OOC: Endur's Return to TOEE part 2


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Endur said:
After a comment like that, I might just surprise you and let your prisoner remain in custody.
It's just that prisoners seem to have this tendency to die. ;)

I suppose that at least one of the three guards now actually might have a chance to scream or something, but only one guard? Not a chance... :p

Edit: This happens in about 99% of the games I've played in (okay, maybe not), and if the prisoner doesn't die, then he usually doesn't actually know anything etc.
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Toriah's likewise not going to do anything interesting, unless someone comes to get him. He's content to wait until he's feeling completely better. I'll post soon.


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LEVEL UP: Everyone is level 5

Everyone is level 5 now.

Current Party Status (After Belaver casts Cure Light Wounds x4 and Cure Minor Wounds x4 on the party)
Neshi (ghoul fever)
Kerwyn (-3, ghoul fever, -1 dex)
Toriah (ghoul fever, -2 con, -2 dex)
Black Cat (ghoul fever, -1 con)
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Crud. Can someone post leveling stats for rogues and prereqs for shadowdancers and duelists? I don't know them off the top of my head and I don't have access to my books for another 5 weeks.


First Post
Seonaid said:
Crud. Can someone post leveling stats for rogues and prereqs for shadowdancers and duelists? I don't know them off the top of my head and I don't have access to my books for another 5 weeks.

Don't forget the SRD. There are websites that have the Rogue and other D20 stats.




I spend about 50% of the time away from my books. I just travel with my laptop and the module.

Whether you are going for either PRC, I think you'll have to wait to 8th or 9th level.
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