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Love goes horribly Wrong Story Hour

Sir Kendrik

First Post

We just bring em in, it is up to the Baron to trial them

Kendrik did inform about B-E-O, the Baron when he sat next to him. After he dismissed Kendrik he called Bron and Beorn to his chambers for a “chat”. Pelor helpl em!

I agree that a talk with dead ritual would be good to pin Beorn but saving Lady Sharra was a more pressing issue.

I think it was the right thing to leave the Baron with Bron and Beorn as he would have had Sir Brand, his personal bodyguard to protect him. I think Kendrik would have been asking for trouble if he went against his Barons orders and didn’t go after Deckard. The Baron would have taken it as a slight with Kendrik inferring that the Baron can’t look after himself and he should hide behind Kendrik.

As far as the direction Deckard drew the party to the north of Clyster and has swung to the east and now heading south. We are about to enter Lady Elanor’s father, Baron Althor’s lands. They lie to the south east of Aldred’s lands and I suspect that Deckard is heading to Montombre, who lives to the south of Aldred and Althor.

Callin followed Lady Sharra when she stormed out, but used his hide in shadows skill to not be noticed by Elanor.

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Sir Kendrik

First Post
Hello everybody and here is the latest thrilling adventure of the Axbridge crew.
Where we left off lat week Sir Kendrik and his chums were in hot pursuit of the Dwarf Deckard who had kidnapped Lady Sharra from the women’s solar. 24 hours had now pasted and through the skilled tracking abilities of Jon McAlpin the ranger the heroes were making good headway in their quest. They had just crossed the Gallory River and Jon had made the disturbing discovery that a dozen other individuals now supported the dwarf. Here is what happened this week;

Joshuaday 4th Greening 1353

After finding the trail again the heroes continued their chase and after several hours tracking they had made it to a small body of water. On investigation of the tracks, Jon and Wynn Tyr realised that there had been a lot of movement, indicating that the captors had probably camped here. Callin and Sir Kendrik were looking over the lake looking for any sign of the captors or Lady Sharra, Callin looked down into the water and saw the torn yellow over tunic that Sharra had been wearing at the feast. Sir Kendrik saw the tunic and it fired him up more to continue on. On further investigation Jon by himself followed the track to where they left the water’ edge. He reported this back to the party and it was then discovered that Lady Sharra’s tracks were near the water but only one footprint, this made Sir Kendrik suggest that maybe she tried to escape by swimming. The party then discussed what to do next and they decided that the captors probably caught her and continued on.

Lonnaday 5th Greening 1353

During the first watch Cain and Kendrik were sweeping 180 degrees each and stationed about 50 feet apart. All of a sudden a cloaked figure stepped out of the darkness towards Cain. The shadowy figure spoke to Cain and asked if he could share the light of the camp. Cain told the stranger that he would have to check if it was OK first. The stranger asked Cain wasn't he his own master. Cain replied to him by saying that he was just a servant and nodded to where Sir Kendrik was standing saying that Kendrik was his lord. The stranger then started to question Cain on whether he resented being ordered around all his life. He then called Cain by his name, which startled him and the stranger then offered him a proposition. He asked Cain if he wished to be able to do whatever he wanted, to be able the bend the minds of others to do his bidding. Cain was reluctant to listen to this offer, he told the stranger he wasn't interested. The shadowy stranger replied that if Cain changed his mind just call for him and he would appear. Cain asked the stranger for his name, the stranger told him not to worry about that, as he would come if he were called.

Cain thought for a moment and called the stranger back and agreed to give it a try. The stranger then gave Cain a black cat that rubbed up against him and left.

Sir Kendrik was watching his half of the countryside when all this was happening, and in his regular 15-minute check to see on Cain he had noticed that he had fallen asleep. Sir Kendrik walked up to Cain to wake him only to find a black cat lying on his lap. As Kendrik approached, the cat started to hiss. Kendrik ignored the cat and tried to rouse Cain and the cat took a swipe at him, just missing his hand. Kendrik finally woke Cain and told him to keep watch and what was with the cat on his lap. Cain couldn't answer. The night passed without any further incident.

The next morning as the party was preparing to continue the chase attention was drawn to the cat that had somehow become Cain's companion. Cain could explain how and when he got a little too loose lipped about the cat he was telepathically yelled at by the cat saying "No, say nothing more". The cat then started pawing at Cain's side. Cain felt some discomfort on his side, he went where he could find some privacy to check it out and to his dismay he had grown another nipple overnight. The cat continued to beg to be fed and Cain relented, feeling very awkward afterwards. As the cat fed, it informed Cain that it’s name was Sulphur, and with that filled Cains mind with a number of spells.

The heroes continued their pursuit of the captors, following what appeared to be the most recent tracks. This trail led them over the Hourla Hills and eventually into a gorge or pass where the heroes made an alarming discovery. They had stumbled across the bodies of 4 dwarfs, scattered about the floor of the ravine. Callin and Sir Kendrik rode up to one of the bodies and inspected it. It had been singed and was stone cold dead. This was unusual, as dwarves in Misty Isles are immune to fire. When the body was rolled over, it was also discovered to be a duegar, and not a hill dwarf as was first suspected. Sir Kendrik prepared himself to fight whatever had done this to the dwarfs. Arton and Cain were making an inspection of the other bodies checking one and Jon and Wynn Tyr checking another about 60 feet away. The bodies where hideously deformed, either mauled or crushed flat.

