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Love goes horribly Wrong Story Hour

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Hello regular and first time readers to the exploits of the intrepid heroes of the Misty Isles.
Date: Solday 8th Fieldtoiling 1353
When we last joined our heroes they had just cleaned out the headquarters of the halfling brigands. Unfortunately the head halfling Hesslewhite and his companion, a heavily tattooed dwarf had slaughtered their own men, realising that the heroes would be taking them back to Igham for trial. The two villains had headed south and were unaware that the rogue Callin was following them at a discreet distance.

Back at the cave entrance the remaining heroes were getting ready to follow the trail that the others had made. Sir Kendrik felt that the goods the party had collected would slow the party down ordered that they be secreted away. Jon offered to hide them in the undergrowth, which he did and the party headed in pursuit of the villains.

The heroes followed the trail for what seemed like forever, in fact it had been about an hour when they came across a curious parting of the tracks. The halfling print went straight ahead while the dwarf’s and Callin’s diverted to the right. Sir Kendrik decided that there must be a good reason for Callin to take that route so he ordered the party to follow his prints. A short distance further on the tracks joined again. The heroes continued along the track for another 30 minutes when they came across a stream. The track continued along the side of the stream and they continued following it.

A little way along this stream the party was attacked by 3 dire badgers that the party dispatched quickly before continuing their journey. Further ahead Callin is aware that he was being followed. He starts to drop back a little from the villains. The thing that was following him was a Huge Bugbear bounty hunter called Exeter. Callin had come across him in his travels to Baron Montombre’s lands. Callin has been spying for Baron Aldred on Montombre and now has a bounty on his head. Most likely the bounty was placed not because Callin was spying but because he had started a relationship with Montombre’s beautiful daughter, Ashleigh. The bounty was put on Callin’s head by Sir Bron, Montombre’s cruel son, the son that had been slighted by Aldred by refusing his offer of marriage to Lady Sharra.

Exeter is a mean but professional bounty hunter with his weapons of choice being 2 great axes, which he wields with great skill one handed. Exeter caught up to Callin and informs Callin that he should come with him as he was worth more to him alive than dead. Callin not surprisingly says no and runs. Exeter followed refusing to have his prey escape yet again. Callin started to pull away from Exeter when Exeter stopped and threw one of his great axes at Callin. The greataxe glanced Callin’s back leaving a nasty gash. Realising that Exeter was determined to capture him starts to sprint. Exeter dropped further behind and in his deep voice yelled to Callin “you can run but you can’t hide Callin”

After about 10 minutes of running Callin met up with his fellow heroes. He informed them of the bounty hunter which explained why there was a new set of tracks. They continued to follow the trail keeping a wary eye out for Exeter. Along the way they came across a tree that had very very lush greenery and soil around it for 20 feet around, much more than the area around that circle. The track also seemed to skirt the lush circle. Jon and Cain moved ahead to investigate. Cain spying something shiny heading into the lush undergrowth. Bad move, all of a sudden long needle like thorns shoot from the tree with unerring accuracy. On seeing this Wynn Tyr the Wizard points out that this tree is an Archer Tree and they use these thorns to kill animals, which then rot and feed the soil.

The party moved on from there and after about an another hour they came across a tree with a blaze on it. The tracks at this point differed too, wagon tracks and older footprints, about 5 days old. Cain suddenly realised that the party was at the point were Mendel, the dwarf and the Halflings had swapped barrels. The party was not far from the road to Hessard’s Ford and Igham. They followed the track to the road. The tracks then headed towards Hessard’s Ford. At this point Sir Kendrik mounted his war horse Valiant and told Callin to join him. He then told the rest of the party to continue to Hessard’s Ford as Kendrik and Callin would ride back to Igham to collect the other horses. Not far out of Hessard’s Ford Sir Kendrik and Callin joined the rest of the party. Wynn Tyr left his lion Zodiac outside the hamlet and the heroes rode in. Once in the hamlet Kendrik ordered the party to spilt into 2 and investigate the inn and the near by tavern. Sir Kendrik himself would head to the manor house and inform whomever was in charge there of their arrival and their intentions to capture/question the villains.

As usual being diplomatic isn’t Sir Kendrik’s strong suit. He entered the manor house and spoke to the Bailiff who informed Kendrik that the Knight of the manor would see him promptly. Sir Kendrik was led to the great hall where he waited for the Knight to arrive. When he did, Sir Kendrik (still with his helm on!!!) introduced himself telling Sir Bascomb that Kendrik and his party were in Hessard’s Ford to capture 2 criminals who were probably staying at the inn. Sir Bascomb blew his top at Sir Kendrik, telling him who the hell did he think he was riding into his village and making demands. Sir Kendrik quickly back-peddled and told him that they seeing that it happened in Baron Aldred’s lands and they were still in them they had every right to. Wrong again Sir Kendrik! Sir Bascomb informed the young Knight that the Bascomb family had owned these lands for several generations. Sir Kendrik apologised for his assumption and tried to smooth over a difficult situation. In the end Sir Bascomb told Sir Kendrik to deal with it but if there were trouble he would not be amused.

At the inn, Callin and Wynn Tyr had had entered while Jon scouted outside. Callin went up to the barkeep and asked him if Callin’s companions had arrived. Callin then described the two villains. The Barkeep kept quiet it till a few gold marks were slid his way. The Barkeep told Callin they were staying in 2 rooms upstairs. Jon had investigated the stables and found nothing. He decided he would enter the inn through the kitchen. Bad move, a crabby old woman, the size of a house blocked his path and insist he enter the conventional way. After a bit of a struggle Jon retreated to enter the correct way. He talked to Callin who told him that the villains were upstairs. Jon left to inform the others at the tavern.

He collects them and returns to the inn. Br Arton and Cain head inside while Jon headed around the back to keep an eye on the windows upstairs. Sir Kendrik then arrived he was stopped in his tracks by an older man who wanted to help. Sir Kendrik, not wanting to involve anyone else told the old man that he has to see his friends and he will get back to him. Sir Kendrik then headed over to Callin and Callin informed him of the villains whereabouts. Sir Kendrik told Callin that they had to do it quietly and to not cause trouble. The two friends headed up the stairs, Br Arton and Cain seeing this happen follow. Wynn Tyr heads outside and joins Jon. AS Sir Kendrik led the way a Halfling that looked like Hesslewhite but not like Hesslewhite, if you get what I mean, is heading down the stairs. Sir Kendrik not wanting to jump the wrong man let him pass.

At the top of the stairs Sir Kendrik and Callin are confronted with the sight of a heavily tattooed dwarf, no shirt on and with nipple piercings. Sir Kendrik told him to halt and that they were going to take the dwarf into custody for questioning over the murder of the halflings. The dwarf announced that his name was Deckard and that he would not be going with them. He said that he was acting a messenger for Baron Montombre and the party has no right to delay the work of a messenger. He then reached towards and into a pouch he had on his belt. Sir Kendrik fears that he had spell dust or a weapon and charged him. Deckard successfully dodged Kendrik and the knight fell flat on his face. Deckard then placed his foot square in the middle of the back of Sir Kendrik waving a scroll case around with Montombre’s seal on it. Sir Kendrik then got up and Br Arton told him that he was going to come with the party whether he liked it or not. Callin investigated Hesslewhite’s room as Kendrik investigated Deckards room, finding no sign of the halfling the bolted after the halfling that had pasted them down the stair. This halfling was now out the door. Br Arton decided to cast hold on Deckard and Jon who had now entered the inn tied him up.

When Sir Kendrik got outside he saw a halfling riding off with one of the horses from the manor. Callin, Cain and Kendrik ran to the manor and gave chase on horseback. They were catching the halfling, and Callin decided to take a different route that headed the halfling off at the pass. The halfling realised this and jumped from his horse and dissappeared into the darkness.

Back at the inn, the sound of footprints came up the stairs, it was Sir Bascomb and the town guard. Sir Bascomb demanded to know what the hell was going on. Br Arton informed him and the Knight wanted to know what Deckard had to say. Deckard told him that he was a messenger for Montombre and showed the scroll case. Sir Bascomb demanded the release of the dwarf. Br Arton said no, as did Jon. This continued for a bit and Sir Bascombe ordered the arrest of Br Arton and Jon. They were detained and taken to the stocks. Jon fought all the way and was about to hit the guardsman with his axe but changed his mind.

Back in the woods, the three heroes lit torches and searched for Hesslewhite, eventually Callin came across an old woman, halfling size. Callin stopped her and she begged to be left alone, Callin insisted and grabbed her arm, this made him see through the glamour and then started to grapple with Hesslewhite. Sir Kendrik and Cain joined him after they ran over. Just after they tied him up they noticed that there was a strange talisman around his neck. It was made of leather and it had no join on it. Cain tried to cut it off and it tightened around Hesslewhite throat, no matter how much the heroes tried to release the grip of the talisman it got tighter and killed Hesslewhite.

Back at the stocks the older man who identified himself as Hedger was asked to stand guard over the two heroes (Hedger is a new PC, played by the player who played Halbaen). A conversation ensued and Jon whined constantly.

The three heroes returned with Hesslewhite limp body. Sir Kendrik headed back to the manor where Deckard was standing next to Bascomb. Sir Bascomb demanded Sir Kendrik explain his parties actions. Sir Kendrik asked what had happened and informed him of the horse theft that Hesslewhite had done and his fate. Telling him that Hesslewhite’s actions where not the actions of an honest man. Sir Bascomb wasn’t interested in that. He told both Deckard and Sir Kendrik leave town at daybreak. Sir Kendrik asked what would happen to his men in the stocks. Bascomb said they were Sir Kendrik’s problem and asked that a suitable punishment be served. He informed Sir Kendrik that a room was made for him and Deckard in the manor. Sir Kendrik said he would return after seeing about his men.

Sir Kendrik arrived at the stocks and demanded an explanation to their behaviour. Br Arton told him and Sir Kendrik wasn’t impressed. Jon complained about how wrong that Deckard was free and he was in the stocks. Kendrik told him how lucky he was that he talked the Knight into letting them go tomorrow and that Bascomb had arrested them for disobeying his order not the arrest of Deckard. Callin informed the rest of the party that Hesslewhite was dead. Br Arton had a brainwave and suggested they use a commune with the dead spell. This spell allowed a Priest of Pelor to ask a dead person 4 questions which if they answer they would answer truthfully. Sir Kendrik headed back to the manor to ask if Bascomb would allow this to happen with Deckard and Bascomb present tomorrow morning. Kendrik laid on the diplomacy real heavy and convinced him. Kendrik told him about it being blessed by Pelor and the like and that the questions asked would be answered truthfully, therefore giving Bascomb the evidence he needed. Hesslewhite’s body was taken to the storeroom under the house. Sir Kendrik asked if a guard could be placed at the storeroom.

Sir Kendrik returned to the stocks and the questions had been formulated. Sir Kendrik headed back to the manor and rested. The next morning Sir Bascomb ordered everyone to the storeroom for the spell. Br Arton cast and after 10 minutes there was a blue light that entered Hesslewhite’s mouth and nose and his eyes opened. Br Arton then asked the first question. Where you one of a group that relieved people of their possessions outside Igham? The animated corpse moved and said YES! Next question, Did Deckard kill the Halflings? Again he said YES! Was Deckard involved in the brigandry? The corpse said NO! Were you trading weapons with Mendel? YES! Was the last answer as the blue light left the halflings body.

