In Defence of Chickens - DCC RPG (OOC)


Alright kids.

It's been a while since I did anything PbP, but for some reason I have a bit of a hankering.

I was thinking to run a game of Dungeon Crawl Classics, a game that I've struggled to get people interested in in my live games.

The Intent: First off, I'd run a funnel. Specifically, Sailors on the Starless Sea. I'd request that those familiar with the module do not play, fully aware that I'm limiting my pool of players there. If, after the interminable amount of time it will probably take to run a short module by post, we still have a group having fun, then I'd extend it into a campaign.

What sort of commitment? This is going to be fairly sedate by the frenetic pace of modern society. I would like players to commit to a post every 72 hours (though, of course, things can move faster if everyone has the time and is in the mood!). Absences are, of course, expected - I would request you to delegate in those circumstances.

What do I expect from players? Very simple - describe your actions and your words. Not your thoughts. Show, don't tell. Especially since at PbP speeds it will take me a while to kill most of your characters, brevity would be appreciated.

Do you need to know the rules? No, it's PbP, plenty of time to explain as we go.

Anyone up for this?

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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Sounds fun! I don't know the rules, but if it is similar to D&D (any edition) I can learn it.
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Sounds fun! I don't know the rules, but if it is similar to D&D (any edition) I can learn it.
It's based on DnD 3e, with some changes that are easy to pick up. Probably the biggest mechanical change is the use of the dice chain. Many effects in the game, instead of giving you a +2 bonus or -2 penalty, change the dice you roll instead. So you might roll a d24 or a d16 in place of a d20.

Most of the rules changes are designed to change the feel of the game world. To make a game where the world is dangerous and mysterious, where you can die easily, where magic is a risky thing that corrupts the body and the soul.

It's a game where you don't bring high concept characters to the table. You will roll up a group of four or five peasants and begin playing all of them. The one that survives (if any!) will become your character.

On the topic of the dice chain, I have found shared, online dice rollers that can be used for this sort of game, but none that support funny dice like d7s and d14s. Anyone know a website that would?


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Cool! I like that idea.

I think CoyoteCode (dot net) can handle any dice number. It works nicely for all of my rolls on this forum.


It's based on DnD 3e, with some changes that are easy to pick up. Probably the biggest mechanical change is the use of the dice chain. Many effects in the game, instead of giving you a +2 bonus or -2 penalty, change the dice you roll instead. So you might roll a d24 or a d16 in place of a d20.

Most of the rules changes are designed to change the feel of the game world. To make a game where the world is dangerous and mysterious, where you can die easily, where magic is a risky thing that corrupts the body and the soul.

It's a game where you don't bring high concept characters to the table. You will roll up a group of four or five peasants and begin playing all of them. The one that survives (if any!) will become your character.

On the topic of the dice chain, I have found shared, online dice rollers that can be used for this sort of game, but none that support funny dice like d7s and d14s. Anyone know a website that would? will let you roll any number you want. It's pretty easy to figure out.


Elder Thing
DCC has been my go-to regular game for months now. It might well be my very favorite incarnation of D&D ever.

I caution against comparing it to 3.x though. It has race-as-class and most other trappings of a BECMI game, it just uses FORT/REF/WILL saving throws and ascending AC and attack bonuses. The magic system is also completely unlike any other version of D&D ever (and absolutely rules in my opinion).

I wish I could join this one, but not only have I played/run the module in question a few times already, I just don't have time.

Rock on, though! You are going to love it!
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OK, so we have two interested but I'm thinking we would want three or four players for this. In an attempt to entice lurkers, I'm throwing out my pitch for the game below.

In the days of old, during the rise of the great Empire, these lands were a battleground. On the very soil on which you stand, the massed armies of the Emperor and the Underking fought great conflicts to hold back the rampaging legions of Chaos, just one small part of an eternal struggle that has raged across the cosmos for longer than mankind has existed.

But none of this is a concern of yours. The empires of old are stories for children to listen to. You have much more important things to deal with; like Edna laying less eggs this season; or the upcoming turnip harvest; or the outrageous rates they're asking for good manure lately.

As if this wasn't problem enough, something strange has been happening recently. Villagers have been going missing. Sheep have been found slaughtered. The children have said they'd seen something moving around the old abandoned keep at the end of the valley.

Then, last night, something came to the village. You didn't see what happened. There were screams in the night, strange noises you couldn't identify, people snatched from their very homes, and cloven footprints leading off in the direction of the ruined keep.

Enough is enough. This isn't the stories. There aren't any heroes to help. Nobody's going to protect your chickens if you don't. And so, pitchforks and spades in hand, a bunch of you are off to take care of things...


I decided to take this over to, to take advantage of the bigger pool of players interested in PbP games. If you're both still up for it, you can roll on over there and request to join. The game is called In Defence of Chickens.

If you've not used the site before, it's free and quick annd easy to create an account (I just made one). Hope to see you there!


I decided to take this over to, to take advantage of the bigger pool of players interested in PbP games. If you're both still up for it, you can roll on over there and request to join. The game is called In Defence of Chickens.

If you've not used the site before, it's free and quick annd easy to create an account (I just made one). Hope to see you there!

I'm afraid I think I'll pass. I find the rpol interface very difficult to use. As a side note, if you're into OSR-style pbp games, the best site I've found is the Unseen Servant ( It's got a really large, really active user base that is mostly into stuff like DCC, OSE, etc.

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