The heroes continued checking the bodies for clues when a Behir burst out from behind cover the of some rocky outcroppings. With arcs of electricity running up its horns and down it's back, opened it’s mouth and breathed a lightning blast at Jon and Wynn Tyr. Seeking safety to cast his spells, Wynn Tyr stepped back out of attack range, unfortunately into the path of Kendrik, preparing a mounted charge on Valiant, making the manoeuvre impossible. Kendrik moved to line himself up to attack from a more advantageous position. Jon stayed and was ready to attack when he Behir grabbed Jon with in it's mouth and began to wrap it’s serpentine body around the ranger. In a horrifying sight, the Behir tilted its head back, opened up it's gullet and swallowed the unfortunate ranger whole. Callin moved quickly to engage the creature in combat, unaware that he was no blocking Kendrik’s charge. Shocked at what he had just seen, Kendrik's yelled at Callin to move and then charged through, driving his lance deep into the beast. Br Arton then hit it with a clerical spell that made the beast retreat up the hill to it's stinking lair. Kendrik instantly chased after it and waited for his companions to join him outside the lair where Kendrik could hear the lizard hiss threateningly at him.

Standing at the entrance, Kendrik's plan was to draw it out thus taking it's advantage away. When the others had joined him, Callin decided not to wait and went into the lair but the creature continued to threaten and display, obvious that it would not be drawn out. Br Arton lost his temper and fired called forth a flame strike spell on the Behir. Injured and insane with pain, the beast rushed forward and unleashed another electricity blast, this time targeted hitting Br Arton. Callin, seizing his opportunity, tumbled behind the Behir, Sir Kendrik seeing Callin’s manoeuvre, stepped forward to take advantage of the flanked beast. Callin struck the Behir a mortal blow, utilising his skills in placing telling blows. Kendrik then coup de graced the downed reptile, driving Razor's Edge deep into the behir's skull. As soon as that was done Callin slit the Behir from throat to gut, hoping that it was not too late to save Jon.

Alas, it was too late. As soon as the cut was finished, a pile of steaming bones tumbled from the behir’s exposed innards, all that was left of the brave ranger. The acid and the constricting muscles of the beasts' innards had done their worst. Callin instantly threw up and Sir Kendrik dropped to his knees, head bowed and shaking.

"There isn't anything we can do for Jon is there?" Sir Kendrik asked Br Arton

"No Kendrik there isn't" Br Arton replied, looking away

After the heroes had gathered their thoughts and calmed themselves down, the terrible task of burying young Jon McAlpin began. Sir Kendrik checked the area for a shady tree to use as a burial site and started digging with his large shield. Callin searched the lair and found a huge pile of treasure. Wynn Tyr carefully picked out Jon's bones, weapons and backpack from the remains of the behir's stomach.

When the grave was finished the party gathered around and Br Arton said some words for Jon before he was buried. Kendrik stood by the grave for some time waiting for his friends to leave him alone. When they had, Kendrik dropped to on knee and placed his hand on the cairn that had been built as a tombstone. With tears in his eyes, the distraught knight told Jon that his death would not be in vain, and vowed to Jon that he would succeed in saving Lady Sharra. Kendrik then prayed for his departed friend and returned to the others.

Deciding not to move on any further that day, the party set up camp where the grave was and they rested. During the evening the party discussed how they could continue, as their guide was now dead and none of them could track effectively. Sir Kendrik suggested going back to a town near the river and getting a guide or ranger form there, but that would have put them too far behind. Br Arton said that he had a way but it would have to wait till morning.

Watches were set again, and during Sir Kendrik's watch he heard commotion in the valley below them. He couldn't understand what was being said. but he recognised the voice of the leader as Deckard. Sir Kendrik, knowing that fighting dwarfs at night wouldn't be a good idea, dowsed his fire and ducked down and listened for a bit. It sounded like the dwarves searched through the valley before they set up camp and lit a fire. In the now lit valley, Kendrik saw Deckard approach the flames and throw something on them. All of a sudden the flames rose up brilliantly and when they subsided, an abstract shape in the smoke. Kendrik woke Callin and Br Arton and the three heroes spied on what was happening.

A conversation had obviously taken place between Deckard that the shape in the smoke, for it once more flared outwards. “LOST HER?” The figure screeched. The figure reached out and grabbed Deckard by the throat, lifting him off the ground and drawing him close.

“Find her Deckard, or your life will be forfeit.” The figure ordered before flinging Deckard to the ground. “Find her and return her to me!”

The fire flared again and then returned to normal. Deckard yelled to the other dwarves and they left. The heroes realising that Deckard had lost Lady Sharra had no option but to wait a couple hours so that Arton could get the spell he wanted. Arton told Sir Kendrik that the spell would require Br Arton to swear to do a favour for a task he would ask of one of Pelor’s celestials. Sir Kendrik told his friend that he would gladly help him in whatever quest Br Arton was given.

