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Love goes horribly Wrong Story Hour

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Here is the continuing adventures of Sir Kendrik Larsen and his companions who right wrongs in the Misty Isles.

This post as I complete them will have profiles of each PC and major NPC and Campaign background. Come back to this first post from time to time to notice these changes.


Sir Kendrik Larsen,

Sir Kendrik, aged 23, is an imposing figure. Standing 6 foot 3 inches tall and weighing 230 pounds, he has been described as a mountain of a man. With broad shoulders and thick muscular arms that are the result of his upbringing as the son of a blacksmith, working the forge. This impressive build has been honed into a frame of muscle covered by a rounding layer of fat by his adventuring and regular training in the keep. He keeps his short brown hair neat and has icy blue eyes. Sporting a neatly trimmed beard with a bushy moustache, which is the current fashion with the young knights of the Misty Isles. Sir Kendrik is also a very hairy young man, so hairy that he gained the nickname "Bear" as teenager from his friends.

He is a fearsome and fearless fighter; seeming to have almost a sixth sense in combat, rarely missing his target. He is however prone to bouts of recklessness that have gotten Sir Kendrik into all sorts of trouble, almost losing the woman he loves. Sir Kendrik never fights dirty and prefers to bring a villain to face justice than being judge, jury and executioner. He is very nimble for his size and wields his weapons with great skill and dexterity. Sir Kendrik’s usual awkwardness disappears when he fights he seems to grow in composure and confidence.

He is a simple man with a good and just heart. Always willing to help those who need it and determined to make sure that evil does not flourish in the Misty Isles. He is lawful in his outlook and good in his actions. He is the second of three children to Lars Korricson, a master blacksmith and his beautiful wife Lizabeth. His two siblings are older brother Froderik, 29 and younger sister Betaine, 17. Froderik is a cunning social climber who has never been fond of his younger brother. This dislike has always confused Kendrik, which has now festered to hatred, as Froderik has seen his "stupid" younger brother first become an employee of the Baron, then be knighted and granted a fief. Froderik takes great delight in mercilessly berating and belittling his younger brother whenever he can. Betaine is a sweet and intelligent young woman who Sir Kendrik spoils and protects fiercely. Betaine is the spitting image of her mother and is a budding bard with the voice of an angel. When their mother died, Kendrik and Betaine looked out for each other as their father withdrew into himself. This close bond was broken when Kendrik went off adventuring.

When Kendrik was 16 his mother along with many inhabitants of Axbridge were murdered by a hobgoblin raiding party. This tragic event severely effected Kendrik, something he is still coming to terms with. Even now, the emotional scars are still evident. This event caused the usually tolerant Kendrik to develop a deep hatred of goblinoids in general, and hobgoblins specifically. Kendrik worshipped his mother, who some reason, seemed favoured him over his other siblings. His father was a hard but fair man, however he is cold towards his youngest son, something that has always puzzled young Kendrik. Kendrik's father is ever critical of his mistakes and rare in his praise, as if Kendrik did something as a young child that his father will not forgive.

After laying down his life honourably trying to prove the guilt of an evil knight, Kendrik was resurrected by the actions of his friends and the grace of Pelor. Straight after this traumatic event, he was made a squire to the Baron's champion, Sir Brand. Sir Kendrik idolises his mentor, who has filled the role of father figure for the young knight while Kendrik has lived at the keep.

Sir Kendrik is in love with the Lady Elanor, a ward of Baron Aldred. Lady Elanor is the most perfect beauty Sir Kendrik has ever seen. Their courtship started out quite rocky, but Lady Elanor has warmed to her beau's naive country boy charms. The Baron has not been so easy to win over, and is very protective of his young ward's honour. Sir Kendrik desperately wants to prove his worth to his liege lord, however this has caused problems in and of itself, with things not appearing as they seem to the Baron.

happy reading
Sir Kendrik


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Sir Kendrik

First Post
Well, here is the next instalment in the saga that is Sir Kendrik’s love life. After a marathon session that ended at 4am this is what happened
As we left Sir Kendrik last week he and his travelling companions were riding full speed back to his home village Axbridge, where near by is a cave complex where the Ravager had taken the beautiful Elanor and the holy relic.
Sir Kendrik hoped to ride into his hometown at night and to keep a low profile, unfortunately they arrived at lunchtime! He and his party rode up to the manor house and were greeted by the local bailiff/reeve and his cunning social climbing Brother Froderik. Froderik thought he was making his way up the social strata by toadying to the Bailiff and being betroved to his oldest daughter and was unaware that Sir Kendrik had been knighted. The look on his face when Kendrik took off his helm was priceless. The way the words my lord caught in his throat made up for all of the belittling Froderik had inflicted on Kendrik as they grew up. The final indignity was dealt to Froderik when the Bailiff/Reeve ordered him to take the horses to the stables as Sir Kendrik was led into the manor, the Bailiff fawning over him. The Bailiff offered the party lunch and lodgings to Sir Kendrik, just when he wanted to move on.

Resigned to the fact that they would have to spend the day in Axbridge and head off the next day Sir Kendrik went to visit his family at the local Smithy run by his father. On the way he meets his little sister Betaine who is an apprentice Harper taking a lesson in the village green. They embrace awkwardly as in the year since Kendrik had left she had grown from a young lady to a woman. They chat for awhile before Kendrik continues down to the smithy to reunite with his father. Kendrik’s father Lars is a hard man. He doesn’t show his approval or emotion very often especially Kendrik to whom he was a tough taskmaster. He expected Sir Kendrik to take over the smithy when he retired but Kendrik’s adventuring ruined that plan. At first it was a cold conversation until the told his father to drop the My lords and call him son. The ten-minute conversation they had melted much of the barrier that had developed between the two. He even stated he was proud of Sir Kendrik. It was a real kodak moment! To top it off Lars asked Kendrik to help him in the smithy for a bit, something Kendrik agreed without hesitation.

After returning to the manor Kendrik and his companions headed off to the woods where the Ranger, Jon and the Rogue, Callin had met with a member of the Border Watch, A ranger force that act as lookouts and guards in the forests. She had informed the group that there was strange goings on where the Evil clerics of Varakus we had brought to justice had been buried in the woods. The village elders had decided not to bury them in the graveyard, as they didn’t want them buried on consecrated land. So they bury them in the woods so they could rise again, go figure! We dig up the graves and surprise the clerics bodies aren’t in there.

Returning for the evening meal the local Harper filled us in with the latest goings on in Axbridge and after retiring to the local inn for a meeting with the village elders. Kendrik visited his mother and younger brother’s grave vowing to his dead brother that tomorrow he will avenge his death by slaying his murderer.

They head off to the caves there were two entrances to the caves Kendrik had decided to head for the cave that would give the best element of surprise. Unfortunately as is always the way, it had caved in so we had to use the hard way to get in an entrance with a secret mechanism to open it. The hard part is there wasn’t a mechanism on the other end to get out.

We lost the element of surprise when we came across a shreiker fungus. That alerted a Chimera that attracted us, Kendrik slew it with a critical hit which sliced off all 3 of its heads. We discovered it’s lair which was full of booty and a girl chained to the wall. Kendrik instantly thought it was Elanor but it was one of the village girls who had been kidnapped over a year ago. We unchained her Kendrik gave her a drink from his waterskin as she was really dehydrated and the bard carried her.

We heard some female screams and Kendrik pushes the party to hurry to save her. We try to leave the girl in a safe room but she wouldn’t as Elanor screamed again. Kendrik took off with the others in pursuit. They all get to the main altar room. When we got there we found Elanor in a circular depression chained with Caligulus behind her pulling her head back with a blade in his hand Caligulus in his bravado told the party “Ah you are just in time to see me sacrifice her to my father” Behind him was a necromancer. We then had to make a spot roll, which Kendrik and the cleric Arton failed. The others moved in time before the necromancer yelled the command to an undead ooze to drop from the ceiling on Kendrik and Arton. This left the others to fight Caligulus and the necromancer. Kendrik and Arton struggle to free themselves from the ooze, Arton broke out first then Kendrik, Caligulus was doing serious damage to Kendriks best friend Callin when Kendrik took over fighting him. Caligulus used a feat called the cruelest cut which did massive damage to Kendrik but he did not drop. Kendrik determined to slay the murderer of his brother Neeko continues to attack. Callin also with vengeance in his mind for friends death flanks him and lands the telling blow. Caligulus dropped and as Kendrik prepared to coup de grace him says to Caligulus “ With Pelors will return to the abyss where you belong” and drives his sword into the ravagers chest. Caligulus opens his eyes and screams as blood flys from his mouth and he twitches and dies.

