(OOC) Scourge of Daggerford (Full)

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
@FitzTheRuke Lunn hitpoints:
Starts at 11 after gnoll fight (he saved against that shaman spell (20hp) and took 18 from the axe of the chief, but raging for half (11hp) - didn't spend half-orc survival trait :)

Starts at 11 after gnoll fight
Recovers 17

Here you have him at 14
And here you ask if that is correct - I don't know why I didn't respond :)

OOC comment: definitely short rest by DM - we overrode it to explore the house, but then forgot when we got into the dungeon :)

With 6 taken from the rat, Lunn should be at 22 - not great, but not 1 hit from dead.

Also, we cleared the house, WHY DIDN'T WE REST?!?!!?!

@FitzTheRuke Lunn hitpoints:
Starts at 11 after gnoll fight (he saved against that shaman spell (20hp) and took 18 from the axe of the chief, but raging for half (11hp) - didn't spend half-orc survival trait :)

Starts at 11 after gnoll fight
Recovers 17

Here you have him at 14
And here you ask if that is correct - I don't know why I didn't respond :)

OOC comment: definitely short rest by DM - we overrode it to explore the house, but then forgot when we got into the dungeon :)

With 6 taken from the rat, Lunn should be at 22 - not great, but not 1 hit from dead.

Also, we cleared the house, WHY DIDN'T WE REST?!?!!?!
We took a short rest after we finished the gnolls

Voidrunner's Codex

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