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Rise of Skywalker: The Seen It/Spoilers Thread


  • ★★★★★ Excellent

    Votes: 12 16.7%
  • ★★★★ Good

    Votes: 26 36.1%
  • ★★★ Average

    Votes: 14 19.4%
  • ★★ Not Great

    Votes: 12 16.7%
  • ★ Terrible

    Votes: 8 11.1%

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Why did Rey have to die after reflecting the force lightning back on Palpatine? Dammit...no wonder wielding the Force is so rare in the Star Wars universe; it kills whoever wields it! Ben Skywalker's death was no surprise; it is a consistent theme in the Star Wars universe that someone who turns to the Dark Side can return to the light with a great sacrifice. But I question the story creators at having him sacrifice himself the way that he did.

I said Skywalker...meant Solo. But, the point remains the same.

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It was an afterthought. There's a good reason you didn't see mention of it in the previous films.

Exactly. I think it was a missed opportunity. I know they had to cut down the run time a little, but even showing a bit of what Palpatine was doing behind the scenes would have been nice. I did like seeing the Snoke thing in the vat, though; that makes me wonder if Snoke was some type of clone that Palpatine was using.

I don't know what that means. Han, Luke, and Leia all die in this trilogy. Clearly Disney is happy to kill major characters.

Valid point. However, in my opinion, it would have been more of a punch if Rey went into that final battle with that guilt weighing her down. Han's death was a part of Kylo's journey; it was required for him to turn from his birthright and become something else.

Well, not on you, clearly. I found it pretty moving.

I am probably going to be in the minority here, but I don't think Leia's death was necessary. Yes, I know that Carrie Fisher died, but I like to think that her continuing to live quietly and happily off screen after the end of the series would have been nice.

I would have liked it if Rey had stayed dead. It would have been a more emotional ending to the series than Kylo dying.

Yep, I agree 100%.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Like, I enjoyed the heck out of RoS, in spite of many of its issues, mainly because I'm tired of letting The Discourse dictate how I feel about my childhood pew pew space opera joy. I'm pretty sure all of that would be very different had they killed Rey off for real and saved Ben.

Thematically, the sequence fits with the reluctant, constantly shifting teacher/student relationship between Rey and Kylo. Rey learns how to use the Force in TFA primarily from Kylo using it against her. Ben learns how to heal because Rey uses it on him.

And as I mentioned before, my theory is that Rey had to die in the first place so that the "thousands of years of Jedi" that "live within her" can die too, and she can come back as herself to be free to chart her own course and usher in a new era for the Force.

I mean that or they just wanted to swing full circle back to the Jesus metaphor from Episode I. :sneaky:


Well, that was fun
Staff member
So .... just throwing this out there. I think a lot of us (even me) are getting tired of Star Wars discourse. Especially over this movie.

But just think for a second. Just imagine if ... in addition to:
1. Completely sidelining Kelly Marie Tran; and
2. Completely walking back most of the TLJ;

JJ had also killed off Rey. Just imagine what the feedback now would be. "Not only did you completely cave in to the most toxic parts of the fanbase with this movie, you also killed off Rey."

I mean.... that would be rough. I would probably take a one-month hiatus from the internet. It would be human sacrifice, dogs and cats living together, mass hysteria!
Yeah, true. That would only work if all that that other stuff hadn't happened.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Han died because Harrison Ford demanded it.
Luke died because one director/writer tried to take a few risks.
Leia died because the actress died (RIP Carrie Fisher).

I'm not sure I'd say any of that is a credit to Disney.
"Credit" implies some kind of moral evaluation I wasn't applying to it. My point was that there is clearly no "formula dictated by Darth Mickey" which prevents the killing of major characters.


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Han died because Harrison Ford demanded it.
Luke died because one director/writer tried to take a few risks.
Leia died because the actress died (RIP Carrie Fisher).

I'm not sure I'd say any of that is a credit to Disney.

No, it's more than that. Once they had established that Han was dying in the first, I fully expected each film to kill off one of the OT cast members in a suitably moving and important way and ending their personal story. And had Carrie not died too soon, I expect we'd have had the same in Rise of Skywalker. As it was, they did what they could with what they had and I have no complaints.

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