Kulan: Knightfall's Heroes of Carnell Game [OOC]

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World of Kulan DM
XP for the Ambush
Goblin Orcs [x4]: 275 X 4 = 1,100
Gronagon the Mankiller (ogre): 825
Ogre: n/a
Red Mist/Divine Manifestation: 2,200
Xander: 19,800
Zecca: 825

Total XP: 24,750 / 5 = 4,950 XP

Each PC gets 4,950 XP

Aureus gets 2/3rds of that while Aries gets 1/3rd.

Angus: 4,950 XP
Aries: 1,650 XP
Aureus: 3,300 XP
Caerth: 4,950 XP
Maur: 4,950 XP
Phar: 4,950 XP
Quinn: 4,950 XP

When calculating your XP totals, don't forget to include the 2,500 XP each PC got for the ritual to help Galzadar.
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World of Kulan DM
Since he is having trouble standing, Angus remains on the ground, drawing power from it. If Angus was at -12 when stabilized, then Maur's 23 pt. spell would have put him at 11 hit pts. on the positive side.

View attachment 153813

If the ground has not been desecrated, simply burning it shouldn't make it non-fertile; indeed, farmers often renew their fields with controlled burns.

Angus will attempt to use his forest reeve power to cast Cure Moderate Wounds upon himself; @Knightfall I will let you roll for me. I am crashing now, after a very long day.
Angus - Cure Moderate Wounds:
2D8+2 = [7, 5]+2 = 14

I wasn't sure about the ability's caster level.

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Knightfall said:
"...When calculating your XP totals, don't forget to include the 2,500 XP each PC got for the ritual to help Galzadar."

So does that mean that Angus gets 4950 + 2500 = a total of 7,450 xp?
If so, Angus will have 64,440 xp. (He needs 66,000 to level up.) :cool:
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Just as a reminder, let me know when a full day has passed since the battle. Right now, after the two healing spells, Angus is at 24 hit pts. out of 80 hit pts. total. After a full day (even with no rest) Angus will be at 42 out of 80 hit pts. If Caerth helps tend to my wounds during that period, Angus will be at 50 out of 80 hit pts.

Rapid Metabolism: (You naturally heal a number of hit points per day equal to the standard healing rate + double your Constitution bonus. You heal even if you do not rest. This healing replaces your normal natural healing. If you are tended successfully by someone with the Heal skill, you instead regain double the normal amount of hit points + double your Constitution bonus.)

[Standard rate: 1 hit point per level per day. (8 pts. per day @ 11th ECL / 8th CL; ) Rate with Rapid Metabolism: 8 + (CON x 2 = 5 x 2 = 10) = 18 pts. per day without rest. If being tended by someone with the Heal skill, rate becomes 16 + 10 = 26 pts. per day.]
[3.5 Expanded Psionic Handbook, pp. 50]

Voidrunner's Codex

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