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(OOC) FR Adventure - Vampires of Waterdeep! [FULL]

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First Post
Hey no problem!

Professor Parsnip said:
Mmm, I'm not big on unofficial variants. Is there some kind of published documentation on that? If not, I'll have to hold you to the standard Bard class.

Looking forward to seeing it...



Just takes a bit of modding...

Tailspinner said:
Troll [ECL 11]
Ogre [ECL 6]
Aasimar [ECL 1]


I think a troll might be a bit too much monster (see below), so I'm going to veto that one flat out.

Ogre could be do-able, but would be a role-playing challenge. Consider that this campaign takes place exclusively in and under the city of Waterdeep. It's a tolerant and cosmopolitan place, but I think an ogre would still draw some unwanted attention, (barring some form of disguise). Think long and hard on that one.

An aasimar would be just fine.

Any other ideas?

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Guest 11456

Professor Parsnip said:

I think a troll might be a bit too much monster (see below), so I'm going to veto that one flat out.

Ogre could be do-able, but would be a role-playing challenge. Consider that this campaign takes place exclusively in and under the city of Waterdeep. It's a tolerant and cosmopolitan place, but I think an ogre would still draw some unwanted attention, barring some form of disguise). Think long and hard on that one.

An aasimar would be just fine.

Any other ideas?


Doppleganger [ECL +8]
Svirfneblin [ECL +3]

Tailspinner said:
Doppleganger [ECL +8]
Svirfneblin [ECL +3]

A doppleganger would be a tricky choice...a challenge both for you to play, and for me to DM. But, I think would allow it if the overall character concept is strong.

Svirfneblin would be an unusual choice, but there would be no problem with it.

Any others?



First Post
Name: Vernon Sellsword
Race: Human
Class: Cleric 1/Wizard 12
Age: 32

Dravin Sellsword was an adventurer, skilled with a blade, who built up a more-than-modest fortune in his career before settling down in Cormyr to enjoy his life and start a family. Marvin was his second child of three, his only son, who chose a career with (slightly) less risk than that of his father: trade. Using his share of his father's fortune, granted to each child upon thier achieving adulthood, Marvin started a business in which he delt with what he considered novelties: items of magic, religious tomes, historical texts, and other books, all in addition to the standard fares of fine cloths and finer armors (the latter of which at the request of his father). It was this business that Marvin hoped his son Vernon would inherit and expand upon, so he taught his son the basics of the business at an early age.

Vernon, however, wasn't inclined to follow his father's path, or that of his grandfather. What Marvin called "trinkets of the over-educated and money-endowed," Vernon thought of as something with much more importance. As he grudgingly worked at his father's business, he was found studying the texts for trade as often as he was found selling them; it was here that he came to treasure knowledge, and magic. Daydreams of his grandfather's tales of his wizardly companions filled his thoughts.

For his nineteenth birthday, he was sent with his father to join a caravan travelling from Sembia, through Cormyr, west to Candlekeep on the Sword Coast. This caravan was carrying many texts from various religious orders, arcane academies, with many from the Thayan Empire. Vernon was to take the more valuable of his father's texts to sell once he reached the citadel on the coast.

Along the way, Vernon became close friends with many of the clerics, especially Aaron Barm the warrior-priest from the church of Azuth, who mentored him in the ways of the divine. The minor healing abilities he picked up on came in handy when the caravan was assaulted by bandits on several occasions. It was one of the bandit raids which would change his life forever; a band of Thayan wizards and their accompanying mercenaries who felt that the knowledge in the travelling texts would find better use in the empire of the mages.

The caravan and the raiders both numbered many casualties, and the Thayans withdrew to regroup. The caravan's leader instructed Aaron to take the most valuable book in the cargo and ride quickly to Candlekeep with it, to ensure that it at least would survive. Aaron asked Vernon to accompany him. One of the Thayans tracked them, and before being slain by Barm's longsword, inflicted grevious wounds on the cleric; Vernon rode fast and hard to take Aaron to Candlekeep, along with the book, where they arrived safely and were granted shelter.