The Necromancer then opens a portal and escapes with his Stirge familiar who was attacking the Rogue Cain. Kendrik then runs over to his love Lady Elanor to remove the chains but his big hands and weaken state, he was seriously low on hit points couldn’t open the locks. He gets Cain to open them and Lady elanor leaps into Kendrik’s arms and hugs him tight. This leaping into Kendrik’s arms was too much for him to handle and they topple backwards. At this point a huge statue of Virakus , 30 feet tall, that was behind the altar comes to life and says ”You may have slain my son but now you have to deal with me your meddling will be tolerated no longer” The statue starts to move towards the party with Kendrik and Cain its first intended victims. Kendrik places Lady Elanor behind him saying "stay behind me my lady I will protect you" and he stands his ground. The statue takes a swipe at Kendrik and connects and by the grace of Pelor and Kendrik digging in his heals he doesn’t fall but takes more damage. Kendrik then attacks the statue with his trusty keen longsword. And with a timely critical hit Kendrik slices through the stone legs and the Statue slides off the legs and topples backwards. Everyone breathes a sigh of relief. Callin looking for the holy mace investigates what appears to be Caligulus’ room. Suddenly an inkbottle pops open and was we assume to be an imp appears laughing maniacally.

End of session

Well the party has this imp to deal with and finding a way out but the important thing is Kendrik saves his love.

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Here is the latest two updates on Sir Kendrik and co
Well here is the next exciting instalment in the Sir Kendrik/Lady Elanor Saga.
When we left our Hero and his companions they had just slain the son of the Evil Legion God Virakus and defeated the huge animated statue of Virakus. One of the rogues in the party, Callin, had gone to look for the stolen holy relic. Though seriously wounded (1 hp left) in the fight with Caligulus, he went in the sleeping chamber alone. Little did he know that as he investigated the room an imp had popped out of an inkbottle. Before he could react the imp attacked and Callin dropped to the floor. The other rogue in the party, Cain, hearing this alerts the party and as Sir Kendrik and Lady are embracing Sir Kendrik tells his love that it sounds as though Callin needs help and she should stay here and he will be back shortly. Sir Kendrik badly wounded from a deep stomach wound which was bleeding heavily, Br Arton and the Ranger Jon go to his aid and he is healed with no sign of what had attacked him.

While in the other room Br Arton takes Sir Kendrik aside. Br Arton suspects that one of the two maidens we have rescued is Marianna, the witch who helped Caligulus capture Lady Elanor. At first Sir Kendrik doesn’t believe it could be true but Br Arton convinces him to be wary of Anrod the other maiden we have found. Kendrik returns to Lady Elanor and fusses over her. He was imbued with spell like abilities by Br Arton and had one Cure light wounds spell left that he had planned to use on Lady Elanor if the worst had happened or if she was wounded. She refused his healing saying that she was only lightly wounded and Anrod was the one who really needed the healing. Sir Kendrik accepted this and healed Anrod. While this is happening Callin has found a secret door that needed a key to open it.

The two rogues decided to go and investigate a room near the altar. The room was trashed but they found a secret door here too. This time they could open it and found a room full of treasure. They tool some small gems to show the others and we decided to leave the treasure and collect it later. The party decided to head to a bathing room in the temple complex so the ladies could freshen up. Sir Kendrik ever the gentleman guards the entrance to the bath with his back turned

Refreshed we headed for the sleeping quarters we found the last time for the slaves as we intended on resting up before finding a way out. On the way our ranger discovered that there were tracks of skeletons down the passageway that looked like a patrol. As we moved along the passageway we found more tracks down to a prison cell that we had investigated before. The smell from the room was awful and we found somebody in there. Br Arton, Sir Kendrik and Callin went in to help them. It was a pacifist friar that we had liberated from the same very cell the last time we had been there. The sight that assaulted the was truly horrifying. Caligulus had tortured poor Br Quinn terribly. He had ripped out his eyes and tongue and removed his fingers, thus renderinghim useless as a cleric. Br Arton tried to comfort the poor man as Kendrik returned to the rest of the party. Lady Elanor asked what was the matter and where was Br Arton. Kendrik said that the Brother was healing a brother that had been kept in the cell. Elanor asked if she could help him. Kendrik said to her “My Lady it is no sight for a Lady to see” This sets her off and she lets Kendrik know in no uncertain terms that she is a noble woman and she is more than capable of helping Arton, a noble woman is trained to tend to her lord’s wounds and look after the castle when he is away. She made it more than clear to him that he should stop mollycoddling her. Sir Kendrik at first surprised by her outburst, was pleased to see that the Lady that had won his heart was a strong woman, not the mindless giggling girl he sees around the court.

Sir Kendrik decided to take the rest of the party minus the Ladies and the Bard to find the sleeping quarters. We find it and on the way back we have to fight the skeleton patrol. They were quickly dispatched and we head for the quarters. After collecting the others that had remained at the cell we headed for the sleeping quarters.

Once we set up camp there the two rogues were set to investigate a crypt room that next to the sleeping quarters. Surprise Surprise another secret door is found. They open it and investigate it They find a body in the passageway leading down from the door and as they tried to pass it Callin trips on it and releases a cloud of yellow mist from the body, this doesn’t affect Callin but Cain couldn’t breathe and they return to have the problem fixed by Br Arton.

After this occurred the rogues decide that they want to investigate the first secret door Callin found as it may lead to a way out. They leave with Br Arton and Jon the ranger. Sir Kendrik decided to stay to protect the ladies with the bard Halbaen.

The other door lead to what those involved were soon to find out was a Labyrinth that took over an hour and a half of game time for them to find a way out of.

In the mean time the deep wound to Sir Kendrik that had been patched up was weakening him, since he had received the blow he had felt fatigued, yawning regularly. After talking to Lady Elanor his will to stay awake failed and he fell into a deep sleep. Unfortunately the bard didn’t think that this was strange considering Sir Kendrik’s sense of duty and didn’t alert this to Br Arton when the others finally returned.

The next morning Br Arton wakes Sir Kendrik who claims that he was so tired it was if he hadn’t slept. Br Arton asked Sir Kendrik when did this feeling hit him and he said when he was fighting Caligulus. If not for Sir Kendrik’s armour holding his guts in they would have been spilled on the temple floor. Br Arton asked Sir Kendrik to remove his armour, which he did after the ladies left the room. When Kendrik’s abs were exposed they were bloated and red. The wound had healed on the outside but had festered underneath. Br Arton was just about to cast a restoration spell on Sir Kendrik when……….

End of Chapter 3

Any comments?

As we left Sir Kendrik he was in a lot of pain and fatigued by an abdominal wound that had festered. Br Arton had to heal it twice to fully heal the big guy. After putting his armour back on Sir Kendrik suggested that we collect as much of the booty in the treasury the rogues had found, as The Baron would appreciate the boost to his coffers with a war brewing. The last time the party had stumbled over such a large amount of treasure they had it snatched away from them so Sir Kendrik didn’t want to risk that happening again. Br Arton was very keen to locate the holy mace that we were still to rescue. Br Arton cast a locate object spell which pin pointed the location to past the secret door where the rogues found the dead body.

Against Sir Kendrik’s better judgement he was convinced that the party be split up. One group consisting of Br Arton, the scout/rogue Cain and the ranger Jon to go and locate and return the mace. The other group of Sir Kendrik, the rogue Callin, and the Bard Halbaen with the people we had rescued to go to the treasury and fill the sacks and backpacks with the treasure.

The treasure collection when without incident apart from Lady Elanor refusing to do manual labour. The same could not be said for the other group who headed down the secret passageway. Things were going fine until they came across an inscription that was above a doorway. It read “ the fangs of the snake bite deep” of course Cain read this and was instantly struck by a spectral snake that paralysed him and started to encase him in an amber casing. Unable to dispel the spell on Cain, Br Arton and Jon leave him there to collect him when the mace is found. They continue on finding a bedroom, the bedroom was opulently appointed with a bed table and lounge chair make out for bone and the chair made out of skin of some type the adventurers had never seen before. A spell book sat on the table.

Br Arton and Jon then proceeded to the next room, which was a lab/library, full of books and beakers and tubes. Hanging from the ceiling was a skeleton that looked like it was about to pounce down on them. In the middle of the room surrounded by a black bubble of energy, hovering about the ground was the mace. Before they could react a swarm of bugs attacked them as they stood in the doorway. Fortunately the two PCs jumped back and left the area of this spells effective range, not after taking some damage from the bugs bites.

All of a sudden the Necromancer appeared surrounded by a protective bubble. Br Arton hit him with a searing light spell which didn’t get through the bubble. The Necromancer cast a spell on Br Arton, it was a worm that entered Artons body and worked its way around inside him. Jon hit him with an arrow but then the Necromancer cast a spell that seemed to swap the damage to Jon as the wound Jon had given him disappeared. The Necromancer casted more spells and were doing a lot of hurt to Arton and Jon before Jon grabbed Arton and dragged him back and they ran back to the bedroom where Cain was placed. Unfortunately the Necromancer followed them and they fought some more in the bedroom. When the necromancer started to take some damage himself his familiar, a stirge attacked Arton latching itself to his face. Arton removed it after a struggle and after casting holy smite which hurt the Necromancer and his familiar badly. Necromancer carelessly cast doom with a tap of his staff on the ground, which actually killed his familiar. At this point the harpy that had escaped before appeared. The necromancer then told Arton “try to wield the mace now cleric” and the Necromancer disappeared into a mist under the door. The harpy was then attacked and she flew off when she knew she was losing.

