OOC: Endur's Return to TOEE part 2

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That's hilarious. I never would'a thought to have a spellthief steal the summoned mount. :D

Raner's been updated, including changes for the forthcoming trip to the blacksmith.


If only Special Mount wasn't a Calling effect and paladins had the ability multiple times per day. Then us both could ride to battle with our Courage :D

But everyone knows that Craven doesn't have a horse like that, so Kerwyn couldn't have stolen a horse like that, no? ;)

Now I'm starting to wonder what would happen if Kerwyn used Steal Spell Effect on a summoned creature... technically speaking, the creature would disappear since it wasn't affected by the summoning spell anymore, and since none of the Summon Monster lists have "Kerwyn" on them, he couldn't be affected by it :p


First Post
Depending on the spell, I think its quite possible Kerwyn could dispel a summoned creature by stealing the "summoning". Although I won't comment on whether or not I think "Kerwyn" could be affected by it.

Dalamar said:
Now I'm starting to wonder what would happen if Kerwyn used Steal Spell Effect on a summoned creature... technically speaking, the creature would disappear since it wasn't affected by the summoning spell anymore, and since none of the Summon Monster lists have "Kerwyn" on them, he couldn't be affected by it :p

Just imagining Kerwyn sneak attacking a summoned demon. Demon disappears. Kerwyn starts attacking the party. After the spell expires, Kerwyn goes to the Abyss.


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Endur said:
In the message from Naquent to Dunrat, Naquent mentioned a place called Rastor. Lylamwyn has heard that Rastor is a trading post in the Lortmil Mountains where Orc Tribes trade with unscrupulous human merchants. (Knowledge Geography 17+5=22)
So, how far is this Rastor and/or Lortmil Mountains? Not that we're going there anytime soon, right? :uhoh:


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Rastor is 150 to 200 miles from Hommlet. On the other side of the Kron Hills.

The Temple of Elemental Evil and Nulb are about thirty miles from Hommlet.

Verbobonc is about 90 miles from Hommlet.

Xael said:
So, how far is this Rastor and/or Lortmil Mountains? Not that we're going there anytime soon, right? :uhoh:

Raner's Diamond Mine is also in the Lortmils, somewhere near Rastor.
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Lylamwyn Crafting Magic Items

Xael-- When Lylamwyn wants to craft magic items, just go ahead and spend the time and gold to craft the items. Mark on your character sheet how much exp you have spent on creating items to date. And I'll just delay your level up (i.e. I'll have one level up for everyone but Lylamwyn, and another Level up for Lylamwyn sometime later).

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