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(IR) IR Interlude Turn 6 - Turn 7 (thread 3)

Black Omega

First Post
Sympathies, Forsaken. I've been going through the same thing as well. Not fun.
Siobhan Silirevnur appears before the press, clad in her finest dark green down, her normally silver hair sparkling golden to go with her jewelry.

"Sorry, gentlepeople, but I'm feeling a little under the weather today so I'll keep this short. From some of the comments already made, one thing this peace conference is accomplishing is communication. Peace can only follow greater understanding, with some factions at least. Even the Seelie and Unseelie have been in communication, working on ideas for limited cooperation. If -WE- can do it, other groups can as well. Regretably there are some factions set on the destruction of Oerth..those people must change before any lasting peace can arise with them. It's to nobody's benefit for the Dartk Powers and the Mists to claim Oerth. If given no choice, the Seelie will fight to protect this world. We were forced to leave Toril long ago. We won't let that happen here. *I* won't let that happen here. This is our home now and the forces of Light will defend it. But it is my hope that we can get past the grandstanding and perhaps hammer out some meaningful peace before it's too late."

*questions can be added, I'll get to it later after the medication wears off:)*

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Black Omega

First Post
And into the breach strides Siobhan, silverwhite flames glittering from her eyes again as she yells out "Melkor! Rein it in, sir! This is a peace conference! This is not the time or place for a fight over the power of light v. darkness! If you have a point to make, -say-it- like the rest of us. We won't tolerate attacks on anyone at the conference, physical, magical or emotional! Save your threats for the battlefield! Now..back to normal size, please." she growls, flames glittering all the more brightly for some other of Melkor's words, though she ignores them and focuses on the business at hand.
Scared? Siobhan? Well...sure.:) But not running away. hopefully we can resolve this without anything more nasty. Siobhan has another conversation for Melkor. And my meds kicked in, so time for sleeeeep.:)

Posted by Anabstecorian:

<< Melkor, I realize that it's difficult to be polite among your bitter enemies as they plan your destruction, but think of it this way - If the meeting stays polite and orderly, you'll be able to sit back and take in tactical information about us. >>

Melkor returns to his original height, and casts Wish to repair damage he did to the conference room.

-Calm and calculating like always, Ililthidi? And you seem to be one of those more eager to destroy me, I am pretty sure you are the next on Commonwealth`s and Alliance Of Oerth to kill list, they aren`t stupid enough to trust you.
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Zelda Themelin

First Post
This is happening now... but something has happened before this...

(So, I have supposingly 11th level magic. How did this happen? Did some ally of ours teach it to us?)

(Kalanyr, William, shortly put, help accepted, More IC later maybe)

8 people of mixed nomandic folk has arrived to conference. They seem to be at loss, and apperanly most politic speaches doen't seem to make sense to them, or even intrest them. They haven't gotten involted into any fighting here either.

They avoid speaking to this 'press-gang', though they don't seem very intimidating despite their name Ur'Deag keeps telling his leader Ergoth-Nog, he finds that name as misleading, as whole purpose of this peace conference. Ergoth-Nog asks his man to quiet down, they are here to watch, not to pass judgements.

They have spent much time eating and trading greetings with Kalanyr's and William's people, though they haven't shown any intrest to meet leaders themselves. One of Ergoth-Nog's party here passes note, that diplomat should pay visit to their lands sometimes after this conferance, 'there would be some things to discuss', they add vaguely.

Ergoth-Nog himself appears to be young man of barely over 20 winters: He has long black hair, handsome face and his skin is golden tanned and marked with colorful tattoos, part of which appears magical. Some regognize this man new leader of storm riders.

Beside him middle aged Suelian woman is often seen, one with snow white hair and crimson robes.

She has spent most of her time here finding people to talk with about these hard time, and she has been very interested in what kind of hopes and wishes different people have for the future.

When Lord Melkor decides to pull this show-off stunt, party has just been helping themselves with snacks. 6 out of eight faints and drops down to floor. Ergoth-Nog almost chokes on his food, turns pale and takes support on table. Suealian woman, however, doesn't seem to be affected at all, and keeps watching whole time, without flicker of emotion in her pale blue eyes.

When they later recover, party leaves area quickly. That does it 'Ergoth-Nog' states outside. Spirit of peace conferance has been broken. Air is now longer good enough to stay here. "I can stay" Eidor of Frost Barbarian tribe states. Our people don't share your Way". "Very well, keep your eyes open, and may you return to us speedily and unharmed." Men shake hands and Eidor leaves to go back inside.

I don't see why they even allowed that avatar of destruction there, Ur'Deag mutters, he has no wishes for peace, only for destruction, war, and his own lusts.

