Planescape Planescape IS D&D Says Jeremy Crawford

Front & center In 2024 core rulebooks.

Planescape is Jeremy Crawford's favourite D&D setting. "It is D&D", he says, as he talks about how in the 2024 core rulebook updates Planescape will be more up front and center as "the setting of settings".


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Morkus from Orkus
Not if you don't want a non-Great Wheel cosmology, like Eberron or Dark Sun.
Do you realize that the Great Wheel has been the default cosmology since 2014? Sigil is mentioned in the DMG as well. At no point have they said or are saying that you can't have one of the other cosmologies, or even make one of your own. They're just reiterating that the Great Wheel(Planescape) is the default cosmology. It's not a big deal.

Do you realize that the Great Wheel has been the default cosmology since 2014? Sigil is mentioned in the DMG as well. At no point have they said or are saying that you can't have one of the other cosmologies, or even make one of your own. They're just reiterating that the Great Wheel(Planescape) is the default cosmology. It's not a big deal.

I'll add The 5e Great Wheel Cosmology ate the World Axis and Eberron cosmologies almost entirely at this point.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
So Planescape is the new Core Setting, instead of FR? Does that mean FR can has a proper setting book like Eberron and Exandria?
It always has been. FR has always in 5e just been the most supported setting, not the “core setting”, and has always been part of the 5e planar multiverse, which is just Planescape without explaining Planescape.

I agree that is a big part of why it took 9 years to come: the MM and DMG provided a lot of material for Planescape already, and people have been using it.
Yeah exactly. It’s like…the default setting has been “the multiverse” since day one. The “multiverse” is just the Planescape cosmology. The Great Wheel with Sigil and the Outlands in the center. 🤷‍♂️

Like I think the DMG mentions Sigil being at the center of the canon default cosmology.


WotC spent like 15 years actively avoiding and dumping on the 2E metasetting, during 3E and 4E they ran as far away as they could. Yet the D&D media like video games still kept it going...
Did they? I am not aware of any video games that did, past Planescape Torment (not saying there were none…)
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Some quotes from Jeremy Crawford...

Opening thoughts: "Planescape in many ways... is my favorite D&D setting because Planescape is D&D. It is the one setting that touches every other setting. Because Planescape is the backdrop for the entire D&D multiverse."

Speaking about 2024 plans: "As we worked on Planescape, we were preparing it at the same time we were working on the 2024 rulebooks. We see it as a critical setup for those books, because those books are going to have the D&D multiverse even more front and center than in 2014."

"In the art of the new books, we've intentionally put in characters & locations from D&D's classic settings, beings that you can meet in the Planescape books just around the corner of coming out, they will also be present in the material for the 2024 core rulebooks and beyond. So Planescape, for me, is a connection not only to all the worlds of the multiverse, but it also connects to the whole history of the game."

Speaking on usability of Planescape: Adventures in the Multiverse: "There is material here that is useful for whatever Material Plane world you play in. The creatures that appear in the bestiary of Adventures in the Multiverse - those creatures can burst into any world. The plots that are unveiled in the adventure book - those plots can affect any world in the multiverse. And then in the setting book, what you learn about the Outlands... what happens there can affect any campaign. So I see this, when it comes to our setting books, I see Planescape as the toy box most brimming with things that are useful no matter what campaign setting you use, including if that campaign setting is your home setting."

ngl planescape has been the first setting book in a while where I find absolutely nothing to grab me. With most I at least nab a feat or creature or subclass or species to buy separately on DnD beyond.

This upcoming planescape book..... nothing. I was only hyped for the elemental planes related stuff and feats. But it all got axed from the book.

Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
ngl planescape has been the first setting book in a while where I find absolutely nothing to grab me. With most I at least nab a feat or creature or subclass or species to buy separately on DnD beyond.

This upcoming planescape book..... nothing. I was only hyped for the elemental planes related stuff and feats. But it all got axed from the book.
I hear you. I liked the old lore better, and there's hardly any crunch.

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