

Morgrym dodged the daggers and axes that flew at them, cursing the entire way. He looked back and said another prayer, billowing up more fog between them and their pursuers.

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]
Move: Move with the others
Action: Cast Fog Cloud

HP: 59/59 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)
CMD: 16 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 8 Ref: 2 Will: 8 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA; +4 v fey and plant effects)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 9/10 bullets
Storm Burst 7/7/day
Wild Shape 1/1/day


Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1: Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Goodberry, Produce Flame [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain), Communal Endure Elements, Ironskin, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]
3: Call Lightning (Domain), Cure Moderate Wounds, Protection from Energy, [Summon Nature’s Ally III (Spontaneous)][/sblock]

Archon Basileus

First Post
@KahlessNestor, range is just 20 feet, right? All of you would be moving outside the clouds in a single turn. These attackers are those that spot you a block away from the ambush point and attack as you pass. They're basically outside the mist by the time it happens, as are you. I'm assuming, of course, you'd move at full speed, and that the shots would take part after you left the immediate area of the ambush, succeeding in masquerading an escape. If applied to the map, you guys would be leaving through its edge as they fire against you - and the second mist would allow you to miss them in the next few streets. Sorry, I should have been more clear about all that. This week kicked my ass. :)]


Both the alchemist and the druid manage to evade the worst of the ambush as they leave the scene. As they move through the alley, three shots are fired, but they manage to slide behind cover, letting bolts and arrow break against the stone!

Morgrym's second spell fills yet another block with thick mist, cutting the pursuers away! In the distance, behind the fleeing heroes, screams can be heard as the men in the roof struggle against the spiders. The creatures can be seen jumping down in the distance, disappearing into the mists as they hunt down the careless attackers - the first in line to become their meal!

[Ok, you managed to evade the ambush. Those left inside the house can't be seen now - meaning Arvana and the ooze zombies. Now, I gotta know how Shayuri and Marius are gonna move about before proceeding.]

@Neurotic @KahlessNestor @Shayuri @MetaVoid

Voidrunner's Codex

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