Tales of the Grey Coast (IC)


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Jenna, Human Hexblade HP: 28/28, Init: 12

Jenna batters aside one armblade and twists to deflect the strength of the impact from the second. She flinches at the screech of the blade across her armor, but is relieved to find that it holds.

Just you and Roxanne holding the line now Jenna. Those magic bolts are doing a good number on this one. If I can just get a clean hit I bet I can knock it down. Gotta do it, Roxanne's already hurt!

She pivots and brings her blade back around, but completely misjudges the angle and her positioning and her strike is awkward in the extreme, easily missing her foe even if he just stands stock still. Stupid!

OOC: Attack Roll (Power Attack +1) (1d20+6=7) - Natural One

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"To the hells with this..." Roxanne mutters as she drops her morningstar to the ground. Speaking in a low tone, she mumbles her pretend words of power... "Shoggoth...Veritas...Necrotaur!" and then wills her mindblade into existance in her right hand. Glowing purple and pulsing with energy, Roxanne releases her held reserves of mental energy to add to its core and increase its damage. With a groan of exhertion, she thrusts her blade forward in hopes of destroying one of the creatures quickly. All her efforts go for naught though as her strike misses its target completely...

Mindblade attack w/Psychic Strike and Psionic Weapon (1d20+6=8, 3d6+3+1d8=23)
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Isida Kep'Tukari

Caramip looks terribly affronted at the scything creatures' attack on her new companions, as well as their complete disregard for her words, the group's safety, natural law, and a few other things.

"Teach them a lesson, I rather think. You'd best be leaving, as you'll find us more trouble than you or I am worth!" she cries indignantly. The bookcase lumbers forward to attempt to slam into one of the black creatures, it's heavy sides ready to raise a nasty bruise.

OOC: [sblock] Caramip's bookcase attack (1d20+1, 1d4=[19, 1], [1]) I believe, if I'm reading this right, I hit a 19 for a total of 1 point of damage.[/sblock]

A Crazy Fool

First Post
The remaining two creatures deflect the two blades and the one struck by the bookcase seems unharmed by the attack. One of the creatures tries to step through the gap Herb has created by fleeing in order to attack Jarru (provokes an AoO from Jenna and Roxanne). The other lunges aggressively foward at Jenna with one blade, while keeping the other ready to parry a blade. Jenna knocks it's overly ambitious attack aside (8-3+2+8=15)

Jarru replaces his wand and withdraws annother from his belt pouch.


Herb continues deeper into the bookstore. Hooking his sap back in place, he looks for something that would make a more effective weapon. He also scopes out good hiding places, and will try the back door.


First Post
Jenna, Human Hexblade HP: 28/28, Init: 12

Jenna batters back the attack on her, turning her blade on the creature attempting to get past as it leaves itself open by running past her.

AOO (Power Attack +1) (1d20+6=24) - Critical Threat
AOO Damage (Power Attack +1) (2d4+5=13)

AOO Critical Confirm (PA +1) (1d20+6=7) - Natural 1, confirm failed

As she does so, she can't help but notice Roxanne's new weapon as she attacks the creature from the opposite side. "Your a knifer!" she blurts out. She recognizes the weapon from her military days, in her operations against Keraj.

There is no time for further words, however, as she concentrates on finishing off her badly wounded opponent. The shop owner is certainly going to need help if the gray-skinned creature makes it through to him!

Attack Roll (Power Attack +1) (1d20+6=25) - Critical Threat
Damage (PA+1) (2d4+5=9)

Critical Confirm (PA+1) (1d20+6=23)
Critical Damage (PA+1) (2d4+5=10)

Isida Kep'Tukari

Caramip quickly directs her bookcase to go between Jarru and the attackers.

[sblock]bookcase attack (1d20+1, 1d4=[6, 1], [2]) [/sblock]

And then shakes one hand and hurls a shard of ice at one of the attacking stony foes that was running towards Jarru!

[sblock]Ice knife attack and damage. Creature must also make Fort save of 15 or lose 2 Dex. (1d20+6, 2d8=[18, 6], [4, 1] or hit a 24 for 5 cold damage) If she misses the creature, the knife explodes in a 10 ft. radius burst (use the Missing with a Thrown Weapon chart on pg. 158 of the PHB to determine where it hit) and deals 1d8 points of cold damage to all within area, Reflex for half.[/sblock]

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