Sir Bascombe turned to Deckard who was standing next to Kendrik. Deckard who had been leaning on his dwarven axe took a battle stance and told that no one but him would leave the room alive. The tattoos on Deckard’s arms glowed and his body changed to appear like stone. Sir Kendrik drew his holy sword and hit him with it, it did nothing as did Cains blow. Deckard then attacked Sir Kendrik and knocked his sword from his hands, and tripped Kendrik to the ground. Br Arton then cast holy smite, which succeeded in injuring Deckard a bit but knocked unconscious Sir Bascomb and nearly Jon as well (I guess we need to do alignment checks before stunts like that in future). The battle continued with the blows not doing any damage for quite some time. Br Arton hit Deckard with a couple searing light spells. When Sir Kendrik realised the blows were doing appropriate damage he demanded Deckard yield. Jon everyone bar Jon held a blow till Deckard reacted, if he did attack they would attack him then. Deckard probably realised that Jon wasn’t going to stop so he continued fighting. Sir Kendrik critical hit him and dropped him. Kendrik wanted Deckard alive so he ordered Arton to heal him. He was tied up. Sir Bascomb fortunately didn’t die from the smite and told Sir Kendrik to get his party out of Hessards Ford as soon as possible and he left the room.

Jon stormed out, Sir Kendrik followed and called out to him. Jon stopped and let Sir kendrik know exactly how he felt about the whole incident. He would not be returning with the party and he might not return to the party either. Sir Kendrik told him a few things about his behaviour and that Sir Kendrik was hamstrung by the law and that he had no choice but to let Deckard go. Kendrik told Jon that he hoped he would change his mind. Sir Kendrik tried to give Jon an insight into the difficulties of being a Knight but he wasn’t interested. Sir Kendrik told him that he looked forward to seeing Jon in Clyster and shook his hand. Jon departed.

End of Session.

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Sir Kendrik

First Post
Hello everyone,
Here is the latest gripping instalment in the life and times of Sir Kendrik. It was a pretty full on session as usual.
When we left our intrepid heroes they had solved the problem of the brigandry around Igham and were about to return to Clyster keep with the villains, one alive, the brutish dwarf Deckard and one deceased Hesslewhite the cunning Halfling.

Lunaday 16 Fieldtoiling 1353

The adventure started with the heroes approaching the gates of the keep after a weeklong journey home. Each character pleased to see the familiar sight of a place that was now home for them all. Sir Kendrik however had a sense of trepidation for what was to come. He had noticed that the Baron’s colours were flying high above the Keep, a sign that the Baron had returned from his audience with the King at the capital.

As the heroes worked their way through this familiar territory, one by one characters headed to places they needed to visit. First to peel off was Br Arton who headed to the Cathedral of St Asgenar to report to his boss the Arch Deacon Br Markel. As he reported back he informed Br Markel of his misdemeanour in Hessard’s Ford. During their conversation Br Markel told Br Arton that he would be put in charge of investigating the rise in Legion activity in the Misty Isles. They also talked about the holy relic that had been taken by Caligulus and corrupted by the Necromancer.

The wizard Wynn Tyr headed for the wizards’ tower to visit his master, Arturo. Arturo was pleased to see one of his most gifted students and they reminisced and caught up. During this conversation Arturo enlisted Wynn Tyr’s help with one of his new students, the rogue Cain, whom Arturo claimed seem to think that his training seemed to be unimportant to him. Arturo said that if it was anyone else he would have told him to leave but Cain seems quite gifted. Little did they know that Cain was how heading up the stairs to report also. Wynn Tyr met him as they crossed on the stairs and informed him of the new arrangement and that their first lesson would be the next day.

Sir Kendrik and Callin had met the Captain of the guard. Sir Kendrik informed the captain that they had 2 prisoners that needed to be put in cells. The halfling was sent to the keep crypt and Deckard to the dungeons, Kendrik told him to make sure they were careful with him and that he is trouble. As the dwarf was lead away he gave a cold stare at Sir Kendrik. Sir Kendrik told the stable boys to lead the horse away and have them fed and watered and that the goods were to be taken to the armoury for safe keeping. At this time Callin left Sir Kendrik, and the Young knight was heading off to arrange an audience with the Baron, he meets the chamberlain inside the keep and the chamberlain explains that Sir Kendrik’s presence was required at the great hall immediately. Sir Kendrik was dreading what was to happen but he was resigned to it and followed the chamberlain to the great hall.

Sir Kendrik stopped at the entrance to the great hall and waited to be announced. Seated in the middle of the hall was the Baron, Sir Brand his champion, standing to his right and behind him, his second son Sir Artor sitting nest to him and to the side watching on Lady Elanor. He was announced and a very serious sounding Baron Aldred summoned him closer. What happened next was the Baron berating the young knight for his dishonourable conduct and neglect of his duty to protect Lady Elanor. Sir Kendrik was not given any chance to speak till the Baron was finished. When Kendrik finally spoke he took full responsibility for his actions and apologised for them. He told his Baron that he had come to realise from his actions that he needed to learn that you couldn’t win every battle. When Kendrik had finished talking the Baron laid down his judgment on Sir Kendrik. He told Kendrik that he is very careful in whom he chooses to become a knight in his service. He had hoped that by making Sir Kendrik a lowly blacksmith’s son a Knight that it would send a message that anyone in Aldred’s lands could rise to nobility. He then mentioned that Sir Kendrik’s dishonourable behaviour had made him wonder if that was a good idea. He then passed judgment that Sir Kendrik be stripped of his Knighthood and all the privileges and rights that his position entailed. At this point Lady Elanor rose to her feet and ran to her ward. She fell at the Baron’s feet and begged that he reconsider. She begged that he considers that Sir Kendrik had only been a squire and a Knight for less than a year and that he was still learning his role. She was distraught and close to sobbing. The Baron told her that if she had been anyone but her, his daughter of his heart, he would have said NO, but he would do as she said. He then changed his verdict to be thus, a blood payment to Lady Elanor of 2000 Gold Marks paid directly to her dowry to be paid by Sir Kendrik at his earliest convenience. On top of that he declared that Lady Elanor could now accept new suitors. Kendrik was heartbroken but accepted his fate, the young Knight’s questing had made him a pauper but the treasure was yet to be sold and divided up. He would be able to pay in a few days. He was totally crestfallen over the fact that he couldn’t court the fair Elanor any more. His life was at its lowest ebb. Lady Elanor begged the Baron to change his mind on the courting ruling but he wouldn’t budge on that. She raised herself from her ward’s feet and left the great hall. Sir Kendrik was then dismissed. Sir Kendrik played a very low profile, rarely seen about the keep except for his daily jousting training in the morning.

Marday 17 Fieldtoiling 1353

The next day Wynn Tyr held his first class. He had 3 students including Cain. He was teaching them how to do simple hand movements when out of the corner of his eye he could see a mana knot developing in Cain’s hand. Unfortunately it was too late an the spell was cast, it was a very powerful bolt of light that burst out from Cain’s hands, Cain couldn’t control it and the arc of the blast widened. When the spell disappeared the other students were unconscious and Cain had dropped to one knee and was dry reaching. Cain’s first lesson was a hit! Master Arturo came in to see what happened and after being told by Cain and Wynn Tyr. Arturo told the two young wizards that Cain was a sorcerer. They needed to keep this fact quiet as sorcerers are considered witches. Arturo told Wynn Tyr to make sure Cain is trained properly and that he be tested. He feels that Cain may be fey touched and such individuals need to be encouraged. He also told Wynn Tyr privately that if Cain starts to become a liability or trouble he would need to tell Arturo so the Wizard’s council can be alerted and Cain would be stilled.

Pelorday 18 Fieldtoiling 1353

The next few days the characters spent doing their personal business apart from Cain and Wynn Tyr, they were busy all day identifying all the magical items the party had collected.

Solday 22 Fieldtoiling 1353

At the end of this the party got together to discuss which items the party would like to keep and what to sell. Kendrik was in a very surly mood and hurried things along trying to end the torture that was debating over items that had been collected in his quest after the halflings that had brought shame to him. Callin had picked up on Sir Kendrik’s short temper and foul mood and asked what was the matter. Sir Kendrik confessed that he was not interested in any of the items. He then mentioned that he was only interested in getting the money to clear his debt to the Baron. None of the characters seemed interested in Sir Kendrik’s plight and he sat back and let them deal with it agreeing with all decisions.

Lonnaday 27 Fieldtoiling 1353

When the items were sold and the spoils divided between the party Sir Kendrik took the blood payment and the Baron’s 10 % cut of the proceeds, which totalled over 4000 Gold Marks. The Baron was impressed at the increase to his coffers and thanked Sir Kendrik.

Freeday 28 Fieldtoiling 1353

More days passed and while Sir Kendrik was in the practice field he was told he had a visitor at the keep gates. It was Hedger of Bascomb, the old soldier who had guarded Br Arton and Jon while they were in the stocks. Hedger had travelled on foot from Hessard’s Ford intent on offering his services to the brash young knight who had impressed him. They chatted for a while, Sir Kendrik quizzing him on his bone fides; Sir Brand then decided to investigate this and joined the conversation. He asked Hedger who he was and why he was there. He informed Sir Brand of his intention to join Sir Kendrik. Sir Brand asked Kendrik what he thought of that and asked what he knew of this old man. Sir Kendrik hold his mentor in awe and I guess hero worships him as someone he strives to be. This makes Sir Kendrik very nervous around him and unsure of himself. He does his best to explain his thoughts and Sir Brand asks if Hedger had papers from his Lord to back up his claims, he didn’t. Sir Brand then told Kendrik it would be his decision alone and that he should remember to choose his companions wisely as he knew what his companion’s actions reflected onto the young knight. Sir Kendrik in a moment of surprising confidence informs his mentor that he learns from his mistakes and he won’t do the same mistake twice. Sir Kendrik informs Hedger that he will give him a trial.

Solday 29 Fieldtoiling 1353

The next day while Sir Kendrik was breaking his fast a face he was looking for since his return to Clyster appeared in front of him, head bowed and kneeling before him. It was the ranger Jon, who had come to apologise for his actions in Hessard’s Ford. Kendrik accepted his apology and offered one himself. Saying that he handled his friends’ situation badly. They chatted for a brief time and Sir Kendrik informed him that he had to collect the punishment on behalf of Sir Bascomb. Sir Kendrik asked for a fine of 50 Gold Marks. Jon being broke told him he would get it to Sir Kendrik as soon as possible. Sir Kendrik told Jon that his share of the treasure awaited him at the cathedral with Br Arton. Jon headed off to collect it.

That afternoon Cain had headed out to spend some of this hard-earned money on some supplies. As he walked to the market he was grabbed and dragged to an alley. The person who had grabbed him was an old familiar face to him; it was his Uncle Rasheen, a member of the thieves’ guild. Cain and Rasheen had parted on bad terms. Cain was less than friendly at the family reunion. Rasheen had taught Cain all he knew on the roguish arts. Rasheen had a proposition to make to Cain, Cain said that he had left that part of his life behind. His uncle then told him that if wasn’t for him Cain would be still on the streets and that he owed his uncle big time. Rasheen asked him to meet him at the inn at 1st bell that night to talk about it. Cain reluctantly agreed.

