The Grey Mist


Thy wounds are healed!
The Grey Mist, it is like walking in a realm of fog. There is nothing but the grey all around, and some sort of light that comes from far below. The light helps, but even with your keen vision there is only the grey.

And then slowly shadows start to take form, the others are arriving. Here in this place everyone is safe there are no powers or ways to harm each other, here you can discuss and not worry about charms or other influences. You stand in a circle facing all the others, but their features, form, even size is hard to make out.

You stand and wait for The Forger to come. The only deity whom has the power and desire to make new worlds and realms from the chaotic mess that is the universe.

The wait is short to one as long lived as you. "Whom are all of ye? To think to summon me." comes a booming voice from all over. "Nay, nevermind that," he continues. "I know why ye all be here. It is a world ye wants, one made from the aspects of all of ye." the voice pauses as if The Forger is thinking. Then continuing he says, "Ye must discuss what it is ye truly want for I neither have the time or energy to watch ye godlings argue. Decide and when ye be ready then so shall I."

With that the presence of The Forger is no longer about, but the others remain and you feel excited at the prospect of creating something new.


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Thy wounds are healed!
The World so far...

Pending: Here I will put all ideals for the world you wish built, and then want to have The Forger make.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Heliasillyel Nuevuyar - Goddess of the Sun

Heliasillyel's aspect in the Mist took form as she visualized her appearance to become a bright, shining, eighteen-rayed sun disk. Although her preferred mortal form was that of a Sun Elven female, the Goddess decided that she would do best to represent her essence and portfolio with her symbol.

For one such as her, the Forger seemed unrefined, but an Overdeity was not something even a God could trifle with, so Heliasillyel waited with a forced patience for the others to join. Her innate repulsion towards all darkness had awakened in this bleak, colorless world. "I never liked this place." the Goddess projected her voice as if she was still in her Sun Elven form.

While floating in the dim twilight of nothingness, Heliasillyel emanated a bright glow from her form, becoming a miniature alternative to a sun for this forsaken wasteland. Her playful and unpredictable nature had really enjoyed this opportunity for something new, but now the waiting was simply too much to bare. Her main aspect, which governed the Sun Elves in a crystal sphere somewhere or nowhere (It was hard to explain the relation between the mist and other dimensions), was now all but cut off from her current aspect. Heliasillyel decided that if there was one thing she hated more than being bored, was being bored and powerless. And being in the Mist.

Still, the promise of a new world was something fun enough to warrant an inconvenience, especially since there were not many things that were fun for the Goddess after almost eight thousand years of existence.
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First Post
A flash of heated air flowed over the air where everyone had gathered, before them all stood an awe striking beauty of a 'woman' if you could call her that. Her form was curved and dipped in ALL the right places and all that covered her lava red flesh was the darkest of onyx black toga that wrapped around her like a flowing piece of expensive silk ever created. Her hair was only a slight shade lighter than her skin and flowed down her back wildly like a white hot flow of lava itself. Her eyes we of the darkest flows of lava themselves and moved and churned just like a bright pool of flowing heated liquid freely.

Lavaria turned her head from one to the other and with a flirtatious smirk to her lips she took in the visage of this smaller and bigger than she. She was no more taller than a normal human female however her appearance told a different story of her older than ancient form. She herself was a young 1240 or so in human years however she didn't look a day over 20. Over her shoulder rested a deep firey red bow with a quiver on at her side seemingly filled with the darkest of black arrows.

Beofre long she listened to the elven woman speak and shook her head. "Try not being able to go back home. At least you have that option. she said with a half scowl...."Perhaps you should just go and do just that and leave this world to me.... I'm sure I can handle this on my own" Lavaria added with a wild and large charming smile on her dark red lips...
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Myth and Legend

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Heliasillyel was amused at the show she had bore witness to. "Lavaria - always the extravagant one I see. Lacking male attention perhaps?" The Sun Goddess giggled with her feminine voice, but remained in the shape of her holy symbol, a bright sun disc with eighteen rays.