Freeday 6th Greening 1353

Morning broke and Br Arton prayed, as did Sir Kendrik while Wynn Tyr studied his books. The party ate quickly and they prepared to leave. Br Arton dropped to his knees and looked and bowed his head. He started to pray for celestial assistance. All of a sudden a brilliant shaft of white light came down from heaven and a celestial appeared before them. Resembling a dwarf, the celestial had streaming blond hair and a braided beard. Heavily muscled, it wore only a toga, leaving the majority of it’s chest bare. Sir Kendrik dropped to his knees head bowed with his sword in front of him as the celestial spoke, it’s wings beating gently.

“What is it you ask of me?”

Br Arton told the celestial that the party needed to track the Lady Sharra as she was being pursued. Br Arton told the celestial that the heroes wanted to beat the dwarfs to Lady Sharra. The celestial said he would help but he would need to ask a favour of Br Arton, adding that it wouldn't bring him into danger. Br Arton said he accepted that and the celestial ordered the party to mount their horses, and the party did.

Just before the party left, Sir Kendrik turned back and called to Jon's grave "We do this for you my friend!"

The celestial then started to beat it's wings and rose above the ground. He then took off and swooped over the countryside blazing a trail that the heroes found hard to keep up with. After some hours the heroes had reached where Deckard and the other dwarfs were. The celestial stopped and asked what they wanted to do now. Callin wished to attack the dwarves, but the others wanted to skirt the dwarves and beat them to Lady Sharra. The celestial then told them "So be it" and started to blaze the trail again.

After several more hours of hard riding the heroes had reached an old Legion Empire road. Much better quality than the muddy road that the party normally travelled on. They travelled along the road to a point where they saw an old fortress. The celestial stopped and told the party that up in the fortress is where they would find the Lady Sharra. The celestial then said that he would now ask for them for the task they must complete

"Your task is thus, seek not the justice you wish to serve, but the justice
that should be given"

After saying that he gave his blessing and good wishes and departed.

The party then followed the obvious trail Lady Sharra had left. The party then came across a pair of overgrown ditches, that would have been difficult for the horses to traverse. Sir Kendrik suggested to skirt the ditches and they rode around them. Passing ruined buildings left and right the heroes headed straight for the fortress, which was set on the edge of a cliff. They rode under an arch and the heroes were presented with three buildings. The one in the middle being the biggest and best preserved, the others were smaller and in disrepair. Sir Kendrik tried to think which one Lady Sharra would have gone into and he thought she would have assumed that a Knight lived in the big house and would go there.

"Lady Sharra, it is Sir Kendrik, we are here to save you. If you are here please make yourself known by appearing at a window" Called out Kendrik in a calm, friendly voice.

The heroes waited but no sign or word came.

Sir Kendrik decided that the party should split up and search the place for Lady Sharra

End Session

What you think everyone?

It was a tough session to play. It is always terrible when a PC dies, rangers are an endangered species in our campaign as two have bitten the dust now.

Any suggestions?

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Well here we are again all wondering what has happened to out intrepid heroes since we last met up with them. Well wait now longer!
6 Greening 1353

The 5 remaining heroes were now outside the two intact buildings in the ruined compound. Sir Kendrik thought that it would be a good idea to send the rogues in to look around hopefully finding Lady Sharra, but mainly to look for somewhere to stable the horses. Sir Kendrik had learnt from his previous bad decision to leave the horses in the open and wasn’t going to make the same mistake twice.

Callin, wearing the Helm of Clear Vision, and Cain entered the building that resembled a fortress, as Sir Kendrik thought that this dwelling would be the most likely to house a stable. The two rogues entered through the archway at the front of the fortress that led them down a long, dark passageway for about 25 feet. Due to the failing light this passageway appeared to be made of solid stone. Once through the passageway Callin and Cain proceeded into the large courtyard stealthily and taking advantage of what shadows there were. All they could see in this area was a weed and vine choked courtyard. Directly opposite the passageway was a small set of stairs that led to a doorway. This doorway used to be closed by 2 heavy doors however one now lay on the stairs and the other was hanging fully open on one hinge.

Callin decided that this fortress did not appear suitable for stabling, so he and Cain reported back to the others. Sir Kendrik then ordered them to check the other main building that resembled manor house. The two rogues again departed to the building indicated. Like the first, it had an arched entranceway and a long passageway that led into a courtyard. The layout in the manor house was quite different. Around the inside walls was what appeared to be a cloister or maybe even stables where the wood had rotted away over time. In the middle of the courtyard was what appeared to be a well or pool that was empty and overground with weeds. A brief inspection by Callin showed that there was a short pipe sticking out from the centre of the structure. Callin surmised that this building would make a good place to stable the horse and reported back the Sir Kendrik.