While staying at Candlekeep, Vernon decided that he could better serve his god, Azuth, by training in the wizardly arts instead of donning the mantle of priest. When Aaron Barm decided to stay on at Candlekeep to better relations between the churches of Oghma and Azuth, he gifted his longsword to Vernon as a memento of thier travels together. Though he seldom swung the blade, he carried it with him wherever he went. As his adventuring career escalated, he routinely dropped back by Candlekeep to visit his mentor, and to donate at least one ancient text uncovered during his escapades.

His most recent excursion took him to Vaasa in the Cold North, where he by chance discovered a valuable spellbook once belonging to the lich Zhengyi the Witch-King. After returning this tome to the library at Candlekeep, he decided to take a small break from the adventurer's path and spend time in Waterdeep, the City of Splendors, where he could relax and spend time with his arcane studies, and spend a more appropriate amount of time in the churches of Azuth than was permitted by the roving nature of an adventurer.

Stats to follow.



Here's my character sheet, let me know if I missed anything.

HD: 13d10 + 39

Strength: 16 (20)
Dexterity: 10
Constitution: 12 (16)
Intelligence: 10
Wisdom: 14
Charisma: 16 (18)

BaB: +13/+8/+3
Melee: +18/+13/+8
Ranged: +13/+8/+3

AC: 10 + 12 + 5 + 1 + 1 = 29

Initiative: +0

Fortitude: +17
Reflex: +7
Willpower: +9

Diplomacy: +22
Knowledge (nature): +9
Ride: +16

Power Attack
Mounted Combat
Sacred vow
Oath of Chastity
Ride by attack
Spirited Charge

Class abilities: Aura of Good, detect evil, smite evil (3/day, +4 to hit, +11 damage), divine grace, Lay on hands (44), aura of courage, divine health, turn undead, special mount, remove disease (2/week), call unicorn, telepathic bond, timelessness, ethereal jaunt

Paladin 1: Divine Sacrafice (BoED), Golden Barding (Complete Divine)
Paladin 2: Moment of clarity (BoED), Protection from evil
Beloved of Valarian 1: Longstrider, speak with animals

Full attack
Holy Longsword +2: +20/+15/+10
1d8+7 + 2d6 versus evil
Lance +2: +20/+15/+10
1d8+7 (triple damage on mounted charge)

Dragonhide Full plate +4
Large darkwood shield +3

Magic items:
Ring of Protection +1
Belt of Giant strength +4
Amulet of Health +4
Cloak of Charisma +2
Shirt of natural armor +1

1443 gp

Striker (with Paladin mount abilities)
Hit Dice: 10d10+50
Initiative: +3
Speed: 70 ft. (14 squares)
Armor Class: 26 (–1 size, +3 Dex, +14 natural), touch 12, flat-footed 23
Base Attack/Grapple: +10/+19
Attack: Horn +20 melee (1d8+9)
Full Attack: Horn +20 melee (1d8+9) and 2 hooves +11 melee (1d4+3)
Space/Reach: 10 ft./5 ft.
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., magic circle against evil, spell-like abilities, immunity to poison, charm, and compulsion, low-light vision, scent, wild empathy, improved evasion, share spells, share saving throws, improved speed, command creatures of its kind
Saves: Fort +12 (uses Rina’s +17), Ref +10, Will +6 (uses Rina’s +9)
Abilities: Str 23, Dex 17, Con 21, Int 10, Wis 21, Cha 24
Skills: Jump +22, Listen +11, Move Silently +13, Spot +15, Survival +12*
Feats: Alertness, Skill Focus (Survival), run, weapon focus (horn)
Alignment: Chaotic good
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First Post
Professor Parsnip said:
Probably...can you give me a quick summary?

Able Learner gives a human the ability to learn all skills for 1 skill point per rank, but does not lift the maximum rank limit, which is still only half for cross class skill. Only humans (and doppelgangers ;)) can learn this feat and only at 1st level.

Yes, but as above, I may need a brief summary of the rules in question. Actually, this book is on my 'soon to be purchased' list, so I have no problem with you using it.

