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The Evil Eye - IC


Thy wounds are healed!

"Your right, pack up and let's be off this rock." Jiles says then turns back to the boatman.

"Well Captain you get to be a hero today and save the lives of two men and a baby. We all will file into your rowboat and when we get to Karina I will pay you for your trouble and sing your praises at the first tavern I find."

Jiles already ready to go as he travels out of his bag waits by the boat for Raul.

[sblock=OOC] Ready to go. After I get back from the store LOL.[/sblock]

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"If you'd rather ride with him, fine" Captain Timothy says. "I'll take what payment you offer, sure, but don't go spreading tales about me. I like my privacy."

After he turns to do some preparation on his boat and get to work on the rowboat, you notice that he makes some kind of hand gesture. It's not displayed as if to signal to you, but rather seems to be more of a private habit on his part.

Raul notices it, too, and shakes his head. "Fool" he whispers.


"Walk with me to the vardo. I have to gather my things."

Out of earshot of the sailor, Raul still whispers. "It is not good to speak of these things. But since you helped me, I will tell you.

One of the most feared powers of my people is known as the 'evil eye'. Despite the name, like any weapon it is evil only if used unjustly. We don't use it lightly. The exact effect depends on the Vistana. In some cases it causes a curse, but some cause other magical effects, useful against foes.

As with most magic, sometimes it can be resisted. But it is just a silly ignorant superstition that hand gestures can help ward it off. Enough said."

Raul takes food supplies, a few of his metal wares, his weapons, his violin, and Nikko from the wagon.

Cap'n Timothy lowers the rowboat and ties it to the back of his vessel. He doesn't put any oars in it.

The Virago is a 50' single-masted river schooner. Cap'n Timothy must be an expert sailor, or the ship would be too large to handle single-handedly. He has tailored the rigging of the mainsail so that it can be handled from the stern, near the tiller. He maneuvers the boat alongside the island, turning it so that the rowboat is easily reached.

Raul climbs onto the rowboat, bringing his son and supplies, and Jiles follows. The boats get underway, heading downriver with assistance from the wind.

Raul begins to play his violin during the journey.

At lunchtime, Cap'n Timothy pulls to one side and drops a small anchor. He goes below decks and brings up bread cheese, and wine.

"You guys want some?" he inquires.
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Thy wounds are healed!
"No thank you. The trip is saving us enough. We shouldn't eat up all your stores as well, we have a little of are own. But if you have some extra milk that would be most gracious, you know for the baby." Jiles says digging through his bag.

[sblock=OOC] I started with 8 days rations will use two for me and Raul for the day. Let me know if I should subtract any others. And start keeping track of my consumables. Hey let me know when we are close to the city but still out on the river. I have a cool song quote from one of my favorite books I'd like to use here. :D[/sblock]


Raul refuses Jiles' offer, saying "No, your rations will last, but my supplies may spoil, so we should eat mine first." He offers Jiles dried beef and brown bread.

Nikko hasn't been complaining, but that is not necessarily a good sign, as the baby is still weak and unusually passive. Raul manages to feed him some milk, though it's not easy.

Cap'n Timothy eats his lunch and drinks quite a bit of wine with it. He seems a little less steady after this meal.

The rest of the day passes quickly, marked by the spectacular array of fall foliage along the shores.

Late in the afternoon, the Virago sails past the hunting party you saw earlier, traveling in the direction of Karina along the south shore of the river.

Cap'n Timothy gives them scarcely a second glance, although the horseman gives you a mocking salute as the boat sails past him.

The sun is beginning to set fairly early in the evening. As the shadows lengthen, Captain Timothy pulls the Virago close to shore in a wide bowl-shaped spot. The shore here is steep enough for the Virago to moor along side the shore, like a port, without becoming grounded.

Cap'n Timothy tells you "This's the Purse. It's lucky we made it this far before nightfall. See, it's bad luck to sail on the Musarde at night. River trolls and other things go a-huntin'."

Timothy pulls out some supplies for dinner from the pantry and dismantles the tiller, locking it safely in his cabin.

After securing the Virago, Timothy makes a campfire and cooks spiced sausages, enough for the whole group, which he serves along with tough bread and cheese. He even brings out a cask of brandy.

Although Raul is obviously glad to be out of the rowboat, he does little besides drink the brandy. The gypsy keeps his weapons and violin by his side all evening, but he doesn't play the instrument.

He tries to feed Nikko again, but the baby is unresponsive.

"Jiles ... Nikko has gotten worse again. I fear he needs another dose of your treatment tonight."


Thy wounds are healed!
"Let me see him Raul," Jiles says holding out his arms for the baby.

