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Tale of the Clueless - Chapter 1: On the Seas of Air [IC Thread]


Vorastrix offers his virtually untouched drink to either of the two dwarves before gliding off the back of the chair to the bottom of the stairs. The little wyrm hops up the steps four at a time on his way to his room.[sblock=OOC]Vorastrix likewise was intending to play tourist and continue exploring the cage. He's interested in seeing if Bahamut has a temple, chapel or shrine somewhere in the city. Otherwise he was hoping to speak with some Celestials to find out where the heavenly host tends to congregate, which establishments they frequent, etc. Baring that, he might try tagging along with Terrathoin if he's going back to the city barracks to see what the Harmonium is about.[/sblock]
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[sblock=Vorastrix]In your intrepid search of the Cage, you learns that the place most likely for celestial beings and other creatures native to the Upper Planes to congregate is the Lady's Ward; the wealthiest part of the Cage. The structures there are large and more often than not, free-standing, with yards, high wrought-iron fences and stern-faced guards separating them from their neighbours.

The few taverns (there are close to no inns in the Lady's Ward) generally cater to such creatures as well as the wealthy and all those who asociate with them. Fortune's Wheel and The Golden Bariaur seem to be the most commonly mentioned inns, and from what you've heard, they are respectable places. The Harmonium seems to put more effort into patroling the streets of the Lady's ward, and the place is home to a few temples, mainly to Ptah, Brahman and the dragon deity Io.

If Bahamut is worshipped in the Cage (and there realy is no reason why not), you could not find anything about it in that one morning.

Gather Information[/sblock]


[sblock=Idim]Sigil is very mch a living palce during the day. IT comes alive in the way that mnost mercantile citys seem to and, judging by the amount of cutters you see wandering to the so-called Great Bazaar, this must be a central Trading-City, and Why not, it is in the centre of the Great Wheel after all - there is likely no better place to buy and sell items in the whole multiverse!

The multitide of raes and languages and customs you see around you is not as shocking as it once was, though still, the diverse cultures are quite unlike anything from Farun, which is itself renown for its weight of differing cultures and races.

Luckily, though, you seem to avoid any mishaps. The Harmonium guards youve seen seem more concerned with keeping an eye on fiendish figures and infamous figues you've never heard of before.'

OOC: Just mention if you want to do anything in particular[/sblock]


[sblock=OOC]I don't believe Io is known in the Realms (there used to be an incarnation of him called Asgorath IIRC) but the rumor of a temple dedicated to a dragon god would certainly interest Vorastrix. He'd do his best to find it and try talking to the clergy there to learn of the God's doctrine. Chances are they'd also be the best theologians to ask about Bahamut's worship and how the two deities are mythically tied to each other I'd think.[/sblock]


[sblock=Vorastrix]You find the temple without much trouble. It is located not far from one of the so-called 'parks' that lie scattered around The Lady's Ward in as open a space as possible in Sigil.

The structure is a simple columned building with a half-domed roff, with glittering jewels encrusted in the apex and along the side. Inside the temple is a single altar - a large disk of multicoloured stone above which, painted on the underside is a fresco depicting nine dragons, each similar, though with varging details and features that marks each out from the other.

surrounding the temple are four draconic guards - similar to yourself, though of a larger stature and build. Two are a brownih colour, while one has a hint of gold, and the other bears what is obviosuly a hint of red in its scales. Each guard wears light leather armour and holds an ornate halberd.

Within the temple, attending to the altar is a human, of all races! The man appears old, with silver eyes and a long salt-and-pepper beard. Tha man's eyes belie his body and shine with an inner wisdom and passion that is rarely seen on a pink-skinned race.[/sblock]


[sblock=OOC]Vorastrix will try to speak with the man, the guards or whatever clergy or acolytes are there to receive the public. He'll try to learn what he can of the faith and their congregation in Sigil and perhaps stay for a service if they're holding one that day.

Yay! Saurians like me!

OOC A little late, darn real life getting in the way of important things. ;) I'll be exploring around the inn and the wards around it. I'm trying to learn the streets well enough to be able to able to move quickly through the streets in a dangerous situation and not get lost. I'll also take some parchment to make a map and if any interesting landmarks catch my eye I'll make a notation to inspect them more closely later.


[Sblock=Thrumgall]Well, most strctures in the city are worth mentioning, though as you make your through the streets you do begin to get a sense of the way things are constructed: - without much planing or sense of coordination. One building may be grey mountain-granite, while the case next door could be sandstone imported from a desert=plane (I use examples that fine dwarf as yourself would notice :p).

The city itself is very large and would take a day to look at each Ward in detail. You are currently staying in the Lower Ward - renown for its filthy workshops and notorious alehouses. Buildings of note are the Great Foundry - the largest foundry in the city and source of most of the stench and ful air that irritates your throat with every breat hyou take. Also of note is the large ruin of a Destroyed temple. From your inquries, you've discovered that the ruin was once a temple to teh gd Aoskar who defied The Lady of Pain. She killed him for entering the city (which is out of bounds to deities), and his temple remains a ruin as testament of The Lady's abilities.[/Sblock]


[sblock=Vorastrix]The priest introduces himself as Darssrenthisj and explaisn more about Io. Despite the gods' prestigous history, there are few creatures in the City of Doors who venerate him; the shrine carters mostly to planar travellers stopping by the city. The priest conducts masses to The Great One every morning, as the fresh air from newly opened portals enters the city.[/sblock]

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