The important one for now would be Militia, which now grants all martial weapon proficiencies as a regional feat (can only take one of those ever and only at 1st level, it changed a little in the 3.5 update, all the regional feats are a bit better than regular feats now). Other than that, there might be a few spells in there, which could be of interest.

Hmm, tougher one. A level 13 PC would probably be familiar with a lot of different creatures. I'd say she'd have to make a relevant Knowledge check at DC 10 + desired creature's HD (just like using the rules for a Knowledge skill check to identify monsters). Success would indicate enough knowledge to pull off a polymorph (limited to the creature types specified in the spell description, of course.)

That's like we do it in our PnP campaign (plus, of course, creatures actually encountered). :)



First Post
I'll bite. Here's my submission as well.

Inquisitor Caladan of the Radaint Order

[B]Name[/B]:  Inquisitor Caladan of the Radiant Order
[B]Class[/B]: Cleric 6 / RS of Lathander 7       [B]Age[/B]: 26
[B]Race[/B]:  Human                              [B]Height[/B]: 6' 1"
[B]Size[/B]:  Medium                             [B]Weight[/B]: 190 lbs
[B]Gender[/B]: Male                              [B]Eyes[/B]: Blue
[B]Alignment[/B]: Neutral Good                   [B]Hair[/B]: Short & Red
[B]Deity[/B]: Pelor                              [B]Skin[/B]: Weathered

[B]Class & Racial Traits:
Cleric                            Character Level[/B]
Turn Undead (12)                  1 Feat at First, Third, Sixth, Ninth, Twelfth
Divine Spell Casting              +1 Ability Modifier (x3)                                          
[B]Radiant Servant of Lathander           Human[/B]                         
Extra Greater Turning (8)              +1 Skill point at each additional level       
Radiance (+2 Will - 10ft Radius)       1 Free Feat at 1st Level               
Turn Undead (See Cleric)               +4 Skills points at 1st Level 
Divine Health (Immune to all Disease)
Maximize Healing
Bonus Domain (Glory)               

[B]Str[/B]: 14 (+2)      [B]Level[/B]: 13       [B]XP[/B]: 83000
[B]Dex[/B]: 10 (+0)      [B]BAB[/B]: +9/+4      [B]HP[/B]: 80  (6d8+6 + 7d6+7)
[B]Con[/B]: 12 (+1)      [B]Grapple[/B]: +11    [B]Dmg Red[/B]: -/-
[B]Int[/B]: 10 (+0)      [B]Speed[/B]: 20'      [B]Spell Res[/B]: -
[B]Wis[/B]: 20 (+5)      [B]Init[/B]: +1        [B]Spell Save[/B]: - 
[B]Cha[/B]: 20 (+5)      [B]ACP[/B]: -6         [B]Arcane Spell Fail[/B]: 40%

         [B]Base  Armor Shld   Dex  Size   Nat  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Armor[/B]:   10     +11   +5    +0    +0    +0    +0    26
[B]Touch[/B]: 15      [B]Flat-Footed[/B]: 21

              [B]Base   Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
[B]Fort[/B]:          10    +1    +3   +14
[B]Ref[/B]:            4    +0    +3   +7
[B]Will[/B]:          10    +5    +5   +20

[B]Armor                    Bonus   Dex   ACP   ASF  Weight    Cost[/B]
Mithreal Full Plate +3   +11     +1     -4   25%   25lbs    19500gp
Large Shield, Steal +3    +5     -      -2   15%   15lb      9170gp

[B]Weapon                          Attack   Damage  Critical   Range   Weight  Cost [/B] 
*Mace, Heavy of Disrupting +3   +14/+9   1d8+5      x2        -      8 lbs  8312gp
      *Includes casting of Greater Magical Weapon (+3)

		          [B]Turning Check     Turning Damage[/B]
Turning & Greater Turning	+9          (3d6+18) x1.5
Improved Turning: +1 caster Level		Can turn as free action

