D&D (2024) Out with the old, in with the new?

How much older 5e material will you keep in your game?

  • Hard reset. Once I get the new books, all that’s gone before is gone.

    Votes: 13 9.6%
  • Soft reset. I’ll keep a few things, at least until new books offer replacements.

    Votes: 26 19.3%
  • Pick and choose. Much will be carried forward, but some might be excluded.

    Votes: 50 37.0%
  • Everything is in. Let a thousand flowers bloom.

    Votes: 20 14.8%
  • No 2024 for me. I’m sticking with the books I have.

    Votes: 26 19.3%

I don't know that I'd call the lack of a clear edition label on the books "sleazy". They honestly thought this would be the last edition and that the only future for the brand was in selling related products. They did 5th edition to keep the IP alive and thought that other than a few modules they were done.

I also don't see why it really matters all that much, whether or not I think lack of a clear edition label matters, it's water under the bridge.
No, I meant "3.5" was sleazy marketing BS, not an example for anyone to follow.

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I think the way Mongoose is handling updates to their 2e Traveller books is nice. They're just sticking "UPDATE YEAR" after the title.

Wizards could just call it "2024 Update".


If the 2014 phb goes out of print, can't find it on shelves after 2024, I don't see what it matters. The 2024 phb will be THE phb going forward.
Yes. And the question them becomes, what do you do with the stuff from 2014-23, some of which will not be in print either, and much of which will require some thought and time to incorporate into a post-2024 game.

As things stand, all those who have said "Pick and Choose" and "Everything is in" are willing to do the work to keep the old stuff active.

Nobody seemed to mention that the new PHB will be out months before the new MM and how that affects the changeover one has at their table. I plan on picking up the new PHB and looking at it and might have players wanting to try out some things, which is cool and overall the path I would think I want. The problem is that the new DMG and new MM may affect how things play with the new classes in the way of magic items and monster power. If I start new PCs using the old rest of everything- is this going to screw up things later when I get the other books and now find problems with play.

I would think that maybe things would be better if I just waited to the 51st anniversary and got all the new books at once. I do not really see this happening though.

Nobody seemed to mention that the new PHB will be out months before the new MM and how that affects the changeover one has at their table. I plan on picking up the new PHB and looking at it and might have players wanting to try out some things, which is cool and overall the path I would think I want. The problem is that the new DMG and new MM may affect how things play with the new classes in the way of magic items and monster power. If I start new PCs using the old rest of everything- is this going to screw up things later when I get the other books and now find problems with play.

I would think that maybe things would be better if I just waited to the 51st anniversary and got all the new books at once. I do not really see this happening though.
Since monster rules and PC rules differ anyway (multiattack vs extra attack vs two weapon fighting bonus attacks and how grapples work for monsters and PCs), there should be minmal friction when usimg the 2014 monster manual with 2024 PCs.
Actually the grappling rules for 2024 PCs is closer to the MM rules than the 2014 PC rules.

That was different in 2003 when 3.5 hit the shelves: skills changed, monsters used the same feats as the PCs and so on. So back then, using 3.0 monsters was a bit more annoying.

Yes. And the question them becomes, what do you do with the stuff from 2014-23, some of which will not be in print either, and much of which will require some thought and time to incorporate into a post-2024 game.

As things stand, all those who have said "Pick and Choose" and "Everything is in" are willing to do the work to keep the old stuff active.
I mean, no, it really doesn't...? We already know all Monsters, Races and Subclasses work without any work.

should be minimal friction
This is the part that worries me. Do I need to worry about monkeying around with monsters to take into account the new power creep for PCs. I can do it and do modify the monsters and NPC all the time, but do I get into the habit of doing it before the new rules come out? I kind of want to see the rules and then play with the 'standard' rules before I say they suck and change them.

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