Sir Kendrik had organised a meeting at the same inn for a discussion and to introduce Hedger to the group. This happened and the party chatted away to the wee hours. Rasheen had entered and was waiting at the bar for Cain. The party ended about 1st bell, but some of the party stayed on, Cain waited in an alley for Rasheen to appear and the plot was divulged. Rasheen had found out about an old noble that had a fortune and was weak and was hoping to get Cain to help him rob the noble. Cain said no. His uncle said all he had to do was keep lookout across the street, Cain agreed. Before he knew it his Uncle was casting a spell and using his thieves’ tools in mid air. Rasheen and Cain then headed over to the noble’s front door. Suddenly a city guard patrol walked by. Rasheen panicked and ran thinking they were after the two of them. The Guards yelled HALT! Rasheen kept running, Cain however stayed calm and walked up to the guards. They quizzed him about why he was out so late and why his companion ran. Cain answered the guards and convinced then to let him go and headed home to the keep.

End Session

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Well after the dramas of the BB behind us here is the next exciting instalment of the Life and times of Sir Kendrik and the Axbridge Crew.
When we last left our intrepid heroes Sir Kendrik had been right royally put in his place by his Lord, Baron Aldred. If not for the intercession of his beloved Lady Elanor, he would have been stripped of his Knighthood for his dishonourable conduct. In place of this he had to pay 2000 Gold Marks to Lady Elanor’s dowry and Lady Elanor was now open to seeing other suitors. Sir Kendrik was now deeply depressed; he was now of the impression that he had no honour, the most important thing to a Knight of The Realm and he thought he was not allowed to see Elanor.
Now to this weeks adventure.

Solday 29 Fieldtoiling 1353

We open the scene with Callin Toper, the party’s principle rogue, about to finish his all night watch on the keep battlements. During the night from his vantage point on the battlements Callin had been watching workers eagerly putting up stands and poles and the like in Clyster common. A soldier came to relieve him of his post and a chat ensued. Callin asked him what the building was all about on the common. The soldier quickly filled him in and said that it was stands and flagpoles for the Greening Day tourney, as he said that he passed a flyer to Callin. On the flyer was all the information on the upcoming tourney. Callin noticed that there was to be an archery competition as well.

Callin moved to the kitchen for breakfast and was soon joined by Sir Kendrik fresh from morning church service. Sir Kendrik collected a big plate of hot food and sat down next to his best friend. Sir Kendrik asked Callin what was the flyer in his hand about. Callin passed it to him and Sir Kendrik proceeded to read it, his eyes lighting up at what he read. He had long dreamed of entering a tourney, especially the joust and here was his chance. Sir Kendrik had thought that he would have to go to the capital to enter one and this opportunity was a dream come true. Maybe he could do well and get some of his lost honour back. He was keen to enter everything he could, then he realised he would have to get new weapons and armour as he currents ones were all magical. Cain then arrived and Sir Kendrik asked the two rogues to search the town blacksmiths for a suit of jousting armour and a masterwork longsword and large shield that could be ready in 2 days! Sir Kendrik told them o meet him at lunch with their results as he quickly ate his break fast and headed for the Harper hall.

Callin who hadn’t slept went to the barracks for a couple hours sleep before heading to the blacksmiths. Cain on the other hand stopped by the wizards tower to visit Wynn Tyr for his daily lessons. Wynn Tyr himself had been ordered by Master Arturo to collect some stores from Wonagan the Apothecary and to get a spell book together for Cain. They headed off there and chatted with Wonagan who told him that he could supply everything in an hour except for some opal dust which he was clean out of. That special order would take some weeks to meet.

Off in the woods Jon McAlpin was practicing with the composite longbow that Sir Kendrik had made sure was kept for Jon when he returned. He was about to loose an arrow at a tree to test the bow when a familiar voice called out to him. It was Forestmaster Aidkin, and the two friends chat. Aidkin admires the weapon and asks if he could have a shot. Jon passes him the bow and Aidkin pronounces it as very well balanced. He looses an arrow at a tree and the two rangers go to pull it out but it is stuck fast. As Aidkin tried to vainly remove the arrow he told Jon about the archery competition, telling Jon he should enter it. Jon was reluctant and told Aidkin maybe he should enter also, the friends now on the spot agree to enter together.

After the visit to Wonagan’s Cain and Wynn Tyr both headed off to find Sir Kendrik’s items. They first went to Bulan Steelstriker of Clan Garad, a dwarven master blacksmith of high repute. He was busy ordering his apprentices around when the characters arrived and appeared to not suffer fools gladly. They gave Bulan Steelstriker Sir Kendrik’s order and he said it would be impossible to meet it the time given and if he could it would cost 2,500 Gold Marks. Cain then said they would check the other blacksmiths. Bulan Steelstriker said that they wouldn’t find a suit of armour like that in the other smithies. Cain said fair enough and started to leave, the Dwarf then said the price would be higher if they left and came back. Cain realising that the Dwarf was serious told him that he would go get Sir Kendrik and bring him back.

Meanwhile at the Harper Hall Sir Kendrik was busy arranging the services of a Harper (bard) for the duration of the tourney. Master Harper Bennon met Sir Kendrik and they started to discuss Kendrik’s needs. Master Bennon impressed on Sir Kendrik that maybe he should petition the Harper Craft Hall to be permanently assigned a Harper. Kendrik thought this was a good idea and would draft the petition when he could over the next few days. Master Bennon left Sir Kendrik alone while he collected a Harper that Sir Kendrik could use for the tourney as a herald.

Cain and Wynn Tyr then arrived after been told they could find Sir Kendrik at the hall. They informed Sir Kendrik of what they had found out. Sir Kendrik said good work and told them to wait and he would be there promptly. Master Bennon bought out a short, plump curly haired young man named Stanor. Sir Kendrik started to discuss terms and offered 50 Gold Marks as payment, with Stanor preparing to take advantage of Kendrik’s generosity until Master Bennon intervened by clearing his throat. Stanor reluctantly declined, so Kendrik then dropped the offer to 5 Gold Mark a day, again an overtly generous offer. Stanor again reluctantly declined at the insistence of Master Bennon and a final offer was made of 1 Gold Mark a day. The deal was then struck after a brief discussion of lodging and board, which Kendrik agreed to meet the cost of.

Sir Kendrik and Stanor headed briskly to Bulan Steelstriker’s smithy. Sir Kendrik introduced Stanor to Cain and Wynn Tyr and headed into the smithy. Sir Kendrik then started to do business with Bulan Steelstriker. Kendrik had the feeling that the dwarf was trying to make things more difficult than they were, and definitely thought he was trying to take him for a ride. Kendrik decided he would stick to his price. The dwarf asked him what he was willing to pay and Kendrik told him, 1800 Gold Marks and not one copper bit more. Bulan Steelstriker laughed at the young Knight and told him that he wouldn’t go below 2500 Gold Marks considering the timeline. Sir Kendrik told the dwarf that he was the son o f a blacksmith and knew full well the hard work involved but Sir Kendrik wouldn’t budge. Kendrik then asked if the dwarf was willing to let this much work just walk out the door and Kendrik was willing to add more business to that being organised. Sir Kendrik left and headed off to the other smithies. They told him they couldn’t do the work in anywhere near the time. Sir Kendrik swallowed his pride and headed back to Bulan Steelstriker’s. Bulan told him the price was still the same but he would take on the job if Kendrik would pay he price. Sir Kendrik told him he could put his magical armour up as collateral. Bulan Steelstriker told him to go get the suit so he could see what it was worth, then he would start to measure Kendrik up.

Kendrik and the rest of the party headed back to the keep and the bumped into Callin, Kendrik informed Callin of developments. Callin gently reminded the young Knight that we had a party gold pool for such occasions as this. Kendrik sheepishly agreed and headed to get the required funds. He returned with the money and the measuring up began. In between measurements Sir Kendrik arranged for a pavilion to me made for the tourney in his colours of azure and argent.

Over these 2 days the party prepare for the Greening Day festivities, with Cain, Callin and Jon all buying masterwork arrows for the Archery competition and Jon buying a masterwork Longbow.

Marday 1 Greening 1353

Before first light the young unmarried ladies of the keep were up and heading out to the fields giggling as they went with baskets and glowbaskets (wicker baskets with continual light cast on them. They can be unhooded to provide light) in their hands intent on collecting flowers for the greening poles. Sir Kendrik and Callin had headed out to the wood with the young unmarried men to chop some trees down for the poles. Kendrik wielded an axe with some skill as he chopped the trees down. The groups got together in the common and the women decorated the poles with ribbons and flowers, giggling all the time. The men just sat back in admiration of the ladies.

Up on top of the wizards tower Cain and Wynn Tyr were watching the goings on down in the common. Wynn Tyr then relayed to Cain the real significance of the Greeningday festival. Wynn told Cain that it was an Old Ways festival that the Church of Pelor had claimed as their own. Wynn said that this taking over of the festival was unfortunate but he was glad it was being observed in some way.

When the work was over the young men and women headed back to the keep to ready for the church service. The unmarried ladies were to wear a white shift and the unmarried men were to wear a white tunic and trews. Sir Kendrik and Callin put on their greening day clothes and headed for the mass. At the end of the mass the members of the noble household headed for the common for the greening day events. The unmarried ladies of the keep including Ladies Sharra and Elanor gathered around the base of the greening day pole. Then the unmarried men encircled the pole, these included Sir Kendrik and Callin, but then Callin noticed Sir Bron. Baron Montombe’s vile eldest son, and the man who put the bounty on Callin’s head. Callin stepped back into the crowd hoping Sir Bron didn’t see him. This was to the disappointment of the chambermaiden, Igraine who was hoping to pair up with Callin. The men then grabbed a ribbon; at this point the ladies swapped positions to make sure that the men of their hearts were the ones who would end up in front of them.

The keep harpers struck up their instruments and the young people start to dance around the Greening Pole, weaving in and out of each other to the beat of the music. The ribbon wove its way down the pole with the men and women getting closer and closer to it till they were entangled together against the pole. Sir Kendrik was pleased to find himself paired with Lady Elanor, who coyly smiled up at him. Lady Sharra ended up caught between rival suitors, Sir Brand and Sir Bron. Sir Kendrik couldn’t take his eyes off his fair maiden but was worried that his Lord, Baron Aldred would look disfavourably at Kendrik for being with Lady Elanor.

Harper Pwyll then requested that the women line up in a row and the men to line up a little bit further back from the women. This was to be the start of the chase for the fair maidens. Lady Sharra then spoke and said, “When I say so, run”. She waited a few moments and called out, “Run!!!” As one the young women ran off in all directions trying to get as far from their male counterparts. Soon after the women had run off Sir Brand spoke. He said, “When I say so, run”. Sir Brand held the men back for what seemed an age to Sir Kendrik saying as they waited “Hold it, hold the line” and finally he said, “Run!!!”