The party ushered their horses into the ancient building and set about hitching them to whatever they could. The little light that was left coming from the setting sun faded quickly, leaving the heroes in darkness. Sir Kendrik and the others activated their lamps. Suddenly everyone but Wynn Tyr heard the gently patter of pebbles striking the ground behind them. They turned and Callin, Cain and Br Arton saw the glimpse of a small, pale hand slide from view behind the large entrance archway. The three observant heroes gave chase with Sir Kendrik and Wynn Tyr following close behind. The party burst out of the manor house and turned left, Callin taking a hunch that that was the way that the figure had gone. The party followed him and they reached an overgrown road between the fortress and the manor. Callin looked down the road with his Helm of Clear Vision and couldn’t see the owner of the hand. A brief investigation of the area revealed a small, bloodied footprint heading down the path, away from the characters. Callin, Cain and Br Arton followed the road between the manor and the fortress, opening the hoods of their glow-lanterns, shedding enough light to see by. Sir Kendrik and Wynn Tyr investigated the footprint and Sir Kendrik asked if it might have been Lady Sharra and if she was badly hurt. Wynn Tyr agreed that it might be Lady Sharra’s foot but he reassured Kendrik by saying that there wasn’t too much blood. Wynn Tyr surmised that the unfortunate Lady Sharra, unused to the harsh treatment she had suffered, being forced run such long distances, and then her hysterical flight of freedom had damaged the soles of her feet, and the blood that they had found was just that from a re-opened wound.

Sir Kendrik looked up from the footprint and noticed that Cain had disappeared without alerting Kendrik to his intentions. Sir Kendrik, opening his own glow-lantern, walked down the path and looked for Cain. Sir Kendrik finally caught up with the rogue around the back of the manor. Sir Kendrik asked Cain if he had found anything before telling him not to ever walk off without alerting the knight. They then worked their way around the manor and returned to Wynn Tyr who was still looking at the bloody footprint. Sir Kendrik then torn a small square from his tabard and placed it next to the footprint, making it easier for the party to locate it later.

In the clearing behind the buildings Callin and Br Arton had split up looking for signs of the fair lady. The clearing was broken up by the occasional clump of bramble bushes. Callin had headed for one located to the right and Br Arton had headed for one to the left. The constant sound of night insects stopped around the bushes Br Arton had walked to. Br Arton listened for any sound of Lady Sharra. The young brother heard what he thought was muffled breathing, and decided to pray hoping that if Lady Sharra were indeed hiding in the bushes she would be settled by the gentle sound of prayer. Sir Kendrik hearing this started to walk over to Br Arton and joined in the prayer. Cain started heading toward Callin while Wynn Tyr just stood back at the end of the path. The prayer had now progressed to a full on mass with Br Arton certain that Lady Sharra would answer back at the appropriate moments. Sir Kendrik stood a few steps behind Br Arton following the mass. Wynn Tyr had decided to bring out his harp and was gently strumming it. Br Arton now feared that the sounds would begin to startle the young Lady and turned, telling Sir Kendrik to tell Wynn Tyr to stop playing.

As Sir Kendrik approached the wizard waving at him to stop a huge ugly troll, 9 ft tall, covered in slimy worts, with longer fingers and a hideous face, appeared from the darkness right behind Wynn Tyr. Before Sir Kendrik could call out to Wynn Tyr to run, the beast struck with one claw and then the other, grabbing the hapless wizard, rending him in twain, and finally tossing him several feet away. An ashen-faced Sir Kendrik ran in to attack the troll. Just as Sir Kendrik had run in front of the foul looking beast another appeared beside it, this one appearing to be female. The two trolls attacked the young knight, both connecting with one of their claws each. Both blows hurt Kendrik but he held his ground, yelling at the top of his voice that Wynn Tyr had been attacked. Sir Kendrik then landed 2 solid blows to the male troll that only fuelled the anger in the beast.

Callin and Cain had heard the commotion coming from Sir Kendrik and started to head over to help their friend. Before they could move too far another male troll appeared from the darkness but a few strides to Br Arton. Br Arton was still praying, trying to coax Lady Sharra out and was unaware of the impending attack. Cain tried to attack third troll but it lashed out at him and knocked the light from his side. Callin yelled out to Br Arton “Arton watch out it’s Johnny!” referring to the legendary troll Johnny Moss Skin the man would couldn’t be killed, that the heroes had slain in a previous adventure. Br Arton had now become aware of the fracas that was going on behind him and let go a searing light right into the back of the troll that made its skin boil and scab over letting off a noxious odour.

The Trolls attacked again with the female moving behind Sir Kendrik and flanking him. To the amazement of the young knight the trolls pressed home their advantage but only connected once. Sir Kendrik on the other hand, fighting honourably, landed two strong blows on the male troll.

Callin ran towards the battle Sir Kendrik was involved in tumbling in and behind the trollop driving his short sword up between its wort covered legs. The second male troll enraged by the searing light attack from Br Arton turned his attention to the young cleric connecting with 2 heavy blows that staggered Arton back a few steps. The larger male again unleashed it’s fury on Sir Kendrik but it seemed that its rage was lessening its ability to hit the brave knight as yet again the troll missed it’s target. The female reached down and grabbed Callin with one hand and then the other and in one movement she rended the unfortunate rogue. She even tried to take a bite out of Callin’s neck and face, however he dodged out of the way from the feted stench of her mouth before she could sink her rotten teeth in.

Br Arton, now under attack from the second male troll whacked it with his trusty mace. The troll was now giving its full attention to the cleric, giving Cain the chance to sneak behind it to precisely place a mortal blow. Br Arton, remembering that trolls cannot heal from fire damage set the fallen troll on fire, pouring and igniting lamp oil on it.

