[LPF] Bats in the Belfry

Aldern Foxglove

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"Oh we'll show you on the way back," Izzik says grinning, "fate has clearly enlisted you to help us in our current kerfuffle. Some fellow came in ranting about bats at the Belfry. So like any budding seekers of adventures we naturally began running head long toward the danger - in the hopes that its profitable, or at least interesting. We've lost some of our crew so consider yourself conscripted you look like a bat squisher to me."

Turning to Maia, he flashesa smile as he adds, "You're welcome to - just don't fall in love with me. I get a lot of problems with that." Turning back to Ausk he adds, "Same goes for you big guy."

He pauses for a moment, "Oh, Izzik Deeks by the way, and this is my faithful companion Aressa"

"Run now, before his ego crushes you."
Aressa urges the new comers, her tone resigned.

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"You seem rather permanent for a summoned creature, and yet I saw you appear out of nowhere. Could you please explain this odd magic to me? Perhaps it will better help me understand my own." Ausk asks Aressa while looking over the others in the group. "I am Ausk. and I've dealt with bigger egos, though his face looks much to nice to deal with it my usual way; I suppose I will just have to deal with it like everyone else. I will warn you though, I might be a bit slow; fate has been kind enough to render one of my legs practically useless."


[sblock=ooc]HM, just because I'm aware of those things as a player doesn't mean I'm going to pass up the opportunity provided by my character's lack of the same knowledge, anymore than I expect him to pass up any such opportunities given to him.[/sblock]


Thy wounds are healed!
[sblock=OOC] Well said to bad I can't give you anymore XP till I spread some around. :) When the time comes to deal with an ego with a less pretty face I hope to see your method for handling that. LOL :p[/sblock]

Aldern Foxglove

First Post
"I am permanent, just not permanently here - thanks the gods." Aressa replies sourly.

"She loves me really." Izzik interjects grinning. "She's my eidolon, I just, well, summon her, takes a bit longer, but she stays as long as I want. Anyway, just keep up as best you can. Besides you've got out reward, so you have to stay so we can divvy it up fairly right? See fate, it all works out."


"In that case, I shall let Alf keep guard over the pay until such time as this adventure is completed." Ausk comments as he puts the gem in the pouch with the weasel, who after looking at it for one second and figuring out his owner's intent, curls up around it and goes back to sleep after a pat on the head from Ausk.
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Aldern Foxglove

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"Fine by me. But we are wasting good bat bashing time. Follow me!" Izzik says trotting off towards the belfry again as Aressa - with a sigh - lopes out in front.


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Maia stands still during all this, her wide eyes flicking to watch whoever's talking at the moment. Her mouth falls into a dismayed little 'o' shape, but she can't seem to find a chance to get a word in before everyone starts to move on.

Finally she finds her voice. "Wait, I...I'm sorry, I'm still trying to understand. So much just happened!" With effort she tries to hurry after the others, though she seems to struggle under an invisible burden that slows her.

"My name is Maia. I'm still very new here, and there are things I haven't learned yet. Like belfry. I do know where the inn is, but I do not know what a belfry is."

She focuses on Izzik and bows her head gratefully at him. "I will heed your warning though, and please accept my thanks for it. I will watch my footing near you...I do not wish to add to your problems."

Then the beautiful young woman looks around at the others in the gathering, holding her crossbow awkwardly at an angle that threatens to let the quarrel fall out. "That said...may I come with you? I have slept some, but now I'm rested, and I don't know anyone else yet."


"The more the merrier. Having help sounds like it could be a good thing. As we go, I can give you a quick lesson in handling your weapon. It may be needed before the night is over." Ausk replies to the young woman's queries as he pulls out his own crossbow to demonstrate proper techniques.


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Maia smiles at Ausk, so sunnily that the night seems to brighten in her vicinity. She picks up what he shows her quickly.

"Thank you," she says, "I've seen these used, but I never had a chance to hold one before. It's really clever how you have all different sizes of them."

She trails off then, staring vacantly at Ausk. Abruptly she refocuses on him and adds, "There's a touch of fate on you. Strife and conflict pull you to them, and are drawn to you in turn. Your shadow is long, and red, and cuts like swords what it touches."

Voidrunner's Codex

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