Br Arton and Jon headed back to the lab to try to recover the mace. It was being infused with negative energy by the ball of blackness around it. Arton decided to it is with an energy blast and the good and evil energy battled around the mace before the good energy finally defeated the evil and the mace dropped to the floor. Br Arton fearing the worst cast a detect evil on the mace which went off like a beacon. The Necromancer’s plan to corrupt this holiest of holy relics had succeeded. Arton was fearful of even moving the mace and sent Jon back to inform Sir Kendrik of the bad news.

Back at the treasury as Lady Elanor complained that she shouldn’t be doing manual labour, the Bard said “ Don’t worry about it Kendrik she will be in labour soon enough”. Of course she is deeply offended by this and demands that Sir Kendrik do something about it claiming that Halbaen is a letch. Sir Kendrik demands Halbaen apologise to Lady Elanor, which he doesn’t. She demanded that he be punished. Just as this is happening Jon arrives and tells Sir Kendrik of Cain’s state and the problem with the mace. Sir Kendrik tells Lady Elanor that he will deal with this when we get back to Axbridge and heads to the necromancer’s bedroom. On his arrival at the bedroom Br Arton fills Sir Kendrik in on the problem with the mace and that we shouldn’t move it. Sir Kendrik said we have to take it back to Clyster and have this evil removed from it, offering to risk whatever curse/death by picking it up to place it in a blanket. As we headed to get the mace from the lab, Br Arton peered around the corner to see if it was still there. The necromancer was standing there with the mace and in front of a portal. As Br Arton tells Sir Kendrik of this the Necromancer says, “ I cannot believe I have succeeded in corrupting this mace, your god is weak”. At which point Sir Kendrik appeared Crossbow loaded and fires a bolt straight at his chest. It was difficult for Kendrik to fire it as the Necromancer had cast a spell to stop Sir Kendrik from firing but it failed. Sir Kendrik expected him to drop the mace instead he fell backward into the portal and the portal closed. Sir Kendrik was annoyed that the necromancer had escaped with the mace. We headed back to the slave quarters where the others were waiting. Br Arton went to the temple and cast desecrate at which the temple room started to collapse as Br Arton ran out.

We moved everything to the stone door we came in through and using his last spells of the day Br Arton and he created an opening in the door which we escaped from. He then sealed it up again in the hope that this temple complex would be sealed up permanently. We headed back to where the horses were left. Nearby was a body lying on the ground. Br Arton and Sir Kendrik went up to inspect it. It was the Necromancer’s clothes but it body was totally disfigured with limbs sticking out of the wrong places, it was if the Necromancer lost control of his portal spell and it had minced him up and spat him out this way. The mace was nowhere to be seen. Br Arton feared the worst that the mace had somehow gotten inside the necromancer. He couldn’t feel it through the disgusting mess of the body so we buried him. The ranger looked around for the mace and found harpy feathers and tracks around the area. Resigned the the fact that the mace appears to be lost we rode back

We rode back to Axbridge and arrived at night. We didn’t have enough horses so we had to have some of the rescued people ride pillion. Lady Elanor rode with Sir Kendrik. On our arrival Anrod and Br Quynn were taken to the church to be cleaned up and looked after. Callin went to Anrod’s parents’ house to collect them so they could be reunited with the daughter they had lost a year ago. On Callin’s arrival he heard an argument and knocked on the door. Her father, drunk, refused to believe it, but her mother ran to the church and Callin convinced her father who broke down and cried. Sir Kendrik lead Lady Elanor to the manor house so she could get changed and freshened up. Halbaen and Jon followed them there. Halbaen and Kendrik chatted as they waited and during the chat Kendrik dismissed Halbaen from being his adviser for his remark to Lady Elanor. Sir Kendrik wanted to give Lady Elanor the locket he had worked on for a month for her to wear back to the church but things took a nasty turn when Lady Elanor came down the stairs as Halbaen was leaving he acknowledged Sir Kendrik but ignored Lady Elanor. She demanded another apology which Halbaen refused and walked out the door to head to the inn. Sir Kendrik ordered that he be arrested. Which he was and he was placed in the stocks. Lady Elanor upset returned to her room before he could get a chance to give her the gift.

Sir Kendrik furious at this development heads to the cemetery to tell his dead brother that his killer was now dead also. He bumps into Callin doing the same thing. Kendrik goes into the church to pray for thanks for their deliverance from the temple and for his Lady’s save return. He then checked on Br Quynn and Anrod’s health before heading back to the manor to sleep in the other bedroom. Sir Kendrik had arranged for the booty to be placed in his room. Sir Kendrik has a sleepless night resenting the situation he has now been put in.

At Breakfast the next morning Sir Kendrik tries to give his gift to Lady Elanor. She claims that it was too beautiful a gift to give her and she was not worthy. Kendrik tells her that it pales compared to her and she is more than worthy of it. Unfortunately Sir Kendrik puts his foot in his mouth again and belittles her gift to him, something he didn’t mean to do. She gets curt with him and leaves him to go get ready for morning services. On the way back they have an argument in the street. Sir Kendrik pours his heart out to her, as does Lady Elanor. Sir Kendrik accuses her of calling him a liar for not believing his pleas. They argue for a while longer and she says to him if that is your wish sir and they return to the manor. Sir Kendrik calls for the harper Lucan (a guild that the bards belong to, they act as advocates and advisers to nobles and hear cases) to hear the case against Halbaen. Lucan was Halbaens teacher and sponsored him to the Harper Hall. There is no love lost between the two men as Halbaen threw away his career as a Harper on a whim. The hearing is held and Halbaen shows no remorse, actually showing contempt instead. To make matters worse he tells Lady Elanor to get over it. Lucan asks Lady Elanor to name the punishment. She says she would like Sir Kendrik to do it. Sir Kendrik decides that Halbaens share of any left over booty be given to Lady Elanor. Halbaen being smart asks to be flogged as well. Kendrik knowing that Halbaen is just trying to be smart denies the request stating he was with out remorse. The hearing was then closed and Halbaen leaves Axbridge after collecting his weapons. Sir Kendrik demands he hand over the magical longsword that had been lent him before he goes.

Sir Kendrik asks for his family to join Lady Elanor, his party and himself for dinner in the great hall. During the afternoon Lady Elanor apologises to Sir Kendrik for doubting him. She says she has been courted many times by men wanting her as a prize. Sir Kendrik pleases her no end by saying that he sees her as no prize to be won, that he greatly respects her and honours her for she has truly won her heart. She then asks him to give her the wonderful gift he made for her and they she will wear it with pride. She turns and exposes her neck so he can put it on her. She then kisses him on the cheek and Sir Kendrik takes her hand and kisses it.

Dinner goes without a problem and Sir Kendrik’s sister sings and plays a song she wrote. A song that he is told she is having submitted to the harper Hall for possible inclusion to the list of teaching songs. Sir Kendrik is so proud of this. Everyone retires for the evening. Kendrik is disappointed that none of his family or friends remembered it was his 22nd birthday. It was certainly a day of extremes for Sir Kendrik.

Next morning we rode out.

End Session

So what are peoples comments on this weeks events?

Did Kendrik do the right thing to Halbaen?

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Another session has been and gone and things just get more and more “difficult” for young Sir Kendrik.
Here is the latest instalment.
The party had finished readying for the ride home to Clyster. Sir Kendrik was feeling very disappointed that his family had completely forgotten his 22nd birthday but he kept that to himself, not wanting to appear childish for being upset over it. The ride to the next village of Igham along the route went without incident. We spent the night there in an inn. Lady Elanor getting the best room available, Sir Kendrik the next one, the clerics staying at the church and the others in the Inn common room. Kendrik doesn’t visit his grandfather Keenan, the local harper in Igham, who he hasn’t seen in 3 years not wanting to get sidetracked from the mission at hand.

We set off the next morning. This is where things go totally wrong. As we are riding through a copse of trees a brigand jumped out in front of the party demanding we hand over our goods. Kendrik refused and demanded the brigand step aside and let us through. The brigand states his terms again and an arrow is fired from the trees at Jon the ranger as he tried to draw an arrow from his quiver. Suddenly about 10 halfling brigands appear from the trees with arrows pointed at the party. The head brigand tells the party to dismount and hand over our goods. Sir Kendrik again refused and the head brigand stated to do as we are told or the fair maiden will not look so pretty after they are finished with her.