Whilst held in the air by the trollop Callin drove his sword into her throat and she dropped him. The remaining troll took another attack at Sir Kendrik but again Sir Kendrik’s training helped him either duck or allow the blows to but glance his shield. Now it was Sir Kendrik’s chance to finish off what was now appearing to be a tired and desperate opponent.

Sir Kendrik raised his long sword as high and he could and swung down onto the trolls head, crushing its skull as it stuck for a moment in the bone of it’s skull before Kendrik handed another, this time a telling blow, that dropped the troll at Sir Kendrik’s feet. Immediately Sir Kendrik ran over to see if he could help the fallen wizard. Callin removed his oil from his backpack and dowsed the trollop in oil and set her on fire.

Brother Arton returned to the bush to see if he could coax out Lady Sharra and Cain joined Sir Kendrik. To the amazement of the party the larger troll rose up and started to move toward Sir Kendrik and Wynn Tyr. Sir Kendrik was more concerned about saving his friends life and continued to move towards the wizard, while Callin moved in and sliced at the rousing troll with his shortsord, and then doused it too with oil and set it alight before it could arise once more. Kendrik knelt at the wizard’s head and tried his best to stop the blood loss. Alas it was too little too late as Wynn Tyr was beyond Sir Kendrik’s minor abilities. In the space of two days two good men had died way too soon.

Kneeling at the dead body of someone he cared for, Sir Kendrik was wondering if he was indeed cursed. Br Arton arrived and Sir Kendrik asked if it was indeed to late for Wynn Tyr, Br Arton nodded. Callin headed over to the bushes where Lady Sharra was thought to be, there was no sound coming from the bush so Callin started to climb in. Working his way through the sharp brambles he found the impression in the undergrowth that indicated that something had hiden in the bushes. He found a small piece of bloodied and torn white cloth and he saw blood in some of the brambles. He burst out of the other side of the bush, whistled for his horse. Once mounted, Callin rode in the direction he thought Lady Sharra may have gone. The others saw this and followed his lead calling for their horses and riding off after him.

The rogue followed that direction for a short while till he realised that he should have caught up with the lady by now. He stopped and turned around dejectedly and rode back, the others now caught up with him and they worked their way along the path when Callin saw a trail of small footprints. He followed them to one of the ditches that surround the fortress compound. The others inched closer as Callin sneaked into the ditch after hearing the breathing of Lady Sharra. Her grabbed her and tried to settle her. She of course was delirious from lack of sleep and food and the long distance she had travelled. Br Arton then cast a spell that instantly settled the frightened girl. With the help of the others, Callin helped Lady Sharra out of the ditch, placing his cloak over her to keep her warm. Sir Kendrik offered her some water from his water skin to the tired, aggrieved lady.

“Even after the trials I have been through, Sir Kendrik, I have not fallen so low as to drink without the accouchements of civilization!” Stated Lady Sharra

Sir Kendrik, upset that he was only trying to help Lady Sharra, was saved by Callin who reminded him of the gem-incrusted chalice that the party had recovered from the Behir. Sir Kendrik retrieved it and filled it with water for Lady Sharra to drink, which she drank as quickly but as ladylike as possible. She motioned to Sir Kendrik to fill the chalice once more, which he did. Br Arton then told Lady Sharra that we would take her back to the deserted manor house to rest the night and then head home to Clyster the next day. As they rode back to the manor Br Arton told Sir Kendrik that he should remove the troll bodies from the clearing. He agreed and headed for the clearing with Cain and Callin. Callin started digging the grave for Wynn Tyr and Sir Kendrik moved the now smouldering corpses into the brambles and out of sight. The three heroes then buried Wynn Tyr and returned to the manor house. While they were away Br Arton had spoken to Lady Sharra who was still fearful of being left alone. Br Arton said that he would be in sight of her at all times. He set up a bed for the Lady to sleep on and she fell asleep as soon as she rested her head down.

Sir Kendrik and the others returned and the knight and the cleric spoke quietly to each other about what to do next. They both felt that it was their duty to guard the Lady all night but Callin overhearing this told them that they would do the Lady no good if they tried to stay awake all night and risk sleeping at their post. Sir Kendrik and Br Arton agreed that it would be foolish and Sir Kendrik planned the night’s watch. The night passed without further incident.

7th Greening 1353

The next morning the party awoke well rested. Br Arton summoned up a breakfast fit for a noble. Lady Sharra thanked him and the party set off for Clyster along the old Legion road. The party was interested to note that about what seemed at every mile travelled there was a stone cairn at the side of the road, this was something they had never come across before. After some hours travel the party arrived at a small fishing village on a river. In the distance the party could see the welcoming sight of the walls of Clyster keep. A ferry was spied, the toll paid, and the heroes and Lady Sharra crossed the river. Once across the river Callin rode ahead to Clyster Keep to give the Baron the good news that Sir Kendrik was returning with Lady Sharra.

