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D&D 5E (IC) Vault of the Dracolich (Dispensables)

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Location: Troglodyte Fighting Pit

Encounter: Bobranthus vs the Bug-Beast

Round Five

Ignoring Pyrus' psychic assault, the Bug-Beast nearly comes out of the pit, ramming Bob through a number of spears, which break over his back. The Trogs nearest that edge of the pit gasp and shuffle back, tripping over one another to get away. The ones further away cheer in excitement.

Bob keeps laughing all the while, mashing the bug-beast's face, mouth, and mandibles into an unrecognisable mess of goo and chiton.

Sesto and Devan are certain the beast can't take much more punishment, but then, they're pretty sure Bob can't take much more either.

GM: Looks like Coyote is finally giving back to you! Bug-Beast had advantage and still missed Bob. I think the Bug is too brain-damaged from Bob's beatings to be attacked psychically.

Bobranthus Axe 16 & Hammer 25 vs Bug-Beast (Hit for 8 & 7)
Sesto Watches
Pyrus Psychic assault (Bug saves)
Devan Watches
Bug-Beast Mandibles 13 vs Bob (Miss, grappled dc13 escape), move
Pit Spears Bob takes 6(3) piercing (dc13 Con Save for Half)
vs Sesto
Bug-Beast Save: 1D20+1 = [15]+1 = 16
(No longer blind)
vs Pyrus
Bug-Beast Save: 1D20+1 = [15]+1 = 16
(Made it)
vs Bobranthus
Bug-Beast: 2D20.HIGH(1)+5 = [8, 2]+5 = 13
1D6+3 = [3]+3 = 6
1D6 = [2] = 2
Pit Spears: 2D6 = [1, 5] = 6
(dc13 Con save for half damage)
Damage Taken
PC Bob 34+6(3) or 3(1)= 37 or 35
BG Bug-Beast 27+7+8=42

Prickly Pear

Sesto is concerned about Bob. Hopefully he can get a couple ,ore hits in on the bug-beast and that should finish it off. The bug-beast doesn't look to good but neither does Bob. If worse come to worst, I have one more spell to rescue Bob.
Sesto spots a funny looking statue amongst the treasure brought forward by the Trogs. That could be one of the Bhaalite Idols that we are looking for.

OOC: Sesto will revive Bob if he goes down before the bug-beast with his last Healing-Word spell.




Bob vs the Bug-Beast Finale

The trogs that had pushed away from the side of the pit as the Bug-Beast raised Bob through the spear-rim, all rush back to the edge as Bob and the Bug-Beast tumble back in to the pit. With one final mighty blow, Bob smashes in the head of the beast and rides it back down to the bottom of the pit, twisting free of the limp mandibles at the last and rolling over the beasts shoulder.

Bob raises to his feet, smiling, his teeth white through a face covered in mud, blood, and bug-juice. He holds up his weapons and cheers, a sound that is echoed by the assembled troglodytes.

The bug-beast lies on it's back and twitches twice, and then is still.

Sesto and Devan note that Urborne the Trog Chief, sits silently for a moment, grouchy and pensive. He then slowly raises to his feet and bellows (in Troglodyte, understood by Devan), "The Dragon chooses Bobb-Runt-Hissss, champion of Outsiders! We honor Outsiders! They bring tribute to Dragon-King Reborn! Dragon bless us! Honour Bobb-Runt-Hisss! Honor Outsiders!"

The Trogs chant "Bobb-Runt-Hisss! Bobb-Runt-Hisss!" while the old wizened troglodyte presents Devan, Sesto, and Pyrus with the Chief's treasures.

In spite of their strange pronunciation, Bob knows his name when he hears it, and he dances around in the bottom of the pit, waving his weapons in the air and laughing.


OOC: That was a close one.

GM: The Trogs are going to want a "feast" - which includes Bug-meat and a strong foul-smelling fermented algae drink. They might be offended if you don't partake.

You get a look at the Idol (you're pretty sure it's one of them), which has an inscription in an old dialect that reads "Foe Rendered Harmless" on the base, and the skull-symbol of Bhaal on the bottom. At close-up the armoured figure appears very awkward, as if paralysed.

Want to try to move on, or party with the Trogs?


OOC: Pyrus wants to move on, but Tglassy wants to party with the Trogs, so they don't try to eat us. So, since Tglassy is in charge of Pyrus, Pyrus decides that his low Power Points (I think he has 3 left) means he should sit with the Trogs for a while.

Voidrunner's Codex

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