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Obi-Wan Kenobi (spoilers)

I don’t think any of them discovered that Obi-Wan lives on Tatooine. Reva had to kidnap Leia to draw Obi-Wan out of hiding, but she encountered him on Daiyu, not Tatooine. Reva also learned that Luke was on Tatooine but not that Obi-Wan has been living there too. And she didn’t share that info with Vader since he’d already left her for dead.

Right. They went to Tatooine to look for a Jedi and that other one just happened to be there at the same time. And Reva learned something about a boy that Owen was hiding, but unless she took the time to get the message fixed and heard the whole thing off-camera (I hate assuming anything canon happens off-camera), all she had was the broken-up part of the message that was still audible. And I am pretty sure nothing in that part said anything about "the boy" being Vader's kid, though she would have at least sensed he was Force-sensitive as she as chasing him. And since Obi-wan did show up at the end and was face to face with her when she returned with Luke, I think she is smart enough to at least assume that Obi-wan was staying on Tatooine and watching over him.

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And since Obi-wan did show up at the end and was face to face with her when she returned with Luke, I think she is smart enough to at least assume that Obi-wan was staying on Tatooine and watching over him.
Yeah, and honestly I'm fine with that. Reva doesn't factor into the original trilogy, so she obviously never goes back to the Inquisitorius, and thus the Empire doesn't ever find out that Obi-Wan is on Tatooine or that Luke is Vader's son until after he blows up the Death Star.

I'm not sure what a Reva-centered spin-off show would be about, but I expect she'd be on the run from her fellow inquisitors, and there'd be some close calls where they almost find out but ultimately don't -- a recurring theme throughout the Clone Wars cartoon.

One thing I particularly appreciated from this episode was hearing Vader say that Obi-Wan wasn't responsible for his "death" as Anakin, that he'd done it to himself. That ties in nicely with Obi-Wan telling Luke that Vader had killed his father in A New Hope. It makes that line less of a deliberate lie on Obi-Wan's part.
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As one reviewer put it, it was a hat on a hat. Like, it was fine, I suppose, but I already have a hat. This provided almost nothing I didn't already have.

We got to see Ewan and Hayden get another crack at these characters, and they did great, and yes, I think we got some good lines and good symbolism . . . except that Filoni already tapped this well in Star Wars Rebels. I suppose it's nice to get a 'mask cut open to reveal Anakin's scarred face' scene for all the folks who'll never watch that cartoon.

And we got a nice light saber fight, except that it had zero stakes because we know basically how it has to turn out. And the 'suddenly deciding that he will stop losing because he remembers oh yeah other people matter' trope was not that well-delivered.

There was a lot of slipshod storytelling and film-making here. From crappy rooftop parkour, to an injured Obi-Wan being dragged away by a droid while a bunch of storm troopers apparently can't be bothered to shoot at it because there's a fire in the way, to Vader sending down a small squad of dudes to lay siege to a base, to the people in said base using barely any cover and yet not being hit in the ensuing gun fight, to a Star Destroyer not being able to run down a freighter (or sending fighters to blow it up), to Reva apparently discovering 'Force teleportation' so she could get to Tatooine . . . there were weird moments that could have been avoided if someone cared to avoid them.

The Mandalorian didn't have these weird gaps in logic (aside from that pointless 'you must scan your face' moment in the imperial base), so I don't know why this show did.

Disney needs to stop eating its own tail. Do this same story with a different set of people hiding from the inquisitors, and don't rely on the cast of the previous movies to drive the plot, and it would immediately become a better series. That's why Star Wars Rebels worked.
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Kenobi series 2: a buddy comedy, in which Hondo "We are friends, aren't we?" Ohnaka drags Kenobi off on a madcap treasure hunt.

After all, now he has decided he doesn't he need to keep such a close eye on Luke, he has plenty of time to kill.


Filoni already tapped this well in Star Wars Rebels
Who did what where?

Oh, was there a cartoon that I missed? Possibly.

People have to remember that these shows are not meant for hardcore fans that have devoured every single thing Star Wars for the past twenty years or more. They're for people like me who watch it from time to time.

This applies to every single IP out there, be it Star Wars or Star Trek or Marvel or anything else. If you are someone who devours this stuff and has watched every single episode of Clone Wars and every single episode of Rebels and read the books and played the video games, these movies/shows are not for you. You will not like them because they are made for me - the fairly casual fan who likes Star Wars and will watch it or not as the mood takes.

It's just a fact of life.

I mean, I watched the Mandalorian without actually knowing what a Mandalorian was. Never watched Clone Wars. Had only the vaguest idea what a Mandalorian was and when those other Mandalorians showed up with the painted helmets and Starbuck leading the pack, I had zero idea and zero interest in who they were or where they came from. They weren't part of the story I was watching.

I have to put up with stuff like Tonoka Ahsoko (again, who? Who cares?) showing up in my Mandalorian show, so, you get to put up with the times that they retread ground.

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