OOC: Endur's Return to TOEE part 2

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Endur said:
Hey, you wanted her in custody. :p
It was worth it. We now have at least two more people we need to interrogate. :) Probably three.

Edit: ...but that means I won't get to murder anybody. Damn. :p
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Lylamwyn Spellcraft check 7+14=21
Lenya Spellcraft check 8+8=16

Lylamwyn knows that the spell commonly known as Detect Magic does not actually detect magic. Instead, it functions as "Detect Spell, Spell-like ability, and Magic Item". If Jaroo (or whoever was disguised as Jaroo) used a supernatural ability to disguise himself as Elmo, it could not be detected by the spell Detect Magic.


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Cool. So we're talking about a shapechanger that we have absolutely no chance to find by any magical means.

Sounds fun. :D


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True Seeing would work. Stuff like that. Even Demons only radiate as magical if they were summoned (you detect the summoning spell, not the Demon).

Xael said:
Cool. So we're talking about a shapechanger that we have absolutely no chance to find by any magical means.

Sounds fun. :D


First Post
Endur said:
True Seeing would work. Stuff like that. Even Demons only radiate as magical if they were summoned (you detect the summoning spell, not the Demon).
Yeah, but if the demon uses a wand of Disguise Self, then it would detect as an Illusion aura. And Alter Self would show up as Transmutation. So we actually have a chance of finding the demon, if it's around. :)



Unless, of course, it happens to have Alternate Form, which is (Su) :p

Kerwyn upped to 5th level, now ready to borrow Lenya's Eldritch Blast or Craven's Special Mount :D


First Post
Horse Thievery is a Hanging Offense in Hommlet.

Dalamar said:
Kerwyn upped to 5th level, now ready to borrow Lenya's Eldritch Blast or Craven's Special Mount :D

For that matter, witchcraft is also a hanging offense in Hommlet.

Sorry, I'm just laughing uncontrollably at the idea of Craven going to summon "Courage"; the horse not showing up. Then Kerwyn rides around the corner on "Courage" and says he is ready to go on an adventure.
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