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Last Stand of the Dorinthians (Chapter 3 - The Imperials)


Dartis has been lost in thought. Finally he speaks.

"This is something I do not want to relinquish. It may indeed be an heirloom of our ancestors, and in any case anythings we can do that is contrary to the Imperials we ought to do. Still, this was undertaken as a way to save not only the remaining Dorinthians, but to relieve our very good friends the dwraves, who have provided them sanctuary and protected them. Still, I dream of ridding the land, or part of it at least, of the Tallione. This would make a tremendous rallying standard."

"One of my ideas previously was to try to substitute the shield. Of course Nefius will know if it is not magical, but I doubt he knows exactly what it looks like. he is crafty though, and his precautions for delivery betray both his desire and his fear. For upon seeign the shield I thought that if I must hand over the shield that Commander Sassarius must see it. That may spark some dissent or conflict between them that may work to out advantage. So I say, let a new shield be made, and let us offer it up. If it is discovered, we must ensure that commander Sassarius sees it though. We gamble greatly, the Imperials still hold friends whose lives may be forfeit if this rouse fails, and indeed this stronghold is then imperiled. But with the King's blessing, let us begin!"

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Deuce Traveler

The king nods and says, "I share your concerns, and will support your decision, but the Imperials are nearing our gate as we speak, and they bring your captured friends in tow. How do we stall them for two days?"

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
"Your Majesty, My Lord." Danica begins with an awkward courtsey directed midway between the two, and smiles. She puts down her crossbow, haning it on a leather loop on her belt, and ensures that the bolt is secure and safe. Now her hands are free. She is excited when she talks.

"If I may..." she breathes in deeply, and continues. "If we have another shield that can radiate magic...really any magic, I suspect, which is why I suggested a Continual Flame spell, or else a less unique magic shield that someone might have, thjat we could use rtight away, then here is what I suggest."

Danica's eyes sparkle as she speaks, and it is clear that she is building up to something. "I think that if we had such a shield, that I could make Lord Sassarius believe that he held a unique item that was destined for him." She pauses before continuing, her fingers wringing one another for the moment. But prompted by the silence, she continues.

Deep breath, and she begins again. "My Lord, I have a confession to make, and it is one that does not come easily to me. You have been good to me, as have you all," she says, turning, and encomapassing her companions with her gesture, "but I have not repaid your trust with transparency. There is something I have wanted to tell you, but, well, I haven't. But it may help us here." Danica feels like she is hyperventilating right now, and her face has flushed completely.

"I, um... I can er, um. Okay. Sometimes, when I need to, I can do things. Magic things, er. I've never actually said this aloud before. Whooo. Okay. When I need to, I can cast spells, I guess. Since I was fourteen or so, and I don't need a spell book or anything." Danica looks around, clearly expecting this to be a big revelation. It occurs to her for a moment that maybe her companions have known all along; but I hid it so well. As he rushes on with her plan, suppressing the thought.

"Anyway, it occurs to me that I might be able to make the Commander think the Shield was talking to him. If I were hidden in the woods, say, even a fair ways away, as long as I could see him, I think I could make him and the others think the shield was talking to them. And, um, I've heard of Intelligent wepaons and things, and if suddenly a magic shield were to start talking to you and using your name and saying you were the chosen one, and that it was destined to be held by you in battle, and all that, well it might be that we could fool him like that. I think I could do it for hours if we needed to, it's really quite simple magic. But if we did it a few times a day, I think I could make him think that he had an even better shield than he is expecting. An Intelligent Shield... a Shield of Kings. And that might play on his vanity."

"Um. Boys like it when you play to their vanity."
She smiles at this and looks around, hoping nobody is going to laugh at her plan.

Deuce Traveler

OOC: Not a bad plan at all, but remember that Nefius said that he scried the shield and knew it for something that he wanted. Therefore he knows exactly what it looks like and he is the man with the guards currently waiting for you outside the dwarven gates with Alexander and Rix. If he looks inside the cloth, your plan is likely to fail. Commander Sassarius does not seem to be in the vicinity. If you want, you can edit that post...


Silas listens quietly to the others planning and is quite surprised when Danica confesses her innate ability to use magic. He feels a momentary pang of jealousy which quickly fades when he realizes that it is not so much the use of his magic but the study of it that gives him pleasure. Drawing his attention back to the conversation he listens a moment longer before interjecting.