Sir Kendrik ran after his beloved Lady Elanor, risking the wrath of his Lord for something he felt was the right thing to do in his heart. Lady Elanor had chosen him in the Greening Pole game, clearly she was risking all also. Most of the ladies were running but not so fast as to pull away from their chasers. Sir Brand and Sir Bron were neck and neck running after Lady Sharra; this chase would be a dire struggle between the two rivals. Kendrik was quickly gaining on Lady Elanor when she took a deviation and ran for the town apple orchard. The trees were heavy with fruit and leaves and it was quite dark in there. Sir Kendrik had lost sight of his beloved; Lady Elanor was giggling, playing a game of cat and mouse with her beau. This was a game Sir Kendrik was happy to play along with as he pretended to not know where she was. She moved about giggling and breathing heavily and Kendrik listened for those sounds and followed them. Finally Lady Elanor hid behind a huge apple tree and caught her breath. Kendrik heard her and snuck up behind her around the other side of the tree. As she hid, Sir Kendrik reached around the trunk of the tree and placed his big hairy hands over Lady Elanor’s eyes. She then declared that she was caught and would like to see the man that had captured her. Sir Kendrik moved around and knelt on one knee in front of his beloved, head bowed. Kendrik then declared to her “I am the luckiest man this Greeningday to have caught you, my lady”. Kendrik then declared how difficult it had been staying away from her as his punishment. Elanor knelt down in front of Kendrik brushed his bearded face and said.

“ My lord you misunderstand, you can still court me.” She told him, “The Baron has just made it so others can as well.”

“Your lack of knowledge of such matters is disarming”, she continued.

Kendrik smiled at her, feeling as though a great weight had been lifted off him. Before he could stop smiling Elanor pulled him close and kissed him on the lips. The two young lovers embraced for some time. Elanor rested her head against Kendrik’s barrel chest as he stroked her beautiful dark brown hair and they spoke of their love for each other. Kendrik had never felt happier than this moment, hoping that it would never end, but they both knew that it would be unseemly if they stayed there too long. Tongues would wag and rumours of more dishonour would no doubt follow. Sir Kendrik then held out his arm for Lady Elanor to take and they returned to the festivities.

Lady Sharra had been caught by her favoured suitor, Sir Brand. Sir Bron was full of rage over this and the two rival knights were looking like coming to blows at which time Sir Kendrik would have stepped in to separate them.

Harper Pwyll announced that the first event would start right after the lunch break.

The first event of the tourney was the only one open to commoners, the archery. It was an elimination competition with the archers firing at a target, the worst shot being eliminated. Harper Pwyll made the call for contestants and 18 stepped up. These contestants included our heroes Callin, Cain and Jon, Forestmaster Aidkin, several local rangers and a familiar face to the heroes, Ranger Andrea from Axbridge. The rest of the contestants were made up of townsfolk, many using homemade bows.

The archers followed the harper’s orders and lined up in front of the target, which was set 30 feet away. Next they were inspected for magical items and the word was given that everyone was clear. One thing that stood out as the contestants lined up was that Callin was the only person using a short bow, surely a great disadvantage as the distances grew.

Pwyll ordered the contestants to Ready, Aim and Fire! As one, the 18 arrows were launched towards the target. Ranger Andrea was the only one to score a bullseye. In a complete shock when the arrows were checked it was Cain who had shot the poorest and was out. Feeling foolish Cain stepped back into the crowd and stood by Sir Kendrik, who said “Better luck next time”

The next shot was fired, this time at 60 feet. The next one to be eliminated was one of the rangers, Finbar, who missed the target also. Must have been nerves! At 90 feet the first of the commoners, Jim who had done well with his ancient longbow, was eliminated. Next came 120 feet and another ranger, Liam bit the dust, this was surely not a good showing for the Baron’s bowmen. The next 3 rounds put paid to the chances of 3 commoners, Logan, Raglan and Maurice. By the time the competitors had reached the 300-foot mark two more rangers had gone, Fergus and Gordon. Callin couldn’t believe that he was still there with his trusty shortbow. Dale and Gannon were the next two eliminated. The two remaining heroes were firing brilliantly, as were Andrea and Aidkin. Surely one of these four would be the winner.

At 360 feet one of the Baron’s best rangers, Gregory was eliminated. Next to go was the last of the commoners, young Samuel, all of 15 years of age. The remaining 5 were as follows; Callin, Jon, Aidkin, Andrea and Ranger Terrence. Callin amazingly hit the bullseye, and Andrea fired badly, but when the name was called to be eliminated, it wasn’t Andrea, but Aidkin! A truly shock result! Jon shook his friends hand and Aidkin wished him luck. The target was now back at 450 feet and the archers hit the target. Andrea again hitting the bullseye with Jon and Callin not too far from it, Terrence however missed the target and was out. There was now 3 remaining at the distance was a mind boggling at 480 feet. The tension in the hushed crowd was getting to breaking point. The three archers fired and Callin hit, a bullseye. Jon just hit the target and Andrea had missed badly. She stepped back dejectedly. It was now down to Callin and Jon, which of the heroes would win? The target was moved back to 510 feet and Harper Pwyll called for them to ready, they readied. Aim, they aimed. Finally Pwyll gave the order to fire. They let go as one and they both hit the target but it was Callin who was closer to the bulleye and declared the winner.

The crowd erupted with applause and cheering. Sir Kendrik led a bunch of people who charged towards Callin to congratulate him. Sir Kendrik grabbed his best friend in a bear hug and with the help of others carried him on their shoulders to the dais to be presented to the Baron and his family. Harper Pwyll announced Callin as the winner of the archery tourney; Callin was trapped now without escape as Sir Bron now noticed who had won. He cast a steely glare at Callin.

Harper Pwyll then proclaimed that the next event of the tourney would start in 30 minutes, that event would be the Mageduel. He then asked for contestants to make themselves known to him. Four mages approached the Harper. They were as follows, Wynn Tyr, Wonagan the Apothecary, Baston, and a mysterious woman dressed in blue, called funnily enough The Blue Lady.

The first duel was between Wynn Tyr and Baston, a hauty looking mage dressed in shades of brown. The two mages attuned themselves to the contest, a battle between two mages in a protective ring where all spells are kept within this ring and all spells only do subdual damage. The battle was virtually over when Wynn Tyr cast summon swarm on Baston and a swarm of bats attacked him. Every time Baston moved the swarm followed blinding him and he eventually yielded.

The next duel was between the Blue Lady and Wonagan, which the Blue Lady won easily by hitting the older mage with strong spells.

We now got to the final between our hero Wynn Tyr and the Blue Lady. Both mages had close to drained their spells for the day in the previous duel. Wynn Tyr cast shield and protection from elements (fire and acid) and entered the arena. Wynn Tyr went on the attack with a magic missile spell and the Blue Lady also went all out and hit Wynn Tyr with a fireball, which had no effect on Wynn Tyr. The Blue Lady whispered to Wynn Tyr “This might not be jumping over bonfires but it is as good as a way to determine the Latane (Old Ways name for the Greeningday festival) King and Queen. They cast weaker and weaker spells such as ray of frost when they whispered to each other that they were spent. The Harper announced it was a draw and they would meet the again the next morning to finish the duel.

End Session


I have to say I was bitterly disappointed that we ran out of time to have Sir Kendrik’s events but I was very pleased that he got his kiss from Elanor.

What did you think of the competitions?
The Greeningday fun?

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Well here is the next instalment/chapter in the Sir Kendrik Saga. When we left our heroes last time the Greeningday festivities were in full swing and the first two events in the tourney had been held. The first was the archery comp which was won by the lovable rogue Callin and the mageduel had been held with a stalemate occurring and the combatants to return the following day.
Marday 1 Greening 1353
The scene opened with Wynn Tyr being approached by the Blue Lady who asked him what he was doing that evening suggested that they spend some time in the apple orchard next to a small fire and seeing whatr would happen from there. Perhaps taken aback by her boldness, Wynn didn’t say yes first of all but after appealing to his ego they agreed to meet at the keep gates at 8th bell. Wynn hurried off and bought a picnic basket for their tete-a-tete.

Meanwhile Sir Kendrik decided to hang out with the other Knights around the pavilions that had been set up next to the tourney field. The knights were milling around different pavilions, chatting and drinking in groups. Sir Kendrik had heard that Sir Airun, a professional tourney competitor was to compete. Being his first tourney Kendrik wanted some tips on what to expect over the next two days. Sir Kendrik approached Sir Airun, a knight of average height, but extraordinary build, stocky and broad. Sir Kendrik struck up a conversation with Sir Airun who was pleased to share some tips with Kendrik. The two young knights continued chatting and struck up a bit of a friendship and parted wishing each other well in the tourney. Kendrik returned to his pavilion, intent on making sure his armour and weapons were looking their best.

Eighth bell rang and Wynn was waiting for the Blue Lady to appear, eventually she did and they headed for the apple orchard chatting along the way.

Back at the pavilion, Br Arton had arrived after a few days talking to a Consecrated Slayer. On his way to the pavilion he spied Wynn and the Blue Lady walking along the outskirts of the common heading towards the orchard. Stanor the Harper announced to Sir Kendrik that a brother was outside wanting to see him. Kendrik stopped his polishing and told Stanor to bring him in. Callin was helping Kendrik get ready for the tourney and the 3 friends chatted for some time filling Br Arton in on the archery comp. Kendrik’s voice was full of pride as his recounted Callin’s exploits with the shortbow.

Back at the apple orchard the two druids had reached the picnic spot. The Blue Lady had already prepared the spot, there was a cauldron waiting. The Blue Lady lit a fire in the cauldron and the two druids chatted as they got ready for the meal Wynn had brought. However a meal was not what the Blue Lady had in mind as she disrobed and asked Wynn to do likewise and to cut a long story short they celebrated the Latane festival in the time honoured fashion.

Pelorday 2, Greening 1353

The next day Wynn awoke alone and with no sign of what had happened during the night except for some flattened ground where the cauldron was. Wynn quickly got dressed, prepared and headed for the tourney field for the mageduel.

The crowds were much bigger today, hinting of the spectacular to come with the first of the jousting. All of the heroes were there except for Jon McAlpin who was surprisingly nowhere to be seen. Sir Kendrik was hanging around with the other knights, mainly Sir Airun who were keen on watching the mageduel. Harper Pwyll in a strong voice, belying his size and age, possibly magically assisted called for the combatants in the mageduel to appear before him. Wynn stepped forward and waited for the Blue Lady to appear. Time past and the Blue Lady still hadn’t appeared. The young Harper called out for her to appear again, more time pasted and the crowd was getting restless, the Blue Lady still was yet to show her face. Harper Pwyll called out stating for the last time that the Blue Lady appear. He informed those around him that if she didn’t appear immediately she would forfeit the match. Suddenly out of nowhere the Blue Lady stepped forward.

Harper Pwyll informed Wynn and the Blue Lady of the rules of the mageduel and told them they had 24 seconds to attune themselves. After this time the two wizards met in the middle of the tourney field to set the spell circle. Wynn was given the choice of how big it would be and strategically chose a small circle 20 feet across. Both of the wizards readied an action waiting to see what the other would do. The stalemate was broken by Wynn who attempted to cast a ray of frost but the Blue Lady countered it and it unravelled. Then she dispelled Wynn’s protective spells but Wynn was able to cast shield just in time for a fireball to hit him. She continued the barrage with a burning hands and Wynn was on the ropes. Things were made worse by the Blue Lady casting mirror image he was confronted with 6 images of the mage. Straight after that she cast obscuring mist and the circle filled with mist. Now Wynn had do deal with a lack of sight which he countered slightly by casting fairy fire.