The party was met by guards, who escorted them into the keep. Lady Sharra was quickly whisked away. Sir Kendrik and Br Arton rode into the bailey and dismounted, their horses led away to the stables. Br Arton pulled Sir Kendrik to one side and told him about the troubling news that he had been told to him by Lady Cassandra. He informed Sir Kendrik that Deckard had knocked Lady Elanor unconscious and now she had to be checked to see that Deckard had not sullied her. Sir Kendrik was now sieving with anger and told Br Arton that Pelor help Deckard when he catches up with him. Br Arton told Sir Kendrik that this was the kind of reaction he had feared and that was why he kept the information from the young knight. Br Arton then asked if Sir Kendrik would like him to accompany him to report to the Baron. Sir Kendrik said yes and they headed for the great hall.

Once they arrived in the hall, they saw that Baron Aldred was indeed in there with Sir Brand and some others. Sir Kendrik and Br Arton waited at the main entrance to the great hall to be announced. Once this occurred the two heroes strode in and Sir Kendrik knelt and bowed his head in front of his Lord. Sir Kendrik informed the Baron on what had happened, stating that he and his party would head out to capture Deckard so he could be brought to trial. The Baron thanked Sir Kendrik and Br Arton for rescuing his daughter and returning her home safe. He told them they would be duly rewarded for their troubles. Sir Kendrik then asked Baron Aldred about the well being of Lady Elanor. The Baron scowled, and replied that he was not pleased at Sir Kendrik’s apparent thoughtlessness, having to tell him that he had more important things on his mind than Sir Kendrik’s concern for the well being of Lady Elanor. Kendrik then asked if he could see Lady Elanor, but the Baron decline, informing the young knight that Lady Elanor would be busy attending Lady Sharra to see Kendrik. Sir Kendrik understood and begged his leave from the Baron.

Once out of the great hall, Sir Kendrik stopped a page and told him to send word to the Lady Elanor that he would like to see her as soon as it would be suitable. Time passed and the evening feast was held in the great hall. Someone that the heroes had not been seen for some time was seated next to the Baron. It was the powerful wizard, Ulric. Ladies Sharra and Elanor were nowhere to be seen. The meal went well and at the end of it the Baron stood and made an announcement. He thanked Sir Kendrik and Br Arton for their efforts in returning safely his only daughter. He wished to reward them but he couldn’t think of something suitable. At this point Ulric burst into a fit of uncontrolled laughter, which puzzled those assembled. He motioned to the Baron and whispered in his ear. The Baron then announced that the reward to Sir Kendrik would be all of the lands surrounding his home village of Axbridge for the term of his natural life. Br Arton was then told that the Baron was awarding to the church the area called Hobbs Dell and Br Arton would oversee any work that the church saw fit to do with the land. Sir Kendrik thanked his Lord for his generosity.

Later that night as Cain was sleeping in his pellet he was rudely awoken by the pain of claws being stuck into his chest. It was his nasty familiar, the cat called Sulphur and it threatened him. He scowled at him;

“Don’t think you can get away from me so easily”

“Get Dressed, I have some people you have to meet!”

Cain did as he was told and they left the keep and rode off into the night.

8th Greening 1353

Early the next day the Baron summoned Callin to his private quarters. When Callin arrived Baron Aldred told him that he again had a dangerous mission for Callin to undertake. He told the rogue that he was to again infiltrate Baron Montombre’s castle and find out what he was up to. The Baron told him that like last time if he was captured the Baron would deny any knowledge of Callin’s actions. Callin suggested to the Baron that he would be in need of some help in creating and obtaining disguises to use to enter the castle for Sir Bron knew what he looked like. Baron Aldred agreed and told Callin of someone he could visit in Clyster to equip him with his needs.

End of Session

What you think everyone?
Any Suggestions?

This will be the last update on our game for 2001 as we have now started a short break for the Christmas season. We shall be starting up again in mid January and no doubt I will be more than likely keeping you abreast of all the action, romance and intrigue that is our game.

I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, see you all in 2002!

Sir Kendrik

First Post
Hello everyone again and here is the next exciting instalment in the life and times of Sir Kendrik. This session was a quick thread tying one and introduced a new player character.
When we left our heroes Sir Kendrik and Br Arton had been rewarded for the safe return of Lady Sharra. Sir Kendrik had vowed to his Baron, Aldred, that he would head off to capture Deckard, the dwarf responsible for the kidnapping of Sharra. Callin had been yet again set off to spy on Baron Montombre and had left immediately. During the night Cain had been called away by his sly familiar, Sulphur to go meet some new “friends”.

8 Greening 1353

The session started the next morning. Sir Kendrik as usual got up early for his daily rituals. He bathed and prayed to Pelor for the guidance, wisdom and strength to fulfil his role as a good and just knight. After that he went to the morning church service. Kendrik was keen to meet up with his friends and adventuring companions and headed for the kitchens for breakfast. He waited for Callin and Cain to arrive so they could discuss the tracking down of Deckard. Breakfast came and went and no sign of any of his friends so Sir Kendrik went to the keep chamberlain. If anyone knew where keep residents were it would be the chamberlain. Sir Kendrik asked of the whereabouts of Cain, Callin and Br Arton, unfortunately the chamberlain could only say that he hadn’t seen any of them that morning. Sir Kendrik thanked the chamberlain for his time and continued on his way.

