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Rivets Eternal: Metal Men and Fleshy Cogs (OOC)


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I've got no problem with Josh having been there the whole week. He's a pretty open character, so anyone who's been in the cell with him and either asked about his past or listened when others did would pretty much know all the details in his character background (Which you can see here). The only notable exception is his family name; I figure his pseudonym is designed to protect his family from recriminations for his acts, so he's like to keep that close to the chest until he really trusts someone (you'll notice he used the stage name when introducing himself to Orb, for example).

Alternately, the background sets up "Josh o' the Mornin'" as a minor local celebrity, so the name itself might ring some bells for locals even without him having said much else. In that case, they probably wouldn't know his family background, but just that he's been known to do a lot of satire/protest performances and has developed some good will with some of Trenchtown's working class because of it (of course, there are probably also members of the working class that resent his "making a name" off their suffering, so the rep could go either way).


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Makh's been there for a bit... And everyone would know he's none to happey about it. While he's no storeyteller, but you would have heard tidbits about him as he might rant about this or that. Specifically, he was part of a group of nomadic goblinoids who raided any and everyone they were able. He got caught by the Trenchtown mitilia, and caught only because some Zeakaden pig who was to greedy for his worth, whom he also put out of his misery for his efforts in getting them caught. He lost his ear in a gunfight, Makh won of course.

Basically if it's in his background folks know about it some form or another.

~ Songdragon ~


The man with the probe
dave_o said:
Also, about the Rogue's Gallery, I don't really see why you'd need to look at other peoples' character sheets so I assumed just the one thread with yer own junk would be bookmarked/subscribed/etched onto your chest. I just like having a list of character names in my bookmarks and I can just click one and boom, tada.

And yes I know I could achieve the same effect with just one thread and linking to specific posts but I only just thought of that so too bad. :D
I use it as a reference for how they look, sometimes I use it to remember their entire name if they've been introduced, since their's pictures, you get to see them, and occasionaly it's nice to remember what gear they may have been given of late.

It's just generaly useful, at least for me. Plus, I enjoy reading other people's backgrounds, even if I can't or won't use the information in the game.

Becca Bot

First Post
Songdragon said:
Makh's been there for a bit... And everyone would know he's none to happey about it. While he's no storeyteller, but you would have heard tidbits about him as he might rant about this or that. Specifically, he was part of a group of nomadic goblinoids who raided any and everyone they were able. He got caught by the Trenchtown mitilia, and caught only because some Zeakaden pig who was to greedy for his worth, whom he also put out of his misery for his efforts in getting them caught. He lost his ear in a gunfight, Makh won of course.

Basically if it's in his background folks know about it some form or another.

~ Songdragon ~

I just thought of this while reading tonight, but Mahk is TOTALLY like Grendel from John Gardner's Grendel. I feel so bad for him, though, because he AND Grendel both remind me of my friend Zack, who needs a big hug all the time. So, I've got to hold back Tish from hugging him. :3 He's just so sad it's killing ME. But no worries -- Tish thinks he's ugly. Hahaha. Elves and their inevitable vanity.

As for the issue of remembering what Tish looks/acts like -- NO WORRIES HERE. I will always describe IN DETAIL what she's currently looking like/feeling/doing. I am, as I'm sure you've seen, a blabbermouth story teller. I actually intended her to be less talkative, but that's just the way the cookie crumbles.

I am currently in love with: Mahk and Josh. I just like the characters and the way they're responding to people. I keep laughing. I like Orb and Tyson a lot too, but I wish more people had time to post, cause they're doing all the talking. :D Not that I'm complaining or anything, but we all know each other somewhat better than we know Orb, and yet we're spilling our personal lives to THE NEWB! :B I've only posted twice, and we're already off the topics I brought up. Oh well. Busy, busy exam week. I guess I'm just ranting AT you guys when I should just be saying an apology. I keep meaning to post, but then I refresh and there's 10 new posts, so I can't read them and post before I've got to go to class. Your posts are all little works of art that need great amounts of time devoted to reading and responding to. I wish Lliend would post more too, sine Tish is all <3<3<3MY HERO<3<3<3 for him. Also, Iannja is another elf, so she can choose to talk to Tish in any manner she sees fit and I can go with it. THERE IS NO EXCUSE TO NOT TALK. :D


The man with the probe

Actualy, people opening up to Orb is kind of how I saw her. Or at least people looking to be on her good side and hiding the bad, which seems to be generaly what's happening. She's just sort of overwhemed though, and responding to whatever catcher her attention at the moment.

dave_o: you mind if we occasionaly make some non-important rolls on our own using Invisible castle (I always use Bront as my character name)? Or should we just RP things like performance checks and other misc non-important skill rolls?

Becca Bot

First Post
Bront said:

Actualy, people opening up to Orb is kind of how I saw her. Or at least people looking to be on her good side and hiding the bad, which seems to be generaly what's happening. She's just sort of overwhemed though, and responding to whatever catcher her attention at the moment.

dave_o: you mind if we occasionaly make some non-important rolls on our own using Invisible castle (I always use Bront as my character name)? Or should we just RP things like performance checks and other misc non-important skill rolls?

No, no. You're doing fine. I'm just bummed that I got off to a late start, and that all of the OTHER wonderful characters that have been created are just kinda' sitting on the shelf for right now.

I'm also not sure what you mean by that post, but Dave has been reading. He'll pop in with necessary rolling when needed. :) For now, he's just busy with finals (like me) and waiting for us all to get cushy with the speaking. It's really hard not to speak to the others the way we're speaking to Orb, since we've supposedly already spoken. As of how everyone's acting, I'm having Tish portray that Orb's the first REAL conversation (other than Josh, whom she finds a bit annoying) Tish has had in a while. If you hadn't noticed, everyone else is timid compared to Tish's rough and tumble speak, so she's kind of uplifted by the change. A good idea, if I may prop my hat to your invention of coming a bit later than the rest of us.


Becca Bot said:
... but we all know each other somewhat better than we know Orb, and yet we're spilling our personal lives to THE NEWB! :B

Tends to happen. Fresh meat and all that. The old timers have probably already picked through each other's personal lives by now.

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