The crowd was getting restless at the lack of entertainment coming from the circle. Wynn was moving slowly around trying to find the Blue Lady with little success. He finally decided to cast an offensive spell by casting summon natures ally and a dog appeared. This didn’t work out as the Blue Lady summoned a monster, a big wolf. The wolf succeeded in a trip on Wynn and he was down and wounded. He got up and was hit with a ray of frost by the Blue Lady and he collapsed. The magical circle disappeared and The Blue Lady was declared the winner. Harper Pwyll then announced that the next event would be the Sword and Shield.

The crowds returned their attention to the tourney field and Harper Pwyll to announce the eagerly awaited first event of the knights tourney the Sword and Shield. The first two knights were called out and made their way to the ring that had been set up over a short break. The first battle would be between Sir Kendrik’s new pal Sir Airun of Carrickbridge, the Sword and Shield favourite, and Sir Artor of Heronsburgh, Baron Aldred’s middle son. The two men couldn’t be more different. Sir Airun, stocky and muscular, Sir Artor, slim and feminine, looking more like his mother than father. The two knights danced around the ring before Sir Airun hit the first strike. Sir Artor was clearly outmatched but put up a reasonable fight hoping to impress his father and silence his older brother, who teases him mercilessly about his looks. After a while Sir Artor collapsed and the clerics rushed out to collect him.

Next up was Sir Jonas of Cheetham and Sir Xavier of Lorenak, son of Sir Declan. This match was over quickly with Sir Jonas clearly outclassing the young Xavier.

The next pairing was Sir Everidd of Sigrundingham and Sir Cormac of Scardic. Sir Everidd is the Baron’s siege technician; he is short, very stout and loves his food and drink. Sir Cormac originally came form Airelyhn and lives near the border of his homeland, his claim to fame is that he has rather pungent body odour. After a dire struggle Sir Everidd came out on top.

Finally it was Sir Kendrik of Axbridge to prove his mettle, Callin handed him is shield and sword and he walked out the ring. Waiting for him was Sir Tasson of Newham Ley, a tall thin knight covered in freckles. Sir Kendrik was looking fitter than ever, his shining new jousting armour fitting his impressive 6’3 230lb build like a glove. The dwarven blacksmith had certainly done a fine job. The match started with Sir Kendrik moving in to the centre of the ring awaiting Sir Tasson’s move, hitting the thin knight with a series of blows that staggered Sir Tasson who almost dropped to one knee from the barrage. Sir Tasson took a swing at Kendrik who dodged out of the way before he hit Tasson with telling blows, which Sir Tasson would not get up from. “The victor”, Harper Pwyll called “Sir Kendrik!” Kendrik walked to the middle of the ring and bowed to the official party, taking his helm off as he did.

The fifth match was to be between Sir Gorgo of Leveridge and Sir Edgton of Lowenbridge. Sir Gorgo is very hot-headed and rarely thinks before acting while Sir Edgton is dark-skinned and very fit. As expected Sir Gorgo charged in and attacked Sir Edgton like a man possessed and after a long duel Gorgo was declared the victor.

Match number six saw the pairing of Sir Arnaud of Cloville and Sir Terrill of Maunderlac. Sir Arnaud is Lady Elanor’s second cousin and is a rather unlikely looking knight with looks more befitting a librarian while Sir Terrill is a big brute of a man with wild reddish hair. Needless to say Sir Terrill easily beat Sir Arnaud as it was a total mismatch.

Next came up Sir Leos of Scuroburn and Sir Granville of Ferryham. Sir Leos is the darling of the ladies of the court and he revels in it and Sir Granville is a very serious knight who believes that everything he says is of the utmost importance. This was a fine battle with the two knights trading blows toe to toe but Sir Leos missed at a crucial moment and gave Sir Granville the break he needed to win the match.

To finish the first round there was the match between Sir Declan of Lorenak and Sir Kort of Remorien. Sir Declan as mentioned before is the father of Sir Xavier. He is a very proud knight and a loyal and close friend of Baron Aldred and he is very hard on Xavier. Sir Kort is Baron Montombre’s youngest son and is a sickly pale looking knight. The battle is another quick one with the wily old knight’s tactics more than a match for Sir Kort, victory to Sir Declan. At the end of this match Pwyll calls the lunch break.

After the lunch break the crowd had returned ready for the conclusion of the exciting Sword and Shield contest. The first second round match was between two of the Baron’s best young and upcoming knights, Sir Airun and Sir Jonas. As expected this was an entertaining match with Sir Airun showing the crowd his considerable skill in swordplay. Sir Jonas did not disappoint the crowd with his fighting style, though more textbook than Sir Airun’s flamboyant style. Sir Airun by sheer strength alone finally overcame his opponent and strengthened his claim as favourite with the bookmakers.

Next up was Sir Kendrik’s next match against the portly knight Sir Everidd. Sir Kendrik was feeling pleased with his first effort but didn’t want to take Sir Everidd’s challenge too lightly. Sir Kendrik again won the right to the first move and in a bit of strategy did the same first move as his first match, he moved to the centre of the ring and readied for Sir Everidd’s first move. Kendrik hoped that other opponents would think that Kendrik’s tactics were without variety. Everidd seeing this did a sidestep to force Kendrik to come to him, as Kendrik expected an experienced knight to do. They manoeuvred around the ring for a short time when Sir Everidd tried to draw an attack from Kendrik by feinting a move. Kendrik again expected that and hit him with 3 powerful and palpable hits, one of them critical which dropped the aging knight without him landing a blow on Kendrik. The crowd went wild at the end of the bout. Kendrik seemed to be on a roll, a new contender was making his claim on the title. Kendrik again bowed to the official party and walked back to his pavilion readying himself for the semi final with Sir Airun, a tough opponent.

The third match of this round was between the headstrong Sir Gorgo and the beefy Sir Terrill. Again Sir Gorgo just charged in and quickly dispatched Sir Terrill, who was badly beaten in the ferocious attack.

To finish the second round two of the Baron’s older, most trusted and capable knights Sir Declan and Sir Granville met. Once again it was an evenly matched battle and the telling factor was probably the difference in age of the two knights, Declan being 49 to Granville being 35. Granville just outlasted Sir Declan till the old warhorse fell at his feet exhausted.

After an hour break the first semi final was next. It was a shame that the first Semi Final was to be between what was clearly the best two knights in the competition, Sir Airun of Karickbridge and Sir Kendrik of Axbridge. This match up would have made a thrilling final. Sir Airun and Sir Kendrik entered the ring together and went to opposite corners to await the Harper’s call to fight. Kendrik nodded to Sir Airun and Airun nodded back, both knowing that this would be an epic battle. Kendrik was looking fit and strong while Sir Airun was feeling the previous bouts a little more. They stepped up to each other and Sir Airun took the first strike that glanced off Sir Kendrik’s armour with the return swing parried by Kendrik’s shield. Kendrik then sliced his longsword down onto Sir Airun’s helm that struck solidly with a second strike collecting Airun’s shield. Sir Airun spoke through gritted teeth to Kendrik saying it was an honour to fight someone of Sir Kendrik’s skill and hit Kendrik firmly on his chest with a solid blow and missed completely with the second strike. Kendrik sensing that his friend was now struggling returned the compliment and hit him with a mighty blow to the shoulder that dropped Sir Airun. Sir Kendrik was now in the final, He checked that Airun was not badly hurt (all damage was subdual as they used special blunt swords) and accepted the cheers of the crowd with the same humility he had shown in the previous bouts.

The other Semi Final was between Sir Gorgo and Sir Granville, both knights were on their last legs and it took one blow by Sir Granville to finish the bout. Sir Granville could hardly stand as he accepted the cheers for his victory. Clearly he would barely have enough time to recover without healing to give Sir Kendrik a fair fight.

After an hour break the final event of the first day was held, the Final of the Sword and Shield between Sir Kendrik of Axbridge and Sir Granville of Ferryham. As Sir Kendrik was called out he saw how beaten up Sir Granville was and was concerned that this would not be a fair fight and as a good knight he wouldn’t take advantage of a foe who was not able to defend themselves. The two knights were told fight and Kendrik moved towards Sir Granville, Kendrik thought he could breathe on Granville and he would collapse. Kendrik asked Granville “Do you wish to yield, good knight?” This statement backfired on Kendrik and Granville replied “Do you question my honour young knight? I will never surrender!” And attempted to strike Sir Kendrik and duly missed, Sir Kendrik not wanting to humiliate Sir Granville any more struck him and he fell. Again Sir Kendrik went to his opponent to see that he was fine, and then he returned to the centre of the ring with the crowd cheering loudly. Sir Kendrik removed his helm, dropped to one knee and bowed to the official party and awaited his name to be called the victor of the Sword & Shield. Sir Kendrik arose to his feet and walked toward his best friend Callin with a big smile on his face. Sir Kendrik and Callin walked toward the official dais and Kendrik was officially declared winner of the Sword and Shield.

Sir Kendrik and Callin headed back to the pavilion with Stanor the Harper in tow. They were soon joined by Br Arton who congratulated Sir Kendrik for his win. The three friends sat and chatted for a little while before joining the other knights for an evening of revelry. Sir Everidd led the fun convincing as many of his fellow knights and their companions in drinking games and general tomfoolery. Kendrik and co partied well into the night with Callin filling the others heads with grand stories of Sir Kendrik’s adventures. While Kendrik and Airun were chatting Callin went off looking for a bet to place on Sir Kendrik in the next day’s joust. It wasn’t hard for Callin to find someone willing to take bets as their were bets being taken everywhere, mainly on Sir Brand. Callin wanted to make a serious bet and finally found someone willing to take a bet on Sir Kendrik, who had firmed to 3rd favourite after his win in the Sword & Shield. Callin needed to prove his bone fides to Warwick the bookmaker before he accepted the 100 gold mark bet.

Joshuaday 3 Greening 1353

Many of the knights woke up with hangovers as the tourney fields started to bustle with activity. The horses were being prepared and the first of the spectators staked their positions to watch the main event of the whole tourney, the Joust. Kendrik was up early doing his daily routine of prayer and contemplation before heading to morning church service with Sir Brand.

At 10th bell the tourney field was at fall capacity in anticipation of the first round of the joust. Harper Pwyll called for the first two knights to appear on their horses. After the knight’s personal harpers introductions worked up the crowd with the prowess of their lords the first two knights stood at either end of the jousting list. The first two drawn to meet were the Baron’s Champion and favourite to win, Sir Brand of Marker’s Cross, and Sir Sumner of Deepderry. Sir Brand’s appearance belied his station as the Baron’s champion. Of average height and build, he is a truly noble knight in word and deed. Sir Sumner is a young, eager, dark-skinned knight who rued his luck for being drawn to meet Sir Brand. As expected of combatants in the joust, the two knight rode up to the dais and presented themselves to the official party, sans helm and weapons. After that, they rode to their respective positions at the list, and were asked by marshals if they had any magical items. Once the knights responded, a detect magic was cast upon the knights, their mounts and their equipment to determine the validity of their word. Once cleared by the marshals, the two knights lumbered down the list with Sir Brand having gotten the initiative and struck first. It was a mighty blow that pushed Sir Sumner clear off his steed, his lance shattering. Sumner’s unseating gave Brand an instant win.

