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OOC - From the Outside

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Oh, is that what we were doing? (I was sort of waiting for an IC "visions start here" cue or something...)

Alright, I think I'll wait for Doghead's IC cue re Slice's own visions to Khyrinnax though, if that's alright with everybody? (As I'm not exactly clear on the IC how and why at the moment? (Although I will submit it here beforehand so we can work it over, of course)).

Speaking of, is it just me or do Khirynnax's visions seem to confirm, rather than infirm, Slice's suspiscions? That, manipulated or not, he did specifically DECIDE to seek out the Troll to get what he wants; which sort of implies that he knew something about said Troll beforehand (else there would be no reason to seek him out, right?), things he's refused to share with the rest of them? This was, if you recall, the crux of their 'disagreement'... ("how does a man come to seek out a pile of rock for service without knowing a single thing about HIM?")

So perhaps an additional scene showing how he learned of the Troll's possession of what he seeks/took the decision to seek him out?

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BF, I have updated the IC thread including GE's contribution towards meeting you half way. It may not give Slice all the answers he wanted, but frankly, it doesn't have to. Its not all about Slice.

Its up to you now to decide if Slice can accept what he learns and agree to respect the others in the party and work constructively with them.

If you are unable to get Slice out of the IC hole that he has dug for himself then another alternative is a new character.

We have sunk enough time and energy into this. Its time to wrap it up so we can move on with the game.



Speaking of, is it just me or do Khirynnax's visions seem to confirm, rather than infirm, Slice's suspiscions? That, manipulated or not, he did specifically DECIDE to seek out the Troll to get what he wants...

So perhaps an additional scene showing how he learned of the Troll's possession of what he seeks/took the decision to seek him out?

I did leave the key scene out that would have explained his motivations more fully but I'm a slow writer and it took more time than intended to write that much. I have other games to write for so I stopped, wrapped up what I had and posted it. Essentially, Khirynnax was seeking after that indefinable something, call it aether or magic or spirit, and was found by the Witching Troll and the bargain was made. That's all.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Essentially, Khirynnax was seeking after that indefinable something, call it aether or magic or spirit, and was found by the Witching Troll and the bargain was made.
Do you want to amend this bit of the visions then? "Who are you? What do you seek from me?” demanded [the Troll]"

Or is it deliberatly misleading, either by khirynnax or the Troll? (I can work with that too.)


Do you want to amend this bit of the visions then? "Who are you? What do you seek from me?” demanded [the Troll]"

Or is it deliberatly misleading, either by khirynnax or the Troll? (I can work with that too.)

I intended that the Troll was deliberately misleading Khirynnax and concealing that s/he already knew who Khirynnax was. In the scene I didn't write I had planned to have Khir's druidic mentor send him to the forest seeking the one who could teach him additional mysteries.


Hey BF, welcome back. I hope that your week wasn't too bad.

I would like to get you back into the game.

But as things stand, Slice, not so much.

From the Witching Troll's point of view, Slice is of no use to her as things stand now. His unbridled aggression towards and contempt for others, along with his refusal to accept things on any terms but his own make him a liability rather than an asset. She made a mistake including Slice. She has spent all the time and effort she is willing to on finding a resolution. She has nothing else to add to what has been said. She has other things to do. Its up to Slice now.

From my point of view, I don't want to deal with the level of disruption Slice brings with him. To be honest, dealing with Slice stopped being fun some time ago.

I am willing to consider bringing him back to the party if he can dispense with the attitude. But Slice's aggression and hostility do seem fairly central to your concept of the character. Can he change? Ultimately, it up to you to decide.

Otherwise, a new character is always an option.

Anyway, let me know.


Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Um, should have read this first apparently....

Right now my first instinct is to simply call it quits. Sometimes things work out, sometimes they don't. To me, Slice is an interresting character, rife with roleplaying opportunities that other PCs don't usually give me. Without him, much of the interrest of this game would be gone, as Needles has not really had an opportunity to grow and/or interact yet...

I'll think on it a few days and let you guys know.

Isida Kep'Tukari

Unfortunately, as much as I was looking forward to trying to figure out Hawthorne and Slice's shared past, Slice came on really rather strong. Being a hard, tough character is one thing. Being somewhat abrasive is also something that can be worked with. But Slice really showed not the tiniest particle of compromise with anyone else in the party, and not with Hawthorne. He basically treated her like a stupid child that needed to be corrected. She's an adult woman, and if Hawthorne had been the sort to get angry, she would have argued about that.

But I honestly got the sense that if she had offered any aggression to Slice, he would have pulled steel on her. Hell, Khirynnax literally offered him nothing, and Slice was ready to do him violence.

Hawthorne offered up her explanations of how she'd gotten into this gig, and Slice went off in paranoid conspiracy theories.

That's... not conducive to party harmony.

It's one thing to have an angry character, or a curmudgeon. Butting heads occasionally can be interesting. But to be so angry and determined to be right that we'd basically be trailing in Slice's wake, trying to repair his damage while he forges on ahead, Slice's Way or the Highway?

That doesn't sound like a fun long-term plan. That sounds like The Slice Show.

I'd like Hawthorne to be able to speak up without knowing that everything she says is going to be slapped down or dismissed as irrelevant. I'd like to be able to engage in conversation with the other PCs without thinking Slice is going to dominate every conversation or steer it around to his personal point of view.

A certain level of bickering and even arguing is all right, as long as my PC doesn't fear for her life at the end of the day.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
And that's about it for me.

Isida, can't affect your impressions, of course, but really, your character's life never entered into it (nor did Khyrinnax's, truth be told). My fondest memory of the game is actually that first exposition scene between Hawthorne and Slice, that contrast between their views of the exact same events and ideas. That you didn't enjoy it as much is certainly a shame though.

Happy gaming.

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