Knights of the Virgin

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Clearly the only moral course of action is to just kill every single person. If they're not alive, they're either dead (and thus an object) or undead, and thus immune to all forms of mind control! You can't force someone to do something against his or her will if s/he has no will.

I'm hereby starting the "Knights of the Skull." Join me, and never know the feeling of doing something you dislike, or the feeling of dislike itself for that matter, ever again!

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On the whole, women are going to be to some extent disadvantaged in my campaign. (not mechanics-wise, just story-wise.)

Although I was planning on having a number of independent and high ranking women in the K.S.W.

Edit: I also don't think physically powerful women are realistic hence it is possible that I have women use the dexterity stat instead of strength when they decide to become fighters.

Edit: Sexism is bad, but we should not forget the historical position of women and try to evade it.

Yup- this is sounding more and more like a perfect campaign for F.A.T.A.L.

I'm now up to my second tropical isle of facepalms.

I fully support women playing D&D.

Are there any in your group?


Clearly the only moral course of action is to just kill every single person. If they're not alive, they're either dead (and thus an object) or undead, and thus immune to all forms of mind control! You can't force someone to do something against his or her will if s/he has no will.

I'm hereby starting the "Knights of the Skull." Join me, and never know the feeling of doing something you dislike, or the feeling of dislike itself for that matter, ever again!

Yes, but think of all the things you would miss out on. Sex, orgies, love, romance, all these things you would have to give up by becoming undead. (Unless you're into having sex with the undead.)

As far as there being women in my group, I play online so I don't know if the persons I play with are men or women.


Yes, but I doubt the woman beat the man because she was physically stronger than him.

Edit: Someone was asking me whether there are any good persons/organizations in this world. I was thinking of creating a non-violent order of monks, (not the class.) which would be weak and incapable of rendering opposition to the two dominant orders but would also not be engaging in any of the evil activities which these two knighthoods are engaging in. (modelled after buddhist monks.)

They would most likely exist in the lands controlled by the K.S.W. since they are the only one's who are tolerant and would not treat the monks as heretics.
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First Post
Yes, but I doubt the woman beat the man because she was physically stronger than him.
And you are basing that on...?

Seriously, people don't
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Staff member
Clearly the only moral course of action is to just kill every single person. If they're not alive, they're either dead (and thus an object) or undead, and thus immune to all forms of mind control! You can't force someone to do something against his or her will if s/he has no will.

I'm hereby starting the "Knights of the Skull." Join me, and never know the feeling of doing something you dislike, or the feeling of dislike itself for that matter, ever again!

Nah, not kill everyone- just the men. They kill the women too, of course, but THEY get brought back as sentient undead.

In classic "to save the village, we destroyed the village" logic, they save women from being baby-making factories or being raped and being a part of the organization with their rapists by making them into a fighting force of revenants. That'll show 'em!
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I would assume, Dandu, that a woman who beat a man in martial arts was not a 300-lb gorilla since the majority of women are not 300-lb gorillas.


If I ever played in such a campaign, I'd play an evil character with high social skills.

First thing I would do, would be to bring together the two knightly orders and explain to them how they are not different... how they are actually one and the same (The DCs to convince them would be fairly low actually).

The punch line would be:

"I do not understand why we cannot altogether profit? Why cannot we use women both for breeding and orgies/rapes?"

The heads of both orders would look at each other stupidly, and they would suddenly realize the truth of my words.

Then I'd rule both orders. They certainly wouldn't deny me leadership. Not to the single man who made them turn away from their petty differences.

...naaah.... that campaign is too easy....

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