[LPF] Bats in the Belfry


Thy wounds are healed!
End of Round 1

As the eidolon swims over towards the boat and Aressa disappears the area becomes much brighter. It is as if four miniature suns have come up to this one spot.

The lights illuminates the canal and Ausk and Mia can readily see the dark stain in the water. It looks like a darker liquid mixed in with the brown of the canal and black bubbles burst indicating where the halfling and his assailant might be.

The ripples of the water start to still as everyone holds their breath and watches...

Character       AC  HP  InHand/Condition
Syldar          16   8  l.bow/none
Ausk            14  11  ???/none
Mia             ??  ??  c.bow/none
Xan             ??  ??  ???/delay
Izzik           ??  ??  ???/none
Xan's eidolon   ??  ??  na/none
enemy           ??  ??  halfling/total concealment

Round 1:
Syldar - cast dancing lights, draw bow, 5'step
Ausk - move and cast guidance
Mia - draw crossbow(move action) and load crossbow(move action)
Xan - delay
Izzik - dismiss Aressa(standard)
Xan's eidolon - dive in water, swim to boat
enemy - bites at halfling [/sblock]

OOC: Top of Round 2


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Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] Not noted above but Mia may shoot at the spot where she believes the two to be grappling. You would have a shooting into melee penalty(-4) and then their would be a 50% miss chance. Ausk is in the same boat if he wishes to try any type of range attack.

Everyone on the other side of the boat as no line of sight to them. So they have total cover relative to you. [/sblock]

Aldern Foxglove

First Post
Izzik hurries up to the bank heading towards the bridge and calls forth a celestial dolphin trusting to its natural instincts to help the halfling as best it can.

"Save the little fellow Flipsey!" He calls urgently, aware that the dolphin cannot understand him, but attempting to convey his urgency.

The dolphin appears at the end of the boat closest to the bridge, and seeing a foe charges forward to smite the beast!

[sblock=Actions]Standard use Summon Monster 1 ability - 7/8 uses remaining. Celestial Dolphin charges baddy smiting evil as a swift action on the off chance.[/sblock]

[sblock=Celestial Dolphin]N Medium celestial/fiendish animal
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft., blindsight 120ft; Perception +9 DEFENSES
AC 13, touch 12, flat-footed 11 (+2 Dex, +1 natural)
hp 15 [2d8+6]
Fort +6, Ref +5, Will +1
SR 5
Celestial - Resist Acid, Cold, and Electricity 5
Speed swim 80 ft.
Melee slam +5 [1d4+3]
Special Attacks Smite evil
Str 16, Dex 15, Con 17, Int 2, Wis 13, Cha 6
Base Atk +1; CMB +4; CMD 16
Feats Weapon Finesse
Skills Perception +9, Swim +13; Racial Modifiers +4 Perception
Smite evil/good 1/day as a swift action +0 to hit, +2 damage vs. evil foes.
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After reviewing the situation, Ausk readies his crossbow for a free shot, and provides commentary on location and major actions taken by the blob to the others in hopes they can do something more.

Free action to let others know of blob and its activity
Move action to prepare crossbow
Ready crossbow shot for free shot on enemy (i.e. not in grapple)
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First Post
Syldar realizes that, once again, the action is on the other side of the obstacle. "What's going on? I can't see!" she says as she moves into a better position.

[sblock="Actions"]Double move onto the bridge to where she can (hopefully) see what is going on.

I think that normally, there is a 50/50 chance of hitting either character in a grapple with a ranged weapon. On the off chance :) that we see the halfling grappled by a creater larger than it, is the chance the same even if there is a size difference? I couldn't find the relevant rule at d20pfsrd.[/sblock]


First Post
Cursing the crushing weight that she simply hadn't anticipated, Maia shuffles east off the bridge and then to the south, winding up behind the one who was already there. From that position, nearer the action, she hoped to have a better shot.

(Double move, east then south, ending up in the square to the right of 'H'.)


Thy wounds are healed!
OOC: sorry 36 hours ended up with me at work, on break now no books, Do need you to edit in the 20% miss chance for concealment if you have a minute, update tonight


Thy wounds are healed!
End of Round 2

As the halflings reach into the dark water searching for their companion, Xan's eidolon peers over the edge of the boat not knowing exactly what it should do. Perhaps if their was a clear enemy to see it's actions would be clear.

Syldar hurries to the bridge jus as Mia leaves it on the other side. Ausk crossbow in hand takes aim at the dark water and readies to let loose the first chance he gets.

Izzik after dismissing Aressa calls for a companion more suited to help. Flipsey burst from the water it's ivory white sides surrounded by a golden aura. It's big eyes as green as emeralds. Doing a back flip before entering the water Flipsey rushes head first into the blackness and slams whatever is there hard.

Character       AC  HP  InHand/Condition
Syldar          16   8  l.bow/none
Ausk            14  11  ???/ready
Mia             ??  ??  c.bow/none
Xan             ??  ??  ???/delay
Izzik           ??  ??  ???/none
Flipsey         13  11  none/total concealment
Xan's eidolon   ??  ??  na/delay
enemy           15  [COLOR=Yellow]10[/COLOR]  halfling/total concealment

Round 2:
Syldar - double move onto bridge
Ausk - retrieve crossbow and ready action to shot if clear shot
Mia - double move off of bridge
Xan - delay
Izzik - move towards bridge, SLA Summon Monster
Xan's eidolon - delay
enemy - attack Flipsey [/sblock]

OOC: Top of Round 3


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