[B]Equipment                Cost / Weight[/B]		[B]Total Gold Spent[/B]: 109,679
Explorers outfit x3      (20 gp / 0 lb)		[B]Total Gold Remaining[/B]: 321
Flint & Steel            (1 gp / 0 lb)
Holy Symbol (Silver)     (25 gp / 0 lb)
Belt Pouch               (1 gp / .5 lb)
Healers Kit              (50 gp / 1 lb)
Rod of Empowering        (9,000 gp / 0 lb) (3x Per Day)
Wand of Cure Moderate    (4,500 gp / 0 lb)
Cloak of Charisma +4     (16,000 gp / 2 lb
Periapt of Wisdom +4     (16,000 gp / 0 lb
Boots of Speed           (12,000 gp / 1 lb)
Vest of Resistance +3    (9,000 gp / 0 lb)
Helm of Comprehend       (5,200 gp / 3 lb)
Languages & Read Magic
Potion, Pro. From Evil x3(150 gp / 0 lb)
Potion, Remove Fear x1   (50 gp / 0 lb)
Hide from Undead  x2     (100 gp / 0 lb)
Invisible, Potion  x2    (600 gp / 0 lb)

[B]Current Capacity[/B]: Light (56)
[B]Carry Capacity[/B]:  Light: 0 – 58 Med.: 59 – 116 Heavy: 117 – 175 
                             Lift: 350 Drag: 875

[B]Languages[/B]: All  

[B]Feats[/B]: (6)
Empowered Turning, Improved Turning, Quick Turning, Extra Turning, 
Domain Spell Spontaneity (Strength), Divine Spell Power (+12 Turning Check) 

[B]Skill Points[/B]: 48    [B]Max Ranks[/B]: 16/8
[B]Skills                      Abil Ranks  Mod  Misc  Total[/B]
Appraise                    Int    0     0    0      0
Balance                     Dex    0     0   -6     -6
Bluff                       Cha    0    +5           3
Climb                       Str    0    +2   -6     -4
[U]Concentration[/U]               Con   11    +1          12
[U]Craft[/U]                       Int    0     0           0
Decipher Script             Int    0     0           0 
[U]Diplomacy[/U]                   Cha    1    +5           6
Disable Device              Dex    0     0   -6     -6
Disguise                    Cha    0    +5           5
Escape Artist               Dex    0     0   -6     -6
Forgery                     Int    0     0           0
Gather Information          Cha    0    +5           5
Handle Animal               Cha    0    +5           5
[U]Heal[/U]                        Wis    5    +5   +2      12
Hide                        Dex    0     0   -6     -6
Intimidate                  Cha    0    +5           3
Jump                        Str    0    +2   -6     -4
[U]Knowledge (Religion)[/U]        Int    12    0           12
[U]Knowledge (Planes)[/U]          Int    5     0           5
Listen                      Wis    2    +5           7
Move Silently               Dex    0     0   -6     -6
Open Lock                   Dex    0     0   -6     -6
Perform                     Cha    0    +5           5
[U]Profession [/U]                 Wis    0    +5           5  
Ride                        Dex    0     0           0 
Search                      Int    5     0           5
[U]Sense Motive[/U]                Wis    0    +5           5
Sleight of Hand             Dex    0     0           0
[U]Spellcraft[/U]                  Int    0     0           0
Spot                        Wis    2    +5           7
Survival                    Wis    0    +5   +4       9
Swim                        Str    0    +2   -12    -10
Tumble                      Dex    0     0   -6     -6
Use Magic Device            Cha    0    +5           5
Use Rope                    Dex    0     0           0
[U]Denotes Class Skill[/U]

[B]Domains[/B]: Sun, Strength, Glory   [B]Base DC[/B]: 15 + Spell Level  [B]Bonus Spells[/B]: +5

[B]0 Level[/B] (10+1)    [B]1st Level [/B] (10+1)    [B]2nd Level[/B] (9+1)           [B]3rd Level[/B] (9+1) 
Detect Magic  3   Bless      	   2   Iron Silence (CoA)    2   Wrack (CoD)   1
Mending       2   Resurgance (CoD) 2   Curse ill Fortune(CoD)1   Prayer        2      
P. Food/Drink 1   Divine Favor     2   Hold Person           2   Create Food & Water   1 
Guidance      1   Doom      	   2   Silence      	     2   Magic Circle vs Evil  2
Light         2   Hide From Undead 2   Aid      	     2   Daylight      1
Resistance    1   [U]Disrupt Undead[/U]   1   [U]Heat Metal[/U]            2   Dispel Magic  2
 	 	 	 	 	   	                 [U]Searing Light[/U] (CoD)   1

