The Hunt for the Blue Palace (Yoon Suin/Troika!)


Dusty Dragon
The seven creatures froze, and in unison turned around and bared their fangs and hissed....

Until one of them spoke

"... wait. What is my name?"
"You're Yob!"
"No, I'm not Yob, he's Yob"
"Did you just assume my gender?"
"Shut up Yob! Anyway, who am I?"
"I dub thee Sir Poopalot"
"Screw you Apu!"
"I'm not Apu!"
".... where is Apu?"
"Let's ask Pinbehlu over there!"
"You can't do that, he's not a finder, he's a porter!"
"Maybe he's carrying Apu?"
"Did you just assume the porter's gender?"
"Shut up!!"
"Let's just ask them!"
"Errrrr.... have you seen Apu?"
"Yes, a noble quest!!!"
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the magical equivalent to the number zero
Pinpehlu's smile wavers as the porter listens to the odd ramblings uncertainly. Then, as the creatures appear to come to some sort of conclusion, he renews his smile.

"Well met! I have not seen Apu, but I am looking for a Blue Palace. Supposedly it is an interesting place, full of never-seen-before frescoes and devious traps that none have braved before. Perhaps we can look for Apu there together?"

Then the porter sighs.

"Oh no, we cannot. I don't know where it is..."

It may not be the best acting anyone has ever seen, but hopefully it'll do the trick, Pinpehlu thinks to himself, quite pleased.


Dusty Dragon

The figments started jumping up and down chattering

"It speaks!"
"It's a porter AND a speaker!"
"It eats too, look at that figure!"
"Shut up Yob! Pardon my colleague's tongue, we don't know where it came from"
"Yes we do, I stole it from that monkey!"

The others looked at Yob in admiration. Another broke the silence and pipped in:

"The blue palace!"
"What about it, Sir Poopalot?"
"I know all about it?"
"You do?"
"Yes! It's a Palace, and it's Blue. Hence the name!"
"Shut up Yob!"
"You can't say that, you're Yob! You shut up!"
"Well do you know where it is?"
"How should I know, it's not part of the name! But Apu is there, apparently"
"Oh yes, Apu..."

The group looked at the party and gasped.

"A quest!"
"A might test of skills!"
"But how?"
"I know!!"
"A tree!"
"Shut up Yob!"
"Hear me out! We don't know where the blue palace is because we can't see it"
"So they climb a tree"
"Why would you ask ... oooooooh!"
"Now you see!"
"Well they will see!"
"Yes yes!!!"

One of the Figment stepped forward - Yob, although you really weren't sure - and addressed the party

"To find the Blue Palace, you must climb the mightyest tree in all the land! It's ... uh... there!"
"Yes yes, climb that tree!"
"All of them! Up the tree!"
"Yes, the more eyes the better!"
"Yes! Yes! Let's all climb the tree!"
"Up the tree now, up the tree!"

What does the party do? The tree they picked is indeed the largest in the vicinity (it's big, but it's clearly not the biggest tree ever) and had an abundance of branches. Climbing it shouldn't be too challenging.


OOC: I'd like to see if anyone else wants to go. Dubi Gan will go if no one else will, but he doesn't strike me as much of an eager volunteer.


the magical equivalent to the number zero
"I will climb it," says Pinpehlu as he drops the yoke from his shoulders. The rotund porter walks up to the tree, then looks up with his hands in his sides. Clearly he seems less than confident in his abilities to climb trees, but then he sees Frog Froth start the climb.

Pinpehlu sighs, then starts up himself, sweating and muttering complaints all the way.

Voidrunner's Codex

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