Scales of War #1 Rescue at Rivenroar IC


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...stands agog, aghast, agape. She hears her comrades' comments and questions, but much of what is being said registers. In the quiet that follows, all eyes upon her, she finally speaks.

"First, you say you have nothing but pity for us. You acknowledge that you have freely consorted with those who have come before us with evil in their hearts. You would have willingly taken the soul of a CHILD of Fallcrest to get what you want, which, mind you, sounds utterly preposterous! Ghastly undead, walking freely among the people of Nentir Vale - you would be attacked on sight!

Why? What purpose do you have among the living of the world? Whom will you attend? Where exactly will you go? How did you come to BE like this?! Good, honest men do not simply succumb to undeath!

Your simple request of MY LIFE is... is... BAH! Your mind has been driven mad! Do you not recall those glorious days when you lived and breathed the fresh air, when you had families to attend to, when..." Velani's crescendo suddenly ceases, her hand reflexively reaching for her belly. "When you brought children into the world?" Her eyes lock with the creature. "You would have me not only give up my life, but that of my unborn child. Tell me, Lord, why should I do this? What possible reward will I reap? We could simply cut you down where you stand, take what rightfully belongs to the living of Fallcrest, and return home all the same. Your offer rings worthless to me, as I see no 'upside' for anyone but you. You salesmanship is wanting...."

Velani waits for their answer, bristling, anticipating false promises and a prisoner's final appeal for mercy before the gallows........

But it's obvious to all though that she is terribly afraid of what is being discussed. Her bravado seems contrived; her words, while well chosen, fall far short of anything resembling 'heroic.'
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...stands agog, aghast, agape. She hears her comrades' comments and questions, but much of what is being said registers. In the quiet that follows, all eyes upon her, she finally speaks.

"First, you say you have nothing but pity for us. You acknowledge that you have freely consorted with those who have come before us with evil in their hearts. You would have willingly taken the soul of a CHILD of Fallcrest to get what you want, which, mind you, sounds utterly preposterous! Ghastly undead, walking freely among the people of Nentir Vale - you would be attacked on sight!

Why? What purpose do you have among the living of the world? Whom will you attend? Where exactly will you go? How did you come to BE like this?! Good, honest men do not simply succumb to undeath!

Your simple request of MY LIFE is... is... BAH! Your mind has been driven mad! Do you not recall those glorious days when you lived and breathed the fresh air, when you had families to attend to, when..." Velani's crescendo suddenly ceases, her hand reflexively reaching for her belly. "When you brought children into the world?" Her eyes lock with the creature. "You would have me not only give up my life, but that of my unborn child. Tell me, Lord, why should I do this? What possible reward will I reap? We could simply cut you down where you stand, take what rightfully belongs to the living of Fallcrest, and return home all the same. Your offer rings worthless to me, as I see no 'upside' for anyone but you. You salesmanship is wanting...."

Velani waits for their answer, bristling, anticipating false promises and a prisoner's final appeal for mercy before the gallows........

But it's obvious to all though that she is terribly afraid of what is being discussed. Her bravado seems contrived; her words, while well chosen, fall far short of anything resembling 'heroic.'

GM: Firstly- beautifully done, and secondly- that’s a nice die roll- ‘1’.

The creature shuffles in its seat, perhaps shamed, perhaps just uncomfortable in Velani’s glare...

“We forget. We forget that the living are so quick to do so many things- to anger, to judge, to make bold and rash statements. Undeath favours the long-game, patience, the slow-accumulation of knowledge and understanding. Certainly we remember our family, our duty, our honour, our loves, our life- in many ways we are similar. We will state it again- we are the same.”

The creature glares back at Velani.

“We served the Vale in our time, we fought back humanoid incursions, we fought bandits and brigands that preyed upon those that had no defence- evil men with black hearts, or else with no hearts at all. We were Lord here, we ruled as well as we could, and yet... The empire failed, we failed, and for that we were punished- not because we were cruel or malign but because we had sworn an oath, an oath that bound us even in death...”

The creature shakes its head, leans back in its throne and sighs deeply.
“Even in death...” It repeats, tired beyond the ages.

“You ask how it could be that we are willing to take the soul of a young boy, you blunder... you judge. Look at us, take a good hard look- we are the dead- THE DEAD, and we hunger, always we hunger...”

The creature smirks, “Morality is a shadow- step out of the shadows. WE ARE THE DEAD!”

Serious now the creature leans forward.

“The ritual I propose will change your form, you will become a Revenant, the walking dead- your complexion will darken, you will change but slightly- you will be thinner, more agile, perhaps even graceful- you will hunger... Your unborn, well... that is unknown, perhaps our mistress will see it safe- mayhap she has other plans. You will be able to pass unmolested in the land of the living, unless you choose to travel naked.”

The creature smirks again, then settles back on its throne, the Skelton Warrior likewise retreats a little, the other Skeletons relax their guard, although eye you still.

“You ask why? What reason could there be? Why should I give my life? It’s the first proper question you have asked, now you are thinking. So I will tell you some of what I know, have been told, or have seen...”