"If we must give up the shield I would give it up only to Commander Sassarius and no other. This wizard, Nefius... I do not trust him. I do not trust Sassarius either but he, at least, seems to have some honor. However, I agree that we should not turn the shield over to them at all.

Silas looks at Danica. "I've no skill with the magics of misdirection. To go through with this we'll need to rely upon you for that. But it seems to me that Nefius fears the shield being seen as it is carried by one worthy and with the right to rule. It is the Shield of Kings." He straightens a little and looks bluntly at Dartis. "We should give Nefius what he fears. Ride out, in full procession, bearing the shield."

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock

Thanks, DT. I won't edit, but I'll accept that the plan is imperfect... Now for the follow up.


"That's a good point," Danica says to the dwarf at the back who points out it is Nefius at the gate. "That does change things, I guess."

She looks around for other ideas, hoping that something could be salvaged. She can barely make eye contact with Silas, a real magician. Nevertheless, she must.

"I'm afraid I don't really get how scrying works. That shield was in the dark, buried. Is it possible that Nefius would have not been able to see the details of the shield? He won't have seen the shield except through that spell. Is it possible that something can be done?"

She hesitates, and continues: "I know that the wizard comes with our friends, including dear Rix, and we don't want to endanger their lives, or indeed those of the dwarves..." Danica here awkwardly repeats her courtsey, and continues."Is it possible that we could get Nefius to bring Sassarius here? Could this be made into a matter of diplomacy, not for seconds, but only for true leaders? What if we sent out someone who was obviously unequal to Nefius, with the request that the Shield of Kings is to be born by Kings, and by Kings alone?"

Danica blushes. "You all must think me the most horrid, duplicitous scoundrel. It seems every thing I say involves lying. But to give away an artifact to the Imperials... Well. I can't imagine it will save many lives, even if it spares our friends for the time being."

Danica trails off contemplating the greater good argument, wanting to help her friends but not seeing a clear way through.


GlassEye said:
"If we must give up the shield I would give it up only to Commander Sassarius and no other. This wizard, Nefius... I do not trust him. I do not trust Sassarius either but he, at least, seems to have some honor. However, I agree that we should not turn the shield over to them at all.

Silas looks at Danica. "I've no skill with the magics of misdirection. To go through with this we'll need to rely upon you for that. But it seems to me that Nefius fears the shield being seen as it is carried by one worthy and with the right to rule. It is the Shield of Kings." He straightens a little and looks bluntly at Dartis. "We should give Nefius what he fears. Ride out, in full procession, bearing the shield."

"Indeed, the thought has crossed my mind I must admit Silas. However, we did agree to hand over the sheild. But no specificis were made as to whom we should hand it over to. We can and shall insist that we hand the shiled over to Commander Sassarius. Nefius made no demand that he receive the shield directly from us. That at the least may buy us some time. And I trust the honor of Sassarius more than Nefius. It was Sassarius who forced Nefius to give his word of safe passage.

Although. Although perhaps Silas maybe right. Now Silas do we advance out in full procession, bearing the shield, only to turn it over to him? Or do we ride out in full procession, shield borne upon my arm, to free our friends and cow or sway the Imperial forces before us? Or do we strike what bow we can and slay the few Imperials that set foot upon the threshhold of this fortress?"
muses Dartis


Silas sighs. "That is, truly, the question." He looks at Dartis and it is plain to see that he is torn. "It is pleasant to think that we could ride out behind you, sway Commander Sassarius and his troops to our cause, strike down those who have injured or oppose us, and then build a safe home for our families.

But the reality would likely be far different than our dreams."
Silas straightens. "Nevertheless, that would be my advice. Take up the shield, let us ride out behind you with our allies, the dwarves, with us. Ignore Nefius. Approach the commander and declare for Dorinthia. Sway them or cow them, whichever seems appropriate at the moment, but let us do this all with the honor of Dorinthians. Let us strike no blow except in defense."

He smiles but it is tinged with a soul-deep weariness. "Whatever your decision, I will stand by you and for Dorinthia."


Silas turns to King Bermax. "Sire, your people will be directly affected by our course of action. What do you recommend? As for our companions, I don't know."

Voidrunner's Codex

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