This is when the story goes all totally wrong. Kendrik fearing that the brigands will target his lady got her to hop off their horse and tells her to get cover from the other horses and he charged the head brigand. His idea was to draw the fire of the other brigands, thus protecting Elanor. Then close in on the head brigand to hold the point of his long sword at his throat and demand they surrender or their leader would taste to cold hard steel of Sir Kendrik’s trusty blade. Thus these brigands would be brought to justice. His idea went completely wrong. The brigands fired at the other members of the party including Lady Elanor. The head brigand fired at Sir Kendrik’s warhorse Valiant leg and causes it to crash to the ground, Sir Kendrik lept off. Lady Elanor didn’t hide between the other horses and is racked with fear. She runs into the woods with brigands following her, the rogue Callin in pursuit. To make things even worse the party was losing and one of the halflings hopped up on the packhorse where all the treasure was and rode off. The brigands all disappear their work now done and we couldn’t see them.

Ranger Jon tries to follow the tracks of Lady Elanor and Co and calls out that he has found them. Kendrik heads towards Jon, who thinks it might be someone going to attack him and readies an arrow. Seeing that it is Kendrik he doesn’t fire and they follow the tracks towards Lady Elanor and Callin. While they are doing this a group of brigands ambush Lady Elanor, surrounding her. She stops in her tracks and Callin catches up with them. She tries to run from them but is tripped and a brigand heaps on her and threatens to cut her throat. Another starts to pop the stitching on her bodice. Callin disposes of the brigand disrobing Elanor. Unfortunately the other one stabs her and she goes unconscious. Callin stems the bleeding and yells for help. Kendrik runs and Br Arton hears Callin’s call for help and rides in on his horse.

Br Arton heals her and Elanor and Arton walk back to the road. Sir Kendrik then interrogates one of the brigands who would say nothing but sweeten the deal and I will talk. Sir Kendrik refuses to deal with them and tells the brigands that they will stand trial. Lady Elanor seems concerned. Br Arton asks her what is troubling her. She says she is concerned that Sir Kendrik is more concerned about his own glory than protecting her and his other charges. She said twice now he has gone after an opponent leaving her unprotected. Br Arton tries to reassure her that Sir Kendrik wouldn’t do it for selfish motives like that and that maybe she is judging him too harshly. She seemed to listen to what Br Arton was saying and she ended the conversation. Kendrik was following them at a distance. When he finally catches up with his Lady, Kendrik drops to one knee and apologises to her for what had happened. Kendrik was deeply remorseful for his apparent lack of chivalry towards Lady Elanor. He thought he was doing the right thing and yet again his lack of good judgment failed him. She let him know yet again that he had done her wrong. She let him know that he may be able to gain her favour again but it may not be so easy with her warden Baron Aldred and with her father, Baron Althor. Kendrik’s heart sank at this statement. He had lost his chance with her, and he was deeply upset. One foolhardy act may have ruined his chance at a happy life with his true love.

Kendrik became distant ignoring Ranger Jon who was talking to him. Kendrik was too busy beating himself up over his actions to notice that Jon had decided to take matters into his own hands. He told the brigand that “Sir Kendrik may be too honourable to go through with a threat against you but I have no problem” and promptly threatened to cut off some of his toes with his axe if he didn’t talk.

Kendrik was called over by Br Arton who told him what they should do, Sir Kendrik raised his voice at Br Arton and told him that was exactly what he intended on doing. He told the group to get ready and that they were to ride back to Igham to hand the brigands over to the local constable and continue on our way to Clyster.

The party arrived eventually at Clyster. Lady Sharra, the Baron’s daughter and Lady Elanor’s closest friend and Sir Brand, the Baron’s champion and Castellan while the Baron was away met Sir Kendrik and Lady Elanor in the main bailey of the keep. Lady Elanor and Lady Sharra embraced and returned inside talking at a million miles a hour. Sir Brand and Sir Kendrik chatted with Sir Brand asking why Kendrik had a very concerned look on his face. Kendrik told him that Kendrik had dishonoured his name. Sir Brand first asked Kendrik if Elanor was still a maiden. He replied of course and described to Sir Brand what had happened. He told Sir Kendrik that he was happy in to be in his situation and tried to reassure him.
Br Arton took Br Quynn to the cathedral to arrange for his wounds to be healed by the proper spell. He also had the unenviable task of informing the Bishop that the holy relic was corrupted and lost. The Bishop told him to make it his priority to return the relic to the church.

At the evening meal Lady Elanor didn’t talk to Kendrik once, she was too busy with Lady Sharra. After the meal Sir Brand asked Sir Kendrik to go for a walk along the battlements. The two Knights discuss Sir Kendrik’s predicament. Sir Brand told Sir Kendrik that he if he was honest with Baron Aldred the Baron would understand but it would be much harder to convince Lady Elanor’s father. Sir Brand asked Sir Kendrik what he would do next to regain his honour. Sir Kendrik said he would make his quest to ride back to bring the brigands to justice. Kendrik knew that this alone will not gain Elanor’s father’s approval but it would show he was still worthy. Kendrik said that he had proved his worth before he would do it again.

The rogue Callin found a scroll in his clothes chest that made him have to leave the castle in important personal business.

The next morning Sir Kendrik visited his companions to arrange to leave at lunchtime to return to Igham to capture the brigands and end the banditry that was on the increase in that part of Borderlund.

Sir Kendrik went to see his Lady before leaving and they had a good conversation. Sir Kendrik said that Lady Elanor would be on his mind always while he was away and that he would make sure that he was not away from her a minute longer than was necessary. Elanor told Kendrik that it was not a good idea for him to have her on his mind as it may distract him. He reassured her that she was worthy of this place in his thoughts and that she was no mere distraction. Lady Elanor smiles and touches his cheek. Sir Kendrik then dropped to one knee and took her hand and kissed it before leaving.

End Session

Any comments?

OK everyone, what does everyone think Sir Kendrik should do to return his lost honour? Is all lost in this saga?


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Sir Kendrik

First Post
Well here is the next instalment in the life and times of Sir Kendrik and his chums.
When we left last week our heroes were on the way out of Clyster heading for Igham with our brave Knight intent on bringing these brigands to justice. We rode past the copse of trees where we were ambushed and the Ranger Jon, looking for the tree he had blazed a mark on when we were hear last.

On finding that we headed on to Igham going to the inn we stayed at last time. Seeing the Constable at the bar, Sir Kendrik walked over to the Constable and said he would like to have a word with him. They move over to a table to discuss the brigands, the innkeeper eavesdropping on what was being said. The party and the Constable discussed in depth what had happened before and he informed the party of the previous attempts to capture the brigands by himself and the local militia. They had tried 3 times but had been thwarted by traps that the brigands had set. He also claimed that they were lucky to escape with their lives. It seemed that only caravans/individuals heading for Clyster and not Evil Baron Montombre’s lands were being attacked by these brigands.

We then head off to the Master Harper’s house to seek his opinions and advice on the situation. To set up this let me add a bit of background here. The Master Harper (a bardic lawman class), Keenan Callaghan, is Sir Kendrik’s maternal grandfather. They hadn’t seen each other for 3 years as Kendrik’s father and his grandfather had a huge disagreement over who would look after the two youngest children when Kendrik’s mother was taken and killed by a marauding horde of hobgoblins 6 years ago. Keenan and his now dead wife Sinead wanted to take care of Kendrik and his sister Betaine. Kendrik’s father Lars refused this request telling them to butt out of he and his families life. A simmering feud between the two men followed coming to a head 3 years ago when Keenan again asked if they could care for the children. Lars insulted Keenan by saying he wouldn’t have his boy (Kendrik) living around the Harper Hall, he wanted his son to grow up a man not a harper. Keenan swore never to return to Axbridge until Lars apologised, he hasn’t.

The reunion was hamstring but the need for noble pleasantries and getting on with the job at hand. Sir Kendrik idolises his grandfather. He is the man who instilled the strong sense of law and doing good that makes up the moral code of Sir Kendrik. Kendrik wanted to talk about some personal matters also and arranged to meet his grandpa for dinner at the inn that night. The discussion at the Harper’s house mainly confirmed what the constable had said.

Br Arton had arranged to stay at the local church and encountered a nun that resembled the nun from The Blues Brothers!. She was stone-faced and very very serious. The complete opposite to the local deacon a short jovial fellow. Br Arton came to realise why the Nun was not a bundle of laughs, the local priest was very old and very senile. It must be a tough life for her caring for him.

At the inn that night Sir Kendrik and his grandpa managed to catch up on their lives and events since their last meeting. Sir Kendrik walked his grandpa home as he wanted to now chat about the personal issues he had. He asked his grandpa what he knew about lady Elanor’s family, in particular her father, Baron Althor. His grandpa said he didn’t know too much but told him that the Baron isn’t seen often and his lands just to the south of Aldred’s, and next to Montombre’s lands were also being attacked by brigands. Kendrik told him that he wants to ask for the hand in marriage of Lady Elanor and he wanted to know wether there was any family secrets in his family he should be made aware of. Kendrik knowing full well that Althor would check out Kendrik’s credentials. Keenan jokingly said that Kendrik’s great uncle was a “cattle botherer” Kendrik didn’t get the joke and his grandpa told him to lighten up and relax. Kendrik told him he is finding the weight of being a noble hard to handle. His grandpa then promises to write up suitable lineage papers for Sir Kendrik. He asked Kendrik that he asked if there were any scandals like Kednrik was expecting one. Kendrik said nothing to that keeping to himself the concern that since he was born it seemed that his father and older brother were cold to him.

