D&D Movie/TV The D&D Movie Has Begun Filming!

Director Jonathan Goldstein tweeted "The campaign begins" with the following image! Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley will be directing the film which features "an ensemble cast and take a subversive approach to the game." The film stars Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, Justice Smith, Hugh Grant, and Rege-Jean Page...

Director Jonathan Goldstein tweeted "The campaign begins" with the following image!

Jonathan Goldstein and John Francis Daley will be directing the film which features "an ensemble cast and take a subversive approach to the game."

The film stars Chris Pine, Michelle Rodriguez, Justice Smith, Hugh Grant, and Rege-Jean Page.


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I must be alone in quite liking The Book of Vile Darkness...
No others have apparently liked it, I just maybe I expected a bit too much and thought it could have been better.
But we're not talking Last Jedi, Men in White, The Stupids or Spaces Marines bad.
I won't comment on the Rise of Palpatine until I've seen it sadly I learned far too much about episode 8 to ever look upon it as anything other than an unholy mistake, its just that none of the D&D movies have fallen THAT far!

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Deluxe Unhuman
That term, "subversive approach", is what worries me about this. I suspect it means a take on D&D which will offend most fans / players of the actual game. I really hope I'm wrong though.
My impression is that "subversive" is in reference to the Very Serious-ness of modern fantasy movies and tv.
For some context on what a "subversive take" may mean, this is the last film from the writer/director duo:

That's a fun film, with two ostensibly main characters but several others who get a lot of good screen time, too.

Subversive can also be in relation to fantasy movies being primarily male-dominated when it comes to the protagonists. So maybe one of the female actors is the real lead and Chris Pine is her sidekick. Maybe even a Bard recording her adventures! If this were 10 years ago, I would say casting Rege as the lead would also be subversive to typical fantasy. And who knows, the mainstream may still consider a black lead in a white dominated genre to be subversive.


I'll comment on it when it see it.

I keep meaning to see the first movie. I'll get around to it one day perhaps on life support.

Not going to opening weekend anyway wait for reviews otherwise I'll stick it in the same category as the first one.

My impression is that "subversive" is in reference to the Very Serious-ness of modern fantasy movies and tv.
Excessive seriousness is certainly an issue with fantasy TV, but I don't think there has been a serious fantasy movie since Return of the King, 17 years ago.

But as an example of a good subversive movie, may I point to Knives Out - a movie that both subverts the tropes of a murder mystery movie whist still being a very good murder mystery movie.


Excessive seriousness is certainly an issue with fantasy TV, but I don't think there has been a serious fantasy movie since Return of the King, 17 years ago.

But as an example of a good subversive movie, may I point to Knives Out - a movie that both subverts the tropes of a murder mystery movie whist still being a very good murder mystery movie.
The 3rd Hobbit movie came out in 2014, they weren't good but they existed.

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