The creature gets comfortable.

“Centuries ago the Lords of Rivenroar swore to the gods to protect the Vale, it seems the gods were listening...”

The creature indicates its own being.

“And so we could not die, not while the Vale was threatened- through the first coming of the Bloody Hand we watched from the sidelines, buried in this rotten crypt unable to do anything- we watched Fallcrest turn to ruins, which watched the lights die, we watched all that we had fought for be reduced to blood, bone and dust... We grew angry. Next time- we said, next time we will make a stand. But that’s hard to do, buried here... then, then the creature’s came- the mad Goblin- Sinruth, the madder Gnome- Frazzle and their followers. Our crypt, our home became filled with life- and we tasted flesh again, and remembered our promises, and grew strong.”

The creature scratches its chin.

“We thought we would use the ritual on the Gnome, or the Goblin- but there was nothing to either of these creatures, they were too bent, too twisted- they turn away from the light, they have embraced the shadow. The shadow is death, we want nothing more of death... And then you came, we did all we could to engineer a meeting- trying to communicate through the woman, we traded the sword with the Gnome knowing that you would come looking for it.”

“We could speak to you, explain- you would listen... We have not been idle these centuries, we have watched the vale- watched it grow, watched the lights fade and the shadows lengthen- the vale’s time is running out. The great cities are destined to fall, within a year there will be all out war- the war to end all wars, victory for the enemy will see the death or enslavement of every man, woman and child- of all of the races, within the vale. This we swear we have seen, the gods have shown us, told us, mocked us...”

The creature stands.

“Know this, without our help you will be lost in the storm- I will not say that there is no hope, there is always hope. With us... well, things will not be easy, but we will help- we will give our strength, our everything, our all, to be rid of this curse.”

The creature salutes, like a soldier on duty, it is not so different to the salute of a Fallcrest guardswoman.

“We will do our duty, one last time, we will shake the world and wake it up, before it is put to rest forever.”
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...instinctively straightens and snaps to attnetion before the creature. Its...his words ring true to her. His gesture is genuine, the type only a long-trained military man of Fallcrest could muster. No longer simply reacting to him, Velani raises her hand and returns the honor. "I... Thank you, er... what was, er, is your name?"

"And what gods then? Whom have you pledged your lives to? We found a shrine to Vecna, the Dark Lord of Secrets, buried here in this very crypt with you. Are you in league with him? We know the stone has been in use...."

"And what of me then? I am a servant of Fallcrest. I have pledged my life to her defense. And I am a servant of Dol Arrah, my Lady who commands that light be brought to dark places and that my blade strike down evil whereever it may be found. I cannot simply turn my back on them. I...."

Velani stops suddenly as if remembering something. "Per ardva ad astra," she quietly says. Her head tilts back and she peers at the ceiling, through the brick and mortar to the skies above. "Huh. To the stars indeed...." Her head levels, her eyes fall back on the Lord, and newfound resolve is heard in her voice. "My Lady also commands that I bring Hope to those who fear." Louder now and upwards, she continues, "Lady Light, hear me now! I place my faith, my soul, and that of my unborn child at your feet! If it is your will that I serve these men of the Vale," gesturing toward the undead, "in order to serve you, make it known to me now. Thy will be done."


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Kyalia has been watching the exchange of words, heard the claims and the offer, and the young elf shuddered at the thought. Unlife in whatever form was just wrong.

Nonetheless, these creatures were offering them a diplomatic route rather than trying to crush them outright, and it was a chance to get things done without much bloodshed (or whatever equivalent they had to offer).

“Lords of Rivenroar,” she says. “You said, that you wanted to make a stand, to protect the vale. To do good! But what you offer, is only selfish and cruel. It is what you have become, the opposite of what you wanted all the time. If you want to make a difference, want the vale to be safe, then you have to realize, that your time is over. Do what is right! Leave the sword with us, so we can right those who have been wronged, so that we can make the difference in your name, make that stand you were talking about. And bring peace to the vale. Bring peace to yourself.”


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Kali listens to the dramatic events unfolding before him with growing confusion. More than half of what is said passes him by. He itches to smash the dried skulls before him with his twin axes, but holds his hand as a part of him senses that they are on the verge of a monumentous moment. With one eye on Velani and the other on the undead he holds himself ready to spring if the need arises.


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Viator's eyes widen as he takes in the enormity of the conversation.

He turns suddenly as he hears his companion's revelation.

Sergeant Velani?!! Surely you cannot be thinking about this?! That you would sacrifice yourself is one thing, but your CHILD?!

That miracle inside you doesn't even get a choice? You would dictate it's life, even take it away without it even getting a say? Have you lost your mind? How can you call yourself a mother?

Tears stream down his face as his ice blue eyes bore a hole into Velani.

A child should be allowed a childhood, allowed to play, to laugh, to cry, to smile. To love it's mother. How dare you! HOW DARE YOU!!

The air crackles and throbs dangerously around him and blood pours from his nose, his ears and he cries red.