We rode out of Igham and headed for the copse to try and follow the trail left by pack house to the brigands camp. We followed the trail for a while and left the horses there. Continuing on we became aware that the trail was going around on circles when we returned to the road. Jon the Ranger found the trail continued on the other side of the road and we followed it some more. We eventually stopped when we came up to a thicket of trees with huge spikes sticking out of the trunks and branches. We proceeded through with caution. As Sir Kendrik was telling the party that the packhorse wouldn’t have been able to ride through this thicket with the packs still on a log trap hit Jon. The force of the swinging log slammed him against the thorny trees lining the trail. He was in a bad way with the thorns that oozed a honey like sap making Jon’s skin burn and puff up. Br Arton proceeded to heal him and we stopped for a while. Jon suggested that the Bandits would be unlikely to be hiding in this place and that we should walk around the thicket and pick up the trail on the other side. We didn’t and walked all the way to the point where we entered it.

It was getting dark and Sir Kendrik decided that we would be better off returning to Igham return at first light picking up where we left off. Br Arton made a suggestion on the ride back to Igham that we might try set an ambush for the brigands but we didn’t have the right equipment or the manpower to do that successfully.

Back a Igham, Jon spoke to the constable and got a map of where the previous attempts to capture the brigands had occurred. Sir Kendrik told the others that we would be checking every lead. The discussion lead to possible involvment of Baron Montombre in this brigandry.

End Session

Well this week was a real thinker’s game. We are getting a little frustrated but mainly because we haven’t totally picked up on the clues yet.

Any Comments?

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Here is the latest instalment in the ongoing trials and tribulations of Sir Kendrik and his chums.
As we left off last week, the posse that Sir Kendrik had gotten together to track down the Brigands, that had been harassing the travellers on the Igham-Norham Road, were collecting information before heading into the Fairwood. It was the next morning and Sir Kendrik had been thinking about tactics in his room. He had come to the conclusion that the track that they had been following was created by the brigands to trick anyone trying to find their camp. Sir Kendrik told the rest of the party that they would be investigating one of the other tracks on the map the Constable had created for them. This track followed a brook.
The party visited a few of the residents that would have valuable information that the party could use.
The Constable and the Bailiff were very helpful in explaining the previous forays into the woods and what events had happened. We had been told that there were giant bees a couple miles up the track. Never having seen a giant bee before Kendrik asked how big they were. When he was told they were the size of a man he was wondering if it was the best idea to take them on. He was expecting them to be about the size of a crow. There was another track the locals had used to try to find the brigands. This track was abandoned when archers, very average archers who barely hit their target, attacked the posse. Kendrik decided on hearing that, that this was the way to go.

Something that Sir Kendrik was totally unaware came to light. When we first faced the brigands over 18 months ago a very interesting fact came to light. Sir Kendrik was unconscious at the time as he was close to death after being mauled by a troll in the caves. Those who were awake at the time of the attack made the discovery that the arrowheads that the brigands were using were made by Kendrik’s father, or even Kendrik himself. The others decided to keep this information from Kendrik, fearing he would do something foolish. Br Arton said that we should check the weapons the halflings had on them when they were captured. Kendrik inspected them and found the mark that proved them to be made by his father. Sir Kendrik was concerned at this but instead of jumping to conclusions, made excuses as to why they would have his father’s handiwork on them.

The party then headed to the stocks to see if the captured halflings would talk. Sir Kendrik went into Good Cop/Bad Cop mode and tried to play in the halflings minds, telling them that they were clearly abandoned by the rest of their group. He told them they were fools to continue to show loyalty to the brigands. He tried to convince them that talking would be in their favour. They stayed silent till Br Arton joined in. Only one spoke and spitted out hatred to the “big” people. He claimed that they were only claiming back what was theirs that the big people had stolen from them when they moved to the Misty Isles and forced their ways on the halflings. The halfling claimed that he hated that Pelor had given him a soul, something he had no choice in. This stopped him from following his religion. A discussion over this ensued and ended when Sir Kendrik telling him to follow the path to Pelor and he would be rewarded, Kendrik told him to repent and the halfling spat at Sir Kendrik’s feet. Sir Kendrik told him that he had just sealed his fate and stormed off. This was some of the best roleplaying I have ever been involved in. It was amazing.

The party were planning to head to the woods when a merchant caravan was spotted riding into town. Br Arton and Sir Kendrik came up with an idea to ask the merchant if he was heading to Norham if we could escort him so we could hopefully meet up with the brigands again. When the merchant appeared out of his covered cart he seemed to fit the description on a fat merchant that Callin had seen near the caves outside Axbridge. That particular merchant was seen raising undead and heading into the caves. This made Sir Kendrik instantly suspicious of him but he would do his best not to show it.

Sir Kendrik walked up to the Merchant to introduced himself when the merchant’s cat, puffed up and hissed at the young Knight. The merchant asked why he recognised Sir Kendrik. Kendrik told him that he was a local boy and that no doubt he would have met him in Axbridge. The merchant, Mendle, said that no nobles hailed from these parts. Sir Kendrik set him straight, telling him that he was Kendrik Larsen. Mendle recognised this immediately, asking if he was the blacksmith’s son. Kendrik said yes. The chat continued as Sir Kendrik asked where Mendle was heading, he was heading to Pillerton, a town over the border in Montombre’s lands. Kendrik came to the conclusion that Mendle was a smooth tongued fellow and they parted.

We met Mendle at the inn again at lunchtime and Kendrik asked Mendle if his party could join him for Lunch. Mendle gladly agreed and another friendly discussion ensued as Sir Kendrik asked Mendle many questions and asked if they could join his caravan to escort him. He made excuses that it would upset his bodyguards if we did. Sir Kendrik was going to give up and maybe follow them at a discreet distance when he asked if they could travel with them to Pillerton. Kendrik stating that surely the brigands would work out that no one was travelling to Norham and switch to the Pillerton road. Instead of getting him to agree to travel with our party he stated that they would be returning to Airelyhn. Sir Kendrik had suspected that Mendle didn’t want to go to Norham as he was going to meet with the Brigands to collect their booty to sell down in Pillerton.

Having that option removed from our plans Kendrik decided to go visit a thorp near the woods to get information on what lay inside it. The elder of the thorp was less than helpful so we rided off and investigated the brook track till it got too dark to continue. On the ride home the horses were badly spooked by a cat running across the parties path. The cat was Mendle’s. Only Jon’s horse was truly spooked and unseated him and bolted off. Sir Kendrik and Br Arton spied on the cat a scroll case and it was heading in the direction of the woods. Suspecting that Mendle was trying to get in contact with the brigands, everyone bar Sir Kendrik tracked after it. Sir Kendrik, the only one in the party with the riding and animal handling skills to collect Jon’s horse rode after it instead.

The trackers, led by Jon, kept in contact with the cat, with help from a detect evil spell Br Arton cast. The cat was aware of this and tried to test the range of it. He made a run for it when and climbed a tree, making further tracking impossible. The party reunited with Sir Kendrik and they returned to the Inn. Mendle was sitting inside near the fire and Kendrik walked over to him. Mendle asked if we had found what we were searching for. This gave away that Mendle must be a wizard and his cat is his familiar. Wizards are aware of what their familiar sees within range and he would have seen that we were after his cat. Kendrik went against his nature and told a white lie, claiming that things went very well. Kendrik will pray/confess to atone for this mistruth. Mendle was laughing and Kendrik told him “Good always triumphs over evil” and Medle says “indeed it does”

End Session

Any Comments/Suggestions

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Well here is the next instalment.
When we last visited our brave heroes, Sir Kendrik and the suspicious Merchant Mendel McLynn were discussing the fact that good always triumphs over evil. After a few drinks the party retired for the evening. The next morning Sir Kendrik woke up early to repent at the local church for his uncharacteristic behaviour by threatening to murder the halfling’s family. The ranger, Jon, also got up early and noticed to the north of Igham a huge pall of black smoke. Sir Kendrik was now at morning service (he is a very pious young knight) and Jon interrupts him and beckons him outside. Once outside Jon informs Sir Kendrik of what he saw, Sir Kendrik got Jon to head up to investigate as he collected Cain from the Inn then returning for the rest of the church service.

Jon heads to the fire and finds a small thorp in ruins and bodies littering the area. The bodies appeared to have been mauled by a wild animal of some discription. Jon investigates further until he is greeted by the presence of a Penlysh Lion, a big cat that looks like a mountain lion, has noticed him and is growling. He notices that a body is trapped under the rubble of one of the farmhouses. He can’t check this body out as the lion won’t let him get close. Jon decided to back away and return to Igham to inform the others of what he had seen.