[B]4th Level[/B] (8+1)      [B]5th Level[/B] (8+1)        [B]6th Level[/B] (7+1)      [B]7th Level [/B] (6+1) 
Shape Metal(RoF)  1  Earth Hammer(RoS)   1  Undeath to Dead  2   Holly Word       1
Gr Magical Weapon 1  [U]Flame Strike[/U]        2  Wind Walk        1   Slime Wave (CoD) 1
Holly Smite       2  Divine Agility(CoD) 1  Banishment       2   Destruction      1
Divine Power      1  True Seeing         1  Gr Dispel Magic  1   Summon Monster 7 2
Free Movement     2  Break Enchantment   1  Stone Body (PgF) 1   Ethereal Jaunt   1
Restoration       2  Battletide (MoF)    1  [U]Bolt of Glory[/U]    1   [U]Sunbeam[/U]          1
[U]Fire Shield[/U]	  1  Monstrous Regeneration (PgF) 1	 	 	 
 	 	     Blistering Radiance (CoAr)1	 

[U]Denotes Domain Spell[/U]

[B]Spontaneous Spells[/B]	 	 	 	 	 	 
[B]Level 1      	 	Level 2      	 	Level 3     	 	Level 4[/B]
Cure Light Wounds 	Cure Moderate	 	Cure Serious	 	Cure Critical 
[I]Enlarge Person	 	Bull's Strength	 	Magic Vestment	 	Spell Immunity[/I]
[B]Level 5       	 	Level 6       	 	Level 7[/B]	 	 
Cure Light, Mass	Cure Moderate, Mass	Cure Serious, Mass	 	 
[I]Righteous Might	 	StoneSkin	 	Bigby's Grasping Hand[/I]	 

[I]Denotes Requirement of 1 Regular Turning Attempt to Cast[/I]

Caladan stands at about 6’1” and has short fiery red hair with piercing blue eyes. His skin has a deep weathered tan to it, and he has a facial tattoo that slightly covers the left side of his face and runs down the side of his neck. His equipment, though noticeably used, is kept in the best of condition. Caladan hardly talks and when he does its more often than not five words or less. However, when it comes to cleansing a crypt of a foul presence or putting the restless souls back at ease, no one does it better than him. Caladan is a man of action and has little time for holding hands and warming up to the masses. He is more at home out under the heavens and the gaze of his lord with his fellow adventures than he ever will be in town or city.

He was once a resident of Neverwinter. That was before a mysterious and deadly plague had swept across the city. The plaque took all of those that he loved and turned them against him and the rest of the city as mindless corpses. The city would soon send out a call for help as the dead began to attack the entire city. Caladan, for he dearly wished to put an end to the suffering of his loved ones, would answer the call. With the help fellow adventures, Caladan would rid the city of the vile plague and bury his loved ones for good. It was during this crusade that Caladan first came across the Sun God, Pelor and his teachings. With his determination to put his loved ones at rest and to route out the cause of their unrest, Caladan quickly became a devoted follower of Pelor and his teachings.

Later after his fellow adventures returned peace and order to the city, and Caladan finally went home. He realized that he had nothing to go home to. The plague and those behind it had taken everything from him and in return gave him a huge whole in his already heavy heart. With nothing left but his faith in Pelor and his new found friends. He left Neverwinter with his new Religion and set out across the region in hopes to prevent others from having to go through the same pain and anguish that he had too.

Eventually his exploits would catch the attention of those within the Radiant Order and after passing a serious and rugged tribunal he joined their ranks. He would spend many months training and studying within the order before heading back out in the region. Over time his name would become widely known within the order. He would travel across the realm with the Blessings of Pelor, but now a call of aid has brought him to the gates of Waterdeep.

Note: Spell list is done.
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