D&D (2024) Sorcerer (Playtest 7)

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Draconic: You may pick two elemental-type spells of appropriate level at 1/3/5/7/9. Those spells now have an elemental damage type matching your Elemental Affinity*.

*Elemental Affinity should be chosen at level 3. Resistance and damage bonus might still be delayed to level 6.

So you might get Burning Hands as a fire spell, or maybe as an ice spell if your Elemental Affinity is ice, etc. That way you don't have to use metamagic to change the elemental type if you just want to always keep within your damage theme.

Wild Sorcery: You get Chaos Bolt and Absorb Elements as a level 1 spells. In addition, at levels 3, 5, 7, and 9, roll 2d6. You gain the two spells that match the numbers you rolled, from the provided table. If you roll doubles, you gain the spell of the number you rolled and one other spell of your choice from that level.

Table not included

Then provide a table with 6 (or maybe 8 or 10) spells per spell level, 2-5. Rather than the spells being ones with random effects, the spells themselves are randomly chosen. (Not entirely certain about having fixed spells for level 1, but it gets a little wonky figuring that out with subclasses being chosen at level 3.)

Edit: Maybe even have all sorcerers roll for two random level 1 spells, since you haven't fully settled on your subclass until level 3.

Part of why I don't like the level 1 bonus spells being given at level 3 is that part of the point is to fill in the lack of power at level 1, which would have been granted by the subclass when you got the subclass at level 1. Then if you're allowed to swap out your bonus spells, you can refined them later when you get your subclass.
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Anyway, if you were going to give wild and dragon sorcerers bonus spells to match clockwork and aberrant, what would you give?

Draconic should have a few elemental spells, but a lot of defense/melee spells would be good. Wild needs chaos bolt and a few other random effect spells.

I wouldn't, I'd sooner give them more class features, like a Breath Weapon while Innate Sorcery is active, but ...

For Draconic Sorcerers, given the paucity of certain elements, and low level elemental spells like Burning Hands don't scale well anyway, I'd sooner give a couple of spells that feed into the other aspects of draconic nature, and say that Sorcerers can always swap out one of these spells for a spell of the same level that does their chosen elemental damage, because that is the thing, Aberrants and Clockwork are given limited options, but can swap out their bonus spells.

1st: Command, False Life
2nd: Hold Person, Dragon's Breath

For Wild Sorcerers, I'd give them a table of mostly non-Sorcerer spells, and have them roll randomly on it after every Long Rest, with the option of even rolling when they wild surge. I like the idea of sometimes getting "Protection From Poison", and then "Goodberry" the next day.

The caster should not have more melee attacks than a melee barbarian, paladin, or ranger. That's what. Simple.
Two of those are casters. So what you're saying is that the barbarian should be buffed?

Edit: I'll take this logic a step further. The ranger and paladin should not have more melee attacks than the rogue. Rogues are, after all, known for their speed. I think that makes at least as much sense as your logic.

The caster should not have more melee attacks than a melee barbarian, paladin, or ranger. That's what. Simple.
Two of those are casters. So what you're saying is that the barbarian should be buffed?

Edit: I'll take this logic a step further. The ranger and paladin should not have more melee attacks than the rogue. Rogues are, after all, known for their speed. I think that makes at least as much sense as your logic.
Still not the warlock thread.


I'm liking these ideas, and I'm feeling now that not connecting subclass features to innate sorcery, such as getting breath attacks or a greater chance of wild surges. Basically it amps up your subclass features too.

Two of those are casters. So what you're saying is that the barbarian should be buffed?
I'm saying that the Warlock doesn't deserve a 3rd attack just because they have the best cantrip in the game in Eldritch Blast. No other spellcasters with a melee option get a 3rd attack because their cantrips scale. Bladesingers and Blade/Valor Bards and War Clerics don't get 3 attacks because they have cantrips that scale.


I am probably one of the few who don't want more spells on the dragon and wild magic sorcerer. As long as they improve the sorcerer spell list they are fine. To me sorcerers are specialist who focus on a small selection of spells but learn how to make them do more.

Dragons should have absolutely gotten a breath weapon attack and I told them so in the survey, I also told them that the dragon needed to have a draconic claw melee cantrip or something like that.


The problem is the cost. The dlfference between teleporting all allies within 10ft and those in 400ft is massive and far more of an upgrade than adding 390ft to a cantrip with an already 120ft range.

Could an appropriately costed metamagic work? Yes - but this metamagic needs to be based on the base spell range.

Why is 1 Sorcerery Point too low of a cost? Sure, increasing the range of a teleport is more powerful than increasing the range of a cantrip... but casting Teleportation itself is more powerful than casting a cantrip. That's why teleportation already takes a 7th level slot.

And if it is the power of the spell that matters, well... then all of metamagic is broken, because Careful spell on Shatter shouldn't cost the same as Careful Spell on Fire Storm, because Shatter is a much weaker spell.

But we all know why that's simply a bad choice.

Why is that a bad choice? There are actually many reasons it is a GREAT choice, it counteracts a major downside of the cantrip.

Voidrunner's Codex

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