Sir Kendrik and Br Arton both come to the conclusion that this may be a diversion to allow Mendel to escape and meet the brigands. We decided to have Cain break from the posse to check out if Mendel was up to something. The rest of the group, along with the Constable and 2 militia rode to the destroyed thorp. Jon and Arton headed into the thorp as Sir Kendrik and the others waited till they had scouted out the area.

The Lion was still near the body in the farmhouse as Br Arton approached. He was sure he saw a hand move so he moved in to try and save this person. It didn’t take Br Arton long to work out that the Lion was protecting the trapped person. Br Arton moved forwards and the Lion growled more, then pounced. The Lion tackled Br Arton to the ground and raked his body with it’s back legs. Seeing this Sir Kendrik galloped in on his warhorse, Valiant, brandishing his lance. He attacks the Lion to protect Br Arton, stabbing it with his lance. Jon runs in and attacks the Lion with his handaxe and misses and hits Br Arton. Suddenly a raven starts fluttering it’s wings in front of Jon’s face. In the meantime Cain has galloped in with news that Mendel was preparing to leave. The Lion broke his hold of Arton and returned to protect its “master”. Then the raven jumped on a rock and started to talk to us. It informed us that the cat was protecting it’s master. We asked it to tell the Lion to move away so Arton could help him. The wise talking Raven told us to do it ourselves, as the Lion would listen.

Jon came up with the brilliant idea of using rope to lasso the lion and lead it away from the body. Jon had one rope, Sir Kendrik had another, which he tied to the pommel of the saddle on Valiant, and Cain had the other rope. We all threw our ropes, Sir Kendrik and Cains lassoing the lion and Jon’s missing. Quickly we started to lead the Lion away and Jon finally lassoed the Lion. Br Arton ran over to the body and found a pulse. Once the Lion was lead away Sir Kendrik hopped off Valiant telling it to stay and ran to help Br Arton remove the rubble.

Once the rubble was cleared it revealed that the person trapped was a young wizard. Once he came to, he informed us that his name was Winter and that the lion, Zodi, and the Raven, Ash, were his companions. Br Arton nervously healed Zodi. Winter told us what he could about the attack claiming that large dog like creatures had attacked, both Sir Kendrik and Br Arton had come to the conclusion that the attackers were Gnolls, as they had fought them before. Sir Kendrik, then realised that Cain was here when he should have been watching Mendel. Cain relayed the fact that Mendel was leaving and Sir Kendrik ordered him to follow Mendel out of town at a discrete distance. Jon informed us that in his investigations of the thorp that bodies, possibly live, had been taken into the woods. Then The party with the wizard, left the Constable and the militia to look after the thorp and headed off in the direction that the gnolls had gone.

We walked through the woods for quite a while, till we reached the edge of the Bleaks, a moor that has a fearful reputation. Sir Kendrik, fearing that the horses would become hopelessly bogged finds a spot for the horses to be left. We proceed to enter the bleaks as the sun starts to get low in the sky. Along the way we found a half eaten corpse or two. We finally make camp in the moor and set up watches for the night.

Cain carefully followed Mendel and his caravan along the road to Pillerton. At the stream that we had followed the night earlier he turned off the road and meets the head brigand, Heslewhite and a nasty looking dwarf, bald with tattoos all over its body. They exchange goods and Mendel leaves. Cain fearing they would notice him, hides and waits for Mendel to ride back to Igham, he does not.

After wating a while, Cain heads back to the thorp but on his way he is nearly killed as Jon’s riding horse runs down the track cain is travelling. Cain continues and finds blood everywhere. Cain then noticed what has caused this, it was a huge bear that was feasting on Br Arton’s warhorse. The bear spots Cain, who freezes and waits for the bear to finish and leave. When the bear finished its meal, it marked it’s territory on the carcass and leaves. Cain goes over to the carcass to identify it and finds Br Arton’s saddlebags, unfortunately dripping in the scent of the bear. Valiant is nowhere to be seen. Cain reluctantly makes camp.

The tracking of the Gnolls continues all the next day and most of that night. Sir Kendrik notices some lights in the moor ahead of us and alerts the rest of the party. Jon informs everyone that they may be Marsh Lights and that we should ignore them. Sir Kendrik agrees and says that we have more important things to do that chat to people. The two locals in the party realise that they are heading in the direction of Axbridge. We come across a stream, the White river that flows through Axbridge. After crossing the stream we notice a ruined manor house. As we got closer to it Sir Kendrik recognised it as the manor house he and Serena the wizard had come across on their very first adventure over 2 years ago. Sir Kendrik relayed to them that a cave complex lay to the north and if the tracks continue in that direction that would make a perfect camp for the Gnolls.

The party make camp in the ruin and Sir Kendrik, sits next to Jon and asks him what is troubling him. Jon had been anxious and insistent on following the tracks since the massacre had been discovered. He wouldn’t talk to Sir Kendrik but Kendrik told him that he was a good listener and if he wanted to talk to see him.

Cain had by this point found the thorp and it was been cleaned up by the militia and the Constable. Cain couldn’t find any trace of his party or any word of where they were.

The next morning the trackers headed for the caves. The entrance was different to when Sir Kendrik was here last. A fence of sharpened wooden poles surrounded to hillock above the entrance and a shack had been built over the cave entrance.

While we were looking at this the Gnolls pets, huge hyenalike dogs, had spied us, there position given away by the maniacal laughter of one of them…………………….

End Session

Any comments, advice people?

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Here is the next exciting instalment in the adventures of the Axbridge crew. When we left our heroes a group of them were being spied by some huge hyena like dogs.
The dogs charged in and when they got into bow and crossbow range Sir Kendrik and Jon McAlpin the Ranger let go a round of bolts and arrows which all connect. The dogs continue unabated and a battle ensues. After a brief struggle 2 dogs are slain on the spot and a volley of bolts and arrows kills another as it ran off. Winter the Wizard’s pet Lion was mauled and needed immediate healing, which it received. Winter noticed that the Gnolls that had been sunning themselves on the hillock above the cave entrance had disappeared.

Sir Kendrik realised that they had to go into the cave decided that the best way in was to cross the open plain, which gave the party a view of the fort. This was opposed to the way along the river, which gave them some cover but no view of what the Gnolls were up to. They safely got to the gates of the palisade and entered. The area looked deserted with not a Gnoll in sight. Sir Kendrik chose to look for an entrance to the caves by heading left. Walking very carefully, this path took the party to the top of the hillock above the shack hiding the cave entrance. The heroes continued around till we got to the entrance. Sir Kendrik went in first carefully with Jon next and Br Arton and Winter to follow.

The cave widened just in from the entrance and once they were all inside we walked down the tunnel two by two. The party followed the tunnel till it met a t-intersection. Sir Kendrik’s memories of the caves were clouded by time and lead the party in the way he thought was the right way to the main cave. This is where Sir Kendrik thought the Gnolls would keep the captives. He was wrong.

The party continued along the passageway and came along a cleft in the cave floor. It was about 25 feet deep and way traversable by a rope bridge. The sounds of moans came in this direction. Sir Kendrik and Winter looked over the top of the cleft and came across a horrible sight. There were about 28 people in the cleft, covered in their own filth and in dried blood, next to them were the remains of the other unfortunates who had been made meals of by the Gnolls. While the party were thinking of ways to help the captives escape a group of Gnolls attacked from the direction the party had come in. Sir Kendrik quickly charged up to the front to fight off these interlopers. Br Arton joined him creating a human barrier that the Gnolls could not pass. Sir Kendrik and Br Arton were making mincemeat of these Gnolls when a volley of arrows came from the other side of the cleft. 3 Gnoll Archers were firing at the heroes. Winter and Jon had to take care of them. Winter decided to cast the illusion of a wall of fog to make it hard for the Gnolls to see. This illusion only fooled one of the Gnolls and the others continued to attack. Jon took down one of them and the others must have felt worried as they ran back to whence they came.

Sir Kendrik and Br Arton had killed all but one of the Gnolls who was much bigger than the rest who then ran also. Sir Kendrik was not going to let this one escape and call for re-enforcements. He took off after him and Br Arton followed. Little did Sir Kendrik know but around one of the tunnels corners lay an ambush where 3 other Gnolls lay waiting. These Gnolls attacked Sir Kendrik and Br Arton and the battle continued there till they defeated these ones. In the mean time Jon and Winter had followed the two fighters up this tunnel. Winter then decided to start to head back to the cleft to see to the captives, lighting his way with a dancing lights spell.

When the fight was over the others joined Winter back at the cleft. When they arrived back at the cleft, the bridge had been cut. Jon and Winter had come up with the idea of casting a levitation spell on Jon and have him jump the cleft and repair the bridge. On the other side of the cleft was a ladder that they needed to reach the captives. The rope bridge was hauled in and a rope was tied to one end and Jon held the other. Jon made a run up and jumped, unfortunately he didn’t jump far enough and was suspended over the hole. Jon was reeled in like a fish and he made a bigger run up and made it on the second attempt. He repaired the bridge and collected the ladder. The ladder was lowered and Captives were helped out. At this point Sir Kendrik heard the sound of footprints heading out the cave entrance.

