D&D (2024) Out with the old, in with the new?

How much older 5e material will you keep in your game?

  • Hard reset. Once I get the new books, all that’s gone before is gone.

    Votes: 13 9.6%
  • Soft reset. I’ll keep a few things, at least until new books offer replacements.

    Votes: 26 19.3%
  • Pick and choose. Much will be carried forward, but some might be excluded.

    Votes: 50 37.0%
  • Everything is in. Let a thousand flowers bloom.

    Votes: 20 14.8%
  • No 2024 for me. I’m sticking with the books I have.

    Votes: 26 19.3%

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Rules-lawyering drama queen but not a munchkin
I never said the number of people currently playing 5E that would not buy the would be zero. Just that we don't really know what the number is. Nor do we know what that number will be, say a year or two from now. 🤷‍♂️
Sure you wanted to quote me? It is a bit of a non-sequitor.

Voidrunner's Codex

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