Spelljammin' (5e PBP OOC) (Full)

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
@VLAD the Destroyer
Hey, Vlad (and others) -- I am looking at our characters, and there is a lot of overlap. We're both doubling down on Persuasion and Deception, and four of my eight spells are shared by your Warlord (comprehend languages, invisibility, silence, and hypnotic pattern). I think that's just too much.

If you are committed to your choices, I'll find someone else to play. If you feel you've got some room for movement, that's great. But I don't htink it makes sense to have two faces with a shared spell list.

I won't post in the IC thread until we've sorted this out. Thanks.

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@VLAD the Destroyer
Hey, Vlad (and others) -- I am looking at our characters, and there is a lot of overlap. We're both doubling down on Persuasion and Deception, and four of my eight spells are shared by your Warlord (comprehend languages, invisibility, silence, and hypnotic pattern). I think that's just too much.

If you are committed to your choices, I'll find someone else to play. If you feel you've got some room for movement, that's great. But I don't htink it makes sense to have two faces with a shared spell list.

I won't post in the IC thread until we've sorted this out. Thanks.
I can change stuff if you want. Will need to see what will work. Spells should be easy. Skills might be a little harder as they fit my concept/background. Might need to modify some stuff.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
I can change stuff if you want. Will need to see what will work. Spells should be easy. Skills might be a little harder as they fit my concept/background. Might need to modify some stuff.
No, it's okay. If your concept is built around deception and persuasion, then having an Eloquence Bard is only going to overshadow that. That's not what I want.

I'll play a different character.


I really should have mentioned this sooner, but William is trying to find people he bullied in his youth to apologize to them. His problem is that he's suffering from a classic case of "time spent with fairies doesn't move at the same speed" and almost all the people he wants to apolgize to are dead now. Feel free to direct him to a relevant NPC or whatever is easiest for you.

Sweet William: AC19 HP 54/54 THP 0/0 HD 5/5 PP14 SSDC:13 Slots 4/2 Insp 1/1
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Also -- if you have cash left over, Sanderson has the ability to cast Revivify but can't afford the material component. Anyone who wants to buy-in as an insurance policy can deposit 100gp worth of diamonds with him (once we all know each other), if you can justify carrying a big diamond on your person.

Steve Gorak

Hey @FitzTheRuke,

The new play test document is up. Do you want us to retroactively update our characters? I glanced at the cod, and there are a few things that are affected (guidance, and investigation/perception checks that seem to have been merged (Nic has proficiency in both).
How do you want to manage future updates?
Thanks and cheers,


Voidrunner's Codex

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