The Hunt for the Blue Palace (Yoon Suin/Troika!)

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Dusty Dragon
The party went north and explored another section of the old town. Nothing much of interest was found... except a well.

Made of fine topaz-flecked stone, its cover (pulley, bucket etc) had long since disappeared but otherwise was in excellent shape. It was in the middle of a clearing and you got a good look inside. It was 25 feet down to the water table, and you guesstimated that the water was 3-4 feet deep. The water inside was exceptionally clear, devoid of any debris. On the stony bottom, you can see a metal chess chained to the floor. Both the chest and the chain were made of a greenish metal.

What do you do. (it is now mid afternoon).

(you are where it says "a segment of old town", sorry I missed the X)

Troika Map 8.png


Dusty Dragon
You drop a pebble in the well.

At first, nothing peculiar happens. But then... something isn't quite right. The ripples in the water take quite a while to subside, and the ripple pattern is much too chaotic.


Dusty Dragon
You easily fashion a "long stick" that falls in the water and leans at an angle on the well's inner wall. As before, the ripple pattern takes a while to settle down. For a few minutes, it seems like something is tapping the stick, which twiches and shifts slightly for no reason. However, this eventually stops, and the long stick stops moving entirely. You can't see anything that would explain this phenomenon.

Voidrunner's Codex

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