D&D (2024) Ranger 2024 is a bigger joke than Ranger 2014:

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Eternal Optimist
I suppose. Thing is though, most casting times were so much faster than most weapon attacks that the wizard was going to go first in the round most of the time anyway. Large creatures were +6 to init and most spells, and certainly most combat spells, had a casting time of 1xspell level. Give the wizard a reasonable Dex, and it was very likely the wizard was going to win init.
All optional rules! :)

(And Dexterity never modified initiative - only surprise).


Again, if they don't want components to matter in play, say so and/or remove them.
5e has it easy. Everyone in your group and the GM assumes your character spoke some words of power, had them gesture their fingers/hands in a certain way, and/or has them use some item when they declare they're casting a spell. No spellcasting check to see if your character used the right words, gestures, or material item. Just an action, bonus action or reaction being used in play.


įš³įš£įš¾į›–įš¹įš¢į›šįš  (He/Him/His)
5e has it easy. Everyone in your group and the GM assumes your character spoke some words of power, had them gesture their fingers/hands in a certain way, and/or has them use some item when they declare they're casting a spell. No spellcasting check to see if your character used the right words, gestures, or material item. Just an action, bonus action or reaction being used in play.
Same as it ever was.


That line from Once In A Lifetime by the Talking Heads? ;)
Talking Heads?
Kermit Same as it ever was.gif

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