[LPF] Bats in the Belfry

Aldern Foxglove

First Post
"Right, I'll tag you out for a bit then Aressa, can't have you getting wet - bedraggled is a hard look to pull off for people who aren't me." Izzik says grinning fondly at his glowering eidolon before dismissing her with a wave of his hand.

Aressa rolls her eyes, but does not disagree and seems content as she fades away - having been eyeing the dirty canal with a palpable lack of enthusiasm.

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Thy wounds are healed!
OOC: Everyone goes before the the monster so waiting on first round posts from everyone but Izzik and Ausk.


First Post
"Can anybody see what's happening?" shouts Syldar. Then she remembers that she can do something about that. As her fingers dance through the air, she says "tánc területén a fény". When she finishes, four spheres appear around the gondola, lighting the area.

"Hey, what's that?" she says, (probably) noting the shape in the water. Suspecting that it is not friendly to the halfling, she draws her bow.

[sblock="Actions"]Std: casting dancing lights. The spheres have to be within a 10 foot radius area, so the can be placed at (+10, +10), (+10, -5), (-5, +10) and (-5, -5) relative to some square, since the spheres that are the furthest apart are three diagonal squares, which is 20 feet for the diameter of the region, or a 10 foot radius. Each sphere provides lights as a torch, which is normal light for a 20 foot radius. That lights the entire area from (-25, -25) to (30, 30), except for a bit of the corners. If the squares in the map are 5 foot squares, that lights the entire width of the canal and both in front of and behind the gondola. Wow, that's a complicated cantrip to explain.

Move: assuming she sees the shape in the water, she draws her bow and 5 foot steps toward the water. Otherwise, she moves to the edge of the canal.[/sblock]

[sblock="Dice roller"]The dice roller continues to not work for me. Syldar's perception modifier is +1. Holyman: can you roll that for me? Thanks.[/sblock]
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Aldern Foxglove

First Post
[sblock=Udalich]I'm a bit puzzled by your problems with the dice roller. If you are prepared to you might consider allowing myself or one of the other judges to login to your account to try it out. That way we can fault find if it is an issue with your account or if you are doing something fundamentally wrong.

Before we try that try following a step by step guide to the dice roller - sorry if it seems patronizing at any point I would rather er on the side of caution.

  1. After posting return to your post and hit the dice roller "button" in the bottom right hand corner.
  2. In the window at the top of the screen enter the purpose of the roll, e.g Syldar's Initiative.
  3. Find the dice type you want to roll, d20, d6, etc., and type in the number of that dice type you wish to roll. For initiative for example place a 1 next to the d20 to roll 1d20.
  4. Scroll down to the "Dice Functions" box below the dice and next to modifier select whether the modifier on your roll is going to be positive or negative by clicking on the appropriate "button" - the blue dot appears in the one you have selected.
  5. Type your modifier for the roll into the white box next to the buttons. For example 3 for a +3 init mod.
  6. Ignore the rest and scroll down just past the "Dice Functions" box, hit the roll button.
  7. Wait a few seconds and your roll should show up.[/sblock]


[sblock=dice roller issues]
[sblock=Udalich]I'm a bit puzzled by your problems with the dice roller. If you are prepared to you might consider allowing myself or one of the other judges to login to your account to try it out. That way we can fault find if it is an issue with your account or if you are doing something fundamentally wrong.

Before we try that try following a step by step guide to the dice roller - sorry if it seems patronizing at any point I would rather er on the side of caution.

  1. After posting return to your post and hit the dice roller "button" in the bottom right hand corner.
  2. In the window at the top of the screen enter the purpose of the roll, e.g Syldar's Initiative.
  3. Find the dice type you want to roll, d20, d6, etc., and type in the number of that dice type you wish to roll. For initiative for example place a 1 next to the d20 to roll 1d20.
  4. Scroll down to the "Dice Functions" box below the dice and next to modifier select whether the modifier on your roll is going to be positive or negative by clicking on the appropriate "button" - the blue dot appears in the one you have selected.
  5. Type your modifier for the roll into the white box next to the buttons. For example 3 for a +3 init mod.
  6. Ignore the rest and scroll down just past the "Dice Functions" box, hit the roll button.
  7. Wait a few seconds and your roll should show up.
I've actually had some issues with it when I tried to use the saved dice roll function; if I enter everything manually every time, I don't have any problems other than having to check Ausk's character sheet to see what the proper modifier is.


First Post
Remembering the kind advice of the man in the store she'd encountered, Maia sets about preparing the 'engine of defense' that he'd traded to her for a heap of gold. He'd been kind enough to include lessons on how to use it, and Maia's clear eyesight and steady hands gave her accuracy enough to impress him.

She laid the cloth-wrapped package on the ground and unwrapped it, revealing dark stained wood stock, body and bow of a crossbow. Alongside it was the cylindrical case that the sharp-tipped projectiles were in. Maia selected one and carefully laid it atop the mechanism in the little groove. Then, with a grunt of effort, she pulled the catapult back until it clicked.

It was an amazing device.

She finally hoisted it to her shoulder and aimed at the dark place in the water.

"I can't see what it is!"

(OOC - basically a full round to ready her crossbow, cuz she did it all careful and weird-like. :))


First Post
[sblock="Dice Roller"]
I'm a bit puzzled by your problems with the dice roller. If you are prepared to you might consider allowing myself or one of the other judges to login to your account to try it out. That way we can fault find if it is an issue with your account or if you are doing something fundamentally wrong.

Before we try that try following a step by step guide to the dice roller - sorry if it seems patronizing at any point I would rather er on the side of caution.

  1. After posting return to your post and hit the dice roller "button" in the bottom right hand corner.
  2. In the window at the top of the screen enter the purpose of the roll, e.g Syldar's Initiative.
  3. Find the dice type you want to roll, d20, d6, etc., and type in the number of that dice type you wish to roll. For initiative for example place a 1 next to the d20 to roll 1d20.
  4. Scroll down to the "Dice Functions" box below the dice and next to modifier select whether the modifier on your roll is going to be positive or negative by clicking on the appropriate "button" - the blue dot appears in the one you have selected.
  5. Type your modifier for the roll into the white box next to the buttons. For example 3 for a +3 init mod.
  6. Ignore the rest and scroll down just past the "Dice Functions" box, hit the roll button.
  7. Wait a few seconds and your roll should show up.

That worked, although I also did it from a different computer. I'll try again later when I'm at the other computer.


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