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Pathfinder: Rise of the Runelords, Burnt Offerings OOC


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The price we pay for progress. Hopefully once they have the kinks worked out, EN World 2 will completely outperform the old site.

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Sure does. Of course, I have to re-login if I haven't posted in like a half hour now. Maybe there is a setting that I need to change?


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Nearing The End

First of all, I will be in Bermuda on a business trip from Wednesday to Friday inclusive (July 16-18). There will be no posting during that period.

Second of all, I wanted to ask for some input on how to proceed now that we are nearing the end of Burnt Offerings.

We starting playing the game in early November 2007. We should be finished in another few weeks, perhaps 4, depending on how we tie things up. That will mean that in total the adventure will have taken in the region of 9 months to complete.

So far I have been able to come up with 3 plausible routes that we can take as we near the end, although if you can think of others, please feel free to suggest.

1) Continue the Adventure Path

Part 2 is called "The Skinsaw Murders". It starts in Sandpoint, continues in Magnimar. it is much more of a murder mystery / horror adventure, and thus may be quite a slow one to role-play in the PbF format. This is my main concern, it is not as simple an adventure as Burnt Offerings, and to me, from a single read-through, would lend itself much better to a group round a table rather than the PbF format.

The rest of the AP looks pretty interesting. The Hook Mountain Massacre (number 3) is very sick, and I love it!

If we were to play another adventure, we would be looking at another 9 months. To do all 5 remaining adventures could take 3.5+ years!

2) Retire Our Heroes

That is assuming that they survive!

They have done a great job with Burnt Offerings. 4 of the 5 original players have stuck with it, and the characters have really started to develop. Okay, so Jokad is still only 17 years old (he has been a naughty boy doing all that flirting and drinking!), but he feels like a man. Jovik has finally found a route for his misspent youth. Danth has taken a minor role as a dignitary at the swallowtail festival and turned it into a real thirst for adventure ... if only his church back in Magnimar weren't so keen to get him back. Kael turned up with a dead horse, and left with a real mastery of his powers, enough gold to buy a covered cart, and a wand of fantastical power.

If we do decide that we are going to retire them, I will create very comprehensive prologues for each character so that you all get a good and proper closure on the adventure.

3) Play Something Else

Another route, perhaps coupled to number 2 above, but perhaps even using the same characters, is to play something else. By this I mean anything. I am open to suggestions.

I own D0 and D1 (Hollow's Last Hope, and Crown of the Kobold King), two low-level adventures set in the same world as Burnt Offerings. They together are probably about the same length as Burnt Offerings.

I would be interested in trying the Beta of the Pathfinder RPG.

I own Dark Heresy and have loved reading it, and could consider a game with that.

I also own Freeport and think it is one of the best campaign sourcebooks I have ever read.

I have a LOT of material from the Midnight setting, and could be up for a quick one-shot adventure there.

I also own the second Adventure Path from Paizo, as well as The Savage Tide, and Age of Worms (all too long to do in whole, but parts may work).

The only thing I will not consider is GMing a 4e game. I have nothing against it except that I do not have anywhere like enough free time to learn the new rules to a sufficient level to run a game. I have a 3 year old and a 3 week old, so time is limited.


We do not have to continue in any way. I know most of you have other games, and I too may join a game to play for a while (although I always seem to find myself enjoying the GM role more). We could just count our lucky stars that we actually managed to start AND FINISH a full adventure on the forum. (EDIT: That reads too much like I am tempting fate. I HOPE we finish, and I THINK we will) That is not something that too many people manage, you know.

Anyway, ideas, feedback, etc.... I am actually not even sure myself yet whether I want to run another adventure, but thought that before I decide whether to run another it would be worth checking what you all felt. You have, after all, be fantastic players.


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Actually this is the only game I am currently involved in as my time is pretty limited as well. This game is by far the best PbEM game I have been involved with and I would hate to see it die. I'm also quite fond Jokad and his new home of Sandpoint. I think Paizo did a fantastic job giving starting PCs a 'home base' with some depth; someplace they actually care about. I'm sure that has a lot to do with how you have presented it to us as well hewligan, so hats off to you.

Since you have asked for our input I would like to continue playing this character in the world of Varisia. If the next adventure in the 'path' doesn't lend itself to PbEM very well, I would not object to subbing in something else so long as the plot arc doesn't suffer too badly. When we reach the appropriate levels for #3, I'd be in for that as well.

Basically, I think we've got a good group here and I'd be down for however long you would like to continue things. I will certainly understand however if outside influence (read: family, job) and or simple burnout cause you to want to pack it in.

Jokad is here as long as you want him to be.

Thanks for running a great game.



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Hewligan, I have to start by saying that I have truly enjoyed this game and your DMing style. I have had A LOT of fun in the PbP; a large part of that is having a great DM, and the rest is having a good group of players.

With that said, I have come to enjoy playing Danth. From starting out as a somewhat clumsy combatant who relied more on luck than skill, I feel that he has really started to come into his own. He has gotten better in combat, and I feel that his spells have definitely contributed to the group's success. I would love to continue playing him, either in the current Adventure Path, or in another adventure, if that is the concensus.

Since you have asked for our input I would like to continue playing this character in the world of Varisia. If the next adventure in the 'path' doesn't lend itself to PbEM very well, I would not object to subbing in something else so long as the plot arc doesn't suffer too badly. When we reach the appropriate levels for #3, I'd be in for that as well.

I'm in complete agreement with Frostrune here. If the second adventure doesn't "fit" PbP, you could substitute something else...or, I would not be opposed to you "handwaving" the adventure, as if we actually completed it "behind the scenes", upping our PCs to the necessary level for the 3rd adventure and providing the necessary background information, and continuing on from there. I say this because I've come to enjoy this world of Varisia; it seems to offer an interesting variation compared to most other established settings.
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I'll toss my vote in like Frosty and Rhun. I have enjoyed this game immensely. It hasn't just been hack and slash, you have done a wonderful job in helping to define and characterized our characters and that I think is why we all wish to continue playing them. I want to keep playing Jovik in whatever game you wish to run him in. Heck, I'd love to play in any game you run.

So your call Hewligan, whatever you are most comfortable with, but I know I'd liek to see Jovik continue on. But feel free to skip #2 if you wish, or substitute it whatever works.


I'm basically a ditto here, with the others, I love playing Kael, as he's a blast, and I'm all for moving forward in the best way that we can. :D

By the way, I don't think it needs to be said, but you've been one of the best PbP game runners I've dealt with and you've made for an enjoyable game, on or offline, so that is awsome, too. :)

Also, in a quick addendum, I'm all for switching out game to the Pathfinder Fantasy RPG Rules Beta, since it is a free download (although, once I've work, I'm planning on buying the printed book), and it is made to improve the experience of Pathfinder games. I'm already reading the lastest Alpha, just because I think it's cool.
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Well thanks for the input. There is a clear consensus towards continuing with these characters, albeit with some flexibility as to the adventure that we use next.

The Pathfinder RPG Beta is not due out until some time in August. Given that this game will probably tie up around then, we may at the very least be able to plumb the Beta rules a little to see if we want to use any of the feats or other additions. I am thinking that we are unlikely to fully adopt it for the next adventure, although we can discuss this nearer the time.

Adventure ... well I will review The Skinsaw Murders, and make a decision on whether it a suitable for PbEM. If not, I will either adapt it, or adopt another adventure to replace it (but with some changes to keep the thread that runs through the AP).

It looks like we will be carrying on after Burnt Offerings in some form at least.

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