[LPF] Bats in the Belfry

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Aldern Foxglove

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OOC: I don't like potions, not very cost effective, now if it had been a scroll I would have been all over it, but... Not a big deal for me to be honest though it only makes one natural attack +1 and Aressa has 3 - barely seems worth the action barring creatures with DR, and even against DR 5, meh.

Besides did you see how much Izzik spent? I literally could not have bought everything I did with that added, lol. 16gp left I think!
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Congrats on completing another adventure! Good work everyone and good luck on your next ventures.

The numbers look good to me but maybe we should get another judge's ok on the DMC since I'm included in those.


Thy wounds are healed!
Sure GE not sure if the others are subscribed so...

[MENTION=59043]Walking Dad[/MENTION]

If any of you have a second and can verify my DMC numbers please.

Thanks in Advance



Thy wounds are healed!
Thanks WD just need Uldarich to post up if Syladar takes anything from the loot as everyone else is not around.



First Post
Syldar grabs a quiver of arrows to replace the ones that she shot during the night. She thinks for a moment, and says, "An archer can never have too many arrows" and picks up the remaining quivers.

She looks at the short bow and tests the draw. "This is nicer than mine, but it is sort of small. And I would like one with a heavier draw, so I think I will leave the bow here."

Nothing else interests her, so she takes the rest of her share in gold and gems.

[sblock="Arrows"]Do I need to keep track on non-magical, non-masterwork arrows? I'm guessing that I shot about 10 during the adventure and probably recovered some after the fights. At 20 arrows for a gold piece and a current wealth of over 1000 gp, keeping track of how many arrows I own seems like nothing more than an annoying bookkeeping task. How many I actually have with me (since Syldar is close to medium encumbrance and probably cannot carry 100 arrows without going over) is something that I can see tracking, especially if we are out for a long time.[/sblock]

Aldern Foxglove

First Post
OOC: For myself I would say no, not for mundane arrows, it would be easy to work around there's almost always going to be someone in a group who could carry some spare arrows for you. Personally I would only bother tracking them if you are in some sort of survival situation.


Thy wounds are healed!
Wow your character is currently carrying 81 arrows of different types. We know her preferred fighting style. :p

They're were four Tengu and I left out the fourth quiver intentionally to allow for the ones they shot and the leftover you would probably use to refill your quiver(s). So you have your normal arrows and for every quiver you take you would subtract 1gp from your total gp gained just as if you had bought them.

Now as for keeping track of the non-normal arrows that is something you should do.


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