D&D General "March Madness" - Let's Rank The D&D Classes

Help me set up an NCAA-esque "March Madness" bracket for the D&D classes. Pick up to 4!

  • Poll closed .


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
I thought it might be fun to set up a little NCAA-style "March Madness" bracket for next week. (On the other hand, it might be a colossal train wreck of arguments. Or both!) The first thing I need to do is set up the bracket...I'll need 16 slots, and I'll need to rank them. And that's where you come in!

If you have a moment, please vote for up to 4 of your favorite classes from the list...I recommend picking 2 casters and 2 non-casters, but that's only a suggestion. Use whatever criteria you want for "favorite" as well: most fun? most powerful? most flavorful? Whatever floats your boat.

And if there is a D&D class from earlier editions that you would like to see--the Noble, perhaps? maybe the Warden?--I've included a write-in option as well. I've already added a couple of fan favorites (the Psion from 2E Dark Sun, and the Warlord from 4E), and there's still room for one more. So the "write-in" with the most votes will get that wildcard slot.
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One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
is there supposed to be some metric by how we're voting for these or are we just picking our favourites?


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
I can see a lot of the first 4 being the final 4.
I'd be very impressed if everyone can agree on the Final Four. But stranger things have happened! Once this is all set up, I'd be very interested in seeing everyone's brackets.

is there supposed to be some metric by how we're voting for these or are we just picking our favourites?
I voted for 2 casters and 2 martials, but that's not a requirement...more of a suggestion. When I set the bracket up, one side of the bracket is going to be heavy on the Martials, and the other side of the bracket will be heavy on Casters, but some overlap is inevitable.


One day, I hope to actually play DnD.
I voted for 2 casters and 2 martials, but that's not a requirement...more of a suggestion. When I set the bracket up, one side of the bracket is going to be heavy on the Martials, and the other side of the bracket will be heavy on Casters, but some overlap is inevitable
Oh no I just meant like, we’re not picking them based on what we think the most powerful ones are, or most useful, that kind of thing

Voidrunner's Codex

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