D&D (2024) The 10 Species in "Your Ideal 2024 PHB"

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In no particular order

aasimar, tiefling, elf, dwarf, human, half-elf, half-orc, halfling, genasi, dragonborn

I would have had gnomes, but I really wanted genasi to be in there so gnomes got cut.


Follower of the Way
It really does amaze me the number of people who so strongly dislike dragonborn they can't even stomach listing them on a "pick 10" where they don't have 10 things to put on it.

1. Humans, duh.
2. Elves, also duh.
3. Half-elves, but articulated the way Bretons are in TES, or similar.
4. Dragonborn. I love 'em, obviously, but they're also quite popular.
5. Planetouched (tiefling, aasimar, genasi, goliath, etc.)
6. Hinnfolk (gnome + halfling, you've heard me blather about this idea before.)
7. Gobbfolk (bugbear, hobgoblin, orc, half-orc, goblin, all in one place.)
8. Deorfolk (anthropomorphic animal people: wolf, deer, cat, goat, possibly others.)
9. Minotaur.
10. Satyr (female satyrs allowed!)

A nice mix of classic options and newer things, classic myths and modern faves.


Core 4:


X-Touched 6, that can just be 1st level feat as a template added to core 4:



If the number has to be 10, I think the ones they picked for the 2024 PHB is great. I’d probably swap Aasimar for Goblin, and otherwise keep it the same.
IMHO though YMMV, there is arguably a little too much conceptual or niche overlap between some for my liking, including with ones that will likely appear in a future supplement (e.g., Genasi, Elf Flavor-of-the-Month, etc.). For example, we are probably get a fair number of elementally-inclined folk between the Dragonborn, Goliaths, Genasi, and the inevitable fifty-shades of Elf. I have not yet a devised a list of my own, but I would probably want more distinct options with less of a feeling of redundancy. Though again I also understand that others may not share my opinions in that regard.


If I think about selling to the consumer, I'd want:

  • 2 small, 2 large-medium, and 1 small-medium/stout options
  • At least 1 fey option
  • At least 1 elemental option
  • A holy and unholy option
  • A techy option. Maybe 2
  • Multiple skill options
  • At least 3 blatant magical options
  • At least 3 purely mundane options
  • An animal option

  1. Beastfolk (Animal)
  2. Colossus
    1. Warforged (Tech)
    2. Wilden (Fey)
  3. Dragonborn (Big/Elemental)
  4. Dwarf (Stout/Mundane)
    1. Craft (Skill)
    2. Noble (Elemental)
  5. Elf (Fey)
    1. High (Magic)
    2. Wood (Skill)
    3. Dark (Magic)
    4. City/Half (Skill)
  6. Gnome (Small/Magic)
    1. Forest (Fey)
    2. Rock (Tech)
  7. Halfling (Small))
    1. Lightfoot (Skill)
    2. Stout (Stout)
    3. Jinx (Fey)
  8. Human (Mundane)
  9. Orc (Big/Mundane)
    1. Gray/Half (Skill)
    2. Green
    3. Red/Demon (Unholy)
  10. Planar (Magic)
    1. Aasimar (Holy)
    2. Tiefling (Unholy)

1. Beastkin (Bear, Boar, Rat, Tiger, Wolf)
2. Dragonborn (Chromatic, Gem, Metallic)
3. Dwarf (Deep, Hill, Mountain)
4. Elf (High, Shadow, Wood)
5. Gnome (Forest, Rock)
6. Goblinoid (Bugbear, Goblin, Hobgoblin)
7. Goliath (Fire, Ice, Stone, Cloud, Storm, and Hill)
8. Halfling (Lightfoot, Stout, Tallfellow)
9. Orc (Mountain, Shadow, Forest)
10. Planetouched (Aasimar, Genasi, Tiefling)


I'm again bewildered by the number of people who take a half-dozen different species and cram them into one mechanical expression. For example, a beastfolk option that is supposed to encapsulate everything from aarakorca to tortles somehow, or a planetouched option that I assume would just be swapping which spells you cast for free.

I suspect it comes from the same desire to combine every spellcaster class into a single option or other class compressions. The ability to fit the whole of D&D into a medium sized sourcebook. I just don't think that a beastfolk magic-user is as evocative as a tortle warlock, reverb if they share similar mechanics. Ymmv.

My choice for Beastfolk has more to do with the descendants of lycanthropes than trying to include a large number of anthropomorphic animal races into my ideal version of the 2024 PHB. ;)

Here's the Level Up heritage that inspired me to include the Beastfolk in my 2024 PHB list:


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