The heroes continued helping out the captives when Sir Kendrik who was still nearer the entrance than the others smelt smoke and lots of it. Suddenly captives were dropping like flies and it had become increasingly difficult for the heroes to breathe and see. The Gnolls had decided to smoke the party out and this tactic was working fine. Winter came up with some good ideas; they being to keep low and he tore up a cloth and soaked it in water. He then passed them around to all he could. Sir Kendrik, taking Winter’s suggestion got as many of the captives to go back down into the cleft hoping that would protect them. Sadly several dropped before they could return. Jon and Winter both succumb to smoke. Sir Kendrik and Br Arton were the last men standing and were about to drop themselves from smoke inhalation when the smoke started to clear.

As the smoke started to recede, the sound of footsteps started coming from the entrance and lots of them. Before Sir Kendrik and Br Arton could catch their breath a bunch of Gnolls charged the two heroes. The Gnolls were intent on charging the heroes into the cleft. Their efforts failed and another pitched battle ensued. Sir Kendrik as is his want took on the biggest Gnoll and in his weakened state quickly succumbed to the blows and the smoke. As Sir Kendrik lay unconscious the big Gnoll took a bite and took a big chunk out of his leg. This will teach Sir Kendrik not to leave his full plate armour behind in his room. After the Gnoll took a bite, the other Gnolls gathered around thinking they would be in for a feast of smoked Knight. The big Gnoll snarled and made this perfectly clear that Sir Kendrik was going to be his spoils of the fight. Br Arton decided to end all ideas of a Kendrik buffet and cast Holy Smite right in the middle of the pack of Gnolls. All of them dropped bar the Big One who was blinded by it momentarily. Br Arton attacked it before hitting it with a searing light spell. This helped Br Arton defeat him.

As soon as the Gnolls were defeated, Br Arton went over to Sir Kendrik who was at death’s door yet again and healed him. Once Sir Kendrik came too he got up to help Br Arton tend to the others. Unfortunately 9 captives died because of the smoke. Jon and Winter healed also and the task of leading the captives to freedom began. Sir Kendrik and Br Arton climbed down into the pit and helped the survivors up the ladder. A woman worked her way to Br Arton with the limp body of a young boy in her arms. She begged Br Arton to heal him but there was nothing Arton could have done, the child, called Pitar, had gone to be with Pelor, which he told her. She became hysterical and it took both Br Arton and Sir Kendrik to settle her down. Promising they we were not going to leave him there. Jon and Winter led the captives out of the caves to safety as Sir Kendrik and Br Arton set about the task of cleaning out the caves of Gnolls.

The two heroes first headed down to the site of the ambush where a door was. Sir Kendrik opened the door carefully and they entered and found the main cave where Sir Kendrik has slain an ogre on his very first adventure. In this room which had a ledge at the doorway that had stairs leading down to the main area. In this main area were 4 Gnolls. Sir Kendrik and Br Arton picked them off one by one with their Crossbows. The cave had little burrows in it that two of the Gnolls seemed to be protecting or trying to get into, but they were way too big for them.

The heroes then worked their way back to the cleft and crossed the rope bridge to the other side to clean out these caves. Again the heroes found a cave sealed by a door. This time Br Arton heard a lot of noise when he had listened to the door. Sir Kendrik again opened the door carefully and was surrounded on the other side of the door by Gnolls. Sir Kendrik attacked them blocking the door, preventing Br Arton from entering before stepping inside. At this point Br Arton stuck his head in the door and with his Helm of dark vision saw that the room seemed full of Gnolls. He saw that there were 3 rows of Gnolls the front 2 rows in various forms of kneeling with bows and arrows and let go a volley of arrows at Sir Kendrik. Some connected but Sir Kendrik was not perturbed, as a Good Knight he knew that a Knight never runs away from a foe let alone back down from them. Also they were vermin and had to be dealt with or they would regroup and continue to harass the area.

Against almost overwhelming odds the heroes fought and finally defeated the Gnolls, though one escaped. Sir Kendrik taking great delight in dispatching what appeared to be their leader. More of these little burrows were in this cave as well. The two heroes headed back to the entrance of the caves and asked if a Gnoll had ran out. None had, and Jon asked if he could go back in, He had decided to add a Gnoll claw to his collection. While he was in there he could hear the sound of what seemed like young mewling for their mothers. The party decided that they needed to seal up the caves to prevent the Gnolls reinfesting them. Br Arton used one of his Stone Shape spells to seal the entrance.

The party camped the night, healed those who needed it and headed for Axbridge with the liberated villagers. Meanwhile back at Igham, Callin the Rogue had arrived to find out that most of the party were missing on a Gnoll hunt and Callin had found striding into town Valiant, Sir Kendrik’s Destrier with no sign of the young Knight. To make Callin uneasier, Valiant had scratch marks on his front quarters, clearly made by a large animal. Callin met up with the other rogue; Cain and Cain filled him in on what he knew. Callin then had a plan. He headed over to the Constable and chatted to him about the situation with the rest of Callin’s party. An agreement was met to go search for the others and Callin and Cain then walked over to the stocks where the Halfling Brigands remained. Callin told the halflings that he was surprised that they were still alive or here at all, expecting the other halflings to have tried to help them escape. Callin then started to intimidate the halfling in a very subtle way. He offered release for the one that told all they knew about the halfling hide out. The one that hadn’t spoken to Sir Kendrik and Br Arton started to speak, trying to broker a deal with Callin to be released. Callin agreed on the proviso that Cain cast a spell on him so he wouldn’t lie. This spell would activate if he didn’t tell the truth and the party walked into a trap. The halfling agreed, Cain pretended to cast a spell but ended up casting something on the halfling as trails of light followed his hands as he cast! Cain then collapsed to one knee exhausted. Callin was amazed that Cain had actually cast a spell, thinking Cain couldn’t actually do it. The Halfling told all he knew on how to get to the hide out.

Back at the caves, the party saw a hooded figure looking at the caves. They approached and realised it was the ranger Andrea. She asked who caused this and the party told her it was they and filled her in on everything. The topic got to Mendel the Merchant and our suspicions of him. She couldn’t believe it and an argument ensued over it with Sir Kendrik and Andrea debating the good character of Mendel. Andrea was getting very agitated and claimed that Sir Kendrik was dismissing her opinions as she was a woman doing a man’s job. She left with Winter in pursuit who tried to settle the waters. The party then collects the bodies from the cairn that they had made the day earlier. The bodies were put in a cart and returned to Axbridge.

Sir Kendrik on return to Axbridge visited his father to find out if any one had purchased large amounts of weapons from him. His father was very difficult and returned Sir Kendrik’s questions with more questions, telling Sir Kendrik to ask him what he really wants. Lars also got the feeling that Sir Kendrik suspected him, Sir Kendrik told him that he didn’t suspect him. Sir Kendrik had gotten seriously frustrated by the conversion and left. He then went to the local Harper Lucan and another frustrating conversation with the Harper telling Sir Kendrik to learn exactly what he wants to ask before asking it. Sir Kendrik feeling that he had gotten nowhere joined the rest of the party to head back to Igham

End Session

Sir Kendrik

First Post
This week episode is rather short as we had a very disjointed game. Every interruption/delay that could have happened did and the session was ended when one of the players who was on-call was called away. Oh well, that’s life.
Here is a recap of what happened.
Our heroes are in Axbridge, preparing to return to Ironfeld, the thorp that the Gnolls had attacked with the villagers from there. Sir Kendrik had decided that diplomacy was not the right tool to use with his father, Lars, and returned to the Smithy to ask Lars the questions more directly. Lars was busy working and didn’t stop working as Sir Kendrik asked if Mendel had been buying weapons. His father said yes and Sir Kendrik asked how much was the last amount Mendel had requested. Lars told Sir Kendrik that he purchased 3 dozen arrows and 3 short swords. Kendrik feeling his father was being pigheaded asked “why do you have to make things so difficult?” His father didn’t answer. Kendrik then left to ready for the walk to the thorp with a feeling that he had gotten somewhere and was optimistic.

The walk back to the thorp took all day and was uneventful. A thorp elder on arrival to the thorp dropped to one knee and thanked Sir Kendrik and the rest of the party for their help and offered what they could in return. Sir Kendrik accepted the thanks on behalf of the group but said all that he needed was the knowledge that these good folk were home safe and sound.. The women of the thorp had already started getting food ready for the evening meal. Sir Kendrik noticing the men of the thorp clearing rubble and debris rolled up his sleeves and joined in. The other party members did likewise.

Back in Axbridge, during the night Callin had snuck to the stocks and released the halfling that had talked to him.

The next morning our heroes headed to the place they had left the horses. They were missing, Jon McAlpin noticed that a fight had occurred and blood lay around with drag marks into the bushes. The Party followed the tracks and found the flyblown carcass of Sunbright, Br Arton’s light warhorse. Br Arton’s belonging were missing. A short search led the party to find the empty saddlebags a little way from the body. They had been opened by a humanoid not an animal as the saddlebags were not damaged. The party assumed a passerby had taken the items. The party returned to Ironfeld and then moved on to Igham.