"These matters are sometimes complicated my friend. Did you find out everything we spoke of?"

"Yes, we did."

"Oh yes, indeed.", adds Suelian woman.

"However, I also noticed something you might find little disturbing."

"What, Ancient One?"

"All those earthquakes on Oerth disturbed certain old place, and it seems Alusa was released. I could have swore I felf her presence here."

Ergoth-Nog does look a little disturbed, "I guess we must find her some other time, we have more important things to take care of now.

"However you want it", says Suelian woman, casts spell, and 7 of them dissappear.


Around conferance site hangs pretty little girl, of 8 years most. She has platinum colored hair and violet dress made of finest silk. She seems very sad. She tells 'nice looking people' (weird looks don't scare her away, agressive behavior does), that she is lost, and she needs to get back home, would somebody like to help her?

((huh, now 'flu-girl' return to bed))


First Post
Iuz watches the argument with a look of candid amusement... he speaks softly, "A farce... with all of the boiling blood in this room... I find that there will be very little discussion to be had here. Bitter enemies sit scant meters away from each other hiding their hatred and loathing behind pretty words... or in the case of others they reveal this boiling conflict in brazen acts of pompous pageantry..."

Iuz stands and attempts to address those assembled, "Some of you I hold as an ally, others we are neutral... and more still I hold as enemies... is this by choice? No. But it is the grim reality of actions born in hatred and love... you speak vehemently against evil... and others against good... you hold to some ideal that this a battle between darkness and light... but I say this... if you snuff out the light is their darkness? If you illuminate the darkness would there be a need for light? This is a matter far beyond good and evil... right and wrong... this is survival."

"Oerth has faced cataclysm after cataclysm... bloody war upon bloody war... to suit our whims... our desires... for good... for right... for evil... or wrong... do I accept my place in these events I know very well what I have done... what I have caused... and what I have yet to do... I stand behind my actions... I do not hide behind them. What is our enemy? Look around you... the victory of Hazen over the Dark Powers... is not an external victory... but a battle of the self... who do we have to blame for the state of Oerth... ourselves... who can save Oerth... we can. if this is to be a conference to plan the future of our world... then let us do it..."

Iuz pauses and then waves his hands to those assembled, "Villain... devil... destroyer and worse... I am familiar with all of the titles bestowed up on the Pantheon of Glowing Darkness and me... you wish to destroy us? then I say perhaps this conference should end... because we only play at peace even as we prepare to drag Oerth into the depths of destruction once more... A war battled with the magical energies we have mastered would damage far more then Oerth.... it could consume all... would you pleased with your pyrrhic victory?"

"I simply wish to work to create a new order... and enlighten the ignorant to the majesty of the Glowing Darkness... but how can one spread an ideal when forces of 'good' work to silence any form of opposition... such as the Forum debacle... the Chosen of Mystra have taken our delegates hostage and demand that laws be passed to punish the wicked... is this the face that the forces of good wish to portray? I use the term loosely, but it is only one event of many that stirs my blood with sadness... everyday passes and I see our society slowing descending from our zenith. To deny us our destiny before we have attained it... is a horrible thing..."

Iuz sits and speaks softly once more, "I wish I knew the answers... but this is a path I cannot choose alone... but I can see a bloody crusade brewing and before it is all over many of us sitting here today will have passed on into oblivion..."


First Post
<< Iuz, in many ways you are completely correct. Peace is not only desirable now, it is necessary for our very survival. I desire peace as quickly as possible, but you and I both know that as long as certain forces remain in existence, this won't be possible. >>
<< These forces include, to the best of my knowledge, the following: >>
<< Melkor is incompatible with peace because his ultimate goal is sending all known reality plunging in to hedonistic chaos, and killing a hell of a lot of people in the process. >>
<< Rajaat is incompatible with peace because he desires things we have and considers our lives no more valuable than a scrap of ash. >>
<< Phibrizzo may or may not be incompatible with peace. He's a bit of a wild card, but he serves Xvim, so that implies he'll be dangerous - At the very least he will continue to eat bodies. >>
<< The Army of Darkness is getting hungrier and hungrier for blood, and I can't restrain them forever. I'm thinking of sending them off to die against the forces of Rajaat. That good for the rest of you? >>

Anabstecorian, Melkor has a good laugh after hearing your words, than he says:

-Anabstecorian is incompatible with peace, because his ultimate goal is to make The Ililthidi Race rule supreme upon the multiverse, and all other races will be their slaves

-Mina is incompatible with peace, she desires all to be slaves of One God.

Voidrunner's Codex

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