Early that morning a newcomer to Clyster rode into town, pack horse in tow. It was a tall man, and looking at him, he was clearly not from these parts. As he rode towards the town, he could see in inspiring sight of Clyster Keep, perched on a hill above the city like a silent guardian. Riding on through the gates, he passed by the aging Church of St Gawaine and reached the town square and pulled up at the main inn in town. First he stabled the horses and then walked into the inn. He moved up to the bar and spoke to the stocky barkeep. The stranger opened his mouth and with a strong Airelysh brogue asked for a room for a few nights. The two discussed terms and accommodations were made for a week. The young Airelyshman dropped his belongings in his room and headed out for a spot of sightseeing.

Meanwhile, Sir Kendrik looked for one of the young pages and handed the boy a rolled up parchment and told him to deliver it to Lady Elanor. All morning Sir Kendrik was being stopped by fellow knights, all very pleased to see him, asking him of his health. Sir Kendrik was a bit taken aback by this attention and was puzzled by it.

Knowing that he would have to get supplies for his quest, Kendrik headed off to the market to pick up what the party needed. After picking these supplies up he headed out to one of the hamlets to visit one of the Baron’s horse studs to purchase up a suitable packhorse. With these mundane errands out of the way he returned to the keep, keeping an eye out for his friends. Sir Kendrik was beginning to realise that the others may have been busy on personal matters. Unfortunately, Sir Kendrik could not wait for them to return before heading on his quest. He thought that his best bet would be to head to the main inn in Clyster, the Randy Unicorn, that evening to rustle up a posse to head out the next day. Kendrik realised that he would have to fill in time somehow so he headed to the training ground for some practise with Sir Brand. This practise lasted a few hours before Kendrik headed back to the barracks to sharpen his weapons.

Eventually the evening came and the inn was starting to fill with locals and travellers, all in search of an ale or two to slack their thirst. Sir Kendrik entered the inn and scanned the room, in the vain hope of seeing Cain or Callin. Not seeing either rogue he walked in. Before he could take more than a few steps, the friendly bar wench, Belle, stopped him in his tracks, greeting him and asking where he would like to sit. Sir Kendrik told her that he would like to sit near the bar and she led him to his table. As they walked through the crowd yet again he was stopped and greeted by everyone assembled, some even calling him “our champion”. Belle cleared a group of people at a table, Sir Kendrik offering a free round of drinks for their trouble and an ale for himself. The drinks arrived and he tried to pay for the drinks.

Belle raised her hand and said, “The Champion of the Joust pays for naught at the Randy Unicorn”

Sir Kendrik again offered to pay for at least the others drinks but again Belle said Kendrik wouldn’t be paying for anything. Sir Kendrik, knowing he was getting nowhere agreed and enjoyed his drink. Soon after a huge spread of roasted lamb and vegetables, fruits and cheeses were placed in front of Sir Kendrik, much more than he could eat. He ate what he could, during the meal a harper struck up a tune, a song about his exploits rescuing Lady Sharra. The bard claiming that the party killed several dragons, dispatched an army of trolls, and defeated a foul horde of dwarfs. All this praise and attention was embarrassing the young knight, but he just smiled and went redder and redder in the face.

He then decided that now was the time to do what he came there for. Sir Kendrik stood and used his chair to climb up on the sturdy table, cleared his throat loudly and waiting for the crowd to quieten down. He then spoke in a confident baritone voice.

“Good Evening good people of Clyster. I am here on a search for stouthearted men with a taste for adventure. As you are all aware, that foul cur Deckard, kidnapped our fair Lady Sharra. With the grace of Pelor my companions and I returned her safe to her father, kind Baron Aldred. Unfortunately, the beast Deckard, is still at large and which one of you wish to join me in returning him to the Baron to face justice. Which ones of you feel that you are up to the job, step forward and make yourself known.”

First one young man then another stepped forward stating “Aye, My Lord, I wish to join you”
Then an older man, in his mid thirties stepped up and joined them. “Excellent,” stated Sir Kendrik. “It is good to see such fine men willing to see justice be served. Join me at my table and we can discuss our next move.”

Kendrik stepped down and shook their hands and asked their names. The youngest of the trio was called Gerath, the next was called Laren, both of these young men in their mid twenties stated that they were members of the city guard. The oldest member of the trio was called Themas and was a tracker. Sir Kendrik asked the men if they had eaten yet. They had not, so Kendrik told them to have their fill of the food on his table, as it was much more than he could handle. They thanked the knight for his kindness and they ate. The four men then discussed what lay ahead for them and generally got to get to know each other.

After a while, the young Airelyshman who had ridden into town that morning started to ask questions of those around him about Sir Kendrik. All of those he asked spoke in glowing terms of the brave young knight. Thinking that joining this posse would be a grand adventure the young man stepped up to Kendrik’s table and asked if he could join Sir Kendrik in his quest. Sir Kendrik was pleased that another wished to join him and told the new comer to sit down next to him. Sir Kendrik asked the man of his name and he replied, “My name is Marban”
Sir Kendrik welcomed him to the group and they chatted away for a while. At about 10th bell, Sir Kendrik excused himself, and told the others to meet him outside the inn at first light.