First Post
Lavaria shook her head softly as she looked over the rest of the ones here assembled... "None here are really my type to be honest" she said with a bit of a smirk.

"I'm not here to procreate, I'm here to create a little piece of my plane here so I may live in peace... happy and content in a churning wasteland of fire and lava...." Lavaria added with a small smile of innocence...
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Frozen Messiah

First Post
Out of thin air two blades pierce through the fog and begin to move in oppostie directions: one going up the other one going down. Out of the newly opened gash in reality a creature floates through the hole before it corrected itself and was sealed. Duretep began to mutter to himself as he noticed the two female gods in harsh debate causing him to pause. He raised one of his blades up to his ear and then shook his head vigoursly in agreement. "Now, Now, ladies...home is where the heart is, or would it be hearth in this matter of situation and...oh..what is that, yes company." He says as he pauses for a second and then begins to laugh so hard that it soon turns into a choking cough "But the fun is about to being because the leading man has arrived, I am sorry for my... umm... uhh.. tardiness, is that the word, yes, yes, yes it is. I would have gotten here far sooner but..." Duretep pauses and looks around while his mad eyes look out in every direction "no one is here... WHY IS NO ONE HERE!!!!!" Duretep screams causing echos of voices that weren't his echo through the mists but Duretep soon regains his composure "Oh, I apologize my only travelling companion that I have been with this entier time was a paranoid dagger and a quite dirk...or was it a contemplative knife and a talkative kris... but it makes no difference I am here in body or mind, I never really figured out which..." Duretep continues rambling the whole time there are whipsers that repeat everything he says after he says it.


First Post
Slowly as the mist roll around a figure is revealed to be standing not far away from the 3 other gods, if he had been here for the whole show or just arrived is impossible to determined. He certainly looks human but with a eerie feel, standing in gray robes staring out into the mist.
With a voice the don't hear but feel inside of their heads he states "Patience my fellow enlightend ones, we must wait all have been called by not all have shown, other powers are nearing I feel" Not moving not looking at the other he continues to stare out into the mist.

Myth and Legend

First Post
Heliasillyel observed the other deities and measured their capacity. Omnipotence meant she had heard of them in some part of the multiverse or other, but actually meeting them still presented an interesting opportunity. To the young Goddess of fire, the Elven Deity answered with a cheerful tone: "I do like fire - It is the source of my light! But too much fire burns beauty away, and there must be beauty and passion for this world not to be utterly boring. If you promise to play nice and not try to incinerate the new toy we all make, maybe with the help of the others here we can send you home to your own dimension and plane. Once we get settled with some power of course." the Sun Goddess sighed at that last part. Lavaria was a selfish bitch, but that still meant that at the very least she cared for herself, which was what Heliasillyel was relying on.

Duretepp was rambling on, and Heliasillyel decided to indulge the goat man on a whim. "The dirk - It is plotting against you. Why else would it remain silent?" the Goddess said with a serious tone.
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The mists part once again and yet another beauty steps out of it. Or rather, she would be beautiful if not for the alieness of her form. Most noticeable are the two pairs of spider-like legs that sprout from the sides of her torso in addition to a more human pair. One pair of spidery legs raise up into the air and almost seem to stroke the air as if tasting the mist. Her arms and fingers are long and jointed in odd places. Her large black eyes glinting with Heliasillyel's reflected light coldly appraise the others gathered and three smaller human-like eyes in the cheekbones beneath each larger eye blink slowly, stare, or gaze into some unseen distance. She wears no clothing whatsoever and it is quite apparent that she is gravid. Her right hand holds a spindle and rests on her bulging belly; the left holds a spear-like distaff that seems to be made of black iron.

All eight of Ubariya's eyes turn to gaze at the radiant symbol that is Heliasillyel but she remains silent.
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