Planescape Planescape IS D&D Says Jeremy Crawford

Front & center In 2024 core rulebooks.

Planescape is Jeremy Crawford's favourite D&D setting. "It is D&D", he says, as he talks about how in the 2024 core rulebook updates Planescape will be more up front and center as "the setting of settings".


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PlanescapeIn the 2024 core rulebook updates Planescape will be more up front and center as "the setting of settings".
Oh hell no.

Look, many people love Planescape. Great for them! The setting should be well supported. The full Planescape setting book was long overdue. But don't shove Planescape in the core books where the rest of us have to pick it out like anchovies.


Morkus from Orkus
Oh hell no.

Look, many people love Planescape. Great for them! The setting should be well supported. The full Planescape setting book was long overdue. But don't shove Planescape in the core books where the rest of us have to pick it out like anchovies.
Again, it's already in the core book as the default cosmology. If you made it this long without noticing, you should be able to continue on in 2024 just fine. :)


Um, how about no? I don't need someone else saying "this has to be the way it's going to be." If I want to chuck FR, Ravenloft, Planescape or Dark Sun out the window in favor of the cosmology of my homebrew, that's the way it used to be and how it should be.
I have a feeling you will still be able to do that lol


Morkus from Orkus
It's in the 2e Planescape Boxed setting.

"We can excuse the fact that you slaughtered two yugoloths before you realized where you were, outsider, but you pronounced the name of our fair city 'Sijil,' not 'Sigil,' and there can be no excuse for that! - Her honor Rastina Tollin of the Guvners"

It's a hard G sound.

Edit: Never mind. I see you were responding to someone who had me blocked and what they were claiming. You are correct in your response. :)


What bothers me about the "D&D Multiverse" framing is that it sets the assumption that a homebrew setting is really just a subpart of someone else's setting. While I can and do reject this assumption, the developers presenting it as the default still comes across as presumptuous, and it puts the onus on DMs to actively disclaim WotC's cosmology if they want to avoid misunderstandings.

Also, while I'm largely indifferent to published settings, it seems to me that, as a matter of storytelling, the possibilities that WotC is closing off by limiting themselves to a single cosmology massively outweigh those they open by connecting more settings to that cosmology.

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