The Party arrived in Igham to the sight of one of the stocks in the village green empty. Sir Kendrik quickly strides over yelling out “what happened” to the Constable who was standing next to it. The Constable was very apologetic claiming he didn’t expect to have to have a guard there 2 weeks after they were brought in. Sir Kendrik accepted this and asked exacted what happened. The Constable filled the party in. Sir Kendrik then turned his attention to the other halfling to get it to talk. It did claiming that it was one of Sir Kendrik’s men at arms who did it. Sir Kendrik and Br Arton tried to get more out of him but he wouldn’t speak claiming that another of the young Knight’s men at arms would place a charm on him.

The party then headed into the inn where the rogues Callin and Cain were playing dice. They filled in each others adventures. Sir Kendrik relayed what he had found out from his father about Mendel and Cain filled in the details of Mendel’s visit to the halflings. Callin told of the details of the way to the hide out of the halflings and told Sir Kendrik that Valiant was wounded and in the stables. The party headed out there and Br Arton noticed that the wound had nearly healed over with a big scab. Sir Kendrik looked Valiant over for other injuries, which there were none.

Sir Kendrik decided to head to the woods to find the halfling hide out. Sir Kendrik proceeded on Valiant and the others on foot. They worked their way through the woods in the direction the halfling had told. After a while it was decided that they had walked too far and Ash the Raven, Winter’s familiar was sent up in the air to scout out. Ash reported back that we should back track to the hills we walked over. Jon and Cain were sent ahead to scout for the hide out entrance. They looked around and had found something and reported back just in time to join the party in a visit from a giant bee heading towards them…………

End Session

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Well here is the next in the ongoing saga of Sir Kendrik and the Axbridge Crew.
In a new addition to these posting I will add the current date in the Misty Isles.
Date: Solday 8th Fieldtoiling 1353

When we left our heroes they were about to be visited by a giant bee the size of a sheep. Sir Kendrik ordered the party to hide and as the party hid behind trees and foliage they watched as the bee, moved over to a bush that had many flowers on it. It moved its abdomen over the bush and flew off. Jon McAlpin the ranger informed the rest of the group that it was probably marking the plant so the others of the hive could find it later. Sir Kendrik not wanting to be distracted from the job at hand by a swarm of giant bees ordered that the party move on towards the clearing the ranger and rogue had found.

The party remained to the edge of the wood around the clearing. Sir Kendrik informed the party that they should stay hidden in case of sentries guarding the entrance. In front of the party lay an escarpment that was covered in ivy. A cursory look informed the members of the party who understood nature that it was poison ivy. The ivy would make an excellent disguise for a cave so Sir Kendrik then ordered Jon and Cain the rogue to scout along the escarpment for an entrance. They did this and funnily enough they found one. Reporting this back to the group the party ventured to the entrance site. One of the party remained with Valiant, that was Callin (the player was away and we had to find something for him to do). Winter used his quarterstaff to open a way through the cave entrance.

Once inside the party was faced with a naturally hewn passageway. Cain was handed Br Arton’s helm of dark vision to wear to make it easier to spot traps and such. With Cain and Jon in the lead, Sir Kendrik next and Br Arton and Winter in the rear the party followed the passageway to a junction. Sir Kendrik ordered Cain to proceed carefully down the passageway to the east and scout the way. Cain seemed to not hear the order properly as he moved ahead and was hit by a spear trap at the first room he came across. After he removed the spear from his shoulder he moved on to the next room, taking more care he found a trip wire and hanging from the ceiling above heaps of small bags. The party caught up with him and Cain told them that the other passage seemed to meet up with this one. They returned back the way they came, not wanting to risk setting off the second rooms trap.

Heading down the westerly passageway the party soon came under arrow attack. The party then returned fire. Sir Kendrik realised that the 4 halflings firing at them had too much cover from the depression that was further down this passageway. He charged down to the halflings dropping his crossbow. The others followed his lead and the battle continued in melee where one halfling was killed. These halflings beat a hasty retreat making as much noise as possible with Sir Kendrik in pursuit. As the others followed they came under fire from behind and Sir Kendrik was left to fight the 3 remaining on his own.

Winter the wizard collected Sir Kendrik and Cain’s crossbows and followed Sir Kendrik at a distance. Sir Kendrik followed the retreating halflings who now had 3 direbadgers at their side. The direbadgers were snarling and charged Sir Kendrik. He stood his ground and fought them all off single-handedly, receiving moderate wounds from claw and bite marks. Winter whilst trying to aid Sir Kendrik was attacked by the 3 Halflings. Winter had cast a Shillelagh spell and fought them with his pet lion Zodiac (Zodi for short). These halflings were defeated and Sir Kendrik made sure they were stable so they could be taken back to Igham to face justice for their crimes.

The other heroes were fighting 4 more halflings. Jon was holding back, using his good archery skills and fired arrows at one of the halflings. Br Arton and Cain had cornered one of the halfling behind a brazier. The cunning halfling pushed the brazier at the heroes but they didn’t catch fire as they moved out of the way in time. They fought him till he pleaded for mercy which Br Arton gave. Br Arton told him to sit and wait and went to fight another halfling Cain then ran to one of the others and fought him. Jon killed the one he was firing at and took on another at range.

The halfling that was now prisoner of Br Arton, seeing his chance to escape did. Another who had been fighting Winter tried the same and was killed by Jon who had spied him running besides him. Jon then headed over to Sir Kendrik and Sir Kendrik ordered him to help stabilize the halflings.

When the battle had ended they gathered up the unconscious halflings and bound them with rope. Investigating the remaining 2 passageways for the leader was the next job the party had to do. Cain went to the passageway that Sir Kendrik had been heading to and found a nest for the badgers, with a mother badger nursing her brood in there. He left the family there and returned to the party. The Party then headed down to the passageway that headed away from the area Br Arton and Cain had fought in, which was the halflings kitchen area, with barrels of food and smoked deer carcasses in a corner.

The party proceeded carefully down the passageway. Cain found a pit trap that he disabled. He argued with Sir Kendrik that he should be the one to test if it was disabled. Sir Kendrik would have nothing of it and told him to stop questioning his orders. Sir Kendrik had decided that he was the heaviest one in the party so he would test it. It creaked as Sir Kendrik walked over it but he made it across safely. The party then proceeded to the next room with Cain scouting ahead when Cain seemed to walk into a wall of force. When he did this a portcullis dropped down on Jon. Sir Kendrik tried to lift it off Jon and failed till Br Arton cast a bull strength spell on him. Once they rescued Jon. Sir Kendirk dropped the portcullis. Br Arton and Winter then went back to the kitchen and rolled back two barrels to use to prop the portcullis up as we entered to room Cain was in. Br Arton worked out that the wall of force was in fact a wall that had an illusion of a passageway cast upon it. Sir Kendrik ordered Cain to carefully look for a secret door. There was none so they headed back to the kitchen area.

Meanwhile, back at the cave entrance Callin spied the head halfling Hesslewhite and a nasty looking, heavily pierced dwarf leaving, the dwarf wiping blood off a dagger on his leg. They then headed up the escarpment. Callin (the player had now turned up) decided to follow them at a discreet distance.

Back in the cave the party returned to the kitchen to the sight of all the tied up halflings dead with their throats slit. Sir Kendrik was disgusted that his prisoners were now useless. Br Arton noticed that the wall behind the barrels was really a curtain painted like rock. On inspection the curtain covered a sleeping chamber for 3 people. In the middle of the opulent room was the ravager Calligulus’ armour and a few barrels and 3 chests. Inspection of the barrels showed that they had false bottoms and were empty bar one, which had Caligulus’ weapons and personal items. The barrels had the Axbridge craft label on the side of them. The chests only held personal clothes and grooming items. An inspection of the kitchen items uncovered a chest full of salt, a truly rare item and Sir Kendrik ordered that all incriminating items be collected up and returned with the party to Igham.

Jon noticed tracks that led out of he cave, they were one adult sized and one child sized feet. Before the party headed out, Cain asked if he could check out the room with the bags suspended from the ceiling. Sir Kendrik said that he could as they left. Cain found another tripwire at the other entrance to that room. He investigated the room and found nothing but a brazier against the wall. As he left he deliberately set off the trap and the bags fell to the ground. They were full of white powder that filled the room and then it went boom! Cain had flour on his back, the flour in the air exploded when it hit the naked flame. An ingenious trap indeed!

The party then headed out the cave entrance and Sir Kendrik told Jon to look for more tracks. He did, there were 3 tracks 2 side by side like the ones in the cave, with another over the top of them. Sir Kendrik put two and two together and worked out that Callin had followed them. Callin was nowhere to be seen so Sir Kendrik fetched Valiant and they started to follow the trail.

End Session.

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