Next up to the list were young Sir Artor of Heronsburgh, the Baron’s middle son, and Sir Malik of Torston. Bitterly disappointed by his early exit in the Sword & Shield, Sir Artor was determined to succeed. Sir Malik is a strong knight but accident-prone. The knights charged in with Artor’s hit shattering his lance but Malik missed completely, two flags to Sir Artor. The knights started their second run and again Artor hit first, again shattering his lance, this time Malik did the same. That made the score 4 flags to Artor, 2 to Malik. They made their third pass and Malik struck first this time shattering his lance and much to Sir Artor’s dismay pushing him off his horse, affording a win to Sir Malik.

Next were Sir Roland of Lokstead and Sir Lloyd of Maunderlac. Sir Roland was recently widowed and is a shadow of his former self, while Sir Lloyd is short, fit and keen to do well at his first tourney. This match was very straightforward with Sir Roland shattering 3 lances and Sir Lloyd missing 3 times.

The next to appear was Sir Kendrik, and the old warhorse, Sir Declan. The two knights rode out to the list with their seconds and harpers in tow. Sirs Kendrik and Declan rode up to the dais. Sir Kendrik on top of his trusty black steed, Valiant, stopped right in front of his beloved Lady Elanor, helm off, head bowed, he spoke to her “My fair maiden, may I ask your favour in this coming contest, and I wish to dedicate all my previous and future victories to you” Elanor beckoned Kendrik to come closer and tied a white scarf to his right arm. She then said “And to the victor of this match, a kiss” Kendrik and Declan smiled and nodded and returned to the list for the first pass. Kendrik gained the initiative and hit with great force unseating the proud Declan who missed Sir Kendrik completely. Sir Kendrik rode to the dais and bowed and received his prize from a proud Elanor.

The next match was between Sir Beorn of Bloodfang and Sir Auton on Tynedale. Sir Beorn is a repulsive man who had previously been a thorn in the side of our heroes and even slain Sir Kendrik in what was meant to be a fair fight (a long story). Sir Auton is a very serious and boring knight in his late 30’s. Sir Beorn unseated Sir Auton in their first pass.

Next up were Sir Tristam Bascombe of Hessards Ford and Sir Loren of Manisburgh. Sir Tristam is the set in his ways knight the heroes previously encountered in the pursuit of the brigands Hesselwhite and Deckard. Sir Loren is Lady Elanor’s big brother and heir to the family’s fief. This was a close match with both knights hitting with each pass, however Tristam winning by shattering all of his lances.

The second last match of the first round was between Sir Almerac of Heronburgh and Sir Tirendel of Fenring. Sir Almerac is the Baron’s eldest son, heir and your typical knight in shining armour and second favourite to win. Sir Tirendel is an elven knight wearing green enamelled oriculum armour. In a complete shock to all present Sir Tirendel unseated Sir Almerac in their first pass. The crowd murmured for quite some time with the main question being “Who was this mysterious knight?”

Lastly there was the match between Sir Bron of Remorien and Sir Holt of Ashmore. Sir Bron is the eldest son of Baron Montombre and is a cruel and heartless individual focussed on gaining the hand of Lady Sharra in marriage. Sir Holt is an older knight and brother in law to Sir Roland. Sir Bron, in his Black and red enamelled armour, made short work of Sir Holt by unseating him.

After a 30 minute break the next round began with the match between Sir Brand and Sir Malik. This was a close match and Sir Brand was taken to the third and final pass where he unseated his opponent.

Next match in the second round was between our hero, Sir Kendrik and Sir Roland. Sir Roland got the initiative in first pass and shattered his lance on Sir Kendrik’s shield, rocking the young knight back in his saddle, Sir Kendrik however hit also and unseated Sir Roland who crashed to the ground with a sickening thud. He was brought around and was only mildly injured.

Next up were the despicable Sir Beorn and Sir Tristam. This match was close and Sir Tristam unseated Sir Beorn and a huge cheer rang out.

Sir Tirendel and Sir Bron were the next to face each other and Sir Tirendel made very quick work of Sir Bron who slammed his helm to the ground when he got to his feet. Harper Pwyll announced the lunch break of one hour.

Everyone quickly returned to their viewing positions and seats, keen to see the first semi final. It was to be a match between teacher and student, mentor and protégé; Sir Brand and Sir Kendrik. This was to be Sir Kendrik’s biggest test of the tourney. Would he be able to defeat his idol and role model? Sir Kendrik was able to get the initiative and the two brave knights charged each other on their massive black steeds. Kendrik hit his friend with a mighty blow to the middle of Sir Brand’s breastplate that lifted Brand clear out of his saddle, his lance missing Kendrik completely. Sir Brand crashed to the ground and lay prone. Sir Kendrik pulled Valiant up as soon as he could and leapt off, running to see if his mentor was uninjured. He helped Brand up to his feet and the two knights shook forearms. Brand said to Kendrik “You have learnt your lessons well.” Kendrik replied, “Well, I have a good teacher” and the two friends walked off to the rapturous applause of the crowd.

The second semi final was between Sir Tristam and Sir Tirendel. The first pass scored a flag each to the two knights as they both hit without shattering a lance. The second pass swung the match towards Sir Tirendel who shattered his lance while Tristam only hit with his, the score 2-3. The final pass saw Tristam shatter his lance and raise his score to 4. Sir Tirendel however completely missed and remained on 3 points. The final was now set, it was to be between two unlikely finalists, Sir Kendrik and Sir Tristam.

The tension built as the time came for a victor to be chosen, a new Champion would be made today.

Sir Kendrik and Sir Tristam rode up to the dais, bowing to the official party before lining up at the list for the first pass. Sir Tristam gained the initiative and started the charge first, Kendrik quickly responded and the two rushed toward each other. Tristam hit Kendrik a telling blow on his Shield, but Sir Kendrik again hit his opponent square in the breastplate and unseated another knight. Sir Kendrik had done what was considered unlikely; he had won both of the tourney events. He rode to the dais and bowed to his Baron and accepted the announcement of his victory. He bowed to Lady Elanor and she beckoned him again and kissed him on the cheek.

A two-hour break was called, thus giving those knights in the later rounds of the joust, a chance to recover. On course as with the rest of the events, no magical healing was permitted. Harper Pwyll announced that the final event of the tourney was be held, the Grand Melee, an exhibition of all knights in a battle with no reward but the honour of being the last standing knight.

All of the Baron’s knights stood around the edge of the combat arena, a much larger roped off area than the Sword &Shield arena. The marshals cast an area detect magic and once the all clear was called Pwyll shouted “Commence!” As one the knights moved in and paired up for one on one battles. Sir Beorn and Sir Kendrik had individually decided to target each other, and closed to battle with a roaring charge. The sound of crashing swords on shields and armour was deafening to the participants, drowning out the roar of the crowd. Sir Kendrik had an injustice to redress and focussed all his efforts on Sir Beorn; a knight he felt was not worthy of the title. The two clashed and Sir Beorn yelled at Kendrik, “Well peasant, I killed you once, don’t think I cant do the same again!”

“Justice will be done today!” Kendrik replied, striking Beorn firmly on the shoulder.

“You wouldn’t know justice or honour if it slapped you in the face peasant!” Beorn retorted.

Now incensed, Kendrik yelled, “What I leave behind in the garderobe each morn has more honour in it than you have in your whole body!”

Kendrik slammed his sword onto Beorn’s shoulder with such force that a plate flew off. Beorn began to falter and decided to get personal. “Once I am finished with you peasant, I will take your ***** and make her mine!”

Infuriated, Kendrik replied with a frenzy of blows that staggered Beorn. He struck Kendrik with a low blow before Kendrik dropping him with a particularly savage blow to the helm. At last, an injustice was partially redressed.

Kendrik now switched his focus to finding another knight to duel. Looking about he saw the unconscious bodies of many knights with only another 6 left standing. Only one was without an opponent, that being Sir Airun. The two moved in toward each other, Sir Airun saying, “Last time it was you who taught me a lesson, let me return the favour.”

Kendrik replied “It would be an honour to fight you again my friend” and the two fought, both knights feeling sore and sorry from the earlier battles started to swing wildly, only hitting occasionally. At one point Sir Kendrik dropped his sword, and the honourable Sir Airun stepped back to allow Kendrik to retrieve his weapon. Breathing hard Kendrik swung at Airun wildly, missing him. Airun then hit Kendrik with two solid blows which staggered our hero, and with his last ounce of strength, Kendrik hit Airun on the breastplate before dropping unconscious at the knight’s feet. There where now 4 knights left standing; Sir Airun, Sir Brand, Sir Xavier and Sir Tristam. Sir Brand and Sir Airun fought taking solid blows from each other until Sir Airun dropped. At almost the same time Sir Xavier was spent and fell unconscious. Sirs Brand and Tristam were both very weary as they fought to be Grand Melee champion until Sir Tristam was dropped and Sir Brand stood proudly as the victor. Clerics and marshals moved in to help remove the unconscious knights.

Kendrik returned to his pavilion to recover, feeling very sore. His friends, Callin and Arton, were chatting to him, proud of their friends efforts when Harper Stanor announced that the Lady Elanor wished to speak to Sir Kendrik. Br Arton suggested to Callin that they had best give Kendrik and Lady Elanor some privacy although Callin voiced his concern at leaving the Lady alone with Sir Kendrik. Kendrik told them that he would have Stanor stay to protect Elanor’s honour. As the cleric and rogue left, Sir Kendrik told Stanor to invite Elanor in. Stanor brought the lady into the pavilion, at which point Elanor dismissed the harper. Kendrik began to protest before he was interrupted by the lady placing a finger gently upon his lips. Elanor quietly told the knight that she had come to congratulate him for winning the tourney. “I promised a kiss to the victor of the tourney,” Elanor breathed, “And I am here to deliver that prize.” Reaching up, she pressed her lips to Sir Kendrik’s in a passionate kiss. Kendrik grabbed her in his arms, crushing her to his chest and held her tight.

“I cannot bear this wait any longer, the time has come for you to act, My Lord.” Elanor sighed.

“My Lady,” Kendrik replied, “I cannot wait to be able to call you my wife.”

The two lovers continued to embrace until Kendrik, ever mindful of his Lady’s honour, suggested that she part and that they meet at the feast. They again kissed and Elanor left, walking back to the keep smiling feeling as though she was walking on clouds. Sir Kendrik then stuck his head out of his pavilion with a smile a mile wide on his face, watching her departing figure.

Callin and Cain individually tracked down Warwick the Bookmaker and collected their winnings. As the two rogues counted their gold they chatted about their good luck, agreeing that they would have hunted Warwick down if he had done a runner with their gold.

End Session

What you think everyone?
Comments would be much appreciated on the whole tourney storyline.
How about the two lovebirds?

