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D&D 5E [OOC] Securing the Alliance: An Adventure in Tethyr [ENDED]


A quick question: how do I roll dice on this forum? I read the PbP FAQ and I couldn't find anything, and my Google-fu is failing me :D

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Forged Fury

First Post
Here's a link to the Test the Dice Roller Thread where you can post rolls until you're comfortable.

The basic roller works like this:

{roll}1d20+4{/roll} but you need to replace the { and } with [ and ]

So, replacing them gets me: [roll0]

You can also add a tag by doing {roll=Blah}1d20+4{/roll}, which when replacing gets me:


Personally, I don't use the roll titles because they have a tendency to screw up.

One final thing, you can't add multiple dice into the same roll tag. So, if you're using a battlemaster maneuver that adds damage dice to the roll, you need to roll them separately.

{roll}1d10+5{/roll} + {roll}1d8{/roll} gets you [roll2] + [roll3], which you then need to go back and provide the addition (13 in this case). If the extra damage die matches the weapon damage die (i.e. they're both d8s, you can technically roll them as one total, but I'd just get into the good habit of rolling them separately.

Been mega busy all day. I see I've missed two entire pages of OOC comments in the intervening time period. Gotta dart to pick up children now; I'll play catch up throughout the evening hours. And, yes, Brue did want to get the gang together (EVEN THE GNOME) so she could fill them in on all those lovely tidbits Rowena left out. More soon from me.

Forged Fury

First Post
So yeah, I don't even own a saddle. But I assume most of this applies to cart animals too. My question is when/where does proficiency vehicles (land) come into play?

With respect to this rule, land vehicle proficiency can apply to calming the donkey down (not so much calming as using the handbrake on the cart to "explain" to Jote that resistance is futile and he should placidly give up his attempt at flight). With the cart, if Jote takes off and you can't calm him, there's a chance the thing will flip over depending on the terrain. So, you may need to make some DEX or STR checks to keep the cart from tipping which would also benefit from your land vehicles proficiency.

I see Brue remembers that five is an unlucky number in Tethyr.
Uh, no. Not exactly. You're ascribing knowledge to me that I don't have. :) Brue remembers that four people plus one gnome equals five. If that also works out to five being unlucky in Tethyr, then awesome! PROOF THAT GNOMES ARE EVIL.


First Post
I talked myself out of it by the end. It just wasn't clear. But yeah, go ahead with it. Witch Bolt at 60' is waaaay more effective, I think.

Awesome. Thanks!

Based on this, my equipment is finished. The final things I purchased are:

Secondary Arcane Focus
2 x 50 GP diamonds
Herbalism Kit Proficiency
Herbalism Kit
Scroll of Witch Bolt
Potion of Healing

That leaves me with a whole 5 gp.

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