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Kali looks over to Viator, and shakes his head:

One of my earliest and fondest memories was of my father dancing around the fire calling upon the spirits of the dead and his goblin gods - that's what goblin shamans do. He taught me to hunt, kill, and revel in what I am, and I have felt and caused more loss, pain and destruction than I care to discuss.

Yet .... I find myself amongst an odd group that I would call friends - a word I've not used since my family and entire clan were slaughtered to the last. And I would give my life for each and every one of you. So do not assume what the Sergeant or her child may become - that's for them and the gods to decide.

Almost embarassed about his unusual outburst, Kali finds something on the floor to look at, but not before turning to Velani:

Whatever path you choose, I will walk it beside you.


And then the lights go out...

No, that's not enough, not nearly enough...


That's it... that's everything.


It's as if you do not exist... or at least, this is hard to write, hard to explain- it's as if you never existed.

You are surrounded by darkness.

You are without form.

You are not shape, or sound, or action- you are barely thought.

There is nothing.

Only the darkness.

GM: More to follow. Do not add anything here, you don't exist remember.


And then after a moment, an eon, an age there is light...

The tiniest dot of light, in the far distance.

The far, far distance.

A speck.

A mote.

A mistake?

The voice is solemn, slow- often slurring, in places uncertain- as if it were guessing.

"This is the truth."

It begins.

"In the beginning there was nothing, although perhaps it would be better to say that it was always such. Time did not, or rather- does not, exist. Therefore there is, or was, no beginning, just as there can be no end. Still... we must start somewhere, and where better than the beginning."

The voice continues. Unaware, perhaps, it has an audience.

"Nothing was everywhere. Darkness was everywhere. The Darkness is nothing. The Darkness does not exist... it is nothing, after all. This is the truth."

The voice stops for a moment more, it seems to be ruminating, cogitating.

"Then came the light. Then came life. Gods, primordials, the ancients... where the light came from is still unconfirmed. Perhaps it was always there, just hidden somehow... Perhaps not."

"The light is life. Life is the light. It is... existence."

"But without the darkness could light, or life, exist."

"For there to be something, does there first have to be nothing..."

The voice drifts off... an echo of its final word.

"Things started to fall apart- entropy the bastard offspring of something and nothing- of light and life, was born- or else had always existed. And with entropy came time, and existence had meaning- from evolution to revolution, and life and the light burned brightly."

Again the voice recedes, at the same time the speck of light in the sea of darkness grows, perhaps to the size of a copper piece, held aloft for all to see by someone a mile away from your position. The light is, of course, very bright- perhaps because the Darkness is so very dark.

The voice gabbles on, at pace now- as if understanding is coming at a rush.

"Sentience begat consciousness, consciousness begat reason, and reason begat lore and understanding- and the light grew brighter still."

The light grows no bigger, and yet burns with a blinding intensity. It seems to burn a hole celan through the Darkness, its corona is glorious. If you were possessed of emotions, and physicality, then you would weep. It is... magnificent.

"For a while reason, and love, were enough... for a short while. But life makes no deals with morality- where love existed so did hate."

"Hate looked beyond the light, looked beyond life, it longed for the Darkness, and over time hate learned how to reach out to the Darkness. Until, until it finally connected."

Suddenly the glorious light light shimmers, a tracery of black veins appear- like cracks on the surface, the inky black byways grow fatter.

"The Darkness flooded in, and the light grew dimmer."


"And dimmer still."

The voice is no more than a whisper.

"Until it barely existed at all."

The voice recedes once more, this time for what seems to be an age, a lifetime, an existence.

In the distance the light grows dimmer still- fades to almost nothing, perhaps no more than a memory of the light.

The voice returns, certain now- on solid ground."

"This is the end. Although there is no end, for it has always been."

The light is gone, there is nothing.


"And yet in the Darkness life still exists, even without the light, it has adapted... somehow, it clings on to the shadow..."

The voice comes again.

"... Exhausted... Beaten... Broken... Almost forgotten."

And suddenly you're back in the chamber, back in your bodies, back in... you.

The chamber is empty, or at least the same rotten surroundings and tattered banners, and dirt, and dust. The same two crumbling wooden thrones- although no piles of the dead and the fallen, and no undead creatures... otherwise it's the same.

The voice is not done.

"All that is left is the memory of the light... the memory... the memory... the memory of the light."

The voice falters, breaks down, scrabbles for words- is reduced to half-formed sounds, and then is gone.

"This is the truth."

Suddenly you can move, and hear and speak and...


Velani is screaming.

Screaming like the world is about to end.

Her waters have just broken, she's giving birth, right now.

GM: PS I'm back. Oh and now you can post.


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At the sound of the scream Kali drops his axes and runs over to Velani, throws his bedroll down and lowers her onto it. He's seen how the next bit works with wild dogs, surely it can't be that different, can it!?! He remembers there's something about hot water and clean towels? Or was it clean water and hot towels? Or was that a sauna?

OOC: I don't have my character sheet around at the moment, so my role will be using the higher of heal and nature, which I think will be nature

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