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The Long Journey Home

Alexander felt the servos in his Armour start to slow down, the whirring of the suit's exoskeleton getting louder as it struggles to keep up with it's owner. He blocks and parries the clawbots infront of him as much as possible, but away from the fight his mind was working as hard as possible. The situation was looking increasingly grim, but there was no way he was going down, not today!

Arthur, Mr Mourisette! I repeat my orders. Take those A.W.B's down!

Looking over to Arthur, he could see the Canadian trying to line up his rocket-launcher. Filled with resolve from the bravery of his men, he puffed his chest out, and growled over the radio.

Arthur! Make this shot count! In return, I will show you the true talent and extraordinary power that has been passed down the Bauhdric line for Generations!!!!

Letting out a mighty roar, he focuses his paladin suit's point-defense sensors on any oncoming rockets, hoping to launch himself into the impact instead of risk any more damage to the ship.

OOC: Ready my standard action to catch missiles heading towards the Wanderer, and use my Swift action to use Flex at Arthur, giving him +2 to his next roll.

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Arthur Campbell

First Post
OOC: given the new situation Arthurs' turn will be considerably different

Arthur was perplexed, and slightly perturbed. He didn't really want to know what exactly his true talent and power was, especially if it involved taking his shirt off. The incoming swarm of enemies was a tempting target but the cables were ultimately now the prime target.

Yep, He's definitely insane but still now is a good time to test this.If only...lets try this

He revved up his suit and detached his blast shield flinging it at Alexander, hoping it would work

Sorry sir, but I feel the cables may be the more pertinent issue at this time. I'll do my best to fulfill your orders but if you could stop those missiles it would be much appreciated.

that should help keep him up, now back to the task at hand, the cables appear to be similar to ones we have...I think I can locate a weakness

Take out that cable and get out of there, place the explosive in configuration 3. And for heavens sake keep hold of those samples

he looked for a weak spot then took aim at another cable and fired.

OOC: Kaboom will set an explosive on the second cable up, move away and then detonate it. Arthur will then use surge of magic and cast blast shield on Alexander. Then aim and fire at the bottom cable.

DESTINY EDIT: THAT BLOODY SHIELD WILL BE :):):):)ING CAST AND WILL BE USED, ONE DESTINY POINT. Also one destiny point on the rocket shot so it does a nice round 30 damage.

General turn edit: The rocket launcher roll against the AWB will now be against the cable second from the top, but with extra damage from the sapper trait
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First Post
Satisfied that Mikhail was following his orders ghost changed his tactics.

Those bots aren't the problem now, those grappling hooks however..... Damn it not sure if one shot will be enough.

I'm assuming that wreckage of a bot will suffice for your research private tsuba, I'll leave you to secure it. Whilst you're at it can you pull those claw bots off Alexandra? Alexandra focus on the grappling hooks, Mikhail I'm assuming you will be doing the same. I want to see snapped lines before the jump.

Sarah give me the cleanest trajectory you can.

He freezes on the spot, laying down and taking aim. Ghost attaches a few cables from the rifle to his suit. The cables start to heat up as the energy is passed directly from his suit to the rifle. The vents fly open, releasing steam to keep the rifle from overheating. After a short charge the rifle fires.

The bullet travels faster then any to have left the rifle thus far. It's glowing white hot as it flies towards it's intended target, passing through the first of the grappling lines and proceeding onto the next. After the shot Ghost's suit seems to drop in energy levels, leaving a frozen captain on the hull of the Wanderer.

OOC: Sarah will be using spot (dropping her to 0 energy) on the first grappling line, Ghost will fall prone then start lining the shot up to sever as many cables as is physically possible. I know it's unlikely that I can sever them all but I'm gonna try anyways ^^. Spending 5 destiny on the to hit roll and 5 destiny on my damage roll. again it will incur subtractions but I leave that to you =D

N.B. The damage I rolled does NOT include the destiny points, neither does the to hit roll
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Aleksandra was happy to comply, eager to use her thermal lance for it's designed use.

"Tsuba save me some of those parts please, we'll have to compare notes when we get back. Olgah, make sure Tsuba doesn't miss we'll need those bots off our back"

She dashed back and released the over-charger on her suit, revving the systems to max. Her jet pack flared, blasting her over to one of the cables, her lance heated up before she descended striking the cable.

OOC: Surge of magic (10 mana), shift back, jump pack (5 left) and then thermal lance (1 left)on the first two blocks of the cable. Olgah will spend her energy to use her markerlight and give Tsuba advantage on his next R.acc or (more likely) Mag roll.

OOC: Edit, was expecting to need destiny here, hurrah for the rolls being reasonable, and yay for successful lancing and jump pack, could of been awkward other wise.
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J. D. Tsuba

First Post
"I take it we are finished playing with these guys then captain?"

Instantly the vortex disabling the robots disappeared, the purple aura J.D. was so fond of was slowly making itself more noticeable. As it did so his figure became more obvious as he once again double tapped his chest. The light that had previously made him transparent, now seemed to swirl around him in a disc as he made his way across the hull, nonchalantly striding towards the robots.

"I do hope you aren't sentient, or this might hurt, sorry."

Suddenly, the disc of light spinning about him shot outwards towards the remaining robots, hitting them square where a chest usually is. The impact sends them flying far from him to land heavily a fair distance away(6)

Changing his focus he then turns to the remaining Clawbots in space and creates another gravity well, this one pulling any surviving Clawbots off the ship and into its pull.

Once all the Robots are safely in space, he pulls together one last effort, and creates seemingly solid objects inbetween the ship and the ClawBots, making it that much harder for them to get back.

OOC: surge of magic, dropping invisibility and gravity well, moving forward and casting comet blast on two remaining clawbots. Casting gravity well and using second spell attack action granted by surge of magic to pull one robot off the ship altogether, if there are any left. casting Astral Terrain between ship and bots. With any remaining time on my hands, I would like to collect together some of the scraps, or at least secure them to the hull a bit for later. I think that's all I can do :)

OOC: After Dice Edit:
Attacks are advantage and disadvantage so should be both total at 14 (willing to spend destiny) There doesn't seem to be a disadvantage option for dice rolling, and also I messed up again :p
Plus destiny for Gravity well, might as well use them
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First Post
OOC: @ JD Tsuba. I was referring to the bot I severed at the waist for you to secure. From Dave's post earlier it said the bot was still functioning but was out of the fight due to, you know, no legs =D so if you want to secure that one you'll get at least a partially functioning robot which you may find more useful.

J. D. Tsuba

First Post
OOC: Right, yes, that's what I meant, I hadn't forgotten :p, although to be honest I have used every possibly action that round, might have to wait. Thanks cap'

OOC: Resolving Starboard until Aleksandra

JD comes out of hiding, builds up his courage, then blasts some of his enemies away try to give Aleksandra time to blast one of the cables off. The A.W.B swats feebly at the tank hoping to damage it. Ghost then shoots and severing one of the cables.

OOC: Are you alright shooting the end one off? If you are trying to shoot all of them off you will need to jump off into space.

You all hear a whirring motion from the boarding ship and suddenly a whole slew of enemies comes out of the boarding ship. Aleksandra then tears off one of the grappling hooks and looks up to see the wall of enemies coming towards the ship.

The remaining claw bots wait ready to charge forward with the rest of their team.

OOC: Resolving only the boarding ship on port side

The ship also lets out a whirring noise and another barrage of robots pours forth ready to attack.

OOC: None of them can act this round.

Voidrunner's Codex

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