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Looking for Stories



"I can't beleive how much she remembers, this will all prove to be something." Then shaking her head, D'win continues the story. "Well,yes there was blood and lots of it I beleive and this is one of only three stories that I am in. Which is very amazing. Let's see........Pausing D'win flips through the pages in her book. "Damn it, I wish Khelder and Trand had not taken those pages. I still might have the end of that story. But then agian I do, it is just that I can't see them in here." Smiling she continuse to look.

"There! I found them. Now gentlemen, what do you want to know about our meeting. I can tell you this much right now, I ended up in a dark alleyway with Trand, Khelder and a woman named Kat. If you know of these people, you can just about geuss what Silxa's and my first meeting was like." Taking a drink of her wine, she waits for the questions that the men might ask as to The Meeting of D'win, The Story Keeper and Silxa, The Wanderer.

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"As for myself, I do not know these people you speak of. " Blood and dark alleys, he thinks, often are elements in very good stories. "Perhaps you should begin, well, at the beginning. It sounds like a very interesting tale,"he continues, amber eyes shining in anticipation.

"How did the two of you come together, along with the others? Who did you fight, and why? And a dark alley, tell us, how did you end up there?"

He leans forward on an elbow in anticipation of the answers, then nose crinkling as he glances at Gerik's nearby boots he quickly leans back in his seat. He wonders to himself if he smelled the feet, or the nearby platter of cheese.



"I thought that an Angel would never end up in an area like that." Pausing he continued, "I am going to ask the same question that Savien asked, how did you end up in a dark alleyway?" Seeing that Savien had wrinkled his nose at his feet, Gerik removed them from the table, it had been awhile since he had a bath.

"D'win and Silxa, I don't think that your meeting was an accident, I think that someone wanted you two to meet. Who is beyond me, but still it is way werid that you two should have encounterd each other." Taking a drink, Gerik leans back in his chair and waits for the story to begin.



Laughing at Gerik and Savien's wrinkled nose, D'win says a few words and letters start appering on the pages. "Oh, not far enough in the story," then flipping a few pages, D'win smiles. "Yes, this is the page. This story is called Writitng Always Writing , as recorded by me. Let's see where do I begin. This is truly difficult...................here is a good spot to start. Silxa, dear, correct me if I am wrong." And with that, D'win read a story out of her book. This was an amazing event, D'win rarly told her stories, expectly if she was in them.

The evening was dark and I was sittting all alone in my favorite corner, which was not lite to well. When the most amazing thing happened.

((OOC:This story is currently on pause until I can find the story that goes with this one. Please be paient with me, this may take awhile. Thank You. Story will proceed after these messages!:D :ayyyy!: ))



Silxa nods in aproval and eases back in her chair, hands folded in her lap with staff, now, leaning against her leg, her head is hung and eyes closed, a sad smile crosses her lips, her presence is one of awe and peace as she sits, listening in quiet meditation as D'win begins to read aloud the events of their first meeting.



Leaning back on his chair, Geril listens as D'win begins the tale. "She has a very nice voice, almost like an instrament's sound." Then closing his eyes a bit, he relaxes and enjoys the story.

"Take your time D'win, none here seem to be in any hurry. This story sounds like one you should not rush."

Then reaching for his whiskey, he takes a drink and rests the mug on his tigh.



((OOC: I have found the story that I was looking for and by later this evening I will have the start of it up or at least by tommarow afternoon. I am sorry for those of you who know the thread, I had the wrong one. The one that will be in this story is called "The Long Awaited Return..." I am sorry that this took so long, but the old boards were hard to find.

This will conclude the commerical portaion of this broadcast. Thank you for waiting!!!!!!!!!:bounce: :ayyyy!: ))



As D'win begins to read from the story she stops. Laughing at herself, she flips back through the pages. "I am sorry all, I was reading from the wrong story, the one you will now be hearing, since it is the right one, is The Long Awaited Return.... This is the story of Silxa's and my meeting. It is very good, I assure you, it is also one of the three or four stories about me."

Then flipping through a few more pages, D'win begins to read agian. I walked into the bar and went and sat in a corner that was well light, since it frightend me alittle by sitting in the dark. I started writing, I have always wrote, when a good friend of mine was by my side in an instant. His name is Trand, a few of you may know of him. We talked for awhile when we were greeted by a man by the name of Agudo Archmage of Light. He was an arrogent youth with a fast tounge and a slow brain, he had an owl that went by the name of Lady Hoot. I thought that was strange for an owl, to be called Lady.

The night progressed and the fun started to begin, after awhile another person joined the table. His name was Corwyn Burlisk, it has been a long while since any have seen him. He reminded Trand and myself that we should not beat the innocences out of this young man. But it was too hard not to, he was too innocent for his own good. Corwyn had made me mad, he was telling me off for trying to show and tell Agudo what the world was like. This continued for awhile when another joined our ranks.

It was a small creature, a gnome of sorts, he titled himself the Artificer for awhile and we then learned his name, it was Phill and he was the most jolly of us all. There was a never ending stream of words that seemed to be coming from his mouth.

Pausing to take a drink from her mug, that was now filled with water. D'win giggled to herself as she thought of that evening of many, many years ago.



Silxa listens intently as the parts of the evening that she had missed were recounted. She is seen knodding at the recalling of many familiar names and smiling at the memories and impressions each had made upon her.



"...and the...amazingly young elf girl joined, did she not?"

The detatched, etheral voice was low in tone, and those with keen ears could detect a smile in the words.

"Or am I thinking of another tale? Forgive my eavesdropping, lords and ladies...but I heard the name of a certain man I'm indebted to spoken from the lips of the Lady Storyteller. Would any of you mind me being graced in the company of such as yourselves?"

The voice's owner appears...seemingly out of a nearby shadow. Dressed in dark tones that contrast his pale, white hair, yet blending with his deeply tanned skin, you consider it a possibility that he simply stood in that shaded area, yet none of you bothered to focus on his figure. His clothing, compared to the rest of him, seems rather...normal, a dark overshirt tucked into dark blue trousers, which are in turn tucked into soft gray boots. What stood out most, from his visible possessions was his cloak; which seems to lack clasps, is tattered and ripped, and is much longer than usual cloaks, the only thing keeping it from trailing behind him is the odd way it appears animate, wrapping around it's owner's shins loosely. As more shadows part, you notice his eyes are...discolored, and seem to be the only source of color on the man, one being an icy blue, the other being tainted a bright crimson.

These oddities aside, he has a small smile playing across his features, yet he dares not take a seat in risk of breaking the delicate balance of decorum.

Voidrunner's Codex

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