[sblock=OOC] Ok let's try another approach. Detect Magic then Knowledge arcana if an aura is present. If that doesn't give him anymore info than I will roll a healing check (long term care?? not sure). Will also role knowledge checks for planes, religion. In other words Jiles is trying to rack his brain for a way to help. :D will cast cure moderate just in case anyways.[/sblock]


You don't detect any magic on Nikko, though you do notice that Raul's scimitar is magical, as is a buckler he has.

You've never heard of a situation like this before. However, when you cast the cure spell on the baby, it does seem to help him as he begins to breathe normally and becomes more alert.

"Thank you" Raul says. "I fear ... that the problem will continue to occur." He feeds Nikko more of the milk, and himself more of the brandy.

Cap'n Timothy watches these events with great interest, while finishing his dinner and drinking.

It soon becomes dark. The sky is clear tonight, and the moon is not only nearly full, it is larger than you have ever seen it. You also notice that the stars look different than you have ever seen them on Faerun, and you have spent many nights outdoors. They are brighter, but there are too few of them, and you don't recognize any of the constellations.

After dinner, Cap'n Timothy approaches you and quietly asks "Might I have a word with you?" obviously meaning it to be out of Raul's earshot.


Thy wounds are healed!
"Sure Cap'n." Jiles replies happily. The bard looks to Raul and gives the man a wink where the captain can't see and follows the man.


Cap'n Timothy leads Jiles to a small clearing.

[sblock=Cap'n Timothy]
"I see that there's more to you than meets the eye, aye. What are you, some kind of adventurer?

I hate to say it but you seem to have fallen under the influence of that gypsy. You don't know them like I do, so I thought I oughta warn ya. But you must've noticed that he's gettin' real drunk the first chance he gets.

The Vistani turn up where you least expect them and always want what you can least afford. They're never to be trusted, always spouting lies and stealing your gold. There's a good reason why I won't let any gypsy on my ship, and if you listen, I'll tell you why.

I once heard of a sea captain named Bartley from Port-a-Lucine, a rather pitiable sort, who went into a Vistana's tarokka booth for a reading. Down on his luck for the past year, he wanted to know what cargo he should take on his next trip to Leudendorf, so that he would make his fortune and retire.

Now the old woman looked at him and said, "Life has not treated you well, I can see, but your luck is about to change for the best. I will tell you what cargo to carry, but you must do what I ask when you arrive at your destination."

Captain Bartley was so desperate that he agreed to her strange request, so long as the Vistana would prophesy for him. And the old woman took out her cards, and laid them on the table. She told him to fill his ship with timber. So Bartley did what he was told, and sailed up to Leudendorf with a hold full of seasoned pine. When he arrived, he learned that there has been a terrible fire in the city. Many houses had burned to the ground, and there was not enough wood to rebuild. Bartley's ship was the first to bring in a full supply of timber, so he made an incredible fortune.

One foggy night, just after he sold the last of his timber, Bartley heard a knock at his cabin door while the ship lay in port. When he opened it, there he saw the same grim-faced Vistana from Port-a-Lucine."

As he speaks, he almost reflexively makes the hand gesture you saw earlier.

"She fixed him with her evil eye, and said, "You have made your fortune, now you must do as I say. Give up the sea forever, and never set another foot aboard this or any other ship. If you agree, you may keep what you have earned, but if not, you will lose everything."

Captain Bartley was not at all pleased by the Vistana's curse, but before he could argue with her, she stepped back into the foggy night and was swallowed by the mists. Bartley searched the entire ship, but found no one besides his startled crew.

I'll be the first to admit that sailors can be very superstitious. Some of the crew heard the curse of the Vistana. Bartley was already known as an unlucky captain and many of his crew left him. A few figured that Bartley's luck had changed for good and decided to sail again. For you see, to ground a true sailor is to kill him, regardless of his wealth or luck.

So, despite the curse, unlucky Bartley decided to sail back to Port-a-Lucine, though most of his sailors had deserted him. As he approached Lucine Bay, a terrible storm descended on his ship. The rain fell in blinding sheets and the swells were higher than the tallest mast. Bartley lashed himself to the tiller and screamed out his defiance against the Vistani into the dark howling winds.

It was then that the ship started coming apart. All over the decks, the tiny nails started squirming out of the wood, like squeaking little iron worms, and once a plank was free, it went hurling up into the night and the screeching gale. Frantic men ran about, tying themselves down to anything that would float, but Bartley stood fast by the helm, still screaming into the wind, oblivious to his approaching doom.

In the morning, pieces of the wreckage washed up on shore with the lucky crew, who all somehow survived the black maelstrom. But poor Bartley, he was never seen again. In the storms that wrack the Sea of Sorrows, sailors sometimes hear demented screams above the howling winds, and they say it's the Cursed Captain, still raging against the Vistani. Now that I can't attest, for I am only a river boat master, but I will still never let a gypsy board my beloved ship."

Voidrunner's Codex

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