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Shadowrun: For Us It Was a Tuesday [OOC]

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First Post
Hey, that sounds...warm. Compared to here, at least. I don't mind the cold, but five inches of solid ice on the ground is about my limit.

I know it won't have much effect on this game, but I'd say picking a city that you'd been to that you liked, that maybe didn't have as much of a writeup in any given Shadowrun supplement (although that might be a pretty short list, given the number of Shadowrun supplements that there are)... That could make for a cool game. Room to grow and all that.

Deuce Traveler

This was the day that I was going to check everyone's characters and start drafting a first post for an IC thread, but I just had a 16 hour with the Kuwaiti military (acting as a military adviser for an exercise). Sorry, but I'm going to bed. I will try to revisit this tomorrow.

Deuce Traveler

Well, it looks like we are just about ready to go. I'm reading my 5th edition copy of Shadowrun, listening to Florence and the Machine's "The Dog Days Are Over" and Ms Mr's Secondhand Rapture Album, and Big Data/Joywave's "Dangerous". What I'm trying to say is I'm ready for some proofreading of 5e characters. I'm not the best at Shadowrun character creation myself, and the 5e PDF is hell to navigate, so be patient with me.
[MENTION=24609]Strahd_Von_Zarovich[/MENTION] brings to the table Floch, the troll muscle of the group. I think he picked Priority B for attributes, and let's face it, everyone should be picking priority A or B for attributes with a potentially long running character. Priority A for skills, which also check out. So does init, essence etc, etc. Really, this looks like a solid melee character for the group. Floch approved.

Now for [MENTION=11146]CanadienneBacon[/MENTION] and her elf, Thistle. First, love the portrait and thanks for spelling out your priority break-outs. Thistle is a jack-of-all-trades type of character with social, small arms, close combat and demolition skills. I'm counting 25 attribute points, though instead of 24. Also looks like 15 knowledge skill points instead of 16. I'm stopping here. Let me know if I'm off or you are off and we'll come back to this.
[MENTION=6781406]Unsung[/MENTION] has an unnamed Shadowrunner taken from the Weapon Specialist archetype from the corebook. Main skills are in ranged weapons, but with a spread of other combat skills and slight vehicle talents. The only thing is that there is a post that tells how the corebook messed up some of the sample characters, so if you can tweak your PC using this guide we shouldn't have to do too much more (and I can help if you need): www.enworld.org/forum/showthread.ph...-Tuesday-OOC&p=6553406&viewfull=1#post6553406
[MENTION=6791059]galenbd[/MENTION] likes to watch me jump back and forth between websites in order to examine his character. <grumble, grumble> Let's see... For some reason I'm coming up with 21 attribute points when Priority B should results in 20. Please relook at that. Also the skills look incomplete... maybe this character is still in works, though he looks to be our primary spellcaster. Moving on for now.
[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] has a technomancer, unnamed I believe. She was kind enough to break out the priorities, so again thanks! Attributes look good. Initiative should be 9. Should get 22 knowledge skill points, so wow... plus Priority B gets you 58 skill points. It looks like you haven't used that much yet, so character is still in the works I take it. Anyway, this is the party hacker. Oops... and I see you made a more finalized version a few pages later. Skill points still look off, though. Please review once more than drop the character into the rogue's gallery so I can take another hack later and not confuse myself... happens too often.
[MENTION=8058]Queenie[/MENTION] could really help this group out by taking one more character with ranged attack abilities. I'm thinking of handing her off the sample elven gunslinger adept archetype unless someone has another ranged character with simple mechanics that would be a good fit.


First Post
For a handle, let's go with Salvatierra, Salva or Sal for short. That could be even her real name-- but I doubt it. More experience as a soldier than as a runner. Doesn't like to talk about her past, etc etc.

I think I most of the followed the suggestions on how to fix the pregen already (dropped Catholicism, Psychology, Sociology, and Aztlaner Spanish to 1, adjusted starting nuyen), but I can see I forgot to increase the ranks for my fake SIN and associated licenses. I'll fix that now.

Apparently Weapons Specialist was one of the pregens that had the least wrong with it. If there's anything else I should do (or if there's a better way to fix the character than what's suggested), happy to hear it.

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