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SWSE: Scum & Villany [IC]

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Thy wounds are healed!
The lizard proves an interesting subject as it is on of the few four legged creatures IG-111 has encountered. From his little corner in the starboad cargo hold he takes the creatures heart to his specimens table and drops it in a vat of liquid for perservation and later study.

[sblock=OOC] No medbay or lab in the ship drat, :p [/sblock]


Aboard the Frozen Star:

"Yes, I am Customs Inspector Putton Beatus. Your pilot told the Landing Control that you had no cargo when you landed. I am here just to do a cursory inspection to make sure you have no cargo.", the grey skinned woman says as she taps something into her digital pad.


At Chalmun's Cantina:

Both of the other card players fold, leaving only Han and Oxbel in for the pot. Han slowly puts three cards into the disruption field, to prevent them from shifting.

"Alright, Oxbel, lets see what you have.", the human smuggler says as he scoots more chips into the pot. " I have a 22, beat that."

"Sorry then, human.", the devaronian says smiling with his pointed teeth, as he slowly flips the three cards showing an Idiot's Array. He then leans forward and starts pulling his credits in.

"Damn, I thought I had you.", the smuggler depressingly gets up from his chair and moves away from the table.

A whine comes from the wookie behind him

[sblock=Shyriiwook] "We need to go see Jabba now, especially since you just lost all of our credits."[/sblock]

The human smuggler gets up and walks to the door followed by the large brown furred wookie.

"When you get more credits, hu-man, come back and see me. Maybe I will let your try and win the credits back.", the devaronian says taunting the human smuggler.


Aboard the Frozen Star

Ava looks over the customs official, "Welcome aboard Inspector feel free to look about as you see fit." She steps aside and makes a motion for the woman to continue.

Internal coms, "Iggy, Quin, we have a guest please be considerate and cooperative. Inspector Beatus is just looking about for cargo." she smiles and looks to the customs officer and explains, "Just letting the droids know that you are about, so we have no issues while you are abaord. Please, let me know if I can help you at all?" Ava says with a smile.


Galen looks at Naar with a little disappointment, "Humph, no entertainment. Well I guess we better start asking around." He turns around and signals the bartender for another drink.

"Say mate, we are newly arrived planet-side with our own ship and are looking for work. There wouldn't happen to be any potential employers here that we should speak to?"

[sblock=OOC]Gather Information (1d20+2=21)[/sblock]


"I do have some questions.", says the grey-skinned customs officer as she turns back to her datapad. "What is your captain's name and where was your last port?"


The older human turns back to Galen, "Do I look like an employment agency? If you want work, go talk to Jabba. If you last a year, I will be surprised. Now if you want a drink, I can help you with that."

"Hey Feeorin, how about you, do you want a chance to win that poor hu-mans credits?", the twi'lek named Oxbel called out to Naar. "Or, how about you hu-man?", the twi'lek then calls out to Galen.


Thy wounds are healed!
IG-111 upon hearing the news of a visitor mutters to it's self. {{Great another fleshling to help intrude on my work. As if this ship did not have enough of them crawling in it already.}}

It goes back to it's specimen with a new hurried impatients as it knows that soon they will want to talk to it, and ask a hundred questions.

[sblock=OOC] Well someone bought the SAGA book at borders so I will order it from Amazon. But to make sure, it is the RP book with Vader on the front and is not of normal book size correct. Oh and do droids speak to themselves in their heads?? I don't think so and that means Iggy might say a few things outloud he shouldn't. ;) [/sblock]


Aboard the Frozen Star

"But of course, Inspector." Ava says with a smile, "I believe the captain of the Frozen Star is Naar. I say 'believe" because the pair Naar and one Galen Raap seem to have joint ownership of the vessel. They are both pilots, so it is hard to say who is the captain. If you would like, I can contact them and I am sure it can be sorted out to your satisfaction?"

"Our last part of call was..." (say wherever we were last) "I had a friend mention that there may be some opportunities to be had here on Tatooine."


The older human turns back to Galen, "Do I look like an employment agency? If you want work, go talk to Jabba. If you last a year, I will be surprised. Now if you want a drink, I can help you with that."

"Hey Feeorin, how about you, do you want a chance to win that poor hu-mans credits?", the twi'lek named Oxbel called out to Naar. "Or, how about you hu-man?", the twi'lek then calls out to Galen.
Galen pays for his second drink and turns to Naar quietly so the bartender cannot hear, "Grumpy cuss, no tip for him. You want to play Sabacc, I will watch your back, otherwise we should find someone more friendly that can point us in direction of this Jabba character. Maybe the Twi'lek knows something."

Galen approaches the Twi'lek, "Well I don't play Sabacc but perhaps another game would be of interest."

Voidrunner's Codex

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