“But the cost to entertainment value is so high!”
This has got to be one of the most repeated yet least examined things in RPGs.
I don't know about any serious studies of this. I think such a study would help with marketing the hobby. Because, based on my personal examination of my entertainment spend, it is true.
How we calculate the cost of time spend complicates things a bit. Generally, time spend on preparing for and learning a hobby or sport is considered part of the benefit or entertainment earned. But I'm sure not everyone sees it that way. For example DM prep time will be seen as part of the enjoyment for many and cost to others. The time spent on learning a system is similar.
But no matter how I measure it, dollar for dollar, TTRPGs give me the most time enjoying the hobby than any other hobby or recreational activity. Even factoring in the fact that I spend much more on it than I "need" to. The only way I can't see that being true for most people is if they are collectors, but collecting-based hobbies, I feel, need different metrics.
The other way I can see TTRPGs becoming quite expensive hobbies is if you spend a lot of money on terrain or expensive gaming rooms and furniture (especially if not designed for multi-use). But these things are not required to enjoy the hobby.
What often makes this discussion more complicated is that the TTRPG hobby encompasses a variety of sub/adjacent hobbies. Miniature and terrain collecting, building, and painting. Dice collection. VTT configuration and prep. Cartography. World building. Adventure writing. Even, increasingly, cooking.
All you need for most TTRPGs are a few books (or PDFs), some paper, pencils, maybe some dice, and a kitchen table. But all the "extras" can expand to fit any income. Special printings, software and storage licenses/subscriptions, Patreons, miniatures, terrain, digital assets, premium game aids, game rooms, special gaming tables and chairs that cost more than a decent used car, decor for your gaming space, shelves, physical storage, paid DMs, conventions, professional masseuses for long game sessions (okay, never heard of that IRL, but it's in my if-I-were-stupidly-rich dream), and more.