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Originally sent by Conaill

Welcome to the EN boards, Sir K!
For those of you who don't know... Sir Kendrik has been posting his story of "Courtly Love goes wrong" over on the WotC boards for the past couple of months. I urged him to start posting here, because the WotC boards were getting to be seriously unreliable.

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Originally sent by Andor of the Blade

I greatly enjoyed the whole story.There are piles of interesting hooks involving the different characters with all kinds of possibilities.
Everyone seems to play their character very well. It sounds like a great game to be in.

The tournament sounded like a lot of fun and a good change of pace from the adventuring (Sir Kendrik always seems to get in trouble while adventuring - in the tournament he did just the opposite.)

I look forward to reading future installments (in which Sir Kendrik will undoubtably find some way to disappoint his lady or her father).

Keep up the good work.

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Well after a 2 week break in roleplaying (boy do I hate going cold turkey!) we had the latest session in our little game. Well as usual it was a pretty full on session, our DM just keeps coming up with great challenges and plot twists.
Well here are the latest adventures of the Legendary Sir Kendrik and his equally legendary chums.

Joshuaday 3rd Greening 1353

The scene opened with everyone who is anyone in Greater Borderlund gathered in the great hall of Clyster Keep for a celebratory feast to make the end of the tourney. At the high table was Baron Aldred, his daughter Lady Sharra along side her, Lady Elanor and the Baron’s sons Sirs Almerac and Artor. Also at the high table were Baron Montombre’s son, the surly Sir Bron, Sir Trendel’s lady, Lady Allena, Sir Brand the winner of the grand melee, the winner of the archery, Callin Toper and the winner of the joust and sword and shield, Sir Kendrik. Most of other knights and ladies were seated in front of the Baron in rows of tables. The rest of our heroes were sitting together on one of the lower tables. Harpers were playing their instruments and adding to the relaxed atmosphere of the great hall. A seemingly endless array of food and drink was brought out for the guests to enjoy with each serving platter presented to the Baron for his approval. There was deer, pork, chicken, lamb and even goat for the hungry guests.

The new and old tourney champions, Sir Kendrik and his mentor and friend Sir Brand were seated next to each other. The two knights were doing their best to hide the pain from their bruised and battered bodies, as it had only been 2 hours since the grand melee. Kendrik commented on what a great day it had been to which Sir Brand agreed adding that it would be day that would be long remembered by all. Little did Brand know how prophetic his statement was going to be. He slapped his young friend on the back and Sir Kendrik smiled through gritted teeth. They continued to eat their meals and chatted with their ladies, Lady Elanor, who looked beautiful with the gift that her beau had given to her and Lady Sharra, the Baron’s daughter and the love of Sir Brand’s life. Kendrik occasionally patted one of the Baron’s Penlysh Hounds throwing it bones as he finished. During his meal Sir Kendrik was keeping a wary eye on Sir Beorn but not wary enough as the treacherous knight disappeared for a while during the feast. When Kendrik noticed Sir Beorn’s absence he was concerned but couldn’t do anything about it.

There were gasps and applause as the final dish was brought out to the Baron. It was a magnificent dessert made out of sugar and almond paste in the shape of two knights jousting at the moment their lances stuck the other knight. Each knight was painted in the livery and colours of the jousting finalists, Sir Kendrik and Sir Tristam. Many moans of pleasure came from the diners as they ate the tasty dessert. At this point the Baron pushed his plate away from him signifying the end of feasting part of the evening. Tables were moved and a big space was made in the middle of the great hall to allowing dancing.

As the tables cleared Ladies Elanor and Sharra hopped up as one, their beloved knights rose to their feet also, and the Ladies grabbed their hands and led them to the dance floor. The two couples took up their places in the dancing circle with Sir Kendrik while holding Lady Elanor’s hand and bowed, dropping to one knee in front of her. Lady Elanor just smiled and giggled at her lumbering beau who must have appeared quite comical. Callin grabbed one of the chambermaids, Igraine to dance with and joined the others. The harpers picked up the pace of the music and the dancing commenced. The dancers weaved in and out and the men picked up their partners at times high in the air. Sir Kendrik feeling better as the night wore on was still a bit stiff in his movements while Callin was receiving many fine comments from the ladies he danced with. At around this time Br Arton noticed that Sir Beorn had returned to the great hall and appeared to nod to someone that Br Arton couldn’t locate.

About 20 minutes into the dancing when Sir Kendrik and Lady Elanor had been re-united and dancing an intricate number, that involved holding both hands, alternating between facing each other and being back to back, with bows and lifts at the chorus.

Sir Kendrik asked Lady Elanor, “My Lady it has been remiss of me not to had asked this before but what is your favourite dance?”

To which she replied, “Well My Lord, that would be Arionrod’s Ride.”

Kendrik then said, “An excellent choice My Lady, it is a song I enjoy and have danced to on many occasions”

They continued dancing till they swapped to the next partner. Sir Kendrik continued to dance with a couple of other ladies before excusing himself and heading for where the harpers were playing. He spoke to Harper Pwyll and requested that the next dance would be his beloved’s favourite and after arranging that, he returned to the dancing with a smile on his face. Sir Kendrik arranged himself so that he would be paired up with Lady Elanor for the majority of the dance. After a short break, the harpers began playing the opening strains of ‘Arionrod’s Ride’ which certainly pleased Lady Elanor. This song/dance is an epic that describes the ride of Queen Arionrod who after the death of High King Vallendar, slain by his evil half brother, rode through the Misty Isles searching for knights loyal to the dead King in an effort to try and rebuild the Great Kingdom.

All of a sudden Sir Bron hopped up from his seat at the high table and made sure he would be paired up with Lady Sharra. The dance was moving along nicely with Sir Kendrik and Lady Elanor dancing as if they were one, oblivious to those around them whenever they met. During the dance Sir Bron spoke to Lady Sharra and was being very forward, much to Lady Sharra’s disgust. Eventually Bron went too far and Lady Sharra stormed off out of the Great Hall toward the living quarters. Callin saw what happened and followed Lady Sharra, keeping from sight by hiding in shadows.

Lady Elanor spied this altercation and excused herself from Sir Kendrik and chased after Lady Sharra. Sir Kendrik found this strange and broke away from the dance and followed Elanor out the great hall. He wondered why she would run away from her favourite song as he walked briskly, keeping his distance at first. Surely Elanor had something that was concerning her and he wanted to help her. As she started to climb the staircase towards the sleeping quarters Sir Kendrik called out to her and she stopped and walked back to Kendrik. Sir Kendrik asked her what was the matter and she told him that Lady Sharra had been upset and she was going to see what she could do to help her. Kendrik then offered to walk her back to the woman’s solar, as there were no guards stationed in the keep this evening. He feared she might come to harm but Elanor told Kendrik that it would be improper to escort her without a chaperone and told him to return to the great hall. Sir Kendrik was not happy to leave her alone but he agreed to do as she wished and returned to the feast. Little did Sir Kendrik know that his best friend Callin was discreetly keeping watch outside the Women’s Solar.

Sir Kendrik quickly walked over to where his companions were chatting and informed them that something was amiss. Kendrik hinted without saying it that the others should go do what he couldn’t, make sure his beloved was safe. Unfortunately none of his friends picked up the hint. Sir Kendrik then headed over to Sir Brand who was talking to Sir Airun and Sir Declan. Kendrik interrupted and Sir Brand told Kendrik to grab an ale and join them in their discussion. Any other time he would have as the three knights present had bonded well with Sir Kendrik, however Sir Kendrik knew that he had to tell his mentor of what was happening with Sir Brand’s lady. Sir Kendrik told Sir Brand that Lady Sharra had left the feast and retired to the women’s solar apparently upset. Sir Brand obviously put two and two together and headed straight for the high table were Sir Bron had now returned to, Sir Kendrik striding behind Sir Brand in support. Sir Brand was about to confront the cunning Sir Bron when a scream came from upstairs.

Everyone turned around and looked up to where the scream had come from. It was Lady Elanor, shaking, holding on tightly to the railing on the gallery. She then exclaimed “Lady Sharra has been kidnapped” as soon as she said that she collapsed backwards. Baron Aldred demanded Sir Kendrik find out what exactly was happening. Even before the Baron had laid down his orders Sir Kendrik already had instantly sprinted towards the stairs that lead to the part of the gallery that Lady Elanor was, Br Arton followed. Sir Kendrik feared that his beloved had been attacked and rushed to her aid. When he got there he dropped to his knees and cradled Elanor, she realised that it was Sir Kendrik and clutched close to his chest sobbing uncontrollably. Kendrik held her tenderly and brushed her hair and tried to console her. Kendrik asked Elanor did she see who kidnapped Lady Sharra. Elanor told Kendrik and Br Arton that it was a foul looking dwarf. Immediately Sir Kendrik asked if the dwarf had tattoos to which Lady Elanor said it did. Sir Kendrik instantly suspected that it was Deckard who had kidnapped Lady Sharra but how could he have escaped?

Lady Elanor was completely distraught at what had happened and started to blame herself claiming that she had failed in her duties to Lady Elanor. Sir Kendrik tried to ease her pain and promised to Elanor that he and his friends would make sure they would bring Lady Sharra back safely to the Baron. She slowly started to settle but wouldn’t let go of Kendrik burying her face into his chest. Kendrik tried to get her to raise her head so he could look into her eyes to re-assure her more but she resisted clinging even tighter so Kendrik decided to not fight it and just held her.

Meanwhile up at the solar Callin, Jon and Cain had stumbled across the mess that the Kidnapper had left behind. There were signs of a huge struggle with cushions scattered everywhere and furniture tipped over. Callin noticed that the heavy drapes near the window had been torn. Callin and Jon looked out the window and they noticed a small trail of blood leading down the wall. On closer inspection they found a broken nail. Clearly the dwarf had used the torn drape to scale down the wall. The three heroes left the solar and headed down to the inner bailey to look for tracks.

At the gallery Sir Kendrik continued comforting his beloved as Br Arton asked some questions of Lady Elanor that she answered. Sir Kendrik, mindful of what the Baron had said, told Lady Elanor that he needed to leave her with Br Arton for one moment. Sir Kendrik then stood up, leaned over the balcony to yell that Lady Elanor needed some help and to be made safe. (I stuffed up here I meant to say she was in need of assistance). Instantly the ladies in the great hall started to run up to the gallery to lend assistance. As soon as Sir Kendrik had finished speaking he returned to comforting Lady Elanor. The ladies finally arrived led by the county gossip Lady Cassandra. Lady Cassandra firmly told Sir Kendrik that his services were no longer required so Kendrik quietly told Elanor that he promised to return soon with Lady Sharra, the whole time Lady Elanor never showing her face.

Back down in the Great Hall Sir Brand had confronted Sir Bron, demanding where Bron had taken Lady Sharra. A scuffle broke out and Sir Bron brazenly demanded Baron Aldred reprimand his charge. Aldred bellowed to everyone to be quiet and told Sir Brand to leave the great hall. The Baron then told the guards and the guests that no one was to leave the keep or it’s grounds till he said so.

Outside, in the inner bailey, Jon and the two rogues were tracking the steps of the Dwarf, it was hard going as the bailey was pretty churned up. Of Course Jon is an excellent tracker and skilfully followed the tracks to the wall of the keep. They had worked out that the Dwarf had climbed over the wall so the two rogues did the same. When they got to the top of the wall they found the body of a guard that had been patrolling the battlements.