9 Greening 1353

The next day Sir Kendrik got his gear together and was about to ride out of the keep to meet his companions when he heard a voice that made his heart sing with joy. It was Lady Elanor, calling out to him. Sir Kendrik stopped immediately and hopped down from his steed, Valiant. Lady Elanor ran up to him and they talked. Lady Elanor wanted to give Sir Kendrik something to help him on his difficult quest. He accepted the gift gladly and told her how much he missed her fair face, a face he feared he would never see again. She too, was pleased to see him again and and spoke quietly of their love. Lady Elanor, then still in quiet tones, uttered that if Sir Kendrik had indeed not returned, she would have quickly join him at the side of their creator, for she would not be able to live without him. Sir Kendrik told her about the fact that he would be separated from her soon when he goes to Axbridge. She mentioned that fate was conspiring against them but what fate bent to undo, man can set right. Sir Kendrik said that being the Baron’s representative in Axbridge would finally prove his worth and the two lovers would finally be able to plan their lives together. He dropped to one knee and kissed her slender hand claiming that his deeds would be in her name. He hopped up and mounted his horse riding out of the keep with his heart singing. Kendrik looked down at the gift. It was two vials of blue liquid, which he knew were potions of healing.

The party assembled on time and rode out retracing the route the heroes took when returning with Lady Sharra. Sir Kendrik knew that Deckard was tracking Lady Sharra and would have arrived at the ruined Legion fort. They crossed the river by ferry and followed the trail to the legion road. They arrived at the fort in the late afternoon and headed for the site of the battle with the trolls. Kendrik filled the others in on what went on before stopping. Dismounting, he walking over to a cairn and mound in the field. It was Wynn Tyr’s grave and Kendrik knelt and paid his respects for a short while. Once finished he placed his hand on the cairn and then returned to the job at hand.

Sir Kendrik broke the party into two groups, Kendrik, Marban and Laren checking the field and bushes while Themas and Gerath checked out the fortress. Marban checked the tracks around the field and found them hard to distinguish. While he was doing that, Sir Kendrik searched for signs of fires and the like. Seeing nothing, Sir Kendrik noticed that the bodies of the trolls were not giving off a foul odour. He went to where he had dragged them and was shocked to find that they had turned to stone where they lay.

Sir Kendrik decided to investigate the manor house and they went inside the walls to the courtyard. The party startled a flock of crows which flew up and perched themselves on the roof and walls of the manor. This revealed the bodies of four giant duergar warriors. They had been killed in a battle and had slashing wounds one their bodies, wounds that would have been given by a weapon such as an axe. Near them was a bonfire that had exploded and left scorch marks. Beside it was a pouch which contained a sparkling powder, or dust. Kendrik pocketed the pouch for further investigation back in Clyster. Kendrik surmised that maybe Deckard had fought the other dwarfs. Marban had found a single human sized trail leading out of the courtyard. Kendrik told Marban to investigate if it led further than the outside of the manor. Sir Kendrik had worked out that if it were Deckard’s prints it would go further away from the buildings as the previous party had ridden out. Marben did as he was asked, and indeed the trail did lead further out.

The other party had now joined them and Sir Kendrik told Gerath and Laren to light a fire and get a meal together while the rest of the party investigate the rest of the manor house for more clues.

End Session

What you think everyone?
Any suggestions from the clues so far?

Unfortunately this mini session has had to stretch over two weeks. The conclusion will be posted as soon as it happens.

Sir Kendrik

First Post
I have just posted in the first post of this thread the first of my profiles on PCs in the campaign. Not surprisingly it is Sir Kendrik.

Tell me what you think of it please of it.


First Post

Sir Kendrik,
I have been around these boards since the Eric Noah days, however, I have only just made it to your Story Hour...good job! I was wondering if we could see the stats for the main characters, eh?


Sir Kendrik

First Post
OK I will get the others stats soon but here is Sir Kendrik's

Sir Kendrik Larsen: Male human Ftr 6/Kni 3; CR 9; Medium Humanoid; HD 6d10+12 + 3d10+6; hp 105; Init +5 (Dex, Improved Initiative); Spd 20 ft.; AC 22 (+1 Dex, +9 full plate, +2 large shield); Atk +15/9 melee (1d8+5 longsword, crit 17-20/x2), +13/+8 melee (1d8+3 heavy lance, crit x3), +12/+7 melee (1d12+4 greataxe, crit x3), +12/+7 ranged (1d8 light crossbow crit 19-20/x2); SV Fort +10, Ref +4, Will +7, Str 16, Dex 16, Con 15, Int 10, Wis 14, Cha 12.
Skills: Craft (blacksmith) +1, Craft (weaponsmith) +1, Craft (armoursmith) +1, Diplomacy +3, Handle Animal +7, Intimidate +2, Knowledge (royalty & nobility) +4, Profession (soldier) +3, Ride +10, Spot +4,Climb +5, Handle Animal +4, Intuit Direction +6, Move Silently +5, Spot +4.
Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Leadership, Mounted Combat, Power Attack, Rideby Attack, Spirited Charge, Toughness, Weapon Focus (lance), Weapon Focus (longsword).
Alignment: LG.
Possessions: Fullplate +1, "Razor's Edge" keen longsword +2, torque of leadership +4, masterwork large steel shield, "Valiant" heavy warhorse.

Voidrunner's Codex

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