Maui likes to summarise these events to make sure he has understood. "So, you want us to get te Big Stick of No Magic. It is in te Swampin te Strong Hole? And te Necroman Sir has te Big Stick? Does Maui understand?" he asks. "And te Necroman, he make te Big Stick... He waiting for us to take it to te Pearl? Like te messenger? Or we steal it like te thief? Before the wizard has a chance to respond he gets in a final question. "And what you pay te heroes for finding te Big Stick?"
[sblock=ooc]I'm assuming Vincenzo's reaction was an IC one, but I should probably throw in now: if Weel's schtick gets to be too much OOC, guys, please let me know and I'll do what I can to temper it. I'm hoping it's a vaguely-amusing-touched-soul kind of thing; I don't want to go actively infuriating anyone. [/sblock]