Sir Kendrik headed down to talk to Baron Aldred and informed the Baron of what Lady Elanor had told him, that Deckard the Dwarf had kidnapped Lady Sharra and that he had taken her out the solar window. The Baron was now quite worked up and told Kendrik to go and find out exactly what happened and then return to him. Sir Kendrik did as he was told and set about finding the rest of his party. He knew that Callin and Co had headed for the women’s solar so Kendrik decided to start there.

Lady Elanor had been taken to the chapel by the ladies and was doted over however she was still shielding her face from view. Br Arton arrived at the chapel and spoke to Lady Cassandra who had the unpleasant news that Lady Elanor had blacked out during the kidnapping, thus bringing her dowry into jeopardy. She told Br Arton that an examination would be needed. Br Arton then turned to leave the chapel and nearly bumped into Sir Brand who was heading in. The paladin and the cleric chatted, Sir Brand was still livid at what had happened in the Great Hall and Br Arton told Sir brand that he might have played right into Sir Bron’s hands by reacting as he had. Sir Brand was at first reluctant to hear about his actions causing more grief, then thanked Br Arton for his candour and appreciated the fact that it had calmed him down.

Sir Kendrik had made it to the solar and found that the others had left. He looked around the solar himself and the sight of this place of peace ransacked filled him with conviction to capture the dwarf. He then noticed the torn drapes and walked over to the window. Kendrik could see his friend Callin who was still on the battlements and left the solar to meet his friends. Sir Kendrik finally caught up with the others and told Br Arton, who had met up with the others a few moments before Sir Kendrik arrived. Kendrik said that he was going to go to the cells to see if it was definitely Deckard and to look for clues, Br Arton and Callin joined him. The air around the keep prison cell was dank and musty as the heroes walked through the corridor leading to the cell. The cell was in keeping with the fairness of Baron Aldred, it was comfortably appointed with a neat straw pellet, rushes on the floor, two clean bowls apparently for food and water and a small brazier. The scene that greeted Sir Kendrik and Co disturbed them, in the cell was the contorted body of the guard that was on duty and was clearly dead. Br Arton examined the body and a stab wound to the chest was found, it had discoloured blood hinting at poison as the stab wound wouldn’t have killed the unfortunate guard. Sir Kendrik moved the body over and it revealed a clue. The guard in his death throws had tried to spell something in his own blood but only got 3 letters out, those being B-E-O. Kendrik turned to the others and mentioned that he must have been trying to spell out the person who killed him, also asking Br Arton that the talk with dead ritual may back that up.

Now having the evidence he needed to relay to the Baron, Kendrik rushed to the Great Hall. Sir Kendrik approached the Baron who was sitting at the high table and told him he had news and wished to speak to the Baron in private. The Baron was still livid and told Sir Kendrik to sit beside him and relay the news quietly; the Baron said he didn’t want to take his eyes off certain individuals. Kendrik in a quiet voice then told the Baron that he had inspected various areas and he confirmed it was Deckard, and that he had disturbing news about the guard and the message he left. He told the Baron that his companions had tracked the trail Deckard had left. The Baron stopped Sir Kendrik, stood up and announced to all the knights present to ride out of the keep and scour the barony for his dwarf and bring back Lady Sharra.
Baron Aldred then sat back next to Kendrik and told him,

“Quickly get your gear and companions together, follow those tracks and return my daughter. Use the chaos that the knights will create to leave without being detected”

Sir Kendrik replied “Yes My Lord, I promise you that we will return your daughter safely to you!”

Baron Aldred then said “Sir Bron, Sir Beorn come with me I have to speak to the both of you”

Sir Kendrik strode out of the Great Hall got suited up. Everyone met up with Jon, Wynn Tyr and Cain who had been looking for the tracks. Sir Kendrik told his friends that the Baron had told us to follow the tracks and return his daughter. He then told them to get their gear and meet back that this same spot. Unfortunately Baron Aldred sending out the knights certainly caused the chaos he hoped but there was an unfortunate byproduct of that, they had made many more new tracks that would make Jon’s job all that more difficult over the tourney fields.

Now the difficult task of making out the dwarf tracks began. The tracks seemed to lead to the pavilions on the tourney field. Callin suspecting that the dwarf had taken Lady Sharra to Sir Bron’s pavilion headed over there, Sir Kendrik and Br Arton rushed ahead with Callin to help. Callin and Kendrik could hear a moaning coming from the tent and Callin spied in from under the flap to see who it was. It was a young squire in Sir Bron’s colours and he appeared to have been struck from behind. Sir Kendrik just strode in and Callin decided to take the lead and convinced the confused squire that the heroes were actually Sir Bron’s friends and wanted to know about the Dwarf. He confessed all he knew which wasn’t much and the heroes had found out that Deckard had stolen one of Bron’s riding horses. Sir Kendrik was none too pleased at the deceptive behaviour his best friend was using to get the information. Sir Kendrik was rightly worried that the action they were taking would be considered condones by Kendrik. Sir Kendrik took Callin aside at the end to never ever use those methods in his presence again and Callin promised not to.

Wynn Tyr and Jon had to collect their gear so the others waited at Sir Kendrik’s pavilion. Kendrik prepared his trusty warhorse Valiant, giving him a sweet snack and fitting his saddle to him. Sir Kendrik then went into his pavilion and collected his great axe, a weapon he hadn’t used in quite sometime, feeling he needed to be prepared for anything. He also collected the food that was in the pavilion thinking it would make a good breakfast for his party. Once Jon and Wynn Tyr appeared the party assumed a tracking order, Jon and Wynn Tyr on foot tracking, Sir Kendrik and Br Arton side by side with Callin and Cain taking up the rear. The weather was fine but for a biting wind that chilled the travellers, the moon was but a slender crescent and only shed limited light.

Lonnaday 4th Greening 1353

Our heroes travelled slowly but made good progress following the tracks of the horse that Deckard had stolen. They had been travelling for a few hours before they came across a copse of trees with thin skeletal like branches that seemed to be trying to grab the heroes as they rode by. The lights made by the moon playing tricks on the heroes making them think they were being followed. Jon stopped in the middle of the copse when the tracks appeared to become muddled as if the horse had been startled and had stomped around in the one spot. The party rested here while Jon and Wynn Tyr tried to pick up the trail again. Little did they know that 4 huge cats had followed them with tentacles on their backs. These strange cats attacked the nearest hero doing considerable damage to them. The heroes fought back but were concerned that only a few of their attacks were connecting including Br Arton’s strong clerical spells and Kendrik’s spirited charges with his lance. Eventually after slaying one of the beasts the cats realised that the heroes were starting to win so they fled into the darkness.

The protagonists dusted themselves off and Br Arton healed those who needed it. Sir Kendrik decided that they needed to keep moving regardless of their tiredness. He asked Br Arton if he could cast the spell that gave the party the endurance to travel without tiring. Br Arton said he had to pray for that Spell and it would take an hour. Sir Kendrik then told Jon to thoroughly search the area for the horse tracks while Br Arton prayed, the rest of the party rested whichever way they could.

After an hour only one track was found the horse trail, now galloping, and the heroes followed it. After over an hour of tracking the heroes found the now riderless horse grazing. Wynn Tyr tried to approach it but he spooked it and it galloped away. An inspection of the area proved fruitless, clearly Deckard had gotten off the horse in the copse and made it ride off alone. Sir Kendrik was feeling very frustrated and ordered the party to head back to the copse. Another wasted hour heading back past and the party returned to the copse where they were ambushed. Sir Kendrik told Jon to widen the search and after some time another well disguised set of tracks were found heading due south. The tracks started off as just one large human track to be joined by small human feet, clearly Deckard was now forcing Lady Sharra to walk now. Sir Kendrik had decided that they should rest as they had made a mistake through their tiredness and he didn’t want to make another, Lady Sharra’s safety depended on Sir Kendrik’s wise actions. It was suggested by Jon not to rest at the copse as the cats may return. Sir Kendrik said that the party would travel for half and hour and then rest. When the half-hour had past dawn was well and truly past. The heroes had been tracking all night. Camp was set up and the party got some well-earned rest.

After 8 hours the party was all awake now and Sir Kendrik fetched out of his backpack the food he had brought and the party ate it. It was now approaching dusk and the now refreshed party started to the hunt for the dwarf and Lady Sharra. The party continued till they reached a large river. The tracks lead up to the bank and an inspection of that area showed the tell tale signs of barge scuffmarks. Callin using his bullseye lantern searched the other side for the boat and found it hidden in the rushes. Sir Kendrik being the strongest swimmer of the group decided to be the one to swim and get the barge. Jon shot a silk rope over to the other bank to guide Kendrik, Wynn Tyr casts levitate, and Br Arton bull Strength to make sure he succeeds. Callin let Kendrik his ring of climbing as well and Sir Kendrik stripped off his clothing tied a rope around his waist and started inching his large hairy body along the rope above the cold water. He carefully worked his way across and made it to the other bank. Sir Kendrik a bit embarrassed in his birthday suit started to rig up the barge, firstly tying the rope to a tree and then feeding the rope through the eyes on the barge. Once it was rigged up he brought the barge back to his companions. It was big enough for 4 adults or 2 adults and a horse, so they did several trips to get everyone across. Sir Kendrik got re dressed and travelled over the river with Callin and Valiant.

Jon started to search the other side of the river for Deckard and Lady Sharra’s tracks. To his dismay he found that there wasn’t just 2 sets of tracks, there were tracks for a dozen humans. It was now clear that this kidnapping was well thought out. Who was working with Deckard and why?

End Session

What you think everyone. This was one of the best session I have ever played in. The tension our DM built was palpable, it was so cool.

What do you think is install for our heroes?

What did you think of Sir Kendrik’s actions?

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Originally posted by Artoomis

Pretty cool - but who, really, was kidnapped?
Could it be that Lady Elanor has been kidnapped and that Lady Sharra is taking her place and is involved in this nefarious scheme.

Lady Elanor's face has not been seen since the kidnapping -perhaps I'm just paranoid, but that seems very suspicious.

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Originally posted by Conaill

Tsk, tsk, tsk... I told you you guys should have interrogated Deckard sooner. Don't tell me you let a sorceror (wizard? psion?) sit in a cell guarded by a mundane for several weeks. Wonder why he didn't get out any sooner.
Hey! Did Kendrik not tell the Baron about the B-E-O (Beorn?) message? it seems like one of the first priorities should be the "talk with dead" ritual to figure out if Beorn was indeed involved. Leaving the Baron alone with Bron and Beorn doesn't seem like a smart move.

Which direction are these latest sets of tracks leading anyway? It sounds like you're quite a ways from the Baron's castle by now...

By the way, did Callin notice anything amiss before Lady Elanor stormed out?

Sir Kendrik

First Post

I don’t think there is anything amiss with Lady Elanor hiding her face, she showed it to the Ladies and she was hiding the black eye she received when Deckard knocked her unconscious. She just didn't want her beau to see here in that state. The pcs know these two ladies very well now, Kendrik more than anyone else wouldn’t suspect anything. I think the guilty parties have already identified themselves.

Voidrunner's Codex

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